Kromwell's Colosseum Walkthrough: Difference between revisions

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===Mage Requirements===
===Mage Requirements===
:*[[Tusker Fists]] Spell  
:*[[Tusker Fists]] Spell  
:*Bludge Rend [[Mukkir_Aspect_of_Grael_Quest | Mukkir Slayer]]  
:*Bludge Rend [[Mukkir_Aspect of Grael Quest | Mukkir Slayer]]  
:*Bludge Rend [[Search_for_Lunnum | Undead Slayer]]
:*Bludge Rend [[Search for Lunnum | Undead Slayer]]
:*Fire Rend Caster  
:*Fire Rend Caster  
:*[[Spectral_Weapons | Soulbound Caster]]
:*[[Spectral Weapons | Soulbound Caster]]
:*[[Tusker_Paw_Wand | Tusker Slayer Wand]] (optional)
:*[[Tusker Paw Wand | Tusker Slayer Wand]]
:*[[Singularity Weapons|Ultimate Singularity Scepter of War Magic (Upgraded)]]
:*[[Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi|Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand (War)]]
:**[[Hieromancer's_Crystal | War Magic Rare]] - you might be able to get by without any, but its nice to bring one just in case
:**[[Hieromancer's_Crystal | War Magic Rare]] - you might be able to get by without any, but its nice to bring one just in case

Revision as of 04:43, 30 September 2010

Related topics: Colosseum, Advanced Colosseum Arena

General Info

Mage Requirements

Archer Requirements

Melee Requirement

A melee can get by without needing any rares, but maybe bring a blood drinker rare just in case.



Characters will spread out evenly along the outer circle. we use clock positions. something like 12, 1:30, 3, 4:30, 6, 7:30, 9, 10:30, and 1 guy roving around the outside edge (obviously a melee). melees do not go inside the outer ring at all, with the exception of killing a last monster (like a crystal lord), or if the tusker fists will not be going into the area they are going to.

Ring Around the Bell

The melees and archers start under the bell, with the mages evenly spaced just outside the inner ring (near the bell). mages will be using ring spells here. use similar clock positions as used in spread formation.


Everyone in the SE corner


Half the mages and half the melees and/or archers in the SE corner, the other half somewhere between the entry point and the SW corner. mages will be firing tusker fists at each other (use best wall spell for the monster type with the correct rend/slayer to go with it if fists is not available). melees pay close attention to the critter they are attacking and make every effort to not allow themselves to be pulled from their position.

Corner with 2 Posts

2 missile characters are "posts", with everyone else starting in the SE corner. the posts are placed on a circular radius whose ceter would be the SE corner. the distance from the corner is such that they will be standing on floor tiles that are about 1 1/2 tiles away from the outer ring. they are placed such that they are equally spaced between each other and the south wal and the east wall. their purpose is to keep the monougas far enough away that tusker fists will hit all 16 times per cast, rather than just 1. in the rare event that a monouga spawns INSIDE the posts, the group's leader picks another corner and everyone moves the whole formation to the alternate corner. this is only used for the monougas.

North Wall

In a fairly tight formation along the north wall, near where the exit door will spawn. this one is used for the elite guardians in room 18. it is to get you close to the exit door in case time is tight.
There are some subtle things you can do to improve on these, but these will get it done. obviously these are made for non-PvP use. i never could get a PKL version off the ground due to lack of interest.

Arena Details

If no attack style is noted, use best judgement and try not to block ring or wall spells. This will start in arena 6, since it would be counterproductive to start in arena 1.

Arena 6

Spawns 1 & 2 - mosswarts: spread formation. fire rend for non-mages. mages will use bludge rend and cast tusker fists. the goal here is to get the first group that spawns before the rest of the spawn appears. for the second spawn, have wall spells in the air (firing inward) and switch to streaks to finish off any that are not hit by walls.

Spawns 3 & 4 - lugs and mattys: spread formation. melees and archers use lightning rend and concentrate on the lugians while mages use tusker fists.

Arena 7

- spawns 1&2 - eaters: ring around the bell formation. non-mages use slash rend. mages use soulbound caster and pierce rings.

- spawns 3&4 - viamonts: spread formation. non-mages use lightning rend. mages use tusker fists.

Arena 8

- spawns 1&2 - dillos and zefirs: slash rend (pierce or blunt if you dont have slash). mages imperil all dillos, the switch to bolts and arcs on the zefirs. melees and archers kill the dillos then switch to the zefirs.

- spawns 3&4 - crystals and crystal lords: spread formation. bludge rend. mages use tusker fists and attack only the sentient crystals. melees and archers on crystal until crystal lord spawns, then they all switch to the lord (not the mages).

Arena 9

- spawns 1&2 - olthoi: crossfire formation. bludge rend. mages and archers fire upon the larvae until main spawn appears, then mages switch to tusker fist crossfire. archers finish off the larvae, then switch to the bigger ones.

- spawns 3&4 - shadows: spread formation. non-mages use fire rend or shadow slayer. mages use bludge rend or shadow slayer.

Arena 10

- spawns 1&2 - sleeches: spread formation. bludge rend. mages fire tusker fists unward and switch to arcs as necessary.

- spawns 3&4 - ninjas: crossfire formation. acid or fire rend. mages use acid or fire wall spells firing towards the other group.

Arena 11

- spawns 1&2 - virindi/tuskers: corner formation. mages use fire rend. archers use fire rend and switch to soulbound bow for vulned virindi. melees use fire rend/AR fire. mages fire wall spells out of corner. this should take out all the tuskers before they even get close. high life skill mages vuln the virindi and the group kills them.

- spawns 3&4 - ghosts: spread formation. melees and archers use slash or fire rend, mages use bludge rend. mages fire tusker fists inward.

Arena 12

(optional war magic rare here) - spawns 1&2 - ruschk: crossfire formation. bludge rend for mages, bludge or pierce rend for melees and archers. mages fire tusker fists towards each other. archers attack ruschk not in the crossfire. melees attack the throwers that are outside the crossfire.

- spawns 3&4 - mukkir: crossfire formation. bludge rend mukkir slayer for mages. pierce rend or bludge rend mukkir slayer for archers and melees. mages fire tusker fists towards each other. melees kill while trying to avoid being pulled into the crossfire.

Arena 13

- spawn 1 - ravagers/virindi: corner formation. mages use fire rend, archers use soulbound with frost and melees use AR cold. high-life mages cold vuln all ravagers, then switch to virindi. mages do not use wars on ravagers until virindi are first killed.

- spawn 2 - PotB lugians: corner formation. lightning rend. ALL mages imperil all lugians.

-spawns 3&4 - flaming ursuins: corner formation. fire rend. mages imperil all ursuins.

Arena 14

(optional magic resist rare here) - spawns 1&2 - virindi: ring around the bell formation. EVERYONE uses soulbound caster. non-mages bring up fellow panel and watch health of fellows while using the soulbound caster's built-in war spell on the virindi. be very deliberate with this and switch targets if a virindi is near death, to help avoid getting bugged in combat mode. if you do get bugged, the only way to fix it is to relog and then the leader has to leave the arena to go get you back in fellow, so it is important to do everything you can to NOT get bugged while still providing firepower. if you are being ganked by several virindi, you might want to pop that optional resist rare.

- spawns 3&4 - olthoi: crossfire formation. mages fire tusker fists towards each other. archers and melees dont bother with the progenitors, attack all others.

Arena 15

(optional war rare here for spawns 3&4) - spawns 1&2 - mosswarts: crossfire formation. non-mages use fire rend. mages fire tusker fists toward the other group. kill the gladiators last.

- spawns 3&4 - falatacot: crossfire formation. mages use bludge rend undead slayer, melees and archer use fire rend undead slayer. mages fire tusker fists towards each other. melees try to avoid being drawn into crossfire.

Arena 16

- spawns 1&2 - viamontian hands: crossfire formation. non-mages use lightning rend. mages fire tusker fists towards the other group. archers target throwers. melees kill throwers as well, after an initial delay so melee-mode viamonts are first drawn into the crossfire area.

- spawns 3&4 - swarm demons: corner formation. EVERYONE uses soulbound caster. one of the non-mages is designated as the vulner. swing your camera view around by 180 degrees and zoom out a bit to make it easier to target the correct one. the vulner targets the nearest swarm demon on the south wall, as does everyone else. these have a very high regen rate so it is important for everyone to target the same one. non-mages switch to the one they anticipate to be next when the current one is close to death, due to the slow casting animation. once again, do not spam the caster's built-in spell or you will likely get bugged and have to re-log.

Arena 17

- spawns 1&2 - virindi/tuskers: corner formation. non-mages use fire rend. mages use tusker slayer with one high life magic character vulning. initially all mages use fire wall spells out from corner. when tuskers have closed in, high life character vulns virindi and tuskers. mages continue with wall spells until/unless they become ineffective, then switch to arcs or bolts. melees need to hold fast in corner until monsters have established positions in melee range, to avoid eating the wall spells.

- spawns 3&4 - uber penguins: corner formation. (optional war rare) fire rend. mages initially fire wall spells out from corner. high life mages try to imperil (its tough, i know). mages switch to arcs or bolts.

Arena 18

- spawns 1&2 - tremendous monoguas: corner with posts formation. (optional bow rare here) bell ringer delays ringing the bell until both posts are properly placed and everyone else is in the corner. one or two of the non-mages imperils and vulns the monougas to both bludgeon and cold. mages use soul bound caster and fire tusker fists outward from the corner. this one requires at least 2 archers to get the best effect, since they can attack while they are a post. melees try to get on the outside and attack the monougas from the other side to avoid being hit by fists. if unable to get out, then stand on a "post" and attack from there.

- spawns 3,4&5 - elite guardians: north wall. mages use soulbound caster. archers use soulbound bow. melees use AR cold. one mage vulns and another imperils. the key here is to have everyone attacking the same one. life mages can vuln others ahead of time. make SURE to use exit door before time runs out.

Other Notes

You should make it to at least the uber penguins without rares before making a rare run, to avoid wasting rares. you should actually make it to monougas fairly easily though, if your group is capable of winning. this works best when your group can make about 3 non rare runs in a row, while still in the learning process. this speeds up the process a lot, and makes some nice XP too.

Source: [1]