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{{Related|Augmentations|Guide to Augmentations}}
{{Related|Augmentations|Guide to Augmentations}}
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| [[Might of the Seventh Mule]] || +20% burden capacity || 1 billion || 5 times ||  [[Husoon]] || [[Zaikhal]]
| [[Might of the Seventh Mule]] || +20% burden capacity || 1 billion || 5 times ||  [[Husoon]] || [[Zaikhal]]
| [[Shadow of the Seventh Mule]] || Eighth pack slot - (When you acquire this augmentation you will need <br/>to use a portal or relog for the extra pack slot to show up as part of your inventory.) || 4 billion || No || [[Dumida bint Ruminre]] || [[Zaikhal]]
| [[Shadow of the Seventh Mule]] || Eighth pack slot - (When you acquire this augmentation you will need to use a portal, relog, or buy/pick up another pack for the extra pack slot to show up as part of your inventory.) || 4 billion || No || [[Dumida bint Ruminre]] || [[Zaikhal]]
| [[Infused War Magic]]
| [[Infused War Magic]]

Revision as of 18:29, 24 December 2013

Consumables: Gems
File:Spell Gems Icon.png
Spell Gems
  File:Alchemy Gems Icon.png
Alchemy Gems
  File:Rare Gems Icon.png
Rare Gems
  File:Dispel Gems Icon.png
Dispel Gems
  File:Portal Gems Icon.png
Portal Gems
  File:Weapon Gems Icon.png
Weapon Gems
  File:Augmentation Gems Icon.png
Augmentation Gems
  File:Redistribution Gems Icon.png
Redistribution Gems

Related topics: Augmentations, Guide to Augmentations


From the Throne of Destiny Augmentation Gems article:

These gems provide new and unique ways to enhance your characters. By completing a quest to acquire a gem and paying an experience point cost, you can add a new permanent ability to your character. These gems are a new form of character advancement for the most powerful heroes in Dereth, and can only be found in the Throne of Destiny expansion pack.

To acquire an Augmentation, you first need to obtain a Blank Augmentation Gem. Once you've found one of these, bring it to one of the NPCs listed below. Each NPC carries a different Augmentation Gem, which he or she will exchange for a Blank Gem or one of the other Augmentation Gems.

Once you have the Augmentation Gem you want, and enough unassigned experience points to pay for it, simply use the Gem and the new Augmentation will be added to your character! Some types of Gems can be used more than once to further increase your new ability, others can only be used one time. You can always open your Character Information panel to see which Augmentations your character has acquired.

Getting Augmentation Gems

Blank Augmentation Gem Quests

The Sir Bellas quest is the traditional quest for the blank gem and is also the easiest to complete.

Exchanging Augmentation Gems

Blank Augmentation Gems are treated the same way as non-blank ones, so if you turn one in only to find that you cannot use it you can still give it to any trainer in exchange for the desired augmentation. Alternatively, you can return any augmentation gem to Donatello Linante (Silyun) or Arianna the Adept (Bandit Castle) to receive a Blank Augmentation Gem.

Non-XP Augmentations

  • In addition to the standard augmentations listed below, there are also new Luminance Auras for players over level 200+.
  • See Armor and Weapon Augmentations for unique non-xp based augs that can permanently modify loot-generated equipment.

Using Augmentation Gems

Below is a full listing of possible augmentation gem usage. There is no limit to the number of augmentations you can get. You are only limited by the amount of experience you have to spend. Note that each character race begins with one free augmentation. See Character Races for more details.

Burden and Pack Slots

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Might of the Seventh Mule +20% burden capacity 1 billion 5 times Husoon Zaikhal
Shadow of the Seventh Mule Eighth pack slot - (When you acquire this augmentation you will need to use a portal, relog, or buy/pick up another pack for the extra pack slot to show up as part of your inventory.) 4 billion No Dumida bint Ruminre Zaikhal
Infused War Magic You no longer need any Foci or component to cast War Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. 2 billion No Raphel Detante Silyun
Infused Life Magic You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Life Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. 2 billion No Akemi Fei Hebian-To
Infused Item Magic You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Item Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. 2 billion No Gan Fo Hebian-To
Infused Creature Magic You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Creature Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. 2 billion No Gustuv Lansdown Cragstone
Infused Void Magic You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Void Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. 2 billion No Morathe Candeth Keep

Death Penalties

The Clutch of the Miser augmentation does not apply to Player Killer deaths.

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Clutch of the Miser -5 items dropped on death 2 billion 3 times Rohula bint Ludun Ayan Baqur
Enduring Enchantment Spells not lost on death 4 billion No Erik Festus Ayan Baqur

Experience Bonus

The Quick Learner augmentation applies only to experience earned via hunting/killing creatures.

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Quick Learner +5% experience bonus 4 billion No Rickard Dumalia Silyun

Health, Armor and Regeneration

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Asheron's Lesser Benediction Health bonus: +10% of base 2 billion No Donatello Linante Silyun
Asheron's Benediction Health bonus: +10% of base ToD Preorder No N/A N/A
Blackmoor's Favor +50 Natural Armor cantrip ToD Preorder No N/A N/A
Innate Renewal 100% bonus to regenerations while lying down 1 billion 2 times Alison Dulane Bandit Castle

Innate Attribute

You cannot raise any one innate attribute above 100. Click on the pack icon in the Status Bar to view your current innate values for each attribute.

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Reinforcement of the Lugians +5 innate Strength 500 million 10 times Fiun Luunere Fiun Outpost
Bleeargh's Fortitude +5 innate Endurance 500 million Fiun Ruun
Oswald's Enhancement +5 innate Coordination 500 million Fiun Bayaas
Siraluun's Blessing +5 innate Quickness 500 million Fiun Riish
Enduring Calm +5 innate Focus 500 million Fiun Vasherr
Steadfast Will +5 innate Self 500 million Fiun Noress

Innate Resistance

These are the only augmentations which can be changed/removed after getting them. See Token of Resistance Augmentation Changing for details.

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Enhancement of the Mace Turner +10% innate resistance to Bludgeoning 2 billion 2 times (across all, not each type) Nawamara Dia Hebian-To
Enhancement of the Blade Turner +10% innate resistance to Slashing 2 billion Ilin Wis
Enhancement of the Arrow Turner +10% innate resistance to Piercing 2 billion Kyujo Rujen
Storm's Enhancement +10% innate resistance to Electric 2 billion Enli Yuo
Fiery Enhancement +10% innate resistance to Fire 2 billion Rikshen Ri
Icy Enhancement +10% innate resistance to Cold 2 billion Lu Bao
Caustic Enhancement +10% innate resistance to Acid 2 billion Shujio Milao


Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Critical Protection 25% negation of critical hits (5% PvP) 1 billion No Piersanti Linante Sanamar
Frenzy of the Slayer Damage rating of 3 which increases all damage you do with any attack 2 billion No Neela Nashua Bandit Castle
Iron Skin of the Invincible Damage reduction rating of 3 which reduces all damage you take 2 billion No Emily Yarow Cragstone
Eye of the Remorseless 1% increased chance of a critical hit 4 billion No Anfram Mellow Ayan Baqur
Hand of the Remorseless Critical Damage Rating of 3 which increases damage of all critical hits. 4 billion No Alishia bint Aldan Ayan Baqur

Salvaging and Tinkering

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Ciandra's Fortune 25% extra salvage material 1 billion 4 times Kris Cennis Cragstone
Charmed Smith +5% chance of imbue 2 billion No Lug Oolutanga's Refuge
Jibril's Essence Specialize Armor Tinkering 1 billion No Joshun Felden Cragstone
Yoshi's Essence Specialize Item Tinkering 1 billion No Brienne Carlus
Celdiseth's Essence Specialize Magic Item Tinkering 1 billion No Burrell Sammrun
Koga's Essence Specialize Weapon Tinkering 1 billion No Lenor Turk
Ciandra's Essence Specialize Salvaging 1 billion No Robert Crow


These augmentations were changed during the Balance of Power event to apply to base skill value rather than as a buff.

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Master of the Steel Circle Your effective melee skill when using any melee weapon is increased by +10. 2 billion No Carlito Gallo Silyun
Master of the Five Fold Path Your effective magic skill when casting any spell is increased by +10. 2 billion No Rahina bint Zalanis Zaikhal
Master of the Focused Eye Your effective missile skill when using any missile weapon is increased by +10. 2 billion No Kilaf Zaikhal
Jack of All Trades Use this gem to gain an extra 5 points to all of your skills. Be sure to read the gem's inscription for further details on its usage. 4 billion No Arianna the Adept Bandit Castle

Spell Duration

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Archmage's Endurance +20% spell duration 1 billion 5 times Nawamara Ujio Mayoi

Retired Augmentations

This Augmentation and the associated NPC, Alex Brummel, were both removed as part of the Master of Arms Event.

Name Effect Experience Cost Repeat? NPC Location
Tristra's Essence Specialize the Gearcraft skill 1 billion No Alex Brummel Cragstone

Update History

Gears of Change

From Darkness, Light

Master of Design

Present Dilemma

Master of Arms

Known Issues

When acquiring the Shadow of the Seventh Mule augmentation the 8th pack slot may not appear until you log off and back on again.