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{{Turbine Games
== Legendary Quests ==
|  Link =
| Title = The History of Auberean, part 2
|  Text =
By A Learned Sage
<br><br>Hello again! You look familiar...but maybe it's your first time here? Well, either way, I'm always glad to see an aspiring lore scholar, wanting to learn more about the history of this world. Maybe you'll be glad to hear I've finally gotten around to finishing up Volumes II and III. Haven't read Volume I yet? Or seen the diagram of the world's history, even? Hmmm. Well, those are still here too - and all can peruse them at their leisure.Let's see, now, where did I leave off? Ah, yes, the black rains. A dark place to begin again. But we mustn't ruin it for, no.
<br><br>Oh, I've also included some important dates from Lugian history in the texts. I think you'll enjoy those parts. We really are developing a nice rapport with the Lugians - such a contemplative and level-headed race! But strong. Oh, my, yes. Very strong.
<br><br>Ah, much to tell, but...I'll keep this brief for now, alright? No sense in losing your interest already. I know many have been waiting anxiously for more - so go ahead, now, get started...
<br><br><b><u>History of Auberean:</u></b>
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>A Diagram of Auberean's History</b></font>]]
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>Volume I: Empires Clashing (-30,000 to -9,000)</b></font>]]
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>Volume II: A Struggle With Darkness (-2,998 to -1,999)</b></font>]]
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>Volume III: The Fall From Grace (-1,804 to -891)</b></font>]]

[[Legendary Token]] was introduced in [[Balance of Power]]. Article states it is a reward from the following quests (strike-through are confirmed to have been updated to remove the tokens):

{{Turbine Games
Ancient Graveyard:
|  Link =
* [[Red Veined Grub Collection Task]]
| Title = A Diagram of Auberean's History
|  Text =
By A Learned Sage
<br><br>Excellent! You're taking a look at my sketch of Auberean's history, I see. Quite a bit has happened here, wouldn't you agree? Sometimes makes you think you might someday begin to understand why this little world is so important. Why, I, myself, have this theory... Ah, no, never mind - that might be a bit much for you, right now. Perhaps we'll discuss that a bit later. Don't want to overwhelm you at the outset!
<br><br>Now, do you notice those Empyrean ages, on the right-hand side of the sketch? They're the various ages, as decreed by the Yalaini Emperor. Oh, the Yalaini? Well, they were an Empyrean culture, one of the most dominant. Asheron is Yalaini - in fact, a distant cousin of the Imperial family. Or so the texts say.
<br><br>Between those ages, you'll note, I've written in important events.
<br><br>Ah. You're wondering what those Portal Year numbers mean, aren't you? Well, there've been so many different calendars used here that sometimes even I was confused when I was beginning to assemble these texts! Just trying to match the years up with the years on Ispar was difficult enough, so I decided to number them using our Portal Year system. Portal Year 0 was when our Queen, Elysa Strathelar, killed the Olthoi Queen, freeing our people from slavery. The dates listed are either forward or backward from that date. If the calendar year or perhaps a date from our history was important, I tried to include it in the text as well.
<br><br>Oh, enough now - I'm a doddering old man who's already taken up enough of your time... Read, read!
<br><br><b>To continue on to the First Volume, click below:</b>
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>Volume I: Empires Clashing (-30,000 to -9,000)</b></font>]]

Hoshino Fortress:
* <del>[[Golem Samurai Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Archer Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Blade and Claw Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Bushi Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Mage Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Minion Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Spectral Samurai Kill Task]]</del>

* [[The Crystal Amulet of the A'nekshay]]
* [[The Crystal Idol of the A'nekshay]]
* [[The Crystal Staff of the A'nekshay]]
* [[The Crystal Sword of the A'nekshay]]
* <del>[[A'nekshay Bracer Collecting]]</del>
* [[Armoredillo Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]]
* <del>[[Golem Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]]</del>
* <del>[[Mumiyah Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]]</del>
* <del>[[Prickly Pear Collecting]]</del>
* <del>[[Reedshark Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]]</del>

''Original Link (now dead) - ''
Rynthid Infested Plains:
* <del>[[Kill: Empowered Wisps]]</del>
* <del>[[Kill: Rynthid Minions]]</del>
* <del>[[Kill: Rynthid Rare Boss]]</del>
* <del>[[Kill: Rynthid Slayers]]</del>
* <del>[[Kill: Rynthid Rifts]]</del>
* <del>[[Kill: Rynthid Sorcerers]]</del>
* <del>[[Kill: Rynthid Ragers]]</del>
* <del>[[Seed of Power]]</del>

<div style="background-color:#EEEEEE; border:2px solid #2C264C; width:80%; padding:30px; margin-bottom:20px; margin-left:5%; margin-right:10%">
Snowy Valley:
<div align=center>[[Image:Archive Turbine Games banner-mainpiece.gif]]</div><br>
* None
<font color=#660000><big>'''Volume I: Empires Clashing (-30,000 to -9,000)'''</big></font><font color=#050005>

By A Learned Sage
* <del>[[Devourer Margul Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Grievver Shredder Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Shadow Flyer Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Shadow Kill Task]]</del>
* <del>[[Void Lord Kill Task]]</del>

{|border=0 width=100%
Viridian Rise:
* None
|align=left valign=top width=150px|<b>-30,000 to -15,000</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br><br><i>Arelis Eipoth - "Golden Age"</i>
<br><br>The dimmest recorded fragments of Empyrean activity on Auberean date from this period. These fragments seem to indicate that the Empyreans were not native to the planet, but came for some specific purpose. Although there are few references to this period, Yalain sages refer to it as "The Golden Age." It was during this time that the Falatacot, the most ancient Empyrean race currently known, made their magical discoveries deep in the swamps of Dereth (which they called Killiakta, the Isle of Woe).
|align=left valign=top|<b>-15,000</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br><i>"Dericoi Eipoth" - Age of the Dericost</i>
<br>Although uncontested in the rule of its continent for thousands of years, the Kingdom of Dericost truly rises to prominence with the arrival of the Falatacot refugees, who flee the island of Dereth due to global cooling of Auberean. In exchange for sanctuary in Dericost lands, the Falatacot share their worship of the Old Ones and their magical knowledge. They specifically share their knowledge of blood, death and entropy magics.
<br><br>While most Falatacot practice their magic within ethical bounds, the Dericost know no such bounds. Soon the Dericost nobility comes across the darkest of the Falatacot refugees' rituals which hold out the promise of eternal life. The Dericost are not aware that these magics involve the death of the physical body and the tying of the person's spirit to its decaying form. Once the initial shock of this discovery wears off, the Dericost find this an acceptable price to pay and many of the nobility transform themselves into undead. Among the first is a figure called His Eternal Splendor, along with those in his inner circle, Lady Aerfalle and Lord Rytheran.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-10,000 to -9,000</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br><i>The Millennium War</i>
<br>The Dericost Kingdom reaches the height of its power approximately 5,000 years after the arrival of the Falatacot refugees. Although generations of the Kingdom's subjects have lived and died, many of those who originally accepted undeath are hidden in a great cavern beneath the Kingdom's seat of power. This vast cavern is called Vasmora and is carved from the permafrost below the Plateau of Gelid. From here, His Eternal Splendor rules the Kingdom, using the living nobility as puppets. To maintain his control over the living, His Eternal Splendor keeps the rituals of necromancy secret for millennia. Fear of true death is inculcated in the hearts of the living nobility from birth and becomes a powerful tool for His Eternal Splendor. Through this manipulation, the subjects of the kingdom are kept ignorant of the fact that it is an undead caste which truly rules over them. The living nobility still enjoy many privileges and advantages, as long as these do not conflict with His Eternal Splendor's decrees.
<br><br>However, as the numbers of undead increase, so does their arrogance, and for some the idea of hiding from the living seems contemptible. A schism develops until the undead divide into two opposing sects. Those who feel they should rule openly begin calling themselves the Lords of the World ("Latzimestal" in the language of the Falatacot), while those loyal to His Eternal Splendor and to the ideal of maintaining the status quo take on the name Winds Out of Darkness ("Filinuvekta").
<br><br>The situation reaches its climax when the living King Sarvien II is transformed into an undead and proclaims, after his conversion, that he will not step aside to allow a new living ruler to take the throne. Previous challenges to His Eternal Splendor's rule had been swiftly swept aside, but Sarvien II's political maneuvering with other disaffected undead allows him to resist the forces loyal to His Eternal Splendor. Sarvien is also aided by the Winds' unwillingness to expose themselves to the living. Since the Lords have no such compunction, Sarvien II reveals that an undead caste rules Dericost, of which he is the King. All resulting unrest in the Kingdom is put down, and Sarvien sets his sights on expanding the Kingdom. The Kingdom of the Haebrous to the east and the Empire of the Yalaini to the southwest become Sarvien's targets, and his forces invade these lands. This action sparks a period later referred to as the Millennium War.
<br><br>After nearly 1,000 years of conflict, the Haebrous and Dericost lands are devastated. As the war turns against them, the Lords decide they have lost the blessing of the Old Ones and that the remaining Falatacot are to blame. They set about exterminating the few Falatacot still in the Kingdom. Throughout the war, His Eternal Splendor and the other Winds watch the Lords without interfering, but finally the Winds abandon Vasmora in disgust at the Lords' failures and excesses. The Winds create hidden fortresses in other parts of the world, notably Dereth. This sets the stage for the combined forces of the Haebrous and Yalaini to push their way to the foot of the Plateau of Gelid.
<br><br>The final battle opens with the Haebrous warrior Leikotha and the combined armies of the Haebrous and Yalaini attacking the living and undead armies of the Dericost. With Dericost attention occupied by the assault, a Falatacot woman who had escaped the Lords' purge leads the Haebrous king, Jailne, and the Yalaini empress, Alaidain, through the trackless tunnels of Vasmora into Sarvien's palace. In a pitched battle, the Haebrous and Yalaini forces destroy Sarvien and his Lich advisors, but the struggle costs Jailne his life. As Sarvien passes into true death, he utters a prophecy from the Book of Eibhil, known as the Fivefold Curse:
<blockquote><i>As we were sent by the Darkness
<br>The Darkness shall send again
<br>An avenging star
<br>A light to bring darkness
<br>The Darkness shall send then
<br>A knowledge:
<br>A power to bring destruction
<br>For Alaidain's blood shall be
<br>The death of the people
<br>And then Darkness shall send yet again
<br>And once more, and the Darkness shall win.</i></blockquote>
With the Haebrous and Dericost kingdoms shattered and their lands ravaged by war, Empress Alaidain assumes rule over the remnants of these kingdoms. The Seaborne Empire of Yalaini now spans the globe. The majority of the surviving undead Lords flee Gelid and most take up residence in Dereth.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-9000</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br><i>"Vacari Eipoth" - Age of Contentment</i>
<br>With their lands largely untouched by the war, the Yalaini initiate a worldwide rebuilding program. Their influence will eventually cause the Haebrous to lose their unique cultural identity, although the Haebrous will always be known for their stoicism and cynicism. The living Dericost nobility are marched away in chains from the Plateau of Gelid to reservations in the Haebrous lands, but the victors are kinder to the common folk of the Dericost Kingdom and allow them to remain in their homelands. Yet all Dericost, no matter the station of their ancestors, remain scorned by the ruling Yalaini classes and never truly achieve equality in the Empire.
<br><br>Although the Yalaini deliberately expunge knowledge of the dark magics accumulated by the Dericost nobility, it cannot be completely destroyed since Sarvien spread detailed knowledge of these rituals throughout his ranks during his rule.
<br><br>The next 6,000 years are nonetheless a time of peace and subsequent Empyrean generations look back on this period fondly.

<b>To continue on to the Second Volume, click below:</b>
== [[Hoshino Fortress (area)]] ==
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>Volume II: A Struggle With Darkness (-2,998 to -1,999)</b></font>]]
=== [[Golem Samurai Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.

[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 4,000.

''Original Link (now dead) -''
=== [[Spectral Archer Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.

<div style="background-color:#EEEEEE; border:2px solid #2C264C; width:80%; padding:30px; margin-bottom:20px; margin-left:5%; margin-right:10%">
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
<div align=center>[[Image:Archive Turbine Games banner-mainpiece.gif]]</div><br>
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
<font color=#660000><big>'''Volume II: A Struggle with Darkness (-2,998 to -1,999)'''</big></font><font color=#050005>
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 5,000.

By A Learned Sage

{|border=0 width=100%
=== [[Spectral Blade and Claw Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
|align=left valign=top width=150px|<b>-2,998</b>
* Kill task introduced.
|align=left valign=top|
<br><br><i>"The Black Rains"</i>
<br><br>The Empyreans ignore the celestial fiery visitor seen in the night skies until, one night, it completely disappears. Soon afterward, roiling black clouds raining ash and soot darken the skies. The Yalaini see the darkness enveloping the world as a sign that the Light has rejected them. With the world cooling and crops withering in the fields, panic seizes the people. Although there's abundant food in the storehouses, the Yalaini Elders hoard the stores and dole out only a pittance of what the people need to survive. Remembering the dark magics used by the Dericost Kingdom, the Elders try to pin the blame for these Black Rains on the descendants of the Dericost. The Elders claim it is the actions of these descendants' ancient ancestors that has caused the Light to curse the land and turn the sun dark, and for this all must do penance.
<br><br>Food shortages strike particularly hard at the village of Daralet, located on the fringes of the Yalaini Empire. With his son on the verge of starvation, Ilservian Palatacost, a mage of Dericost ancestry, approaches the Yalaini Elders and demands they share the food they have in the storehouses. The Elders refuse and have the mage and his followers run out of the village. Ilservian's son dies soon thereafter.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,962</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>Ancient scrolls record this as a time when clans of nomad Lugians, led by powerful male warriors, roam the planet Tuu. Clan leadership is obtained by killing all rivals in combat. Female Lugians are no more than clan property, left in their ramshackle villages, responsible only for feeding the clan and caring for the young.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,953</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>During an extremely violent storm, Ilservian, having vowed to return light to the world and finding none, in despair now calls out to the darkness for aid instead. Something in the darkness answers, offering him and his followers power and a means to obtain revenge. Ilservian agrees and steps into Shadow.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,898</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br><i>Rhethis Eipoth - "First Age of Lore"</i>
<br>Almost 80 years after the sun was last seen, a single shaft of sunlight pokes through the clouds of dust and ash. Twenty years later, the skies are finally free of their influence. With the end of the Black Rains, Emperor Caerlin I declares a new age for the Empire.
<br><br>Many Empyreans spent much of the period of Black Rains hiding in shelters, and this long confinement gave them much time to think. While many want to return to the life they enjoyed before the rains, others feel their race must first gain a greater understanding of the world around them. With this greater knowledge in hand, they hope they will be able to prevent future catastrophes. To further this goal, accomplished mages found a magical research facility on Dereth.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,593</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>Lady Rajael Fellarien is convicted of desecrating the island of Marae Lassel, a nature preserve and religious retreat. She maintains that she has been seeking a great evil that resides deep below the island. For her crime, her line is divested of its nobility and she is stripped of the title of Protector of Marae Lassel. A tower is constructed to imprison her in the frozen wastelands of the south, where her only companions will be her Golem guards.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,562</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>Asheron Realaidain is born, the first son of Atlan, Lord of Knorr and an accomplished alchemist, and Lady Maila, Master of the Knorr Lyceum.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,532</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>Reports from Daralet of people, especially children, simply disappearing begin to trickle in to the Imperial capital of Tentael. As these reports and stories spread, the populace in neighboring villages become terrified. Emperor Caerlin sends forces to the borders of the Empire to investigate.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,527</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>When contact with the town of Daralet is lost, Lord Atlan and his forces are ordered to look into the situation. Of the thousands of men and women sent on this mission, only a single female squire returns. Driven mad by the experience, she raves about shadowy men, women, and children enveloping and defeating them, all led by a great winged creature. Soon after this, the Shadow begins to grow at an accelerated rate until it covers the entire Dericost continent. Forces sent against this growing Shadow never return and the Yalaini Empire is unable to ascertain who or what is behind these attacks. The only visible manifestation, the black winged creature, eventually earns the Yalaini name "Bael'Zharon," meaning "Slayer of Hope."
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,364</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>In this year, the first reported sighting of one of Bael'Zharon's "Thorns," which Isparians would later call a Shadow Spire, occurs. Surviving texts tell that these objects are comprised of a Gromnatross, an enormous winged creature which is somehow combined with the forms of hundreds of captured Empyreans. This horrific lifefrom provides the Spires with the ability to pull and shape the mana currents of the worlds.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,212</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>With Bael'Zharon's forces assaulting the Empire's holdings in the Haebrous continent, the Emperor commands the greatest mages of the time to convene what comes to be called "The Council of Five." These mages are to find a way to stop the Shadows. Those called are:
:* Viceroy Uweden Kormar, the aged scholar and mage who had governed Gelid for the Empire before it fell to the Shadows.
:* Lady Rajael Fellarien, who is freed from her confinement in the southern wastes.
:* Lord Kerenth Portenaer, who is promoted from the ranks of the Emperor's personal guard, the Order of Hieromancers.
:* Lady Adja, a prophetess and priestess of the Ithnaec Cathedral.
:* Lady Maila Realaidain, Master of the Knorr Lyceum and widow of Lord Atlan. (Lady Maila's son Asheron also accompanies her and serves as an assistant to the Council.)
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,128</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>The Yalaini forces lead a desperate retreat from the Haebrous lands. In a bid to provide them with more time to make good their retreat, the Council of Five confronts the Shadow mage leading the assault against the Haebrous town of Dernhale. During the battle, the mage reveals her name to be Elithra of Daralet. Finally, through the combined might of the Council, this powerful mage is defeated. Her death sows confusion among the Shadows and gives the Yalaini forces time to evacuate the town.
<br><br>Upon their return to the Imperial capital, the Council comes to the conclusion that the winged creature Bael'Zharon, always seen leading the Shadow forces, is in fact a conduit for the Shadow forces' power. They theorize that, if they can break this connection, the threat of the Shadows should be almost completely eliminated. The Council also makes a search of Imperial archives for references to Elithra of Daralet and discovers she'd been a follower of Ilservian Palacost who had accompanied him when he'd been cast out of Daralet. The Yalaini now know the man Bael'Zharon once was, and that they were responsible for making him the monster he now is.
<br><br>As an adept, Asheron has been studying planar magics. He proposes to the Council that these form the seed of a plan to trap Bael'Zharon. Using an array of magically charged crystals, he theorizes that Bael'Zharon can be trapped in a pocket of portalspace. Once cut off from the force empowering him and his followers, Bael'Zharon will no longer be a threat.
<br><br>As the remnants of the Yalaini armies try to board ships bound for the Yalaini archipelago, Emperor Caerlin I and his Heiromancer guards challenge another Shadow general, Omadin. As the Emperor presses his attack, Omadin summons a cloud of Black Breath to his defense. At the moment the Emperor's blade severs Omadin's head from his body, a wisp of black mist touches Caerlin's arm and leaves a patch of darkness. This poisons Caerlin, causing him agonizing pain, and in the coming years the pain increases as the patch grows and covers more of his arm, eventually driving him mad.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-2,003</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>The Imperial capital of Tentael falls to the Shadows. The remnants of the Yalaini Empire are pushed back to their final stronghold, the island of Dereth (known to them as "Ireth Lassel"). Unknown to the Yalain, the remnants of the Dericost Kingdom's undead armies put aside their differences to delay the Shadow forces at the battle of Ayn Tayan. The delay allows the Crystal Array proposed by Asheron to be completed at the Jailne Lyceum. Once completed, the enormous power of this device draws Bael'Zharon's attention.
<br><br>As Bael'Zharon breaks through the Lyceum's defenses and touches the Array, the Council of Five casts the final incantations and flings him into the portalspace prison they had prepared for him. The energies coursing through the Array soon overpower it and result in an explosion that shatters the Array into six pieces. The explosion obliterates the Shadow forces surrounding the Lyceum and creates the Obsidian Plains. All members of the Council of Five are also killed in the explosion, although Asheron survives. Moments before the Array was activated, his mother and Lady Adja both cast an ancient Falatacot protection spell on him. In addition to protecting him, this spell also greatly slows Asheron's aging.
<br><br><i>Torethis Eipoth - "Second Age of Lore"</i>
<br>With the defeat of Bael'Zharon, Emperor Caerlin I declares a new age for the Empire. Once again the Empire begins rebuilding all that was destroyed and magical experimentation receives even more emphasis by the survivors. The Emperor commands that all pieces of the Array be found and hidden in protected vaults. Those who locate the Shards of the Array report that the shards seem to be showing a limited form of consciousness, attempting to bury themselves deep within the earth. Eventually five of the six pieces are discovered, but no trace of the sixth piece can be found. Asheron returns to his ancestral home on the island of Knorr, where he takes on the role of Master of the Knorr Lyceum, the position previously held by his mother.
|align=left valign=top|<b>-1,999</b>
|align=left valign=top|
<br>Emperor Caerlin I is finally consumed by the disease given to him by his exposure to a swath of Black Breath and dies. His son, Durglen, ascends to the throne and takes the Imperial name of Caerlin II.

<b>To continue on to the Third Volume, click below:</b>
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
<br>[[??|<font color=#000080><b>Volume III: The Fall from Grace (-1,804 to -891)</b></font>]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 5,000.

=== [[Spectral Bushi Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 5,000.
=== [[Spectral Mage Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 4,000.
=== [[Spectral Minion Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 5,000.
=== [[Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 4,000.
=== [[Spectral Samurai Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 5,000.
== [[Neftet]] ==
=== [[A'nekshay Bracer Collecting]] ===
[[Lost City of Neftet]]
* Quest introduced.
[[Balance of Power]]
* [[Adventurer's Token]] reward changed to [[Legendary Token]] (x2).
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x3).
* [[Luminance]] reward increased from 2,000 to 3,000.
=== [[Golem Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]] ===
[[Lost City of Neftet]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[Balance of Power]]
* Item reward of an [[Adventurer's Token]] (x2) changed to a [[Legendary Token]] (x4).
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward of a [[Legendary Token]] (x4) changed to a [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x3).
* Luminance reward increased from 4,000 to 5,000.
=== [[Mumiyah Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]] ===
[[Lost City of Neftet]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[Balance of Power]]
* Item reward changed from an [[Adventurer's Token]] to [[Legendary Token]] (x2).
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x2) to an [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x3).
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 4,000.
=== [[Prickly Pear Collecting]] ===
[[Lost City of Neftet]]
* Quest introduced.
[[Balance of Power]]
* Reward changed from [[Adventurer's Token]] to [[Legendary Token]] (x2).
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x2).
=== [[Reedshark Hunting: Lost City of Neftet]] ===
[[Lost City of Neftet]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[Stirrings in the Dark]]
* Neftet Reedsharks updated and should now do more damage to players with shields.
[[Balance of Power]]
* Item reward changed from an [[Adventurer's Token]] to a [[Legendary Token]] (x2).
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from a [[Legendary Token]] (x2) to an [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x3).
* Luminance reward increased from 2,000 to 3,000.
== [[Rynthid Infested Plains]] ==
=== [[Kill: Empowered Wisps]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
* [[Legendary Token]] (x3) reward changed to an [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x3).
* [[Trade Note (250,000)]] added to rewards.
=== [[Kill: Rynthid Minions]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x3) to a [[Durable Legendary Key]] (x2).
* Luminance reward increased from 3,000 to 7,000.
=== [[Kill: Rynthid Ragers]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x3) to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 3,000 to 7,000.
=== [[Kill: Rynthid Rare Boss]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x3) to a [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x2).
* Luminance reward increased from ?? to 8,000.
=== [[Kill: Rynthid Rifts]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x3) to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 3,000 to 5,000.
=== [[Kill: Rynthid Slayers]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x3) to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 3,000 to 7,000.
=== [[Kill: Rynthid Sorcerers]] ===
[[Emotions Unbound]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x3) to a [[Durable Legendary Key]].
* Luminance reward increased from 3,000 to 7,000.
=== [[Seed of Power]] ===
[[Dreams of Torment]]
* Quest introduced.
[[Feelings of Dread]]
* [[Vision of Horror (Seed of Power)|Vision of Horror]] NPC replaced with [[Virindi Delegate (Seed of Power)|Virindi Delegate]].
[[Shattered Masks]]
* [[Legendary Token]] (x5) reward changed to [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x4).
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.
== [[Snowy Valley]] ==
== [[Tou-Tou]] ==
=== [[Devourer Margul Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from [[Legendary Token]] (x2) to [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x5).
* [[Luminance]] reward increased from 2,500 to 3,500.
=== [[Grievver Shredder Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward of a [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to an [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x5).
* Luminance reward increased from 2,500 to 4,000.
=== [[Shadow Flyer Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from a [[Legendary Token]] (x2) to an [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x5).
* Luminance reward increased from 2,500 to 4,500.
=== [[Shadow Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward changed from a [[Legendary Token]] (x2) to an [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x5).
* Luminance reward increased from 3,000 to 4,500.
=== [[Void Lord Kill Task]] ===
[[The Risen Princess]]
* Kill task introduced.
[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Item reward of [[Legendary Token]] (x2) changed to [[Aged Legendary Key]] (x5).
* Luminance reward increased from 2,500 to 3,500.
== [[Viridian Rise]] ==

Latest revision as of 11:52, 5 March 2020

Legendary Quests

Legendary Token was introduced in Balance of Power. Article states it is a reward from the following quests (strike-through are confirmed to have been updated to remove the tokens):

Ancient Graveyard:

Hoshino Fortress:


Rynthid Infested Plains:

Snowy Valley:

  • None


Viridian Rise:

  • None

Hoshino Fortress (area)

Golem Samurai Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Archer Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Blade and Claw Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Bushi Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Mage Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Minion Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Spectral Samurai Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom


A'nekshay Bracer Collecting

Lost City of Neftet

  • Quest introduced.

Balance of Power

The Quest for Freedom

Golem Hunting: Lost City of Neftet

Lost City of Neftet

  • Kill task introduced.

Balance of Power

The Quest for Freedom

Mumiyah Hunting: Lost City of Neftet

Lost City of Neftet

  • Kill task introduced.

Balance of Power

The Quest for Freedom

Prickly Pear Collecting

Lost City of Neftet

  • Quest introduced.

Balance of Power

The Quest for Freedom

Reedshark Hunting: Lost City of Neftet

Lost City of Neftet

  • Kill task introduced.

Stirrings in the Dark

  • Neftet Reedsharks updated and should now do more damage to players with shields.

Balance of Power

The Quest for Freedom

Rynthid Infested Plains

Kill: Empowered Wisps

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.


Kill: Rynthid Minions

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Kill: Rynthid Ragers

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Kill: Rynthid Rare Boss

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Kill: Rynthid Rifts

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Kill: Rynthid Slayers

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Kill: Rynthid Sorcerers

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Seed of Power

Dreams of Torment

  • Quest introduced.

Feelings of Dread

Shattered Masks

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.

Snowy Valley


Devourer Margul Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Grievver Shredder Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Shadow Flyer Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Shadow Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Void Lord Kill Task

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

Viridian Rise