Canescent Mattekar Robe Quest: Difference between revisions

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imported>Jean-Michel Bayle
(changed AL of red robe to 130. 160 was wrong.)
(Redirected page to Canescent Mattekar Robe)
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{{Quest Summary
#REDIRECT[[Canescent Mattekar Robe]]
|    Patch Introduced = [[Dark Majesty]]
|            Updated = [[The Gathering Storm]], [[A Small Victory]], and [[From the Darkness Born]]
|      Related Quests =
|          Live Image = Canescent Mattekar Robe (New Grievver) Live.png
|  Live Image Caption = New style Canescent Mattekar Robe made with a Vial of Organic Acid.
|          Quest Type = Solo/Group
|          Kill Task = False
|      Start Location = [[Greenspire]]
|              Timer = 7 days
|  Level Restrictions = None
|  Level Suggestions = 50+
|        Item Rewards = [[Canescent Mattekar Robe]]
|      Max XP Reward = None
|              Titles = None
|  Link Walk Through = True
|          Link Maps = True
|          Link Items = True
|    Link XP Rewards = False
|  Link Title Rewards = False
|        Link Images = False
|  Link Lore & Dialog = True
|          Link Notes = False
== Quest Overview ==
== Walk Through ==
# This quest begins with the [[Canescent Mattekar (Text)]] rumor purchased from the barkeeps in [[Greenspire]], [[Bluespire]], or [[Redspire]].
# In Greenspire, you will find [[Eliza du Curena]], she will set you on your quest to find the elusive [[Canescent Mattekar]]
# The [[Canescent Mattekar]] is located on the northeast, or northwest sides of [[Marae Lassel]].
# Hunt these Mattekar until they drop the [[Canescent Mattekar Pelt]].
# If you bring it back to [[Eliza du Curena]], or [[Mazur ibn Stounis]] you will be told it requires some acid to be crafted into the robe.
# Here you have the choice between [[Olthoi Ichor]] or [[Vial of Organic Acid]].
# [[Olthoi Ichor]] will create a red robe with 130 AL.
# [[Vial of Organic Acid]] will create a blue robe with 120 AL.
# Apply your acid of choice to the pelt to create the [[Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt]], and bring it back to [[Mazur ibn Stounis]] for your reward.
# If you prefer the older style robe, you may obtain it by giving your robe to [[Balarazo]] and vice versa.
== Maps ==
{{Spawn Map|Canescent Mattekar}}
== Items ==
{{Item Table|Caption=Quest Items|Canescent Mattekar Pelt|Olthoi Ichor|Vial of Organic Acid|}}
{{Item Table|Caption=Rewards|Canescent Mattekar Robe}}
== Lore & Dialog ==
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Eliza du Curena tells you, "Greetings. I suppose you're looking for that Britana woman, yes? You'll do yourself a favor if you forget you ever heard of her. She came from bad blood, even for one of the Bloodless, and King Varicci did us all a favor when he locked her away. At any rate, I am a far better businesswoman that she ever could have dreamed to be, and I have taken over this establishment and will continue crafting Mattekar Robes."<br>
Eliza du Curena tells you, "They say that there is a great white Mattekar that stalks the northern coast of this island. I understand that its coat can be crafted into a quite excellent robe. Bring one to me, and we'll see if we can do business."<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Mazur ibn Stounis tells you, "Have you any word of Britana? I can barely sleep at night, my heart is sick with worry for her. Varicci's men dragged her off solely because of her brother! And now I am told I must aid this Eliza woman or share Britana's fate! I tell myself that I can do Britana no good imprisoned, but... at any rate, I will still aid you in the crafting of robes."<br></font>
<font color=green>You allow Mazur ibn Stounis to examine your Canescent Mattekar Pelt.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Mazur ibn Stounis tells you, "I regret to inform you that this material is too tough for me to craft into a robe. It needs to be made more supple. Applying any type of acid solution to it should make the pelt supple and ready for use. I have no idea where you might find such a solution however."<br></font>
<font color=green>You allow Eliza du Curena to examine your Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Eliza du Curena tells you, "Yes, that should do nicely. Go to Mazur and tell him that he is to craft you your Robe if he doesn't want to feel my wrath again!"</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Mazur ibn Stounis Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Mazur ibn Stounis tells you, "You have succeeded in your quest.  Here is your Canescent Mattekar Robe.  Ah... why did I never tell Britana how I felt about her? Why did I wait so long? I am sorry, but these regrets weight heavily on my heart."<br></font>
<font color=green>Mazur ibn Stounis gives you Canescent Mattekar Robe.<br></font>
<font color=green>You allow Mazur ibn Stounis to examine your Canescent Mattekar Robe.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Mazur ibn Stounis tells you, "Yes, this is some of my finer work.  Enjoy it."<br></font>
<font color=green>You allow Eliza du Curena to examine your Canescent Mattekar Robe.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Eliza du Curena tells you, "That's what all the fuss is about? Feh, we have more lovely fashions in the most dingy stalls of the lowliest market in Viamont."</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Balarazo tells you, "Varicci's invasion has certainly made me regret my decision to settle down here. However I will still exchange new style Canescent Robes for older ones, and vice-versa. Just don't get that Eliza angry at me, that woman has a cruel tongue!"<br></font>
<font color=green>You give Balarazo Canescent Mattekar Robe.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Balarazo tells you, "Ah, a fine robe - but the style is just too wild for my tastes.  Let's see here, I know I have one of those older patterns lying around somewhere..."<br>
Balarazo tells you, "Ah! Here you go!"<br></font>
<font color=green>Balarazo gives you Canescent Mattekar Robe.<br></font>
<font color=green>You give Balarazo Canescent Mattekar Robe.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Balarazo tells you, "So you'd rather have the newer style?  Can't say I agree with you, but a deal is a deal!"<br></font>
<font color=green>Balarazo gives you Canescent Mattekar Robe.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Balarazo tells you, "Enjoy!"<br></font>

Latest revision as of 07:14, 24 May 2015