Hunting Aun Ralirea: Difference between revisions

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m (AFAIK, there are no level restrictions to this quest (marae plateau is no longer 35+))
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{{Quest Summary
{{Quest Summary
  |   Patch Introduced = [[Dark Majesty]]
  |               Level = Any
  |     Related Quests =  
  |   Recommended Level = 50
|            Updated = [[A Perfect Paradox]],<br>[[Pillars Made of Sand]],<br>[[All That They Survey]]
|          Live Image = Aun Ralirea Live.jpg
|  Live Image Caption = Aun Ralirea
  |          Quest Type = Solo
  |          Quest Type = Solo
  |           Kill Task = False
  |         Starts With =  
  |     Start Location = [[Ahurenga]] / [[Marae Lassel Plateau]]
  |           Starts At = [[Marescent Plateau]]
  |               Timer = Once per character.
|              Route = [[Timaru]]
  |    Time to Complete = 24 hours to hand in Figurine
  |       Repeat Timer = Non Repeatable
|  Level Restrictions = 35+
  |    Time to Complete =  
|  Level Suggestions = 35+
  |          Contracts = [[Contract for Hunting Aun Ralirea]]
  |          Contracts = [[Contract for Hunting Aun Ralirea]]
|        Item Rewards = [[Skill Credit]]
|    Luminance Reward =
|      Max XP Reward = None
|              Titles =
|  Link Walk Through = True
|          Link Maps = False
|          Link Items = True
|    Link XP Rewards = False
|  Link Title Rewards = False
|        Link Images = False
|  Link Lore & Dialog = True
|          Link Notes = True
== Walk Through ==
== Overview ==
# <font color="green">[OPTIONAL]</font> Speak to [[Hea Arantah]] in [[Ahurenga]] and purchase the [[Aun Ralirea (Rumor)]] from [[Hea Camauri the Barkeep]].
Quest to gain an additional [[Skill Credit]] to purchase [[Skills]] with.
# <font color="green">[OPTIONAL]</font> Obtain the [[Contract for Hunting Aun Ralirea]] from [[Barkeeper Lazzaro]] in the Annex wing of the [[Town Network]].
# Hunt [[Aun Ralirea]] on the plateau, he is a rare random spawn and can appear anywhere on the plateau, though he is more commonly found in the northern half.
#* Route: From the [[Town Network]], take the Annex (south) wing to [[Timaru]].
#* <font color=green>[Tip] - </font>Because the spawn is rare, hours can be spent trying to find him unsuccessfully. One strategy to greatly increase the odds is to drop all five bells for the [[Olthoi Queen Quest]]. This causes the plateau to be overrun with olthoi spawns. Because there are far more spawn points, Ralirea has a much higher chance of spawning. If you also choose to kill the olthoi for [[Tesserae]], it isn't uncommon to see [[Aun Ralirea]] three or more times.
#* <font color=green>[Tip] - </font> From Severlin on 03/05/10: "Your best bet is to actually kill spawns. Since he is a random spawn off generators in the area the more generator activity the more likely you are to find him. If you just run around looking for him and don't clear any spawns it is possible he just hasn't spawned at all."
# [[Aun Ralirea]] speaks in open chat when you are near him. Be sure the person that needs the skill credit kills him, he drops a [[Clay Figurine]] that you take back to [[Hea Arantah]] in [[Ahurenga]] for the skill credit and if the person handing did not kill him (ID corpse if uncertain), no credit will be given. You must also hand the figurine to Arantah within 24 hours.

== Items ==
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
# Hunt [[Aun Ralirea]] on the [[Marescent Plateau]], he is a rare random spawn and can appear anywhere on the plateau, though he is more commonly found in the northern half.
#* Note: Because the spawn is rare, hours can be spent trying to find him unsuccessfully. One strategy to greatly increase the odds is to drop all five bells for the [[Olthoi Queen Quest]]. This causes the plateau to be overrun with olthoi spawns. Because there are far more spawn points, Ralirea has a much higher chance of spawning. If you also choose to kill the olthoi for [[Tesserae]], it isn't uncommon to see [[Aun Ralirea]] three or more times.
#* Note: From Severlin on 03/05/10| "Your best bet is to actually kill spawns. Since he is a random spawn off generators in the area the more generator activity the more likely you are to find him. If you just run around looking for him and don't clear any spawns it is possible he just hasn't spawned at all."
# [[Aun Ralirea]] speaks in open chat when you are near him. Be sure the person that needs the skill credit kills him, he drops a {{Itemlink|Clay Figurine}} that you take back to [[Hea Arantah]] in [[Ahurenga]] for the skill credit and if the person handing did not kill him (ID corpse if uncertain), no credit will be given.
#* Note: You must hand the figurine to Arantah within 20 hours of looting it to gain the skill credit.

{{Item Table|Caption=Quest Items
== Dungeons & Maps ==
  | Aun Ralirea (Rumor)
No quest dungeons.
  | Clay Figurine
== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
|           Quest Task =  
  |         Item Reward = 
* {{Itemlink|Ebon Spine Harpoon (Missile Weapons)}}
* {{Itemlink|Ebon Spine Harpoon (Heavy Weapons)}}
|        Max XP Reward =  |        Percent of Level =  |        Level Cap =
| Repeat Max XP Reward =  | Repeat Percent of Level =  |  Repeat Level Cap =
  |     Luminance Reward =
|        Title Reward =
|        Other Reward = 1 [[Skill Credit]]

{{Item Table|Caption=Rewards
== Images ==
| Ebon Spine Harpoon (TW)
Click image for full size version.
| Ebon Spine Harpoon (Spear)
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
File:Aun Ralirea Live.jpg|Aun Ralirea
File:Hea Arantah Live.jpg|Hea Arantah
== Dialog ==
;Opening Dialog
|Young Arantah glowers at you
|Hea Arantah tells you, "What do you want, man-thing? Be quick, and do not lie, for the atual arutoa have given me many eyes to see the truth with. Annoy me at your own risk, for my anger is quick and my power great... As the Aun have learned."
|Young Arantah looks annoyed - which seems to be his natural state
|Hea Arantah tells you, "What? Can't you see I'm busy? I have many responsibilities here!
|Hea Arantah tells you, "That Aun hunter, for one. What's his name?
|Arantah belches loudly as Nyrinua calls over, "Ralirea, my Tah.
|Hea Arantah tells you, "Ralirea, yes. Don't CORRECT me, Nyri.
|Hea Arantah tells you, "Anyway, this old Aun dustongue - Ralirea - poaches the gromnies of my plateau! If someone would kill him, and bring me that figurine he wears within a day as proof..."
;Hea Arantah (After killing Aun Ralirea)
|Hea Arantah tells you, "You're [Player Name]! They told me what you did - you killed that poacher Ralirea! Give me his figurine. Quickly, quickly!"
;Handing in Clay Figurine (Earned)
|You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine
|Hea Arantah tells you, "Wow, great! Ha ha! I warned them not to send their hunters on to my plateau!
|Young Arantah clutches his fist around the little figurine, so tightly the veins in his wrist stand in relief. His eyes flash violet, and after a muffled crunch, clay dust begins to trickle through his fingers. He looks up at you and grins boyishly
|Hea Arantah tells you, "That was a trick my friends taught me, way back when I was driven from Timaru. I could do the same to your head, you know.
|Hea Arantah tells you, "I'm kidding! You've been a friend the Hea, and I reward my friends. Here...
|Arantah places his hand on your forehead and his eyes glow blue-white. You feel... enlightened...
|You have gained a skill point!
;Handing in Clay Figurine (Unearned)
|Hea Arantah tells you, "Ha! Your keh is all wrong! You were not the one who slew Ralirea this day - someone else did, and gave you his totem. Tell your friend to come and collect my reward himself, I am too important to deal with errand-runners."
;Quest Repeat
|You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine
|A suspicious scowl lumbers across the young Tumerok chieftain's face
|Hea Arantah tells you, "Now wait. My memory isn't what it used to be since the atual arutoa... bettered me, but I do remember your face, [Player Name].
|Hea Arantah tells you, "Yes... I rewarded you for Ralirea's death before. That means this figurine must be a fake! You dare try to fool the mighty friend of the atual? Go away before I use my Grip on you!"

== Lore & Dialog ==
== Update History ==
'''Speaking to Hea Arantah'''<br>
{{Update History|
:<font color=green>Young Arantah glowers at you.</font>
[[Dark Majesty (expansion)]]
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Arantah tells you, "What do you want, man-thing? Be quick, and do not lie, for the atual arutoa have given me many eyes to see the truth with. Annoy me at your own risk, for my anger is quick and my power great... As the Aun have learned."</font>
* Quest introduced.
:<font color=green>Young Arantah looks annoyed - which seems to be his natural state.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Arantah tells you, "What? Can't you see I'm busy? I have many responsibilities here!"
:<font color=green>Hea Arantah tells you, "That Aun hunter, for one. What's his name?"</font>
:Arantah belches loudly as Nyrinua calls over, "Ralirea, my Tah."
:Hea Arantah tells you, "Ralirea, yes. Don't CORRECT me, Nyri."
:Hea Arantah tells you, "Anyway, this old Aun dustongue - Ralirea - poaches the gromnies of my plateau! If someone would kill him, and bring me that figurine he wears within a day as proof..."</font>
'''When attacking Aun Ralirea'''<br>
<font color=green>
:Ralirea grunts as he swings his harpoon, "[Player Name], I am among the greatest of the Aun hunters. You have little chance against me. Go you on your ways, and leave my party be."</font>
'''Killing Aun Ralirea'''<br>
<font color=green>
:The mighty Ralirea sags from [Player Name]'s fatal blow. "Ah, Mirakah," he murmurs. "I shall not be able to fill our stores this winter. But I will meet you at the lodge, my love... at last..." So saying, the hunter passes like the wind over sea.</font>
'''Aun Ralirea's songs and other messages'''<br>
<font color=green>
:Ralirea sings, "In a distant land my love came to me
:Her hair in braid and bow;
:And long ago over shining sea
:My love was lost in a gate's blue glow.
:'Where has she gone?' her mother wails.
:'Where has she gone?' she asks of me.
:The wind asks 'Where?' in the sails
:As ever I search over land and sea.
:In a distant land my love was lost.
:I seek it still, wherever I go,
:through snow and gale and storm and frost:
:Just a glimpse,
:one more glimpse,
:of that gate's blue glow."
:Ralirea sings, "The falling leaves glow red and gold,
:the colors of faded glory,
:the colors of faded dreams.
:When I was young and strong and bold,
:Ere I was old and hoary,
:I knew that glory, so red, so gold---
:The colors of faded dreams."
:Ralirea grasps the small clay figurine that dangles from his neck, and holds it before the flickering light of the fire.
:Ralirea pokes the wood of his fire with a stick, and a swarm of embers ascend like fireflies. The hunter watches them, and sighs. "Ever do they fade," he murmurs.
:Ralirea looks away toward the distant sea, and murmurs, "Somewhere..."</font>
'''When you return after killing Aun Ralirea.'''<br>
:<font color=green>Hea Arantah tells you, "You're [Player Name]! They told me what you did - you killed that poacher Ralirea! Give me his figurine. Quickly, quickly!"</font>
:<font color=green>You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Arantah tells you, "Wow, great! Ha ha! I warned them not to send their hunters on to my plateau!"</font>
:<font color=green>Young Arantah clutches his fist around the little figurine, so tightly the veins in his wrist stand in relief. :His eyes flash violet, and after a muffled crunch, clay dust begins to trickle through his fingers. He looks up at you and grins boyishly.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Arantah tells you, "That was a trick my friends taught me, way back when I was driven from Timaru. :I could do the same to your head, you know."
:Hea Arantah tells you, "I'm kidding! You've been a friend the Hea, and I reward my friends. Here..."</font>
:<font color=green>Arantah places his hand on your forehead and his eyes glow blue-white. You feel... enlightened...
:You have gained a skill point!</font>
'''Handing in the Clay Figurine when you didn't get the kill'''<br>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Hea Arantah tells you, "Ha! Your keh is all wrong! You were not the one who slew Ralirea this day - someone else did, and gave you his totem. Tell your friend to come and collect my reward himself, I am too important to deal with errand-runners."</font>
'''If you hand him the Clay Figurine after getting credit before.'''<br>
:<font color=green>You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine.
:A suspicious scowl lumbers across the young Tumerok chieftain's face.
:Hea Arantah tells you, "Now wait. My memory isn't what it used to be since the atual arutoa... bettered me, but I do remember your face, [Player Name]."
:Hea Arantah tells you, "Yes... I rewarded you for Ralirea's death before. That means this figurine must be a fake! You dare try to fool the mighty friend of the atual? Go away before I use my Grip on you!"</font>

== Notes ==
[[A Perfect Paradox]]
* During the [[A Perfect Paradox]] event, the cold and slashing damage (changed by altering the power setting) of the Ebon Spine Harpoon Spear was changed to just cold.
* [[Ebon Spine Harpoon (Spear)]] updated.
* During the [[Pillars Made of Sand]] event, the following changes were made to the quest:
** Aun Ralirea's was updated so his generation was no longer be tied to the status of the Olthoi Queen Quest.
[[Pillars Made of Sand]]
** Damage on Harpoon spear increased from 4.8 - 12 to 6.8 - 17.
* Aun Ralirea spawn no longer tied to the status of the [[Olthoi Queen Quest]].
* During the [[All That They Survey]] event, the spawn rate for [[Aun Ralirea]] was increased.
* [[Ebon Spine Harpoon (Spear)]] updated.
* During the [[Retributions]] event, a [[Contract for Hunting Aun Ralirea]] was added.
[[All That They Survey]]
* Spawn rate for [[Aun Ralirea]] increased.

Latest revision as of 14:56, 14 February 2016

Walkthrough & Notes     Dungeons & Maps     Rewards     Images     Dialog     Update History
Hunting Aun Ralirea
Level: Any
Rec. Level: 50
Type: Solo
Starts At: Marescent Plateau
Route: Timaru
Repeat: Non Repeatable
Contracts: Contract for Hunting Aun Ralirea


Quest to gain an additional Skill Credit to purchase Skills with.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Hunt Aun Ralirea on the Marescent Plateau, he is a rare random spawn and can appear anywhere on the plateau, though he is more commonly found in the northern half.
    • Note: Because the spawn is rare, hours can be spent trying to find him unsuccessfully. One strategy to greatly increase the odds is to drop all five bells for the Olthoi Queen Quest. This causes the plateau to be overrun with olthoi spawns. Because there are far more spawn points, Ralirea has a much higher chance of spawning. If you also choose to kill the olthoi for Tesserae, it isn't uncommon to see Aun Ralirea three or more times.
    • Note: From Severlin on 03/05/10| "Your best bet is to actually kill spawns. Since he is a random spawn off generators in the area the more generator activity the more likely you are to find him. If you just run around looking for him and don't clear any spawns it is possible he just hasn't spawned at all."
  2. Aun Ralirea speaks in open chat when you are near him. Be sure the person that needs the skill credit kills him, he drops a Clay Figurine that you take back to Hea Arantah in Ahurenga for the skill credit and if the person handing did not kill him (ID corpse if uncertain), no credit will be given.
    • Note: You must hand the figurine to Arantah within 20 hours of looting it to gain the skill credit.

Dungeons & Maps

No quest dungeons.


Other: 1 Skill Credit


Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Young Arantah glowers at you

Hea Arantah tells you, "What do you want, man-thing? Be quick, and do not lie, for the atual arutoa have given me many eyes to see the truth with. Annoy me at your own risk, for my anger is quick and my power great... As the Aun have learned."

Young Arantah looks annoyed - which seems to be his natural state

Hea Arantah tells you, "What? Can't you see I'm busy? I have many responsibilities here!

Hea Arantah tells you, "That Aun hunter, for one. What's his name?

Arantah belches loudly as Nyrinua calls over, "Ralirea, my Tah.

Hea Arantah tells you, "Ralirea, yes. Don't CORRECT me, Nyri.

Hea Arantah tells you, "Anyway, this old Aun dustongue - Ralirea - poaches the gromnies of my plateau! If someone would kill him, and bring me that figurine he wears within a day as proof..."
Hea Arantah (After killing Aun Ralirea)

Hea Arantah tells you, "You're [Player Name]! They told me what you did - you killed that poacher Ralirea! Give me his figurine. Quickly, quickly!"
Handing in Clay Figurine (Earned)

You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine

Hea Arantah tells you, "Wow, great! Ha ha! I warned them not to send their hunters on to my plateau!

Young Arantah clutches his fist around the little figurine, so tightly the veins in his wrist stand in relief. His eyes flash violet, and after a muffled crunch, clay dust begins to trickle through his fingers. He looks up at you and grins boyishly

Hea Arantah tells you, "That was a trick my friends taught me, way back when I was driven from Timaru. I could do the same to your head, you know.

Hea Arantah tells you, "I'm kidding! You've been a friend the Hea, and I reward my friends. Here...

Arantah places his hand on your forehead and his eyes glow blue-white. You feel... enlightened...

You have gained a skill point!
Handing in Clay Figurine (Unearned)

Hea Arantah tells you, "Ha! Your keh is all wrong! You were not the one who slew Ralirea this day - someone else did, and gave you his totem. Tell your friend to come and collect my reward himself, I am too important to deal with errand-runners."
Quest Repeat

You give Hea Arantah Clay Figurine

A suspicious scowl lumbers across the young Tumerok chieftain's face

Hea Arantah tells you, "Now wait. My memory isn't what it used to be since the atual arutoa... bettered me, but I do remember your face, [Player Name].

Hea Arantah tells you, "Yes... I rewarded you for Ralirea's death before. That means this figurine must be a fake! You dare try to fool the mighty friend of the atual? Go away before I use my Grip on you!"

Update History

Dark Majesty (expansion)

  • Quest introduced.

A Perfect Paradox

Pillars Made of Sand

All That They Survey