User:Tlosk/Reference: Difference between revisions

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(36 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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Personal Reference Notes and Links
== Links ==
* [[Spell Research]]
* [[Loot]]
* [[Sandbox]]
* [[Special:Import]]
* [[Special:Export]]
* [[Special:Version]]
* [[Special:Statistics]]
* [[Plugins]]
* [[Special:Unusedfiles]]
* [[MediaWiki:Statistics-footer]]
* [[MediaWiki:MenuSidebar]]

Personal Reference Notes
== Personal Pages ==
* [[User:Tlosk/monobook.js]]
* [[User:Tlosk/monobook.css]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Sandbox]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Test]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Reference/No Stats Image|No Stats Image]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Reference/No Live Image|No Live Image]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Shopkeeper Inventories Face Value|Shopkeeper Inventory]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Reference/Settlements|Completed Settlements]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Reference/Icon Index|Icon Index]]
* [[User:Tlosk/Maintenance Checklist]]

== No Stats Image ==
== Wiki Backend Research Links ==
[[Abhorrent Eater]], [[Abyssal Totem]], [[Acid Hearth Crystal]], [[Acid Zenith]], [[Acidic Tentacle]], [[Acolyte of the Depths]], [[Adolescent Olthoi Brood Queen]], [[Adolescent Olthoi Matron]], [[Aerbax (Creature)]], [[Aggressive Penguin]], [[Air Stasis Resonator]], [[Amaroth]], [[Anadil of Shakrassekor]], [[Ancient Golem]], [[Ancient Soul]], [[Ancient Steward]], [[Andrilos]], [[Apostate Reaving Master]], [[Apprentice Jexki Ki]], [[Archmage Aigonne]], [[Arctic Mattekar]], [[Asmolum the Worm]], [[Aste Soul Harrier]], [[Aste Soul Renderer]], [[Atavistic Fiun]], [[Augmented Olthoi]], [[Auroch Fire Yearling]], [[Auroch Ravager]], [[Avalanche]], [[Baby Black Rabbit]], [[Baby Brown Rabbit]], [[Baby Desert Rabbit]], [[Baby Thrungus]], [[Banderling Bandit]], [[Banderling Breeder]], [[Banderling Leader]], [[Banderling Raider]], [[Banished Drudge]], [[Banished Grievver]], [[Banished Monouga]], [[Banished Phyntos Wasp]], [[Banished Shadow]], [[Banished Tusker]], [[Behemoth of Tenkarrdun]], [[Black Rat (Level 145 Creature)]], [[Black Water Gatekeeper]], [[Bleached Boss Rabbit]], [[Bleached Rabbit]], [[Blight Lictor]], [[Blight Rat]], [[Blight Revenant]], [[Blight Spirit]], [[Blightfinger]], [[Blinding Virindi Energy Cluster]], [[Blockade Guard]], [[Blockade Guard (level 100)]], [[Blockade Guard (level 110)]], [[Blockade Guard (level 85)]], [[Blood Curse Rat]], [[Blood Golem]], [[Bone Scourge]], [[Bosh Bosh]], [[Bound Coral Golem]], [[Bound Crystal Golem]], [[Brilliant Crystal]], [[Broodu]], [[Brown Rat (Level 145 Creature)]], [[Brutish Monouga]], [[Bur Lizk]], [[Burning Pillar]], [[Burun Egg]], [[Burun Ruuk Adherent Officer]], [[Burun Ruuk Adherent Overseer]], [[Burun Ruuk Shaman Keeper]], [[Cannibal Fiun]], [[Captain Burnja]], [[Carpenter Wasp]], [[Caulnalain Soul Crystal]], [[Caustic Knight]], [[Cave Penguin]], [[Cave Ursuin]], [[Celestial Hand Crystal Array]], [[Charged Pillar]], [[Charred Miner]], [[Child of Acid]], [[Child of Verdancy]], [[Chilly the Snowman]], [[Chomu Disciple]], [[Claude the Dark Archmage]], [[Commander Jin Zo]], [[Consort Ibrexi Jikti]], [[Controlled Flamma]], [[Controlled Frost]], [[Copper Cog Guardian]], [[Corrupted Coral Golem]], [[Corrupted Maiden]], [[Corrupted Pyre Spark]], [[Crafty Simulacrum]], [[Cragstone Camp Commander]], [[Cragstone Camp Major]], [[Cragstone Camp Standard Bearer]], [[Cragstone Tower Controller Doll]], [[Crypt Spirit]], [[Crystal Golem Imperator]], [[Crystal of Consumption]], [[Crystal of Decay]], [[Crystal of Tumult]], [[Cunning Monouga]], [[Darayavaush the Red]], [[Dark Crystal Spire]], [[Dark Sarcophagus]], [[Darling]], [[DeathTail]], [[Deep-sea Lava Golem]], [[Desert Bunny]], [[Dim Virindi Energy Cluster]], [[Dire Champion Virindi]], [[Diseased Phyntos Wasp]], [[Divine Virindi]], [[Dranith Menacet]], [[Dread Ursuin]], [[Earth Stasis Resonator]], [[East Armory Captain]], [[Eldrytch Web Crystal Array]], [[Electric (Elemental)]], [[Electric (Wisp)]], [[Electric Tentacle]], [[Electric Zenith]], [[Elleina of Berkesh]], [[Enraged Ancient Soul]], [[Enthralled Idolator]], [[Enthralled Zealot]], [[Entropy Wisp]], [[Essa Soul Harrier]], [[Essa Soul Renderer]], [[Faint Virindi Energy Cluster]], [[Faisi Disciple]], [[Falatacot Abbess]], [[Falatacot Consort]], [[Falatacot Matriarch]], [[Falatacot Missionary]], [[Falatacot Patrician]], [[Fallen Crystal Shard]], [[False Morel Thrungus]], [[Faurset]], [[Fazenda Terror]], [[Fenmalain Soul Crystal]], [[Fenngar]], [[Ferundi]], [[Fetid Moarsman]], [[Fiery Tentacle]], [[Fire (Wisp)]], [[Fire Hearth Crystal]], [[Fire Zenith]], [[Fist of the Depths]], [[Fiun Assistant]], [[Flake]], [[Flare]], [[Flicker]], [[Frisander]], [[Frisith]], [[Frost (Elemental)]], [[Frost (Wisp)]], [[Frost Zenith]], [[Galvanic Knight]], [[Gelidite Acolyte]], [[Gelidite Golem]], [[Gelidite Initiate]], [[Gelidite Lord]], [[Geowulf's Ghost]], [[Glogluuk]], [[Grael]], [[Grael's Shadow Captain]], [[Grael's Shadow Lieutenant]], [[Great Cave Penguin]], [[Grimacing Boss Rabbit]], [[Grimacing Rabbit]], [[Guardian Blue Coral Golem]], [[Guardian Statue]], [[Guardian of Diemos]], [[Guardian of the Helm]], [[Guardian of the Monolith]], [[Guruk Basher]], [[Guruk Beast]], [[Guruk Brute]], [[Guruk Colossus]], [[Guruk Crusher]], [[Guruk Destroyer]], [[Guruk Gorefiend]], [[Guruk Hulk]], [[Guruk Marauder]], [[Guruk Plunderer]], [[Guruk Pug]], [[Guruk Smasher]], [[Guruk Spore Seeker]], [[Guruk Titan]], [[Guruk Titan Watcher]], [[Halaetan Minion of T'thuun]], [[Hand of Artifice]], [[Hard-Headed Skeleton]], [[Harker]], [[Harnessed Scintilla]], [[Hea Temenua]], [[Hearth Crystal]], [[Hebian-To Camp Commander]], [[Hebian-To Camp Major]], [[Hebian-To Camp Standard Bearer]], [[Hebian-To Tower Controller Doll]], [[Hezhit]], [[High Acolyte of the Spirit]], [[High Priest's Acolyte]], [[High Priest's First]], [[High Priestess Xik Minru]], [[Hollow Minion (Creature)]], [[Hollow Minion Intruder]], [[Ice Hearth Crystal]], [[Icy Tentacle]], [[Illu Sclavus]], [[Illu Sclavus Soldier]], [[Impious Occasus Guardian]], [[Impious Superna Guardian]], [[Inner Chamber Guardian]], [[Insolent Penguin]], [[Iorik Eye Stalk]], [[Iorik Tendril]], [[Iorik Tentacle]], [[Irkith Stalk]], [[Isin Dule's Captain]], [[Ithik Stalk]], [[Ivory Gromnie]], [[Jester]], [[Jorgluuk]], [[K'nath Ban'ry]], [[K'nath D'dot]], [[K'nath Dyn'ra]], [[K'nath G'erg]], [[K'nath Ri'shc]], [[K'nath S'el]], [[K'nath Son'ja]], [[Kaihoatai the Monitor]], [[Keeper of the First Door]], [[Keeper of the Second Door]], [[Keerik]], [[Kernel Klank]], [[Kerthump, the Ear Taker]], [[Kiree]], [[Lady Aerfalle (Level 300 Creature)]], [[Large Blessed Moarsman]], [[Large Blight Rat]], [[Lesser Mu-miyah]], [[Liantor]], [[Lich Oppressor]], [[Lieutenant Beraxis]], [[Lieutenant Shenza]], [[Lieutenant Yezusthule]], [[Lord Muldaveus]], [[Lugian]], [[Lugian Titan]], [[Mad Star Marionette]], [[Maddened Fiun]], [[Martine]], [[Master Alizari]], [[Master of Earth]], [[Master of Metal]], [[Master of Stone]], [[Master of the Depths]], [[Minion Leader]], [[Mistress Gabille]], [[Mistress Halmera]], [[Mite Digger]], [[Mite Squib]], [[Mite Warrior Princess]], [[Mite Warrior Queen]], [[Moarsman Adherent of T'thuun]], [[Moarsman Blight-caller]], [[Moarsman Priest of T'thuun]], [[Mosswart Kin]], [[Mosswart Mucker]], [[Mosswart Swamp Lord]], [[Mosswart Townsfolk]], [[Mutated Olthoi]], [[Nasty Boss Rabbit]], [[Nasty Rabbit]], [[Nexus Crystal]], [[Niraltah]], [[North Armory Captain]], [[Northern Infiltrator Master]], [[Northern Overseer]], [[Obedient Obsidian Golem]], [[Obeloth Raider]], [[Obsidian Blight Lord]], [[Old Zombie (110+)]], [[Old Zombie (60+)]], [[Old Zombie (90+)]], [[Olthoi Advance Guard]], [[Olthoi Brood Matron]], [[Olthoi Brood Matron Elder]], [[Olthoi Brood Matron Nymph]], [[Olthoi Brood Noble]], [[Olthoi Brood Queen Elder]], [[Olthoi Brood Queen Nymph]], [[Olthoi Eviscerator Grub]], [[Olthoi Gardener]], [[Olthoi Guard]], [[Olthoi Matron]], [[Olthoi Matron Nymph]], [[Olthoi Noble Grub]], [[Olthoi Nymph Grub]], [[Olthoi Royal Guard]], [[Olthoi Soldier Grub]], [[Olthoi Swarm Drone]], [[Olthoi Swarm Guard]], [[Olthoi Swarm Matron]], [[Olthoi Swarm Noble]], [[Olthoi Vanquisher]], [[Paradox-touched Olthoi Queen]], [[Parfarrail the Seer]], [[Patriarch's Inquisitor]], [[Patrician Kilkitris]], [[Pheraion's Guard]], [[Pontifex Maegris]], [[Progenitor of Acid]], [[Progenitor of Fire]], [[Progenitor of Lightning]], [[Pumpkin Buffer]], [[Puppeteer]], [[Putrid Moar]], [[Radiant Crystal]], [[Rat King]], [[Raven Augur]], [[Rayssid Ibn Alhath]], [[Reflection of the Harbinger]], [[Renegade Gotrok]], [[Renegade Trooper]], [[Renegade Tumerok Champion]], [[Renegade Virindi (Creature)]], [[Renegade War Monger]], [[Restless Soul]], [[Rheth Al'Thok]], [[Rock Wall]], [[Ruschk Fiend]], [[Ruschk Slayer]], [[Ruuk Fiend Watcher]], [[Sarcophagus (Dareth Gain Quest)]], [[Scavenger Ursuin]], [[Scrum]], [[Drudge Seraph Mystic]], [[Se Sclavus]], [[Sezzherei]], [[Shadow Commander (Lugian)]], [[Shadow Infiltrator]], [[Shallows Shark (Creature)]], [[Shard of the Herald]], [[Shendolain Satellite Fragment]], [[Shendolain Soul Crystal]], [[Shoguth Moarsman]], [[Shoktok]], [[Shonossoar the Song-Keeper]], [[Silver Legion Bodyguard]], [[Silver Legion Castellan]], [[Silver Legion Castle Guard]], [[Silver Legion Doorkeeper]], [[Silver Legion Quartermaster]], [[Singular Virindi Servant]], [[Sir Joffre Tremblant]], [[Sister Vitriaka]], [[Skeletal Swashbuckler]], [[Skittering Mukkir]], [[Slithis Blight Drinker]], [[Slithis Spthis]], [[Slithits Spthis]], [[Small Golem]], [[Small Granite Golem]], [[Snarl]], [[Sneaky Simulacrum]], [[Sotiris Hollow Minion]], [[Sotiris Virindi Director]], [[Soul Crystal of the Dark Isle]], [[Soul Hunter (Creature)]], [[South Armory Captain]], [[Southern Infiltrator Master]], [[Southern Overseer]], [[Spawn]], [[Spawn Watcher]], [[Spawnling]], [[Spectral Handmaiden]], [[Spectral Horror]], [[Spikey Armoredillo]], [[Spiny Armoredillo Pup]], [[Staging Ground Director]], [[Strange Sclavus]], [[Strike Force Leader]], [[Subtle Simulacrum]], [[Swamp King]], [[T'thuun Sclavus Huntsmaster]], [[Tainted Desolation Moarsman]], [[Tainted Golem]], [[Tainted Grimy Moarsman]], [[Tainted Knight]], [[Tainted Pallid Moarsman]], [[Tainted Putrid Moarsman]], [[Tainted Rank Moarsman]], [[Tainted Vivimancer]], [[Talaagran Sarian]], [[Tchk'Tain the Tender]], [[Tempest Wisp]], [[Truffle Thrungus]], [[Tumerok Champion Renegade]], [[Tumideon Virindi Director]], [[Tunnelling Grievver]], [[Tursh]], [[Umbris Elite]], [[Undead High Priest]], [[Underminer Leader]], [[Unstable Glacial Golem]], [[Urleg]], [[Ursuin Rug Alive]], [[Ursuin Slasher Cub]], [[Utelari]], [[Vault Mistress Shilaanis Ri]], [[Very Mad Chimeric Cow]], [[Very Very Mad Chimeric Cow]], [[Viamontian Footman]], [[Viamontian Guard]], [[Viamontian Mercenary]], [[Viamontian Portal Mage]], [[Vibrant Virindi Energy Cluster]], [[Virindi Adjudicator]], [[Virindi Collector]], [[Virindi Interrogator]], [[Virindi Portal]], [[Virindi Quidiox]], [[Virindi Servant]], [[Virindi Subjugator]], [[Virulence]], [[Vivimancer Adept]], [[Vorous Shreth]], [[Vorous Shreth (Dires)]], [[Ward of the Retreat]], [[Warrior of the Blood]], [[Watcher in the Warren]], [[Water Stasis Resonator]], [[Water Wisp]], [[West Armory Captain]], [[Western Overseer]], [[Whispering Blade Chamberlain]], [[Whispering Blade Guard]], [[Whispering Blade Mage]], [[White Bunny]], [[White Rabbit]], [[White Rat (Level 145 Creature)]], [[Winged Panumbral Mukkir]], [[Woodland Phyntos Wasp]], [[Young Olthoi Brood Matron]], [[Young Olthoi Brood Queen]], [[Young Olthoi Queen]], [[Zaikhal Camp Commander]], [[Zaikhal Camp Major]], [[Zaikhal Camp Standard Bearer]], [[Zaikhal Tower Controller Doll]], [[Zofrit Zefir]]
* [ Search Internals]
* []
* [ CSS Try and See Results Editor]
* [ CSS HTML XML Reference]

== No Live Image ==
== Towns With Fully Updated NPCs ==
[[A Shadow of Black Ferah]], [[A Shadow of Ler Rhan]], [[Abhorrent Eater]], [[Abyssal Child]], [[Abyssal Shadow Lugian]], [[Accursed Miner]], [[Acidic Coral Golem]], [[Adolescent Ash Gromnie]], [[Adolescent Azure Gromnie]], [[Adolescent Ivory Gromnie]], [[Adolescent Rust Gromnie]], [[Aerfalle's Weakened Apprentice]], [[Afesse Sclavus]], [[Altered Olthoi]], [[Anadil of Shakrassekor]], [[Ancient Mu-miyah]], [[Ancient Soul]], [[Angry Snowman]], [[Annihilator]], [[Apostate Nexus Master]], [[Archon Greis]], [[Archon Ingfall]], [[Archon Traesis]], [[Arctic Mattekar]], [[Artifex of the Elements]], [[Artifex of the Singularity]], [[Artifice Proctor]], [[Ascendant Drudge]], [[Asmolum the Worm]], [[Assassin]], [[Aste Sclavus]], [[Aste Sclavus Lord]], [[Aste Soul Harrier]], [[Auroch Bull]], [[Azael Zefir]], [[Baktak the Human Slayer]], [[Banderling Aggressor]], [[Banderling Ancient Spirit]], [[Banderling Blade]], [[Banderling Champion]], [[Banderling Chanter]], [[Banderling Chief]], [[Banderling Explorer]], [[Banderling Guard]], [[Banderling Hierophant]], [[Banderling Mangler]], [[Banderling Ogre]], [[Banderling Paragon]], [[Banderling Predator]], [[Banderling Rogue]], [[Banderling Scalper]], [[Banderling Spirit Dancer]], [[Banderling Spirit Seeker]], [[Banderling Striker]], [[Banderling Thrasher]], [[Bandit]], [[Bandit Mana Hunter Boss]], [[Bane Grievver]], [[Banished Drudge]], [[Banished Grievver]], [[Banished Monouga]], [[Banished Shadow]], [[Banished Tusker]], [[Barbaric Mukkir]], [[Barbaric Panumbral Mukkir]], [[Baron of Colier]], [[Beefsteak Thrungus]], [[Bile Grievver]], [[Black Flame]], [[Black Morel Thrungus]], [[Black Rabbit]], [[Blighted Grimy Moarsman]], [[Blizzard]], [[Bloated Eater]], [[Blockade Guard]], [[Blood Fiend]], [[Blood Golem]], [[Blood Shreth]], [[Bloodthirsty Monouga]], [[Bokrok Lugian]], [[Bosh Bosh]], [[Brass Gromnie]], [[Brigand]], [[Broken Doll]], [[Broken Fragment]], [[Bronze Armoredillo]], [[Brown Rabbit]], [[Brumal]], [[Burrowing Grievver]], [[Burun Messenger]], [[Burun Ruuk Adherent]], [[Burun Ruuk Fiend]], [[Burun Ruuk Lout]], [[Burun Ruuk Ruffian]], [[Burun Ruuk Seer]], [[Burun Ruuk Soothsayer]], [[Button Thrungus]], [[Canescent Mattekar]], [[Captain Faalx]], [[Carenzi Burrower]], [[Carenzi Pouchling]], [[Carenzi Sentry]], [[Carenzi Stalker]], [[Carrion Shreth]], [[Caustic Knight]], [[Cave Penguin]], [[Celestial Hand Crystal Array]], [[Chained Tusker]], [[Chakron Flux Servant]], [[Charred Skeleton]], [[Chicken (Creature)]], [[Child of Fire]], [[Child of Frost]], [[Child of Lightning]], [[Child of Verdancy]], [[Chill]], [[Chimera]], [[Chomu Disciple]], [[Chomu Sclavus Lord]], [[Cleaner]], [[Colossal Mite]], [[Consumed Wraith]], [[Contained Rift]], [[Copper Gromnie]], [[Corrosion Wisp]], [[Corrupted Pyre Spark]], [[Coruscating Mukkir]], [[Cosseted Doll]], [[Crazed Zharalim]], [[Creatures]], [[Crimini Thrungus]], [[Crude Monouga]], [[Crystal Lord]], [[Crystal Moiety]], [[Cultist]], [[Cutthroat]], [[Damned Marionette]], [[Dark Crystal Spire]], [[Dark Guardian]], [[Dark Inferno]], [[Dark Leech]], [[Dark Magus]], [[Dark Sorcerer]], [[Dazzling Crystal]], [[Deathcap Thrungus]], [[Decaying Ruschk Laktar]], [[Decaying Warrior]], [[Defiled Doll]], [[Demented Zharalim]], [[Depraved Child]], [[Deranged Fiun]], [[Deranged Sycophant]], [[Desecrated Doll]], [[Desolation Moarsman]], [[Despair Wisp]], [[Destroyer Grievver]], [[Devastator]], [[Diaphanous Nephol Golem]], [[Dire Champion Lugian]], [[Dire Mattekar]], [[Dirrich, the Warden]], [[Disgraced Nanjou Shou-jen]], [[Doorkeeper Knight]], [[Dread Mattekar]], [[Drudge Aviator (Creature)]], [[Drudge Ballast]], [[Drudge Bloodletter]], [[Drudge Laborer]], [[Drudge Lurker]], [[Drudge Protector]], [[Drudge Prowler]], [[Drudge Robber]], [[Drudge Robber Baron]], [[Drudge Seraph]], [[Drudge Seraph Mystic]], [[Drudge Stalker]], [[Drudge Toiler]], [[Dune Reaver]], [[Dusk Rabbit]], [[East Armory Captain]], [[Eater (Creature)]], [[Ebon Gromnie]], [[Ebon Rift]], [[Ehlyis Niffis]], [[Elaniwood Golem]], [[Eldrytch Web Crystal Array]], [[Ember]], [[Emerald Gromnie]], [[Enchantment Proctor]], [[Enku Zefir]], [[Enlightened Master]], [[Enoki Thrungus]], [[Essa Sclavus Lord]], [[Essa Soul Harrier]], [[Ethereal Wisp]], [[Faisi Disciple]], [[Falatacot Missionary]], [[Fallen Grievver]], [[Fallen Tumerok]], [[Fanatical Mukkir]], [[Fanatical Mukkir Ward Guardian]], [[Female Tusker]], [[Fenngar]], [[Feral Carenzi]], [[Ferundi]], [[Field Ursuin]], [[Filth Dweller]], [[Fire Morel Thrungus]], [[Fiun Assistant]], [[Flamma]], [[Flare]], [[Floeshark]], [[Forest Lord]], [[Foul Mason]], [[Fragment (creature)]], [[Frenzied Fiun]], [[Frisander]], [[Frisith]], [[Frost]], [[Gate Guardian]], [[Gelidite Acolyte]], [[Gelidite Initiate]], [[Gelidite Lord]], [[Ghost Wisp]], [[Giant Imprisoned Monouga]], [[Giant Mite]], [[Gigas Raider]], [[Gladiator Diemos]], [[Glissnal Nefane]], [[Glissnal Niffis]], [[Gotrok Lugian]], [[Gout]], [[Graal Margul]], [[Grael]], [[Gragghk]], [[Granite Golem]], [[Grave Spirit]], [[Great Mattekar]], [[Great Revenant]], [[Great Skeleton]], [[Greater Penumbral Horror]], [[Greater Void Lord]], [[Grey Rat]], [[Grizzled Monouga]], [[Guard]], [[Guardian of Diemos]], [[Guardian of the Helm]], [[Guruk Boor]], [[Guruk Destroyer]], [[Guruk Gorefiend]], [[Guruk Heavy]], [[Guruk Miscreant]], [[Guruk Smasher]], [[Guruk Spore Seeker]], [[Hand of Enchantment]], [[Hand of Strife]], [[Hand of Verdancy]], [[Harrak the White Spear]], [[Harrower Grievver]], [[Hea Runner]], [[Heavy Builder]], [[Helcan Margul]], [[High Acolyte]], [[High Acolyte of the Spirit]], [[High Archon Kraest]], [[High Priest's Acolyte]], [[High Priest's First]], [[Highwayman]], [[Hollow Minion (Creature)]], [[Horned Chittick]], [[Horripal]], [[Huge Imprisoned Monouga]], [[Idol (Creature)]], [[Imp]], [[Infernal Zefir]], [[Inferno]], [[Infested Rat]], [[Inflamed Ursuin]], [[Injured Olthoi]], [[Insatiable Eater]], [[Insidious Monouga]], [[Isin Dule]], [[Isin Dule's Lieutenant]], [[Jelly Thrungus]], [[Jungle Phyntos Wasp]], [[Jungle Reaver]], [[K'nath An'dras]], [[K'nath C'ire]], [[K'nath D'Nob]], [[K'nath Di'vda]], [[K'nath I'km]], [[K'nath N'aes]], [[K'nath N'gell]], [[K'nath N'osaj]], [[K'nath Ra'dnas]], [[K'nath S'hirc]], [[K'nath T'amt]], [[K'nath Thea'reh]], [[K'nath Z'bog]], [[Kerthump]], [[the Ear Taker]], [[Kirienne Palacost]], [[Kithless Siraluun]], [[Lady Aerfalle (Level 135 Creature)]], [[Lady Tairla Mhoire]], [[Laigus Lugian]], [[Large Imprisoned Monouga]], [[Lesser Acolyte]], [[Lesser Penumbral Horror]], [[Lesser Void Knight]], [[Lich]], [[Lich Oppressor]],
* [[Ayan Baqur]]
* [[Crater Lake Village]]
* [[Holtburg]]
* [[Neydisa Castle]]
* [[Redspire]]
* [[Rithwic]]
* [[Shoushi]]
* [[Yanshi]]
== Level Range Dungeons ==
Most older ones have been updated to remove upper range reqs, list of ones that have not:
* [[Abandoned Shops]]
* [[Holtburg Redoubt]]
* [[Old Warehouse]]
* [[Stone Cathedral]] 1-20
* [[Mysterious Tunnels]] 1-20
* [[Lost Distillery]] 1-20
== Dungeons that need Disambiguation or Updating ==
* [[A Mosswart Nest]]
* [[Abandoned Mine]]
* [[Arcanum Furniture Shop]]
* [[Apostate Citadel Mines]]
* [[Apostate Citadel Headquarters]]
* [[Artifex Collegium]]
* [[Bandit Magma Tubes]]
* [[Black Spawn Den]]
* [[Black Death Catacombs Quiddity Seed]]
* [[Behind the Waterfall]]
* ~ [[Black Totem Temple]]

== Item Spells ==
== Item Spells ==
{|cellpadding=3 border=1
Line 21: Line 76:
!width=45| IMP
!width=45| IMP
!width=45| BANE
!width=45| BANE
|align=center| '''VII'''
| '''VIII'''
|align=center| +22
| +24/+22
|align=center| +17%
| +20%
|align=center| +17%
| +17%
|align=center| -70
| -80
|align=center| +7%
| +8%/+7%
|align=center| +70%
| +80%
|align=center| +220
| +240
|align=center| +170%
| +200%
|align=center| '''VI'''
| '''VII'''
|align=center| +20
| +22
|align=center| +15%
| +17%
|align=center| +15%
| +17%
|align=center| -60
| -70
|align=center| +6%
| +7%
|align=center| +60%
| +70%
|align=center| +200
| +220
|align=center| +150%
| +170%
|align=center| '''V'''
| '''VI'''
|align=center| +16
| +20
|align=center| +13%
| +15%
|align=center| +13%
| +15%
|align=center| -50
| -60
|align=center| +5%
| +6%
|align=center| +50%
| +60%
|align=center| +150
| +200
|align=center| +100%
| +150%
|align=center| '''IV'''
| '''V'''
|align=center| +12
| +16
|align=center| +10%
| +13%
|align=center| +10%
| +13%
|align=center| -40
| -50
|align=center| +4%
| +5%
|align=center| +40%
| +50%
|align=center| +100
| +150
|align=center| +75%
| +100%
|align=center| '''III'''
| '''IV'''
|align=center| +8
| +12
|align=center| +7.5%
| +10%
|align=center| +7.5%
| +10%
|align=center| -30
| -40
|align=center| +3%
| +4%
|align=center| +30%
| +40%
|align=center| +75
| +100
|align=center| +50%
| +75%
|align=center| '''II'''
| '''III'''
|align=center| +4
| +8
|align=center| +5%
| +7.5%
|align=center| +5%
| +7.5%
|align=center| -20
| -30
|align=center| +2%
| +3%
|align=center| +20%
| +30%
|align=center| +50
| +75
|align=center| +25%
| +50%
|align=center| '''I'''
| '''II'''
|align=center| +2
| +4
|align=center| +3%
| +5%
|align=center| +3%
| +5%
|align=center| -10
| -20
|align=center| +1%
| +2%
|align=center| +10%
| +20%
|align=center| +20
| +50
|align=center| +10%
| +25%
| '''I'''
| +2
| +3%
| +3%
| -10
| +1%
| +10%
| +20
| +10%
Line 106: Line 171:
| Very Slow || 80 300
| Very Slow || 80 300
== Armor Ranges ==
* 0.0 to 0.39 - Poor
* 0.4 to .79 - Below Average
* 0.8 to 1.19 - Average
* 1.2 to 1.59 - Above Average
* 1.6 to 1.99 - Excellent
* 2.0 - Unparalleled

== Indices ==
== Indices ==
Line 111: Line 184:
* Splash Screens - 06000001F4
* Splash Screens - 06000001F4

=== Icons ===
== To Do Reminders ==
{|border=0 cellpadding=3
* portal restrictions go to none if none
* dispel potions, strengths
* new location formats for whatlinkshere once pages updated with new template
{|border=1 cellpadding=5 class=sortable
* convert hunter quests to new killtask naming convention
! Date
* chests section on loot page
! Index
* [[Lesser Elemental Fury]]
! Patch
* taper information for spell list pages
* 100% width of blank middle column on panel templates to minimize image highlighting
| 1999-12 || 1B42 || [[Sudden Season]]
* mushroom foods item drops
* wictionary backlinks, foods, template:portal
| 2000-01 || 1BAF || [[Dark Thaw]]
* peace mode penalty - 80% of normal melee defense; laying down penalty - 20% of normal; sitting penalty - 20% of normal
| 2000-02 || 1C0B || [[Shadows of the Past]]
=== Shopkeepers without prices ===
* [[Barkeep Rubin]]
| 2000-03 || 1C72 || [[Darkness Ascendant]]
* [[Grocer Khamal al-Rachard]]
* [[Purser Narissa Pelton]]
| 2000-04 || 1C7F || [[Thorns of the Hopeslayer]]
* [[Purser Jak Halftoes]]
* [[Smith Aisha bint Karal]]
| 2000-05 || 1CC0 || [[Heroes' Respite]]
=== Quick List ===
| 2000-06 || 1CCB || [[The Paths of Destruction]]
* check recent new creatures for spawn maps
* list of quests by level req/suggestion
| 2000-07 || 1D0E || [[To Raise a Banner of Flame]]
* salvage page creature loot template
* new spells
| 2000-08 || ~1D6E || [[Taste of Twilight]]
* teaser images for old patch pages
| 2000-09 || 1DA9 || [[Twilight's Gleaming]]
| 2000-10 || 1E21 || [[Hollow Victory]]
| 2000-11 || 1ED1 || [[Should the Stars Fall]]
| 2000-12 || 1EEE || [[The Child of Daralet]]
| 2001-01 || 1F4C || [[Now In This Hush]]
| 2001-02 || 1F65 || [[Lonely in the World]]
| 2001-03 || 1F9A || [[Spring's Sorrows]]
| 2001-04 || 1FEA || [[A Reign of Stone]]
| 2001-05 || 202C || [[The Changing of the Ways]]
| 2001-06 || 207D || [[Chains of Command]]
| 2001-07 || 20B5 || [[Lost in the New Horizon]]
| 2001-08 || 20FD || [[Crests of a Turbulent Sea]]
| 2001-09 || 221C || [[Keep Your Enemies Closer]]
| 2001-10 || 21E8 || [[The Widening Gyre]]
| 2001-11 || 22F4 || [[The Gathering Storm]]
| 2001-12 || 236F || [[The First Strike]]
| 2002-01 ||  || [[Flesh and Blood]]
| 2002-02 || 23E3 || [[Fever Dreams]]
| 2002-03 || 245D || [[Persuasion]]
| 2002-04 || 24BC~ || [[Betrayal]]
| 2002-05 || 2563 || [[Hidden Vein]]
| 2002-06 || 262A || [[Castling]]
| 2002-07 || 2633 || [[Repercussions]]
| 2002-08 || 2723 || [[Atonement]]
| 2002-09 || 27BE || [[Verdict]]
| 2002-10 || 27E6 || [[Festivus]]
| 2002-11 || 28D9 || [[The Iron Coast]]
| 2002-12 || 2928 || [[The Hall of the Tusker King]]
| 2003-01 || 29A2 || [[The Slumbering Giant]]
| 2003-02 || 29C1 || [[That Which Is Ours]]
| 2003-03 || 29E7~ || [[A Perfect Paradox]]
| 2003-04 || 29F4 || [[A Gathering of Colors]]
| 2003-05 || 2A38 || [[Discoveries]]
| 2003-06 || 2AD0 || [[Heart of Woe]]
| 2003-07 || 2B19 || [[A Swelling Tide]]
| 2003-08 || 2B6C || [[Into the Darkness]]
| 2003-09 || 2C41 || [[Groundswell]]
| 2003-10 || 2CED || [[Reign of Terror]]
| 2003-11 || 2D3F || [[Visions in the Darkness]]
| 2003-12 || 2F86 || [[Waking from the Abyss]]
{|border=1 cellpadding=5 class=sortable
! Date
! Index
! Patch
| 2004-01 || 2FF5 || [[Mirror, Mirror]]
| 2004-02 || 304E || [[The Madness of Men]]
| 2004-03 || 30A2 || [[Across the Vast Divide]]
| 2004-04 || 314E~ || [[A New Threat]]
| 2004-05 || 32CC~ || [[Mired Hearts]]
| 2004-06 || 335E || [[Pillars Made of Sand]]
| 2004-07 || 33C2 || [[Treaties in Stone]]
| 2004-08 || 3447 || [[From the Darkness Born]]
| 2004-09 || 355B || [[A Small Victory]]
| 2004-10 || 35A5 || [[All That They Survey]]
| 2004-11 || 35F2 || [[On Bended Knee]]
| 2004-12 || 36A7<br>3753 || [[The Calm]]
| 2005-01 || 36FF || [[Assault]]
| 2005-02 || 36F5 || [[Infiltration]]
| 2005-07 || 4A47~ || [[Throne of Destiny]]
| 2005-08 || 5F43 || [[Friend and Foe]]
| 2005-09 || 6119 || [[Under Cover of Night]]
| 2005-10 || 621C~ || [[Tricks and Treats]]
| 2005-11 ||  || [[Ashes and Dust]]
| 2005-12 || 6287 || [[Through Sacrifice, Strength]]
| 2006-01 || 62A8 || [[Reprisals]]
| 2006-02 || 62B1 || [[A Change in Tactics]]
| 2006-03 || 62F8~ || [[Down Twisting Paths]]
| 2006-04 || 63CC || [[Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands]]
| 2006-05 || 6400 || [[The Price of Loyalty]]
| 2006-06 ||  || [[From the Darkest Depths]]
| 2006-07 ||  || [[Toward Ancient Shores]]
| 2006-08 || 64AA || [[Shattering the Dark]]
| 2006-09 ||  || [[Come What Follows]]
| 2006-10 ||  || [[Dance of the Dead]]
| 2006-11 ||  || [[Remembering the Past]]
| 2006-12 || 6584 || [[Cold Tracks]]
| 2007-01 || 65A1 || [[Bridging the Vast Divide]]
| 2007-02 || 65C0 || [[Rekindling the Light]]
| 2007-03 || 65EF || [[Ancient Enemies]]
| 2007-04 || 6644 || [[Strange Sightings]]
| 2007-05 || 666A~ || [[Prodigal Sons]]
| 2007-06 || 6672 || [[Evolution]]
| 2007-07 || 668C~ || [[Intelligent Designs]]
| 2007-08 || 6697~ || [[Corrupted Sovereigns]]
| 2007-09 || 66C6~ || [[Dark Materials]]
| 2007-10 || 66D3~ || [[Masked Memories]]
| 2007-11 || 670F~ || [[Children of the Prodigal Lord]]
{|border=1 cellpadding=5 class=sortable
! Date
! Index
! Patch
| 2008-01 || 6725 || [[Recollections]]
| 2008-02 ||  || [[The Beast With Many Heads]]
| 2008-03 || 678C || [[Foolish Ambition]]
| 2008-04 || 67B0 || [[Upping the Ante]]
| 2008-05 || 67CA || [[Introductions]]
| 2008-06 ||  || [[Dispatch]]
| 2008-07 || 67EB || [[Shattered Lines]]
| 2008-08 || 6845 || [[Ancient Powers]]
| 2008-09 || 694D || [[Risks and Rewards]]
| 2008-10 || 6973 || [[Seeds of Corruption]]
| 2008-12 || 698E || [[Sins of the Fathers]]
| 2009-01 || 6995~ || [[Shifting Tactics]]
| 2009-02 || 69AB~ || [[Unfinished Business]]
| 2009-03 || 69BB || [[Who Watches the Virindi?]]
| 2009-04 || 69C4 || [[What Once was Lost]]
| 2009-05 || 69CD || [[??]]

Latest revision as of 15:20, 6 July 2013

Personal Reference Notes and Links


Personal Pages

Wiki Backend Research Links

Towns With Fully Updated NPCs

Level Range Dungeons

Most older ones have been updated to remove upper range reqs, list of ones that have not:

Dungeons that need Disambiguation or Updating

Item Spells

VIII +24/+22 +20% +17% -80 +8%/+7% +80% +240 +200%
VII +22 +17% +17% -70 +7% +70% +220 +170%
VI +20 +15% +15% -60 +6% +60% +200 +150%
V +16 +13% +13% -50 +5% +50% +150 +100%
IV +12 +10% +10% -40 +4% +40% +100 +75%
III +8 +7.5% +7.5% -30 +3% +30% +75 +50%
II +4 +5% +5% -20 +2% +20% +50 +25%
I +2 +3% +3% -10 +1% +10% +20 +10%

Weapon Speeds

Very Fast 0 - 10
Fast 15 - 30
Average 32 - 48
Slow 50 - 70
Very Slow 80 300

Armor Ranges

  • 0.0 to 0.39 - Poor
  • 0.4 to .79 - Below Average
  • 0.8 to 1.19 - Average
  • 1.2 to 1.59 - Above Average
  • 1.6 to 1.99 - Excellent
  • 2.0 - Unparalleled


  • Titles - 22:22000041 267B6000
  • Splash Screens - 06000001F4

To Do Reminders

  • portal restrictions go to none if none
  • dispel potions, strengths
  • new location formats for whatlinkshere once pages updated with new template
  • convert hunter quests to new killtask naming convention
  • chests section on loot page
  • Lesser Elemental Fury
  • taper information for spell list pages
  • 100% width of blank middle column on panel templates to minimize image highlighting
  • mushroom foods item drops
  • wictionary backlinks, foods, template:portal
  • peace mode penalty - 80% of normal melee defense; laying down penalty - 20% of normal; sitting penalty - 20% of normal

Shopkeepers without prices

Quick List

  • check recent new creatures for spawn maps
  • list of quests by level req/suggestion
  • salvage page creature loot template
  • new spells
  • teaser images for old patch pages