Putiputipuh's Onga: Difference between revisions

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{{Quest Summary
{{Quest Summary
  |   Patch Introduced = [[Heart of Woe]]
  |               Level = 20
  |     Related Quests =
  |   Recommended Level =  
|            Updated =
  |          Quest Type = Solo
  |         Starts With = [[Hea Mutuona]]
|          Live Image =  Live.jpg
  |           Starts At = 47.1N, 90.3W in [[Ahurenga]]
|  Live Image Caption =  
  |               Route =  
  |          Quest Type = Solo/Group
  |       Repeat Timer = 20 Hours
  |           Kill Task = False
  |   Time to Complete =  
|      Start Location = [[Ahurenga]]
  |          Contracts =  
  |               Timer = 7 Days
|  Level Restrictions =
|  Level Suggestions =
|        Item Rewards = [[Panaq]]
  |       Max XP Reward = 25,000
  |             Titles =  
|  Link Walk Through = True
  |          Link Maps = True
|          Link Items = True
|    Link XP Rewards = True
|  Link Title Rewards = False
|        Link Images = False
|  Link Lore & Dialog = True
|          Link Notes = False
== Quest Overview ==
== Overview ==
Help the Tumerok boy Tekapua retreive an onga for his pet grub, putiputi.

== Walk Through ==
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
# Head to [[Ahurenga]] on [[Marae Lassel]] and speak to [[Hea Mutuona]] at 47.1N, 90.3W. Get him to talk by giving him some [[Ale]] from the local barkeep.
# {{Optional}} Speak with [[Hea Mutuona]], then give him some [[Ale]] from the local barkeep. He sends you to see [[Tekapuapuh]] located at 46.4N, 91.5W.
# [[Tekapuapuh]] sends to you the [[Secret Putiputi Place]] located at 46.3N, 82.1W to get the "Onga" for [[Putiputipuh]] and gives you {{Itemlink|Tekapuapuh's Note}}.
# Once inside you must first find the [[Olthoi Cistern]]s, one of these will contain a {{Itemlink|Mysterious Tumerok Artifact}} some will contain nothing, and others will trigger spawns.  See the maps below to find out which one to use.
#* Tip: The cisterns can be examined, and the ones containing the artifacts will have burden of 9050 and be labeled "Unlocked".
# When you have your artifact, find the room with the [[Glowing Pustule]]s, by killing one of these it will open a portal to the next area.  Again, only one specific one will open the portal, see the map for clarification.
# Do the same thing for the next two dungeons until you have the 2nd and final {{Itemlink|Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (handgrip-shaped)|Mysterious Tumerok Artifact}}.
# Once you're in the fourth and final dungeon, use the cisterns, until you receive a message about an itch on your hand. This message means you're now flagged to feed Putiputipuh later on.
# From here you can go south to the room with the apples on the floor and pick one up.
# Once you have the apple take the "Way Back to Tekapuapuh's" portal in the east room.
# Turn in the apple to Putiputipuh, and then the three artifacts to Tekapuapuh for your reward.

*Maggie's walkthrough can be found here: http://www.thejackcat.com/AC/Hobbies/Quests/Putiputipuh.htm
== Dungeons & Maps ==
== Maps ==
{{Dungeon Table
{{Dungeon Table
  | Table Rows =  
  | Table Rows =  
{{Dungeon Maps
{{Dungeon Maps
  |        Dungeon = Secret Putiputi Place (Part 1 & 2)
  |        Dungeon = Secret Putiputi Place{{!}}Secret Putiputi Place (Part 1 & 2)
  |    Coordinates =  
  |    Coordinates = 46.3N, 82.1W
|  Wiki Map File =
  |      ACmaps ID = 5774
  |      ACmaps ID = 5774
| Other Site Name =
| Other Site Link =
{{Dungeon Maps
{{Dungeon Maps
  |        Dungeon = Secret Putiputi Place (Part 2)
  |        Dungeon = Secret Putiputi Place{{!}}Secret Putiputi Place (Part 3)
  |    Coordinates =  
  |    Coordinates = 46.3N, 82.1W
|  Wiki Map File =
  |      ACmaps ID = 5775
  |      ACmaps ID = 5775
| Other Site Name =
| Other Site Link =
{{Dungeon Maps
{{Dungeon Maps
  |        Dungeon = Secret Putiputi Place (Part 3)
  |        Dungeon = Secret Putiputi Place{{!}}Secret Putiputi Place (Part 4)
  |    Coordinates =  
  |    Coordinates = 46.3N, 82.1W
|  Wiki Map File =
  |      ACmaps ID = 5776
  |      ACmaps ID = 5776
| Other Site Name =
| Other Site Link =

== Items ==  
== Rewards ==
{{Item Table|Caption=Quest Items
{{Rewards Table
|Tekapuapuh's Note
|           Quest Task =
|Dead Olthoi
|          Item Reward =  
|Mysterious Tumerok Artifact 1
* {{Itemlink|Panaq (Putiputipuh's Onga)|Panaq|Mode=icon}}
|Mysterious Tumerok Artifact 2
|        Max XP Reward =  |        Percent of Level =  |         Level Cap =
|Mysterious Tumerok Artifact 3
| Repeat Max XP Reward =  | Repeat Percent of Level =  | Repeat Level Cap =
|Olthoi Cistern
|     Luminance Reward =
|Glowing Pustle
|         Title Reward =
|         Other Reward =

{{Item Table|Caption=Rewards
== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
File:Putiputipuh's Onga Live.jpg|Tekapuapuh and Putiputipuh's pen
File:Secret Putiputi Place 2 Live.jpg|Dead Olthoi
File:Secret Putiputi Place 7 Live.jpg|Tekapuapuh's Onga (Apples for Putiputipuh)
== Dialog ==
;Hea Mutuona Idle Chat
|Hea Mutuona says, "That melon-headed buhka. Riding a Wharu into the center of town. I still can't believe it!"
|Hea Mutuona says, "A puh like that shouldn't have been allowed to stay on the island."
|Hea Mutuona says, "If he ever shows up in town again, I'll make him and his 'Putiputi' sorry..."

{{Quest Experience Table
;Hea Mutuona Opening Dialog
| Repeat Differs = False
|Hea Mutuona tells you, "I'd tell you more but, ah, I'm a little parched. Need a little ale.
|     Table Rows =
|Hea Mutuona tells you, "You haven't heard the story, human? Fetch me an ale, and I'll tell you."
{{Quest Task
|     Description = Feed Putiputipuh
;Gviing Ale to Hea Mutuona
|           Max XP = 25,000
|You give Hea Mutuona Ale
| Percent of Level =
|Hea Mutuona tells you, "That hits the spot. So, Tekapuapuh. He's this melon-headed buhka -- an idiot boy. Goes out for his first hunt alone, and finds one of those death-bringer Wharu.
|       Level Cap =
|Hea Mutuona tells you, "'Cept he calls it 'Putiputi!' It's no ladybug! I still remember it... he comes into town, RIDING the Wharu. Nearly flattened the center of Ahurenga.
|Hea Mutuona tells you, "He's puh now -- outcast. Lives on the tip of the delta out west of here. I hope he stays there. Anyway, thanks for the ale, human.
;Tekapuapuh Idle Chat
|Tekapuapuh says, "They call me a 'melon-headed buhka,' but that's just because they're jealous of my mask!"
|Tekapuapuh says, "Why are you looking at Putiputipuh that way?! PUTIPUTIPUH'S A GOOD GRUBBY!"
|Tekapuapuh says, "No, Putiputipuh! Bad Putiputipuh!"
|Tekapuapuh says, "Look, she did a trick! Good Putiputipuh! You're such a very smart Putiputi!"
|Tekapuapuh says, "I tried giving her onga. She must just like my special onga, the ones I left where I found her."
|Tekapuapuh says, "I was all itchy before, but now I'm better!"
|Tekapuapuh says, "We may both be 'puh,' Putiputi, but we still have each other."

== Images ==
;Tekapuapuh Opening Dialog
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, man! You can help me! My beloved Putiputipuh, she's not happy. She needs special onga from where I found her!"
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "I dropped my stuff in the hidey hole where I found her. It's all the way to the east, straight east from here, right until you hit a BIIIG wall."
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "I set up a magic portal to the hidey-hole. Here, I'll give you the password."
|Tekapuapuh gives you Tekapuapuh's Note.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Thanks for your help!"
;Tekapuapuh Returning Dialog
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Did you go to the hidey-hole! I think I left my onga near one of the bubble-pots there! Those onga are the only thing Putiputipuh will eat!"
;Putiputipuh Opening Dialog (not flagged)
|The grub rustles, but otherwise ignores you.
;Giving Tekapuapuh's Note to Putiputipuh
|You give Putiputipuh Tekapuapuh's Note.
|Putiputipuh smells the note, chews it up, then spits it out. Yuck.
|Putiputipuh gives you Tekapuapuh's Note.
;Giving Apple to Putiputipuh (not flagged)
|You give Putiputipuh Apple.
|The grub seems to sniff the air, but doesn't eat.
|Tekapuapuh sighs. "Hmm. I remember washing my hands in those splashy-bubble-pots, before feeding her an onga. Maybe your hands are dirty?"
|Putiputipuh gives you Apple.
;Triggering Olthoi Worker trap
|You foot splashes down into a puddle of slime. Some olthoi nearby are disturbed by the sound.
;Triggering Olthoi Soldier trap
|A large sickly looking Olthoi Soldier that was meandering about fitfully stares in your direction. It cocks it's head as if it can't quite figure you out.
;Using an incorrect cistern (inert)
|You feel around in the warm slime for a bit. This one seems to be empty.
;Using an incorrect cistern (trapped)
|Something slimy grips your hand and then quickly releases it.
;Killing Glowing Pustule (decoy)
|The pustule explodes, spraying you with it's rank fluids.
;Killing Glowing Pustule (portal)
|The Pustule shudders, then bursts. You have opened a gateway portal
;Using the infested cistern (in final dungeon)
|As you reach into the cistern, your hand begins to itch. The sensation dies down after a moment.
;Tekapuapuh Returning Dialog (flagged)
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Did you play with the splashy-pots like I did?"
;Giving Apple to Tekapuapuh (not flagged)
|You give Tekapuapuh Apple.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "You got the onga! I'll let you feed Putiputipuh all by yourself! It's fun!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Apple.
;Giving Apple to Tekapuapuh (flagged)
|You give Tekapuapuh Apple.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "C'mon! Feed Putiputipuh the onga!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Apple.
;Opening Dialog (flagged)
|Putiputipuh whines, so softly and at so high a pitch you can bearly hear it.
;Putiputipuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (Pah) Interaction
|You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Putiputipuh idly nibbles at the artifact.
;Putiputipuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (Ahna) Interaction
|You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Putiputipuh rubs up against the artifact, then ignores it.
;Putiputipuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (Naq) Interaction
|You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Putiputipuh stares (if you can call it that) at the artifact for a moment. Then stops.
;Giving Apple to Putiputipuh (flagged)
|You give Putiputipuh Apple
|As you reach out with the apple, the grub emits a faint, high-pitched whine. You feel something squirming under your skin, along your arm and into the apple
|The grub happily devours the apple, swallowing it core and all
|Tekapuapuh squeals with delight. "You did it! Putiputipuh's happy again! Thank you thank you thank you!
|You've earned 25,000 experience.
;Giving Apple to Putiputipuh (completed)
|You give Putiputipuh Apple.
|The grub doesn't seem hungry at the moment.
;Giving Apple to Tekapuapuh (completed)
|You give Tekapuapuh Apple.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Putiputipuh's all full now. But thanks anyway!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Apple.
;Giving Mysterious Tumerok Artifacts to Tekapuapuh (not flagged)
|You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! It makes me feel so bad!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! She is so sad!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! Nothing else matters!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
;Tekapuapuh Dialog, Panaq not obtained
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "If you find the pieces I left behind, I'll put my old Panaq together for you!"
;Giving Mysterious Tumerok Artifacts to Tekapuapuh (flagged)
|You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "It's the Pah! You don't know what do with this? Silly buhka! I'll help you then. Bring me Ahna next."
|You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "See, Ahna fits into Pah like this--er, something like that. More or less. Um. Now I need Naq!"
|You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "And then Naq goes into Ahna like, um... This! And here you go! Thanks again for your help!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Panaq.
;Tekapuapuh Dialog, Panaq obtained
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Thanks again, buhdi, and enjoy the Panaq!"
;Giving Panaq to Tekapuapuh
|You give Tekapuapuh Panaq.
|Tekapuapuh tells you, "Nooooooooooo. Uh uh. No takebacks. You keep it!"
|Tekapuapuh gives you Panaq.

== Lore & Dialog ==
;You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Panaq.
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Mutuona tells you, "I'd tell you more but, ah, I'm a little parched. Need a little ale."<Br>
|Putiputipuh happily gnaws on the end of the bow for a moment, but does nothing more.
Hea Mutuona tells you, "You haven't heard the story, human? Fetch me an ale, and I'll tell you."</font>
<font color=green>You give Hea Mutuona Ale.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Mutuona tells you, "That hits the spot. So, Tekapuapuh. He's this melon-headed buhka -- an idiot boy. Goes out for his first hunt alone, and finds one of those death-bringer Wharu."<br>
Hea Mutuona tells you, "'Cept he calls it 'Putiputi!' It's no ladybug! I still remember it... he comes into town, RIDING the Wharu. Nearly flattened the center of Ahurenga."<Br>
Hea Mutuona tells you, "He's puh now -- outcast. Lives on the tip of the delta out west of here. I hope he stays there. Anyway, thanks for the ale, human."</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, man! You can help me! My beloved Putiputipuh, she's not happy. She needs special onga from where I found her!"<br>
Tekapuapuh tells you, "I dropped my stuff in the hidey hole where I found her. It's all the way to the east, straight east from here, right until you hit a BIIIG wall."<br>
Tekapuapuh tells you, "I set up a magic portal to the hidey-hole. Here, I'll give you the password."</font><br>
<font color=green>Tekapuapuh gives you Tekapuapuh's Note.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Thanks for your help!"</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Did you go to the hidey-hole! I think I left my onga near one of the bubble-pots there! Those onga are the only thing Putiputipuh will eat!"</font><br>
<font color=green>You feel around in the warm slime for a bit. This one seems to be empty.<Br>
Something slimy grips your hand and then quickly releases it.</font><br>
<font color=green>The pustule explodes, spraying you with it's rank fluids.<Br>
The Pustule shudders, then bursts. You have opened a gateway portal!<br>
As you reach into the cistern, your hand begins to itch. The sensation dies down after a moment.</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! It makes me feel so bad!"</font><br>
<font color=green>Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! She is so sad!"</font><br>
<font color=green>Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! Nothing else matters!"</font><br>
<font color=green>Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Putiputipuh Apple.<br>
As you reach out with the apple, the grub emits a faint, high-pitched whine. You feel something squirming under your skin, along your arm and into the apple.<br>
The grub happily devours the apple, swallowing it core and all.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh squeals with delight. "You did it! Putiputipuh's happy again! Thank you thank you thank you!"</font><br>
<font color=green>You've earned 25,000 experience.</font><br>
<font color=green>The grub doesn't seem hungry at the moment.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "If you find the pieces I left behind, I'll put my old Panaq together for you!"</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "It's the Pah! You don't know what do with this? Silly buhka! I'll help you then. Bring me Ahna next."</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "See, Ahna fits into Pah like this--er, something like that. More or less. Um. Now I need Naq!"</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "And then Naq goes into Ahna like, um... This! And here you go! Thanks again for your help!"</font><br>
<font color=green>Tekapuapuh gives you Panaq.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Tekapuapuh tells you, "Thanks again, buhdi, and enjoy the Panaq!"</font><br>

== Notes ==
== Update History ==
* ??
{{Update History|
[[Heart of Woe]]
* Quest introduced.

[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 20 hours.

Latest revision as of 09:17, 29 July 2021

Walkthrough & Notes     Dungeons & Maps     Rewards     Images     Dialog     Update History
Putiputipuh's Onga
Level: 20
Type: Solo
Starts With: Hea Mutuona
Starts At: 47.1N, 90.3W in Ahurenga
Repeat: 20 Hours


Help the Tumerok boy Tekapua retreive an onga for his pet grub, putiputi.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Optional: Speak with Hea Mutuona, then give him some Ale from the local barkeep. He sends you to see Tekapuapuh located at 46.4N, 91.5W.
  2. Tekapuapuh sends to you the Secret Putiputi Place located at 46.3N, 82.1W to get the "Onga" for Putiputipuh and gives you Tekapuapuh's Note.
  3. Once inside you must first find the Olthoi Cisterns, one of these will contain a Mysterious Tumerok Artifact some will contain nothing, and others will trigger spawns. See the maps below to find out which one to use.
    • Tip: The cisterns can be examined, and the ones containing the artifacts will have burden of 9050 and be labeled "Unlocked".
  4. When you have your artifact, find the room with the Glowing Pustules, by killing one of these it will open a portal to the next area. Again, only one specific one will open the portal, see the map for clarification.
  5. Do the same thing for the next two dungeons until you have the 2nd and final Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
  6. Once you're in the fourth and final dungeon, use the cisterns, until you receive a message about an itch on your hand. This message means you're now flagged to feed Putiputipuh later on.
  7. From here you can go south to the room with the apples on the floor and pick one up.
  8. Once you have the apple take the "Way Back to Tekapuapuh's" portal in the east room.
  9. Turn in the apple to Putiputipuh, and then the three artifacts to Tekapuapuh for your reward.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Secret Putiputi Place (Part 1 & 2) 46.3N, 82.1W -- 5774
Secret Putiputi Place (Part 3) 46.3N, 82.1W -- 5775
Secret Putiputi Place (Part 4) 46.3N, 82.1W -- 5776




Click image for full size version.


Hea Mutuona Idle Chat

Hea Mutuona says, "That melon-headed buhka. Riding a Wharu into the center of town. I still can't believe it!"

Hea Mutuona says, "A puh like that shouldn't have been allowed to stay on the island."

Hea Mutuona says, "If he ever shows up in town again, I'll make him and his 'Putiputi' sorry..."

Hea Mutuona Opening Dialog

Hea Mutuona tells you, "I'd tell you more but, ah, I'm a little parched. Need a little ale.

Hea Mutuona tells you, "You haven't heard the story, human? Fetch me an ale, and I'll tell you."
Gviing Ale to Hea Mutuona

You give Hea Mutuona Ale

Hea Mutuona tells you, "That hits the spot. So, Tekapuapuh. He's this melon-headed buhka -- an idiot boy. Goes out for his first hunt alone, and finds one of those death-bringer Wharu.

Hea Mutuona tells you, "'Cept he calls it 'Putiputi!' It's no ladybug! I still remember it... he comes into town, RIDING the Wharu. Nearly flattened the center of Ahurenga.

Hea Mutuona tells you, "He's puh now -- outcast. Lives on the tip of the delta out west of here. I hope he stays there. Anyway, thanks for the ale, human.
Tekapuapuh Idle Chat

Tekapuapuh says, "They call me a 'melon-headed buhka,' but that's just because they're jealous of my mask!"

Tekapuapuh says, "Why are you looking at Putiputipuh that way?! PUTIPUTIPUH'S A GOOD GRUBBY!"

Tekapuapuh says, "No, Putiputipuh! Bad Putiputipuh!"

Tekapuapuh says, "Look, she did a trick! Good Putiputipuh! You're such a very smart Putiputi!"

Tekapuapuh says, "I tried giving her onga. She must just like my special onga, the ones I left where I found her."

Tekapuapuh says, "I was all itchy before, but now I'm better!"

Tekapuapuh says, "We may both be 'puh,' Putiputi, but we still have each other."

Tekapuapuh Opening Dialog

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, man! You can help me! My beloved Putiputipuh, she's not happy. She needs special onga from where I found her!"

Tekapuapuh tells you, "I dropped my stuff in the hidey hole where I found her. It's all the way to the east, straight east from here, right until you hit a BIIIG wall."

Tekapuapuh tells you, "I set up a magic portal to the hidey-hole. Here, I'll give you the password."

Tekapuapuh gives you Tekapuapuh's Note.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Thanks for your help!"
Tekapuapuh Returning Dialog

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Did you go to the hidey-hole! I think I left my onga near one of the bubble-pots there! Those onga are the only thing Putiputipuh will eat!"
Putiputipuh Opening Dialog (not flagged)

The grub rustles, but otherwise ignores you.
Giving Tekapuapuh's Note to Putiputipuh

You give Putiputipuh Tekapuapuh's Note.

Putiputipuh smells the note, chews it up, then spits it out. Yuck.

Putiputipuh gives you Tekapuapuh's Note.
Giving Apple to Putiputipuh (not flagged)

You give Putiputipuh Apple.

The grub seems to sniff the air, but doesn't eat.

Tekapuapuh sighs. "Hmm. I remember washing my hands in those splashy-bubble-pots, before feeding her an onga. Maybe your hands are dirty?"

Putiputipuh gives you Apple.
Triggering Olthoi Worker trap

You foot splashes down into a puddle of slime. Some olthoi nearby are disturbed by the sound.
Triggering Olthoi Soldier trap

A large sickly looking Olthoi Soldier that was meandering about fitfully stares in your direction. It cocks it's head as if it can't quite figure you out.
Using an incorrect cistern (inert)

You feel around in the warm slime for a bit. This one seems to be empty.
Using an incorrect cistern (trapped)

Something slimy grips your hand and then quickly releases it.
Killing Glowing Pustule (decoy)

The pustule explodes, spraying you with it's rank fluids.
Killing Glowing Pustule (portal)

The Pustule shudders, then bursts. You have opened a gateway portal
Using the infested cistern (in final dungeon)

As you reach into the cistern, your hand begins to itch. The sensation dies down after a moment.
Tekapuapuh Returning Dialog (flagged)

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Did you play with the splashy-pots like I did?"
Giving Apple to Tekapuapuh (not flagged)

You give Tekapuapuh Apple.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "You got the onga! I'll let you feed Putiputipuh all by yourself! It's fun!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Apple.
Giving Apple to Tekapuapuh (flagged)

You give Tekapuapuh Apple.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "C'mon! Feed Putiputipuh the onga!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Apple.
Opening Dialog (flagged)

Putiputipuh whines, so softly and at so high a pitch you can bearly hear it.
Putiputipuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (Pah) Interaction

You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Putiputipuh idly nibbles at the artifact.
Putiputipuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (Ahna) Interaction

You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Putiputipuh rubs up against the artifact, then ignores it.
Putiputipuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact (Naq) Interaction

You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Putiputipuh stares (if you can call it that) at the artifact for a moment. Then stops.
Giving Apple to Putiputipuh (flagged)

You give Putiputipuh Apple

As you reach out with the apple, the grub emits a faint, high-pitched whine. You feel something squirming under your skin, along your arm and into the apple

The grub happily devours the apple, swallowing it core and all

Tekapuapuh squeals with delight. "You did it! Putiputipuh's happy again! Thank you thank you thank you!

You've earned 25,000 experience.
Giving Apple to Putiputipuh (completed)

You give Putiputipuh Apple.

The grub doesn't seem hungry at the moment.
Giving Apple to Tekapuapuh (completed)

You give Tekapuapuh Apple.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Putiputipuh's all full now. But thanks anyway!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Apple.
Giving Mysterious Tumerok Artifacts to Tekapuapuh (not flagged)

You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! It makes me feel so bad!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! She is so sad!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Oh, my poor Putiputipuh! Nothing else matters!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.
Tekapuapuh Dialog, Panaq not obtained

Tekapuapuh tells you, "If you find the pieces I left behind, I'll put my old Panaq together for you!"
Giving Mysterious Tumerok Artifacts to Tekapuapuh (flagged)

You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "It's the Pah! You don't know what do with this? Silly buhka! I'll help you then. Bring me Ahna next."

You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "See, Ahna fits into Pah like this--er, something like that. More or less. Um. Now I need Naq!"

You give Tekapuapuh Mysterious Tumerok Artifact.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "And then Naq goes into Ahna like, um... This! And here you go! Thanks again for your help!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Panaq.
Tekapuapuh Dialog, Panaq obtained

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Thanks again, buhdi, and enjoy the Panaq!"
Giving Panaq to Tekapuapuh

You give Tekapuapuh Panaq.

Tekapuapuh tells you, "Nooooooooooo. Uh uh. No takebacks. You keep it!"

Tekapuapuh gives you Panaq.
You allow Putiputipuh to examine your Panaq.

Putiputipuh happily gnaws on the end of the bow for a moment, but does nothing more.

Update History

Heart of Woe

  • Quest introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 20 hours.