Chorizite Ammunition: Difference between revisions

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m (Created page with "{{Related|Crafting|Fletching|Fletching Items|:Category:Fletching|:Category:Fletching Recipe|:Category:Fletching Guide}} {{Intro | Patch Introduced = Festivus | Related Qu...")
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| colspan=2 align=center|N/A
| colspan=2 align=center|N/A
| {{Icon Link|Chorizite Quarrel}}
| {{Icon Link|Chorizite Atlatl Dart}}
| {{Icon Formula|Chorizite Fletching Tool|Wrapped Bundle of Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Chorizite Arrowheads}}
| {{Icon Formula|Chorizite Fletching Tool|Wrapped Bundle of Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Chorizite Arrowheads}}
| {{Icon Formula|Wrapped Bundle of Chorizite Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Atlatl Dartshafts|Chorizite Atlatl Dart}}
| {{Icon Formula|Wrapped Bundle of Chorizite Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Atlatl Dartshafts|Chorizite Atlatl Dart}}
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| {{Icon Formula|Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Chorizite Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Quarrelshafts|Deadly Chorizite Quarrel}}
| {{Icon Formula|Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Chorizite Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Quarrelshafts|Deadly Chorizite Quarrel}}
| {{Icon Link|Deadly Chorizite Quarrel}}
| {{Icon Link|Deadly Chorizite Atlatl Dart}}
| {{Icon Formula|Concentrated Bloodseeker Oil|Wrapped Bundle of Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Greater Arrowheads}}
| {{Icon Formula|Concentrated Bloodseeker Oil|Wrapped Bundle of Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Greater Arrowheads}}
| {{Icon Formula|Concentrated Bloodhunter Oil|Wrapped Bundle of Greater Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Arrowheads}}
| {{Icon Formula|Concentrated Bloodhunter Oil|Wrapped Bundle of Greater Arrowheads|Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Arrowheads}}

Revision as of 06:42, 12 July 2012

Related topics: Crafting, Fletching, Fletching Items, Category:Fletching, Category:Fletching Recipe, Category:Fletching Guide

Introduced:  Festivus Related Quests:  Hollow Weapons Quest, Phantom Weapons Quest

Chorizite Fletching Tool

The steps to create the tool are the same as when creating a chorizite weapon except you use medium-grade ore instead of low grade.

  1. To create chorizite arrows, quarrels and darts, you will need the Chorizite Fletching Tool.
  2. The steps to create the tool are the same as when creating a weapon except you use medium-grade ore instead of low grade.
  3. Deposits of Medium-Grade Chorizite Ore are found in the Lugian Quarry.
  4. You will need a Lugian Pick Axe to mine the ore. They axes are dropped randomly by the Lugians in the mine.
  5. Use the pick axe on the deposit to receive your Chunk of Medium-Grade Chorizite. You are able to mine more than one chunk of ore but there is a 20 hour timer on refinement and the ore is heavy.
    You mine the medium-grade chorizite from the vein
  6. Head to Feruza's Beach Fort and give the Ore to Feruza ibn Salaq to have it refined.
  7. With the Refined Ore in hand head to Silencia's Magma Golem located in Crater Lake Village.
  8. Purchase the Fletching Tool Glyph from Silencia the Archmage and combine with the refined ore.
    You imbue the chorizite with the essence of a staff.
  9. Hand the Infused Ore to Silencia's Magma Golem to receive the tool.
    You give Silencia's Magma Golem Infused Medium-Grade Chorizite Ore.
    Silencia's Magma Golem gives you Chorizite Fletching Tool.
Item Step 1 Step 2
Chorizite Fletching Tool + = + =

Chorizite Ammunition

Item Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Chorizite Arrow + = + = N/A
Chorizite Quarrel + = + = N/A
Chorizite Atlatl Dart + = + = N/A
Deadly Chorizite Arrow + = + = + = + =
Deadly Chorizite Quarrel + = + = + = + =
Deadly Chorizite Atlatl Dart + = + = + = + =