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* [[Image:Jester's Token icon.png]] [[Jester's Token]]

* [[Deck of Hands]] (Individual cards)
* [[Deck of Hands]] (Individual cards)

Revision as of 09:43, 20 June 2008


The Graveyard is an area in the Southeastern Direlands designed for high-level small group hunting. It was introduced in the Ancient Enemies patch. The graveyard has been updated with new content during the Strange Sightings, Dark Materials, Corrupted Sovereigns, Prodigal Sons, Foolish Ambition, and Upping the Ante events.

Unique Design

The Graveyard was the first place to see a lot of new tech being developed.

  • The spawns in the graveyard change depending on the time displayed on the map panel. The spawns switch to the easier "day" creatures at Dawnsong and to the harder "night" creatures at Evensong. (See Time for more details.)
  • The Graveyard was the first place to use the Alternative Currency tech, where NPCs will accept some other item instead of Pyreals for payment. In the case of the Graveyard, this currency is the Ancient Mhoire Coin.
  • There are a few collection quests which use the NPC item detection tech, where an NPC will search your bags for an item or items and take it directly out, so you do not have to give the items to the NPC yourself - a very helpful feature in the deadly environment of the Graveyard.

Quests & Shopkeepers

Graveyard Trophies



The Lore of the graveyard is still somewhat unclear. It would seem that in the distant past, Geraine, His Eternal Splendor, destroyed the House Mhoire. It is unclear why, but in Rytheran's Letter he refers to the House Mhoire as the traitor house. For millennia the House Mhoire was burried beneath the ground, but recently, as written in his letter, Rytheran left the Mage Academy in search of a mysterious magical book, the Book of Eibhil. He found the book and began to read from it to restore his memories and power. By reading from this book, dark magic rose the Graveyard to the surface once more.

Texts Related to the Graveyard:

Ancient Journal Page #1
Ancient Journal Page #2
Book of Eibhil
Rytheran's Journal
Laylana's Love Letter
Pleading Letter
Foolish Ambition Teaser

Hunting Tactics

Posted on vnboard server frostfell by Taomagicdragon

Only general tactics from this article are used here in this section

~ Spawns ~

This leads to the first unique aspect of this area, the spawns vary by time with each in-game day and night being measured by one real-life hour. During the day the following creatures can be found:

Grave Rats (Weak to Lightning/Slashing/Bludgeoning) (Uses piercing and acid damage)
Pyre Minions (Weak to Fire/Bludgeoning) (Uses bludgeoning damage)
Pyre Skeletons (Weak to Fire/Bludgeoning) (Uses AR fire damage and can cast vulns and fire wars)
Corrupted Dreads (Weak to Fire/Lightning/Slashing) (Uses cold damage as well as vulns and cold wars)

Note: Day time lasts from Dawnsong until Evensong.

Out of these, the Corrupted Dreads can be found only inside the crypts on the landscape while the others can be found both in the crypts and outside. Melee damage is the main danger here with magic being only employed commonly by the Corrupted Dreads and Pyre Skeletons. During the night however, the spawns, and the danger, increase dramatically:

Wights (Weak to Slashing/Fire) (Uses bludgeon damage)
Wight Captains (Weak to Slashing/Fire) (Uses slash/bludgeon damage and can cast imps/vulns/slash wars)
Wight Blade Sorcerers (Weak to Slashing/Fire) (Casts imps/vulns/fester/slash wars)
Pyre Minions (Weak to Fire/Bludgeoning) (Uses bludgeon damage)
Pyre Skeletons (Weak to Fire/Bludgeoning) (Uses AR fire damage and can cast vulns and fire wars)
Pyre Champions (Weak to Fire/Bludgeoning) (Uses a shield as well as AR fire damage and can cast imps/vulns and fire wars)
Corrupted Dreads (Weak to Fire/Lightning/Slashing) (Uses cold damage as well as vulns and cold wars)
Spectral Dreads (Weak to Fire/Lightning/Slashing) (Uses cold damage as well as vulns and cold wars)
Sorrow Wisps (Weak to Slashing/Bludgeoning) (Uses Neutral damage as well as vulns and cold wars)
Hatred Wisps (Weak to Slashing/Bludgeoning) (Uses Neutral damage as well as vulns and fire wars)
Despair Wisps (Weak to Slashing/Bludgeoning) (Uses Neutral damage as well as vulns and acid wars)

Note: Night time lasts from Evensong until Dawnsong.

All of these can spawn outside but, for the most part, the Dreads tend to be the only real residents of the crypts. The spawns this time around are far more magic intensive; but do not underestimate the power of their physical attacks as they do hurt, badly, when imperiled and vulned. It tends to be easier (not easy) to stay on the top of the crypts as well as avoiding the wisps altogether due to the time it takes to kill them.

The strategies for hunting in this place are as varied as the players exploring and so I have taken the liberty of writing a few tactics for different templates; solo or group (though this place is designed for groups).

Note: using rares will not be covered nor will full 9 person set ups as it gets redundant when it’s easy to figure out that if it works for 2-4 players, then 9 can do it easily. The following pertains to outdoor hunting only, for hunting inside the crypts themselves one should use common sense and common practice by using the walls from the stairwells to line up spawns and avoid magical damage.

Note: Boundary trap refers to using the outside borders on the eastern, southern, and northern exits to trap spawn and dispatch in a safer fashion.

Note: Alchemy grenades are mentioned but you can obviously use life magic at your discretion.

~ Solo Tactics ~


Day: Grave Rats and Corrupted Dreads.
Night: Corrupted/Spectral Dreads, Wights, and Wisps.

Jump atop the crypts, heads, or towers then vuln appropriately to match a same-type CS wand (slaying property where applicable) and then cast wars from above. Using a rend weapon (Slaying when applicable), you can fire into the graveyard from beyond the boundary markers where, if you angle correctly, you can trap the spawn.


Day: Grave Rats and Pyre Minions/Skeletons.
Night: Pyre and Wight Creatures.

Note: Exquisite Composite weapon is a MUST for the Pyre Champions (for soloing due to shields)

Jump atop the crypts, heads, or towers then vuln/imperil appropriately to match a same-type CS/AR bow (slaying property where applicable) and then shoot from above. The composite bow works great for this when not using a slaying weapon. If using a generic AR/CS bow (without slaying) then the Dark Idol Fetish will be of use here. Using the royal runed weapon, cast into the spawn to cast an imp and then switch to the rend/slaying weapon of your choice. For this strategy I would recommend it being best employed near the boundary stones in order to trap spawn.


Same as Missile.

Note: Being solo, it may be best to avoid the Pyre Champions due to shields.

Using an AL-Aegis shield (Isin Dule/Perfect Light/Golden Flame) and a royal weapon attack the spawns to imp then switch to the appropriate rend/slaying. Keep your back away from the spawns and try to lure out near the boundaries or fight within the few safe crypts as to retreat quickly if needed.

Note: If you have Alchemy Grenades then (for missiles and melees) you can use them to lure spawn to you, setting up the boundary-trap, as well as use them to actually vuln/imperil.

~ Group Tactics ~

Mage + Missile

Day: All.
Night: All

Eerily efficient in the Graveyard, the mage and missile character will follow either the first or second ideas simultaneously. The difference being that the mage imperils/vulns everything and heals the archer as they go to loot. The archer will use CS/AR/Slaying weapons. This set up is perfect for using the terrain and the only huge weakness is when it comes time for the mage to loot unless the missile character can heal.

Mage + Melee

Day: All.
Night: All but the Wisps.

This grouping is centered around the mage luring into the boundary-trap or into a choke point in the door way of a crypt. The mage will imperil/vuln everything and the melee takes them out. You could also have the mage sit high up on a crypt or tower and keep the spawn bust while the melee swings away with a CS/AR/Slaying weapon in relative safety. Though the melee and mage will be more vulnerable to damage, it makes looting easier without a total breakdown of tempo. Stick to the door way choke points or boundary-traps and you’ll be fine.

Missile + Melee

Day: Grave Rats and Pyre Minions/Skeletons.
Night: Pyre creatures and Wights (sans the Blade Sorcerer)

In this set up, the archer will lure with the royal runed weapon to lay the imps as well as set up a choke point or boundary trap. The melee will swing away with the rend/slaying weapon appropriate. Makes looting easier at the cost of more exposure to damage. If one of the players uses the Alchemy Grenades then they will perform the role of imp/vulning to set up the strategies. The lurer could also be high up to distract the spawns keeping the melee safe. If the melee has the grenades, then both members can perch above in safety using the strategy a Mage + Missile team would.

Mage + Mage

Same as Mage for all points except one mage can take the role of support while the other mage uses CS/Slaying weapons.

Missile + Missile

Same as Mage + Missile with one archer using the royal runed weapon to lure and imperil or use the Alchemy Grenades.

Melee + Melee

Day: All
Night: All but Wight Blade Sorcerer and Wisps.

This plays vastly different due to the melees being able to turn shielded opponents one way so the partner can attack from behind. One melee will use royal runed weapons to lay down the imperils while the others swings away with a rend/slaying weapon. If a melee uses the Alchemy Grenades then assume the Mage + Melee scenario.

~ Geography ~

The Ancient Graveyard has two sides: North and South and are separated by a gated boundary. Each half is unique:

Amelia Quest
Lord Mhoire Quest
Lady Mhoire Quest (Sealed vault is in this half)
Jester Quests (Marbles/Spectral Weapons)
1 mausoleum (with the statues)
5 crypts
2 towers
1 large rock cave
2 head-crypts
1 entrance/exit (with boundary for trapping)

Highlights: Perching perching perching! The Mausoleum on the hill can be used as a safe house during the day while the cave can be used at night..

Exhumed Bones Turn-in
Pyre Shrouds Turn-in
Grave Rat Kill Task
Deathtail Quest
Jester Quests (All)
Rytheran’s Journal quest
4 Crypts
2 Partially sunken heads
2 statues
1 large pillar
3 exits for quick escape (East has a gating boundary for trapping while the South has a small loose boundary and another one is fairly safe for escape in the West)

Highlights: Has a wide open field for larger groups and melee bashing! There is also a safe crypt at 65.6S 43.0W and another one a bit north of that where you can duck into to heal up and/or take a break and log. Use the statues and pillar as well as the heads to dodge wars, line up spawns, or steal a chance to heal.

~ Weapons Wish List ~

Below are recommended weapons for each template that tend to be popular and useful.


Fire/Slash Rend Undead Slayer fully brass’d or gg’d
Fire/Slash CS Undead Slayer fully brass’d or gg’d
Lightning Rend fully brass’d or gg’d
CS/Rend Bludgeon fully brass’d or gg’d
Ghost Slayer


Exquisite Composite Weapon
Royal Runed Weapon
Fire/Slash Rend Undead Slayer fully brass’d or hog’d
Fire/Slash CS/AR Undead Slayer fully brass’d or hog’d
CS/AR/Rend Bludgeon fully brass’d or hog’d
AR/Rend Bludgeon/Fire with Dark Fetish Idol and hog’d
Ghost Slayer


Aegis shield with A (Isin Dule, etc)L
Royal Runed Weapon
Fire/Slash Rend Undead Slayer fully tinked for damage or brass
Fire/Slash CS/AR Undead Slayer fully tinked for damage or brass
CS/AR/Rend Bludgeon/Slash fully tinked for damage or brass
Ghost Slayer

~ Covenant Armour Guide ~

Piercing (day)
Acid (day)
Cold (day and night)
Fire (day and night)
Slashing (night)
Bludgeoning (day and night)

About the only thing you are safe from is lightning damage so when using covenant armour focus on everything else. If you wish to only hunt in the day time then focus on piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and acid damage (cold if you intend on fighting the Dreads in the crypts). For the night time that’s when slashing, bludgeoning, fire damage is most important with cold for the Dreads.

~ Trophies ~

In addition to the normal experience and loot profile (which is not shabby) there are numerous trophies to earn on your kills. Below are the items and what creature drops them with the highest rates, there will be a separate section below to explain the Jester‘s Cards:

Pyre Shrouds (Day: Pyre Skeletons Night: Wight Captains)
Ancient Mhoire Coins (Day: Corrupted Dreads Night: Wight Captains/Blade
Sorcerers or Spectral Dreads or Pyre Champions)
Ornate Bone Keys (Same as Coins)
Exhumed Bones (Night Only: Landscape/crypts)
Jester’s Tokens/Cards (Day/Night: Any)

These items can be found on other spawns (Most of the night time spawns can drop the first three items for example) but the ones listed have the higher rates, which even still are quite low. The Wight Captains and Blade Sorcerers can drop up to three shrouds at one time so if you’re looking for those, they’re your best bet. Exhumed Bone Piles spawn between Evensong and Dawnsong (Dusk ‘til Dawn) and need to be attacked in order to pick up a bone, similar to how you would break crates in other quests. Coins and keys drop off the spawns during the Evensong to Dawnsong timeframe but only the crypt-residing Corrupted Dreads drop these during the day as they are unaffected by daylight being inside and all. When you wish to turn in these items see the following:

Pyre Shrouds - (10 needed) - 65.3S 44.0W - Apep-Tek the Tolerant - Anytime
Exhumed Bones - (10 needed) - 65.6S 43.0W - Shade of Parieth - Night
Ornate Bone Keys - (1 needed) - 64.6S 44.1W - Guardian Statue - Anytime
Ancient Mhoire Coins - (At least 1 needed) - 65.4S 44.0W - Hurnmel the Smith - Night
Jester’s Token - (1 needed) - Any casino owner - Anytime
Deck of Hands/Eyes - (1 deck needed, see below) - Jester (random area in the graveyard) - Night

There are no timers on any of the items or when you can turn them in, so think of them as bonuses for hunting. You receive up to 15 million experience for every 10 shrouds and every 10 bones yields 6 million experience. The keys are for use in a quest that will be explained later in this guide while the coins can be used as a sort of currency for use with the vendor in the estate, luckily inside a crypt as to provide some protection while buying. Pages of lore can sometimes drop in which the translator of Hebian-To will gladly translate for you.