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== Capitol Towns ==

{{Related|Locations|Town Network}}

{|border=0 width=100%
|align=left valign=top|
=== Aluvian Realm ===
|width=200| [[Holtburg]] - Starting Town
|width=200| [[Cragstone]] - Capital
|width=200| [[Arwic]]
| [[Dryreach]]
| [[Eastham]]
| [[Fort Tethana]]
| [[Glenden Wood]]
| [[Lytelthorpe]]
| [[Plateau Village]]
| [[Rithwic]]
| [[Stonehold]]
| [[Underground City]]

[[Sanamar]] (available in [[Throne of Destiny]] only)
=== Sho Nation ===
|width=200| [[Shoushi]] - Starting Town
|width=200| [[Hebian-To]] - Capital
|width=200| [[Baishi]]
| [[Kara]]
| [[Kryst]]
| [[Lin]]
| [[Mayoi]]
| [[Nanto]]
| [[Sawato]]
| [[Wai Jhou]]
| [[Yanshi]]

=== Gharu'ndim Kingdom ===
|width=200| [[Yaraq]] - Starting Town
|width=200| [[Zaikhal]] - Capital
|width=200| [[Al-Arqas]]
| [[Al-Jalima]]
| [[Ayan Baqur]]
| [[Khayyaban]]
| [[Qalaba'r]]
| [[Samsur]]
| [[Tufa]]
| [[Uziz]]
| [[Xarabydun]]

== All other Towns ==
=== New Viamont ===
|width=200| [[Sanamar]] - Starting Town & Capital
|width=200| [[Bluespire]]
|width=200| [[Eastwatch]]
| [[Greenspire]]
| [[Redspire]]
| [[Silyun]]
| [[Westwatch]]
=== Independent/Other Towns ===
|width=200| [[Ahurenga]]
|width=200| [[Bandit Castle]]
|width=200| [[Beach Fort]]
| [[Candeth Keep]]
| [[Crater Lake Village]]
| [[Danby's Outpost]]
| [[Fiun Outpost]]
| [[Kor-Gursha]]
| [[Linvak Tukal]]
| [[MacNiall's Freehold]]
| [[Mar'uun]]
| [[Merwart Village]]
| [[Neydisa Castle]]
| [[Oolatanga's Refuge]]
| [[Timaru]]
=== Former Towns ===
|width=200| [[Tou-Tou]] (Sho Nation)
{{Map Point Plus
| Points =
{{MPP Loc | 47.1 | N | 90.3 | W | Town | Ahurenga }}
{{MPP Loc | 31.2 | S | 13.7 | E | Gharu Town | Al-Arqas }}
{{MPP Loc | 07.4 | N | 04.8 | E | Gharu Town | Al-Jalima }}
{{MPP Loc | 33.2 | N | 56.6 | E | Aluv Town | Arwic }}
{{MPP Loc | 60.0 | S | 88.0 | W | Gharu Town | Ayan Baqur }}
{{MPP Loc | 49.5 | S | 62.5 | E | Sho Town | Baishi }}
{{MPP Loc | 66.4 | N | 49.9 | E | Town | Bandit Castle }}
{{MPP Loc | 76.0 | N | 49.0 | W | Town | Beach Fort }}
{{MPP Loc | 39.4 | N | 75.4 | W | Via Town | Bluespire }}
{{MPP Loc | 87.5 | S | 67.2 | W | Town | Candeth Keep }}
{{MPP Loc | 25.7 | N | 49.2 | E | Aluv Town | Cragstone }}
{{MPP Loc | 23.4 | N | 28.7 | W | Town | Danby's Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 08.1 | S | 73.0 | E | Aluv Town | Dryreach }}
{{MPP Loc | 17.6 | N | 63.3 | E | Aluv Town | Eastham }}
{{MPP Loc | 90.3 | N | 43.1 | W | Via Town | Eastwatch Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 95.9 | N | 56.8 | W | Town | Fiun Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 01.5 | N | 71.8 | W | Aluv Town | Fort Tethana }}
{{MPP Loc | 29.6 | N | 27.2 | E | Aluv Town | Glenden Wood }}
{{MPP Loc | 43.2 | N | 66.8 | W | Via Town | Greenspire }}
{{MPP Loc | 39.1 | S | 83.2 | E | Sho Town | Hebian-To }}
{{MPP Loc | 42.3 | N | 33.7 | E | Aluv Town | Holtburg }}
{{MPP Loc | 83.3 | S | 47.1 | E | Sho Town | Kara }}
{{MPP Loc | 47.6 | S | 24.7 | E | Gharu Town | Khayyaban }}
{{MPP Loc | 74.6 | S | 84.5 | E | Sho Town | Kryst }}
{{MPP Loc | 54.5 | S | 73.1 | E | Sho Town | Lin }}
{{MPP Loc | 77.6 | S | 28.0 | E | Town | Linvak Tukal }}
{{MPP Loc | 00.9 | N | 51.1 | E | Aluv Town | Lytelthorpe }}
{{MPP Loc | 74.2 | S | 92.3 | E | Town | MacNiall's Freehold }}
{{MPP Loc | 10.6 | S | 17.1 | E | Town | Mar'uun }}
{{MPP Loc | 61.6 | S | 81.9 | E | Sho Town | Mayoi }}
{{MPP Loc | 79.9 | N | 59.1 | E | Town | Merwart Village }}
{{MPP Loc | 64.8 | N | 13.5 | E | Town | Mt. Esper-Crater Village }}
{{MPP Loc | 59.7 | N | 04.1 | W | Town | Mountain Retreat }}
{{MPP Loc | 52.5 | S | 82.1 | E | Sho Town | Nanto }}
{{MPP Loc | 69.6 | N | 17.6 | E | Town | Neydisa Castle }}
{{MPP Loc | 02.3 | N | 95.5 | E | Town | Oolutanga's Refuge }}
{{MPP Loc | 44.2 | N | 43.4 | W | Aluv Town | Plateau Village }}
{{MPP Loc | 74.4 | S | 19.3 | E | Gharu Town | Qalaba'r }}
{{MPP Loc | 40.6 | N | 83.0 | W | Via Town | Redspire }}
{{MPP Loc | 10.8 | N | 58.7 | E | Aluv Town | Rithwic }}
{{MPP Loc | 02.8 | S | 19.4 | E | Gharu Town | Samsur }}
{{MPP Loc | 71.9 |  N | 61.1 | W | Via Town | Sanamar }}
{{MPP Loc | 28.7 | S | 59.3 | E | Sho Town | Sawato }}
{{MPP Loc | 33.5 | S | 72.8 | E | Sho Town | Shoushi }}
{{MPP Loc | 87.3 | N | 70.5 | W | Via Town | Silyun }}
{{MPP Loc | 68.8 | N | 21.6 | W | Aluv Town | Stonehold }}
{{MPP Loc | 44.2 | N | 78.0 | W | Town | Timaru }}
{{MPP Loc | 14.0 | S | 05.3 | E | Gharu Town | Tufa }}
{{MPP Loc | 21.4 | N | 53.9 | E | Aluv Town | Underground City }}
{{MPP Loc | 25.2 | S | 28.3 | E | Gharu Town | Uziz }}
{{MPP Loc | 61.9 | S | 51.4 | W | Sho Town | Wai Jhou }}
{{MPP Loc | 72.8 | N | 73.4 | W | Via Town | Westwatch Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 41.8 | S | 16.0 | E | Gharu Town | Xarabydun }}
{{MPP Loc | 12.1 | S | 42.4 | E | Sho Town | Yanshi }}
{{MPP Loc | 21.6 | S | 01.7 | W | Gharu Town | Yaraq }}
{{MPP Loc | 13.7 | N | 00.6 | E | Gharu Town | Zaikhal }}

Latest revision as of 15:32, 9 May 2016