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[[Image:Intelligent Designs Splash Screen Mini.jpg|right|frame|<center>Click image to go right to the new stuff.</center>]]
'''July 2007''' - [[Announcements - 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs|Announcements Page]]
'''July 2007'''
== Turbine Announcements ==
=== Teaser - [ Link] ===

Adso stalked through the swamp under cover of night, moving from bush to bush in a hunched crawl that was a compromise between his need for stealth and his desire to keep his nose out of the fetid marsh water.  The water in this area smelled particularly foul.  It reeked of all the familiar swamp gases that he’d come to know and loathe in his past excursions into Blackmire, but it also carried with it a new and less familiar odor.  It was a sharp, cloying odor, redolent of ozone. He stopped for a moment, trying to place the scent, trying to remember where he’d last encountered this odor…
== Game Changes ==
* A new Live Events vendor has been added to the game. When a player participates in a live event, the person running the event will now give out live op tokens that can be given to the new vendor in exchange for the reward of their choosing.

“Scent can be an important tool,” Master had told him once, at the start of their training.  “Often times, moving through forest or jungle, the smell of your prey will alert you to their presence before you can see or hear them.  Especially if you are hunting Mosswarts or Banderlings.  Conversely, your smell will almost certainly betray your presence if you’re stalking any kind of animal, and certain well-trained humans as well.”  Master had smiled sharply at this, always amused by his own jokes.  “Always try and approach from downwind, my apprentice.  Or, failing that, try rolling around in some muck and dirt if you’re stalking prey out in the wilds, and maybe your milk-drinking man-stink won’t give you away.”
== New Quests ==
* [[Monouga Laboratory]]
* [[Paradox-touched Olthoi Egg Quest]]
* [[Tanada Temple of Black Water Quest]]
* [[Paradox-touched Nymph Kill Task]]
* [[Paradox-touched Grub Kill Task]]

Adso reflected on that advice as he hunkered in the muck of the swamp.  He was already covered toe to neck in the effluvium of the Blackmire, and the reek was starting to interfere with his own sense of smell.  He dared not dunk his head in, to block his nose and mouth with the stink.
== New NPCs ==
* [[Adrien Swiftblade]]
* [[Alicia Swiftblade]]
* [[Corporal Liao Chen]]
* [[Pau Yajin]]
* [[Pevilo ibn Djimin]]
* [[Tomihino]]

He shook his head, breaking himself out of his reverie, and bent his mind back to the task at hand.  He could see lights ahead, just a stone’s throw away.  A few minutes later, after very careful and stealthy progress, he spotted the source of activity through a gap in the undergrowth.  Somehow the Tanada had constructed a Sho tower in the swamp!  He could see a few human forms, silhouetted by firelight, moving back and forth in front of the tower’s opening.  There also appeared to be some kind of earthworks in the vicinity, a pile of earth excavated from the festering ground and piled near the tower.
== New Locations ==
* [[Paradox-touched Valley]]
* [[Deeper Catacombs (Paradox)]]
* [[Tanada Temple of Black Water]]
* [[Ward Guardian Cave]]
* [[Monouga Laboratory (80+)]]
* [[Monouga Laboratory (120+)]]
* [[Monouga Laboratory (150+)]]

Adso found a good ambush spot in the lee of a banyan tree and watched for patrols. As he waited, he checked on the state of his enchantments, making sure that the armoring spells set on his well-worn leather armor were still strong.  He’d fought the Tanada enough times to appreciate the help of a good armor enchantment.
== New Items ==
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Armor]]
  | Mask of the Depths

Satisfied with the state of his armor, he watched as a sentry walked out near his position from the tower. Grinning in anticipation of a clean and satisfying kill, he readied his knife, also blessed with powerful enchantments, and allowed the prey to come to him.
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Currency Items]]
  | Hero Token

The Tanada moved stealthily and warily, showing an admirable sense of discipline as he patrolled the outer perimeter of this godforsaken outpost. He moved as if expecting attack at any moment, but he did not seem to show any awareness that Adso was there.
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Weapon Summoning Items]]
| "Doom Hammer" Summoning Gem
| "Burning Bow" Summoning Gem
| "Assassin's Crossbow" Summoning Gem
| "Assassin's Dagger" Summoning Gem
| "Club of Undead Bashing" Summoning Gem
| "Chorizite Staff" Summoning Gem
| "Bloodletter" Summoning Gem
| "Commoner's Sword" Summoning Gem
| "Lord's Sword" Summoning Gem
| "Throwing Daggers of Ice" Summoning Gem
| "Vampire's Kiss" Summoning Gem
  | "Ice Wand" Summoning Gem

Adso’s own skill proved to be superior to the Tanada’s. In the hazy night of the swamp, where moonlight filtered unevenly through the trees and swamp gases flickered in the distance, Adso’s strike could not have been more perfect.  He was a silent shadow, flitting out briefly from the shelter of the banyan to grab the patrolling assassin.  In one swift movement, he wrapped one arm around the Tanada’s throat and mouth, plunging his thick-bladed knife into the back of the Tanada’s neck, cleanly severing the spinal column even as he closed in on his foe.  An efficient, nearly bloodless kill, so that his enemies would not even be alerted by the smell of blood.
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Keys]]
  | Black Water Key

The Tanada collapsed without a sound, and Adso laid the corpse neatly down in the shadow of the banyan tree where he’d been hiding.  The body disposed of, he stalked out into the swamp once more, moving slowly towards the tower again.  He could see two more guards.  If he was lucky, he could get to the tower and the dig site without alerting any of them. He still hadn’t decided which one to investigate first. He was under no illusions that he’d long remain undiscovered as soon as he breached the threshold of either structure.
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Objects]]
  | Black Water Threshold
  | Shrine of Black Water

Barely a minute after his clean and perfect kill, he noticed a stirring from the earthworks. He could see half a dozen Tanada, clad in scaly dark armor that looked black in the dim light, streaming swiftly from the opening in the ground. They were all coming towards his position. They all had blades out. They made not a sound as they swarmed towards him.
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Quest Items]]
  | Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem
  | Paradox-touched Olthoi Egg
  | Jade Medallion of the Depths
  | Mask of the Watcher of Black Water

This shouldn’t have been possible. How could they know where he was? It was almost as if they were in instant communication with each other…
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Text Items]]
  | Tusker Experiment Orb
  | Olthoi Experiment Log
| Monouga Experiment Log
| Black Water Watcher's Shard
| Translated Black Water Watcher's Shard

There was a splash behind him. One of the Tanada had dropped out of the branches of the very tree where he’d stashed the first murdered assassin. This one bore no weapons, but his fingers were bunched and pointed in a position that Adso had among the most advanced practitioners of the Sho fighting arts. He had no time to defend himself. The assassin’s hand jabbed forward, almost too fast to track, and he felt an explosion of pain in his ribs.
== New Creatures ==
{{Creature Class|Human
  | Acolyte of the Depths
| Fist of the Depths
  | Master of the Depths
  | Black Water Gatekeeper
{{Creature Class|Virindi
  | Watcher of the Black Water

“Nonsense,” he said, as he felt the too-keen bite of an iron-hard hand.  “Armor spell… failed…”  He hadn’t felt a punch that hard since he’d tangled with that nest of Hollow Minions…
== New Dialog ==
;Town Crier
''Viamontian Town Criers''

All of a sudden it made sense.  The responsiveness of the Tanada guards, the sharp tang of otherworldly corruption in the air, the assassin’s fist that blasted through his magical protection like a dagger through cheap linen…
|Town Crier tells you, "The King has reluctantly agreed to spread the bloodless leaders request for help. Ahem."

The world went light, and he blacked out before the other Tanada arrived to finish him off.
|Town Crier tells you, "Hear ye, Hear ye! The bloodless harlot cowers in her castle while her inept warriors test their mettle against a new breed of Olthoi that have appeared to the North of their town Arwic. Feel free to show them how a true warrior fights."

|Town Crier tells you, "It seems that the bloodless have attracted an interesting shopkeep to their town of Arwic. Word is that he requires proof of heroic deeds before he will sell to someone."
=== Rollout - [ Link] ===
|Town Crier tells you, "Hehe, my child could buy something from him before a bloodless warrior had proof of heroism."
Borelean, prince of New Aluvia and leader of the Whispering Blade, turned back to view the tactical map which had caused such consternation of late.

A map of the island of Dereth had been unrolled upon the table, depicting the land from the rain forests of the Vesayens to the cold Viamontian strongholds of Marae Lassel and the Halaetans, and from the tainted wildernesses of Vissidalthe Dark Isle to the strange formation known as the Singularity Caul.  Borelean pointed at markers that had been placed at various points upon the map.
|Town Crier tells you, "How nice of the Bloodless to go into a dangerous place and not actually fix the problem... typical of them, really."

“Cragstone… the Vesayens… the Direlands… Tusker Island… and the Olthoi infestation in the northeast.  What in the name of all that is good is the connection?” he asked  the room at large, frustration in his voice.
|Town Crier tells you, "There is word from the mainland that a Sho named Pau Yajin in Sawato seeks assistance from those who have already involved themselves in the investigation of the Tanada House of Water."

“I do not know, but perhaps the more compelling question is how our enemy has the resources and power to undertake actions in all of these different places,” responded a slender, black-haired young Sho woman clad in white robes.
|Town Crier tells you, "Varicci might want his followers to gather information about these special monougas that people have discovered. Worm your way into the confidence of the Bloodless - see what you can find."

Borelean ran his hand through his sandy brown hair.  While it was held back by a circlet, his hair’s natural inclination was to flop forward towards his eyes, further irritating him.  Still, he had learned enough about leadership to refrain from unleashing his impatience and impetuosity upon those who sat in attendance to advise him.
|Town Crier tells you, "The bloodless pretender to the throne has sent our King a warning that the Olthoi located in what they call the Olthoi North have begun to spread. The King suggests that slaying this new breed of Olthoi may prove a diverting task for any warrior that finds themselves burdened with time."

The first of his companions was Hoshino Kei, whom he knew primarily from studying with Harlune and from the subsequent creation of the portal to Bur.  Kei’s eyes were careful to obscure any emotions she felt about the situation, and her motions guarded.  Borelean had asked her to be present as a second opinion should higher magics be involved… and because he did not wish to involve any of his mother Queen Elysa’s own magical advisors.
|Town Crier tells you, "We have news that a man of Sawato named Pau Yajin calls for the aid of those who have already helped Meshenq and Sayuji Jina investigate the Tanada House of Water. If you have already involved yourself in the affairs of the Tanada, it might serve our interests if you were to pursue this matter to its conclusion and speak with him."

The second was his colleague and occasional rival, Adso.  HWhile he was never certain that he could fully trust this shadowy blondfair-haired man with the shadowy reputation, knowing precisely who his master was.  However, he also respected Adso’s insight, and he could not see a way that their master would benefit from this new enemy gaining influence over Dereth. Adso had seen much of the activity within Dereth, and he could be trusted to be discreet.
''Mainland Town Criers''

The last was a pessimistic scout by the name of Ardry the Dubious.  It was said that he ended up at his lifestone more often than one normally should, and yet still managed to be as well-informed as anyone about the goings-on in Dereth. While normally reports came through Aliester the Loquacious, in this case Borelean desired a personal appearance by the one who had seemed to suffer so much in the name of New Aluvia.  Ardry and Adso had exchanged pointed looks, and Borelean could sense the rivalry in the air, but he had no time for such foolishness at this meeting. 
|Town Crier tells you, "News! A man in Sawato named Pau Yajin asks for aid from those who have already helped investigate the Tanada House of Water!"

“You’re right, Kei,” Borelean acknowledged, allowing a small amount of praise to overcome his grudging acceptance of her superior analysis.  In the time they had spent studying together, the prince had grown to admire the sorceress’s ability to assess a situation and efficiently work towards a solution.  Borelean glanced toward Adso and Ardry and continued, “Tell me more about the resources and power of our enemy.
|Town Crier tells you, "A new vendor has set shop in Arwic's tallest tower. He claims that players bringing him proof a heroic deeds can buy his amazing wares."

“Those whom I’ve encountered have proven more organized and more strategically savvy than before,” Ardry contributed, “It’s as if the traditionally disorganized monsters of the land all decided that they would be more effective unifying under strong leaders…well, all but the Banderlings. The leaders are exhibiting increased intelligence and skill beyond their previously known capabilities.  The sorts of modification alteration exhibited so far, and the experimental logs that have been retrieved, resemble what the Virindi have done in the past.
|Town Crier tells you, "The Olthoi North is no longer as safe as it once was. Strange reports are coming in from adventurers."

Adso coolly nodded, then added, “My encounter with the Tanada also implies Virindi involvement. I think that the answer may lie in portal space.
|Town Crier tells you, "The royal family went and discovered some interesting things about the Monouga Feeding Pit. See Corporal Liao Chen in Cragstone for more information."

“Portal space?” Ardry asked, “That’s an awfully large place to look.
|Town Crier tells you, "Queen Elysa has asked those able to investigate the dangerous new Olthoi spreading from the southern edge of the Olthoi North. You are to be warned that these Olthoi are unusually deadly, so be cautious."

Borelean tapped his finger pensively upon the map.  The others in the room remained silent for a moment, awaiting the prince’s forthcoming comment.  Finally, Borelean spoke in a quiet, assured tone. 
|Town Crier tells you, "The family that slays together, stays together, right?"

“The opening of the portal to Bur taught me something about the intricacies of portal space. It is a difficult place to understand – its spatial presence does not work in the same way as the world we know.  It cannot be navigated easily, except in certain very stable pocketss, generally created by the Virindi or some other powerful portal mage.  I wouldn’t know how to find anything without some clear anchor to start from,” Borelean quietly said, sounding defeated.
|Town Crier tells you, "If you've been helping Ben Ten and others solve the mystery of the Tanada clan, I urge you to go to Sawato. There is a man there named Pau Yajin who seeks all those who helped Meshenq with the Tanada House of Water."

“We may have an anchor,” Hoshino Kei answered, “Do you recall the reports about the Monougas being held in the cavern in the Direlands?”
;Ulgrim the Unpleasant

“Yes, but I do not see how you mean it.”
''Free Rumors''

“I do, Borelean,” Adso commented, “The Monougas in that cavern are not always there. They are portalled in from some other location.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've heard about these feeding pits the drudges have been keeping their pet Monougas in."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's a great idea. Domesticated Monougas are bound to be easier to milk than wild ones."
|Ulgrim's mug refills with a delicious looking stout.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant says, "Fermento Intoxicus"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I thought that spell up in a dream I had about a magic school for kids."

Comprehension dawned in Borelean’s eyes. “So, then, you ask if I can trace this portal back?  I can try,” he said, punctuating his statement with an emphatic gesture towards the Direlands on the map. He looked at the three gathered with him in the room.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Bless those Merwarts! They keep coming up with new and exciting drinks for me to taste."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Of course they aren't always winners, like the barnacle and kelp mead they made up last week. But they just try so darn hard, you have to admire that kind of dedication to brewing."

“What is your command, your Highness?” Ardry asked. Adso smirked at the formal address, while Kei looked at Borelean with expectation… and perhaps a touch of admiration.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I went for a walk yesterday and stopped to rest on this rock. Turns out it was one of those new craft golems."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Darn thing transforms right out from under me and steps on my mug! I think those things look shifty if you ask me. More than meets the eye, you watch out for 'em."

“I don’t command…I ask.  Will you help me?” Borelean spoke in a quiet voice.  He placed his hand, palm up, on the map table.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ha! Temple of Black Water? I know what that means! They're not brewing evil over there, kid, they're brewing beer!"

Hoshino Kei was first. She placed her delicate hand upon his, and nodded imperceptibly. “Yes, your Highness,” she said.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Evil lookin' Olthoi about these days. I happened to see some of that strange breed North of Arwic."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's enough to drive a man to drink."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Mark my words the Virindi are behind this. That or the Falatacot. Or perhaps the Dericost or maybe the Shadows..."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Mark my words! Someone is behind this!"

Adso followed suit.  “I’m not doing anything this afternoon… why not raid a cavern of murderous Drudges?” he slyly quipped.
''Stout Rumors''

Ardry murmured thoughtfully, “And perhaps with some skilled companions by my side, I’ll actually not visit my lifestone today.”  He placed his hand upon the others’ and nodded.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's time I revealed myself as the true master of the Temple of Black Water. Yes, I'm the one that corrupted the Tanada. Their Master back on Ispar once lost his fancy jade medallion to me in a drinking contest when we were in school, and I accidentally dropped the medallion into a pint of Ol' Stumpy's Slobberknocker Stout. The Tanada were never quite the same after that medallion got its dip into Ol' Stumpy..."

Borelean allowed himself to smile slightly. “Then it’s settled. Let’s prepare our gear.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a U!"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme an L!"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a GR!"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a I!"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a M!"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What does that spell?"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Right! Grumli, my invisible pet chicken. Have you seen him around?"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I keep calling out his name with the letters all jumbled, just the way he likes it, but he hasn't come home."
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Well, if you happen to trip over him let me know."

|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Someone's been staying at my house. I noticed my porridge was eaten and my bed was all mussed up. If I catch him he'll be sorry."
=== Release Notes - [ Link] ===

Hello there and welcome to the Release Note for the July event, Intelligent Designs! The strange activities around Dereth continue as the citizens try to figure out the reasons why this behavior is becoming more and more directed. From reports of more Olthoi activity in the north, to the mysteries surrounding the Monouga and why they have been more active lately. There have also been reports of some new activity surrounding the Tanada clan, though nobody is sure if it is related to the other happenings around Dereth. One thing is for sure, some answers need to found soon before it becomes too late to change what is happening.
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A bad decision"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Drinking alone in the rain"
|Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Sorrow wet and cold"
==== New Content and Updated Functionality ====
* A change has been made to the servers which should reduce the number of players being booted for Code of Conduct violations. We believe the issue now is being caused by how our servers load balance and how messages can be backlogged and then sent out in a large bunch once that load balancing is complete. The change that was made will basically let the server know that a person is either in portal space or in the process of load balancing and not count those messages against the players message queue.
* A new Live Events vendor has been added to the game. When a player participates in a live event, the person running the event will now give out live op tokens that can be given to the new vendor in exchange for the reward of their choosing. These tokens have a pick up timer of 1 per day. We feel that this not only helps to ensure that everyone participating will get a reward, but it also gives the player the choice of what item they want as a reward.
* The Journal found while running the Following Asheron’s Trail quest is now attuned and bonded and can no longer be given to other players.
* The Lunnum’s quests are now all separate. This should eliminate any timing issues and will allow player to run the portion of the quest that they desire. Players will still need to complete this series of quests in order the first time.
* All portals in the Colosseum are now unable to be tied/recalled/summoned. This does not include the portal to actually enter the Colosseum staging area.
* An issue with paintings not sorting well when dropped on the floor of a house has been fixed.
* We had received many reports that the Ninja were more difficult to kill as a melee or an archer. Some adjustments were made and they should now be easier to kill for these characters.
* A small bug was fixed that was causing any NPC’s with the same setup as the Golems on Asheron’s Island not to turn towards the player interacting with them. They will now turn and face players who try to interact with them. Currently this should only affect the Collector Golem on Bur.
* A change has been made to how the Colosseum chests work. The chests will now lock immediately after they are closed.
Game Discussion/In Concept
As a game progresses there comes a time when things that were once deemed as not going to happen, suddenly become the next logical step in the development process. To that end, the team is in the process of exploring several features for Asheron’s Call that follow the natural progression of the game. In the coming months we will begin discussing these ideas with you the players in order to not only let you know what is going on, but to also gather feedback and opinions as we move forward.
The first of these ideas that we have begun the task of exploring is the idea of Armor Set type items appearing in a new tier of loot that can be found within the lines of quests and other timed/limited repeatability content. These items would be used in the same way other sets that are already in the game. As you collect the pieces of your armor set, the bonuses you can receive from the set will increase. The main difference in this case will be that players will be the ability to mix and match things based on what players find from regular questing and repeating some content. As of right now this idea is only in the earliest of stages and still has some time before/and if it actually hits the game.
As we move forward these and other features will be discussed in more detail. We will also have more exciting features to discuss as we move along our planned development and growth of Dereth.
So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in July and beyond. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the July event.
== Discoveries ==
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
=== New [[Quests]] ===
*[[Tanada Temple of Black Water (Quest)|Tanada Temple of Black Water]]
*[[Monouga Laboratory]]
*[[Paradox-touched Olthoi Egg (Quest)]]
*[[Hunter Quest (Paradox-touched Olthoi Nymphs)]]
*[[Hunter Quest (Paradox-touched Olthoi Grubs)]]
=== New NPCs ===
=== New Locations ===
=== New Items ===
=== New Creatures ===

=== Known Issues ===
== Related Articles ==
* [[Announcements - 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs#Teaser|Teaser]]
* [[Announcements - 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs#Rollout Article|Rollout Article]]
* [[Announcements - 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs#Release Notes|Release Notes]]

==== Typos ====
== Media ==
*When repeating the [[Monouga Laboratory]] the player's name isn't used correctly: "Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "Greetings to you again, %s. We could use your assistance..."
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=== Splash Screen ===
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Latest revision as of 08:04, 13 November 2020

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July 2007 - Announcements Page

Game Changes

  • A new Live Events vendor has been added to the game. When a player participates in a live event, the person running the event will now give out live op tokens that can be given to the new vendor in exchange for the reward of their choosing.

New Quests

New NPCs

New Locations

New Items

Mask of the Depths

Hero Token

"Doom Hammer" Summoning Gem "Burning Bow" Summoning Gem "Assassin's Crossbow" Summoning Gem "Assassin's Dagger" Summoning Gem "Club of Undead Bashing" Summoning Gem "Chorizite Staff" Summoning Gem "Bloodletter" Summoning Gem "Commoner's Sword" Summoning Gem "Lord's Sword" Summoning Gem "Throwing Daggers of Ice" Summoning Gem "Vampire's Kiss" Summoning Gem "Ice Wand" Summoning Gem

Black Water Key

Black Water Threshold Shrine of Black Water

Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem Paradox-touched Olthoi Egg Jade Medallion of the Depths Mask of the Watcher of Black Water

Tusker Experiment Orb Olthoi Experiment Log Monouga Experiment Log Black Water Watcher's Shard Translated Black Water Watcher's Shard

New Creatures



New Dialog

Town Crier

Viamontian Town Criers

Town Crier tells you, "The King has reluctantly agreed to spread the bloodless leaders request for help. Ahem."

Town Crier tells you, "Hear ye, Hear ye! The bloodless harlot cowers in her castle while her inept warriors test their mettle against a new breed of Olthoi that have appeared to the North of their town Arwic. Feel free to show them how a true warrior fights."

Town Crier tells you, "It seems that the bloodless have attracted an interesting shopkeep to their town of Arwic. Word is that he requires proof of heroic deeds before he will sell to someone."

Town Crier tells you, "Hehe, my child could buy something from him before a bloodless warrior had proof of heroism."

Town Crier tells you, "How nice of the Bloodless to go into a dangerous place and not actually fix the problem... typical of them, really."

Town Crier tells you, "There is word from the mainland that a Sho named Pau Yajin in Sawato seeks assistance from those who have already involved themselves in the investigation of the Tanada House of Water."

Town Crier tells you, "Varicci might want his followers to gather information about these special monougas that people have discovered. Worm your way into the confidence of the Bloodless - see what you can find."

Town Crier tells you, "The bloodless pretender to the throne has sent our King a warning that the Olthoi located in what they call the Olthoi North have begun to spread. The King suggests that slaying this new breed of Olthoi may prove a diverting task for any warrior that finds themselves burdened with time."

Town Crier tells you, "We have news that a man of Sawato named Pau Yajin calls for the aid of those who have already helped Meshenq and Sayuji Jina investigate the Tanada House of Water. If you have already involved yourself in the affairs of the Tanada, it might serve our interests if you were to pursue this matter to its conclusion and speak with him."

Mainland Town Criers

Town Crier tells you, "News! A man in Sawato named Pau Yajin asks for aid from those who have already helped investigate the Tanada House of Water!"

Town Crier tells you, "A new vendor has set shop in Arwic's tallest tower. He claims that players bringing him proof a heroic deeds can buy his amazing wares."

Town Crier tells you, "The Olthoi North is no longer as safe as it once was. Strange reports are coming in from adventurers."

Town Crier tells you, "The royal family went and discovered some interesting things about the Monouga Feeding Pit. See Corporal Liao Chen in Cragstone for more information."

Town Crier tells you, "Queen Elysa has asked those able to investigate the dangerous new Olthoi spreading from the southern edge of the Olthoi North. You are to be warned that these Olthoi are unusually deadly, so be cautious."

Town Crier tells you, "The family that slays together, stays together, right?"

Town Crier tells you, "If you've been helping Ben Ten and others solve the mystery of the Tanada clan, I urge you to go to Sawato. There is a man there named Pau Yajin who seeks all those who helped Meshenq with the Tanada House of Water."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant

Free Rumors

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've heard about these feeding pits the drudges have been keeping their pet Monougas in."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's a great idea. Domesticated Monougas are bound to be easier to milk than wild ones."

Ulgrim's mug refills with a delicious looking stout.

Ulgrim the Unpleasant says, "Fermento Intoxicus"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I thought that spell up in a dream I had about a magic school for kids."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Bless those Merwarts! They keep coming up with new and exciting drinks for me to taste."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Of course they aren't always winners, like the barnacle and kelp mead they made up last week. But they just try so darn hard, you have to admire that kind of dedication to brewing."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I went for a walk yesterday and stopped to rest on this rock. Turns out it was one of those new craft golems."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Darn thing transforms right out from under me and steps on my mug! I think those things look shifty if you ask me. More than meets the eye, you watch out for 'em."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ha! Temple of Black Water? I know what that means! They're not brewing evil over there, kid, they're brewing beer!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Evil lookin' Olthoi about these days. I happened to see some of that strange breed North of Arwic."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's enough to drive a man to drink."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Mark my words the Virindi are behind this. That or the Falatacot. Or perhaps the Dericost or maybe the Shadows..."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Mark my words! Someone is behind this!"

Stout Rumors

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's time I revealed myself as the true master of the Temple of Black Water. Yes, I'm the one that corrupted the Tanada. Their Master back on Ispar once lost his fancy jade medallion to me in a drinking contest when we were in school, and I accidentally dropped the medallion into a pint of Ol' Stumpy's Slobberknocker Stout. The Tanada were never quite the same after that medallion got its dip into Ol' Stumpy..."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a U!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme an L!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a GR!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a I!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Gimme a M!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What does that spell?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Right! Grumli, my invisible pet chicken. Have you seen him around?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I keep calling out his name with the letters all jumbled, just the way he likes it, but he hasn't come home."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Well, if you happen to trip over him let me know."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Someone's been staying at my house. I noticed my porridge was eaten and my bed was all mussed up. If I catch him he'll be sorry."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A bad decision"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Drinking alone in the rain"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Sorrow wet and cold"

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