Quest Guide Template: Difference between revisions

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imported>An Adventurer
mNo edit summary
imported>Arkalor's Bot
(40 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
= Template Example =
{{Related|Page Templates|{{mtl|Quest Summary}}|{{mtl|Dungeon Table}}|{{mtl|Dungeon Maps}}|{{mtl|Rewards Table}}}}
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
!Quest Type
| --
!XP Reward
| --
!XP Cap
| --
!Item Reward
| --
!Title Reward
| --
!Starting Location
| --
| --
| --
!Level Restrictions
| --
!Level Suggestions
| --
!Introduced In
| --

== Walk Through ==
This page template is used for guides for [[Quests]] and [[Kill Tasks]].
<<Explain in detail how to run the quest. Whenever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.>>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In sodales pretium lectus. Proin purus est, blandit id, varius vitae, aliquam vitae, nulla. Donec a diam et quam sollicitudin porta. Nulla dictum sem ac diam. In augue nunc, elementum in, gravida quis, vestibulum ac, risus. Integer ullamcorper sapien ac pede. Nullam cursus viverra ante. Pellentesque blandit nisl id enim. Sed auctor dui non turpis. Praesent adipiscing fringilla pede.
== Wiki Code ==
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
Fusce vestibulum, nibh viverra aliquet elementum, dui felis accumsan massa, eget molestie risus ante sit amet magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta suscipit urna. Ut ultrices iaculis metus. In laoreet. Quisque felis lectus, vehicula quis, rutrum eget, laoreet quis, lectus. Nunc nec augue at urna fermentum rutrum. Nullam vel massa. Donec pretium. Nulla erat augue, iaculis facilisis, condimentum at, congue molestie, urna. Ut sed velit ut neque porta cursus. Mauris erat ligula, accumsan lacinia, ullamcorper at, vestibulum et, lectus. Vivamus tincidunt sapien vel tortor.
{{Quest Summary
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
|              Level =
Donec convallis, mauris at venenatis ullamcorper, sem turpis malesuada velit, sagittis porttitor urna erat nec nunc. Proin nec tellus sagittis lacus malesuada iaculis. Mauris consequat, elit et interdum varius, eros erat interdum odio, in rutrum felis enim eget ipsum. Donec mattis placerat sapien. Nulla et quam ac odio ultricies lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ornare ante fringilla nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at mauris a pede malesuada hendrerit. Nulla dolor ante, pharetra non, porta at, adipiscing sit amet, enim. Donec a magna sit amet arcu posuere placerat. Phasellus augue. Maecenas varius augue sit amet urna.
|  Recommended Level =
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
|          Quest Type =
Duis eros. Duis pulvinar sapien convallis nisi. Donec posuere metus. Proin ullamcorper eleifend neque. Morbi vitae neque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec malesuada facilisis dolor. Integer quam nunc, sagittis eget, vehicula consectetuer, tempus nec, ante. Praesent congue ipsum id mi. Sed aliquet nunc sit amet sem. Proin turpis. Vivamus auctor, ipsum et porta ultricies, mi lorem aliquet quam, eu dapibus erat sem sit amet enim. Proin condimentum nibh ut dolor. Mauris urna lacus, posuere in, iaculis at, gravida eu, sapien. Quisque facilisis turpis id leo. Mauris tristique, nulla ac facilisis condimentum, ipsum elit adipiscing est, non laoreet tellus turpis et risus. Morbi varius, leo eget aliquet congue, massa lorem dictum dolor, vitae blandit orci magna vel lacus.
|          Kill Task =
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
|        Starts With =
Vivamus nisi metus, congue id, volutpat sit amet, ornare sit amet, mi. Phasellus sit amet tellus. Nulla nec libero et diam ultricies malesuada. Aenean sagittis. Pellentesque erat sapien, congue imperdiet, bibendum eu, vestibulum quis, est. Mauris porta. Aliquam vulputate urna quis dolor. Praesent convallis nisl sit amet eros. Nullam congue, turpis sit amet condimentum pulvinar, mauris lectus tempor odio, ac feugiat orci mi sit amet lacus. Vestibulum id urna. Maecenas magna mi, condimentum eget, ultrices vestibulum, porta ut, libero. Nullam sed augue ac nibh fermentum consequat.
|          Starts At =
|              Route =
|        Repeat Timer = 20 Hours
|    Time to Complete =
|          Contracts =
== Overview ==
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
# First step.
#* Note:  
# Second step.
== Dungeons & Maps ==
{{Dungeon Table
| Table Rows =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon =
|    Coordinates =
|  Wiki Map File =
== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
|      Quest Task =
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap =
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =
{{Rewards Table
|      Quest Task =
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap =
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =
== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
== Dialog ==
=== Opening Dialog ===

== Lore & Dialog ==
=== Rewards Dialog ===
<<A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Also place dialog here, in the order it appears in, separated by line breaks.>>

== Items ==
=== Other Interactions ===
<<List the items related to the quest - rumors, texts, keys, and rewards>>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] <nowiki>[[Item 1]]</nowiki>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] <nowiki>[[Item 2]]</nowiki>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] <nowiki>[[Item N]]</nowiki>

== Update History ==
{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.

= Template Code =
Event Name
* Update details
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
!Quest Type
== Wiki Code with Comments ==
| --
Template guide - Please use the clean copy above for pasting into the quest page.
!XP Reward
{{Quest Summary Temp
| --
|               Level = <!--
* If the quest has more than one level requirement, you can add additional lines to the template.
!XP Cap
The level reqs. should be listed from lowest to highest.
| --
|              Level = 60-79
|            Level 2 = 80-99
!Item Reward
|            Level 3 = 100+
| --
...and so on
!Title Reward
|   Recommended Level =
| --
|         Quest Type = <!--  
* For [[Quest Type]], enter one of the following without the quote marks:
!Starting Location
** "Solo" (Quests that can be completed alone)
| --
** "Small Fellowship" (Quests that can be completed with 3-5 players)
** "Fellowship" (Quests that can only be completed as part of a large or full Fellowship)
** "Multi-Fellowship"  (Quests that only can be completed with multiple Fellowships, known as "raids" in other MMOs)
| --
** "Locked Fellowship" (A quest that is restricted to one fellowship at a time)
** "Fellowship/Solo" (A quest that is possible to solo, but presents a high degree of difficulty and is most easily completed with a large group)
| --
|           Kill Task = <!-- Yes or leave blank -->
|        Starts With = <!-- NPC name/Object name or leave blank -->
!Level Restrictions
|           Starts At = <!-- Location and coordinates -->
| --
|              Route =
|        Repeat Timer =
!Level Suggestions
* Generally a quest has a 20 hour repeat timer which is listed as default on the template. Current exceptions include:
| --
** "Non Repeatable"
** "2 Days 20 Hours"
!Introduced In
** "6 Days"
| --
|   Time to Complete =
|          Contracts = <!-- List contract with link using double brackets or leave blank -->
== Overview ==
* You can add an optional sentence or two here to describe the main quest objective.
(If the quest currently has one, the [[Contracts|Contract]]'s description may make a good basic intro).
* The overview section can be removed entirely for Kill Task guides.
* Prerequisite quests, lockpicking requirements and any other important information that should be read before starting the quest can be each
listed in this section with asterisks (<nowiki>*</nowiki>).
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
* List each step using the <nowiki>#</nowiki> (hash) character.
* Any item placed in your inventory should be linked in the walkthrough using <nowiki>{{Icon Link Small|Item Name}}</nowiki> to display a
small icon and link to the item's page.
* It generally isn't needed to link to an item multiple times in a guide; if you decide to, however, you can use double square
brackets (<nowiki>[[ ]]</nowiki>) around the text instead of an icon link.
* Notes can be listed in between steps using <nowiki>#*</nowiki> (hash asterisk) or beneath the "notes" header (deleted if unused).
* You can use the following colored templates in curly brackets to list, tips, optional steps and warning notes:
** <nowiki>{{Tip}}</nowiki> = Tip: (in blue)
** <nowiki>{{Optional}}</nowiki> = Optional: (in green)
** <nowiki>{{Warning}}</nowiki> = Warning: (in red)
== Dungeons & Maps ==
* If there is more than one dungeon associated with the quest add a {{tl|Dungeon Maps}} for each dungeon inside the {{tl|Dungeon Table}} (see below)}.
* If a map is hosted on the wiki, set "Wiki Map File" to the name of the hosted file on the wiki (e.g. 0139.gif).
* If there are no quest dungeons, delete the table and enter "No quest dungeons." beneath the header.
{{Dungeon Table
| Table Rows =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon =
|     Coordinates =
|   Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|         Dungeon =
|     Coordinates =
|  Wiki Map File =
== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
|       Quest Task = <!-- If the quest doesn't have more than one quest task or objective for rewards, you can leave quest task blank and delete
any additional tables -->
|     Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|   Max XP Reward = <!-- If an experience reward isn't level based (%), set "Percent of Level" to either "N/A" or to "Fixed". -->
| Luminance Reward =
|    Title Reward =
{{Rewards Table
|       Quest Task =
|      Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
|    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap =
| Luminance Reward =
|     Title Reward =
== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
== Dialog ==
* List all spoken dialog and any other interactions that are pertinent to the guide in this section.
* Use level 3 headers to describe each interaction.
* Each line of text should begin with a colon (<nowiki>:</nowiki>) to enter a line break and indent.
=== Opening Dialog ===
=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===

== Walk Through ==
=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===
<<Explain in detail how to run the quest. Whenever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.>>

<<Walk Through Details>>
== Update History ==
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
<<Walk Through Details>>
* Entries should be listed in chronological order starting from the event the quest was introduced to the event the latest update was made.
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
<<Walk Through Details>>
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
<<Walk Through Details>>
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
<<Walk Through Details>>  

== Lore & Dialog ==
{{Update History|
<<A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Also place dialog here, in the order it appears in, separated by line breaks.>>
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.

== Items ==
Event Name
<<List the items related to the quest - rumors, texts, keys, and rewards>>
* Update details
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item 1]]
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item 2]]
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item N]]

== Quest Chains ==
* If the quest is part of a chain paste this section to the bottom of the summary table (below contracts) for each quest page in the chain.
* Each quest in the list should be enterered with square brackets.
* Set a name for the chain using "Quest Chain" (''without'' square brackets <nowiki>[[ ]]</nowiki>).
|        Quest Chain =
|            Quest 1 =
|            Quest 2 =
|            Quest 3 =
|            Quest 4 =
|            Quest 5 =
|            Quest 6 =
|            Quest 7 =

[[Category:Page Template]]
== Example ==
See [[The Mage Academy]] for an example.
[[Category:Page Templates]]

Latest revision as of 20:13, 8 April 2014

Related topics: Page Templates, {{Quest Summary}}, {{Dungeon Table}}, {{Dungeon Maps}}, {{Rewards Table}}

This page template is used for guides for Quests and Kill Tasks.

Wiki Code

{{Quest Summary
 |               Level = 
 |   Recommended Level = 
 |          Quest Type = 
 |           Kill Task = 
 |         Starts With = 
 |           Starts At = 
 |               Route = 
 |        Repeat Timer = 20 Hours
 |    Time to Complete = 
 |           Contracts = 
== Overview ==

== Walkthrough & Notes ==
# First step.
#* Note: 
# Second step.

== Dungeons & Maps ==
{{Dungeon Table
 | Table Rows = 
{{Dungeon Maps
 |         Dungeon = 
 |     Coordinates = 
 |   Wiki Map File = 

== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = 
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap = 
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = 
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap = 
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 

== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>

== Dialog ==
=== Opening Dialog ===

=== Rewards Dialog ===

=== Other Interactions ===

== Update History ==
{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.

Event Name
* Update details

Wiki Code with Comments

Template guide - Please use the clean copy above for pasting into the quest page.

{{Quest Summary Temp
 |               Level = <!-- 
* If the quest has more than one level requirement, you can add additional lines to the template.
The level reqs. should be listed from lowest to highest.
 |               Level = 60-79
 |             Level 2 = 80-99
 |             Level 3 = 100+
...and so on
 |   Recommended Level = 
 |          Quest Type = <!-- 
* For [[Quest Type]], enter one of the following without the quote marks:
** "Solo" (Quests that can be completed alone)
** "Small Fellowship" (Quests that can be completed with 3-5 players)
** "Fellowship" (Quests that can only be completed as part of a large or full Fellowship)
** "Multi-Fellowship"  (Quests that only can be completed with multiple Fellowships, known as "raids" in other MMOs)
** "Locked Fellowship" (A quest that is restricted to one fellowship at a time)
** "Fellowship/Solo" (A quest that is possible to solo, but presents a high degree of difficulty and is most easily completed with a large group)
 |           Kill Task = <!-- Yes or leave blank -->
 |         Starts With = <!-- NPC name/Object name or leave blank -->
 |           Starts At = <!-- Location and coordinates -->
 |               Route = 
 |        Repeat Timer = 
* Generally a quest has a 20 hour repeat timer which is listed as default on the template. Current exceptions include:
** "Non Repeatable"
** "2 Days 20 Hours"
** "6 Days"
 |    Time to Complete = 
 |           Contracts = <!-- List contract with link using double brackets or leave blank -->
== Overview ==
* You can add an optional sentence or two here to describe the main quest objective.
(If the quest currently has one, the [[Contracts|Contract]]'s description may make a good basic intro).
* The overview section can be removed entirely for Kill Task guides.
* Prerequisite quests, lockpicking requirements and any other important information that should be read before starting the quest can be each
listed in this section with asterisks (*).

== Walkthrough & Notes ==
* List each step using the # (hash) character.
* Any item placed in your inventory should be linked in the walkthrough using {{Icon Link Small|Item Name}} to display a
small icon and link to the item's page.
* It generally isn't needed to link to an item multiple times in a guide; if you decide to, however, you can use double square
brackets ([[ ]]) around the text instead of an icon link.
* Notes can be listed in between steps using #* (hash asterisk) or beneath the "notes" header (deleted if unused).
* You can use the following colored templates in curly brackets to list, tips, optional steps and warning notes:
** {{Tip}} = Tip: (in blue)
** {{Optional}} = Optional: (in green)
** {{Warning}} = Warning: (in red)

== Dungeons & Maps ==
* If there is more than one dungeon associated with the quest add a {{tl|Dungeon Maps}} for each dungeon inside the {{tl|Dungeon Table}} (see below)}.
* If a map is hosted on the wiki, set "Wiki Map File" to the name of the hosted file on the wiki (e.g. 0139.gif).
* If there are no quest dungeons, delete the table and enter "No quest dungeons." beneath the header.

{{Dungeon Table
 | Table Rows = 
{{Dungeon Maps
 |         Dungeon = 
 |     Coordinates = 
 |   Wiki Map File = 
{{Dungeon Maps
 |         Dungeon = 
 |     Coordinates = 
 |   Wiki Map File = 

== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = <!-- If the quest doesn't have more than one quest task or objective for rewards, you can leave quest task blank and delete
any additional tables -->
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward = <!-- If an experience reward isn't level based (%), set "Percent of Level" to either "N/A" or to "Fixed". -->
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 
{{Rewards Table
 |       Quest Task = 
 |      Item Reward = 
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
* {{Icon Link|??}} (x??)
 |    Max XP Reward =  | Percent of Level =  |  Level Cap = 
 | Luminance Reward = 
 |     Title Reward = 

== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>

== Dialog ==
* List all spoken dialog and any other interactions that are pertinent to the guide in this section.
* Use level 3 headers to describe each interaction.
* Each line of text should begin with a colon (:) to enter a line break and indent.

=== Opening Dialog ===

=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===

=== <!-- Enter next quest interaction here --> ===

== Update History ==
* Entries should be listed in chronological order starting from the event the quest was introduced to the event the latest update was made.

{{Update History|
[[Event Name]]
* Quest introduced.

Event Name
* Update details

Quest Chains

  • If the quest is part of a chain paste this section to the bottom of the summary table (below contracts) for each quest page in the chain.
  • Each quest in the list should be enterered with square brackets.
  • Set a name for the chain using "Quest Chain" (without square brackets [[ ]]).
 |         Quest Chain = 
 |             Quest 1 = 
 |             Quest 2 = 
 |             Quest 3 = 
 |             Quest 4 = 
 |             Quest 5 = 
 |             Quest 6 = 
 |             Quest 7 = 


See The Mage Academy for an example.