Leather Armor: Difference between revisions

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|bgcolor=#776041 width=60|<font color=white>776041 (Bracers)
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|bgcolor=#29201C width=60|<font color=white>29201C (Girth & Pants)
|bgcolor=#29201C width=60|<font color=white>49403C (Pants)
|bgcolor=#29201C width=60|<font color=white>49403C (Pants)
|bgcolor=#29201C width=60|<font color=white>29201C (Girth)
|bgcolor=#29201C width=60|<font color=white>29201C (Girth)

Revision as of 18:19, 10 June 2012

Introduced:  Release Updated:  Visions in the Darkness, Waking from the Abyss

Leather Armor
Armor Summary
Name: Leather Armor
Heritage: Generic, tier I
Coverage: Full
AL: See Loot


  • One of the original armor types, sold at many general Provisioners, Shopkeepers and Merchants.
  • The base material of Leather Armor is usually some kind of hide or leather.
  • The look of loot-generated leather armor was updated during the Visions in the Darkness event.
  • New loot-generated armor pieces, such as the Long Leather Gauntlets, the Leather Shorts, the Leather Jerkin, and the Leather Pants were introduced during the Waking from the Abyss event.
  • The old, smooth, leather look can only be bought at above mentioned vendors (see image below).
  • The new look involves some parts of the armor being semi-transparent, and taking on the color of the undercloths (for example, the shoulder pads on the upper arms armor)
  • The color palette consists of 3 colors: base color, patches & trims and details such as the bands across the chest
  • When dyeing, the base color becomes a rather deep, dark variation of the color. The trim and patches (for example on the abdomen) and the bands across the chest take on a different color :
    • Argenory: base light grey, patches bright teal, chest bands light blue
    • Berimphur: base dark yellow/brown, patches bright red, chest bands bright green
    • Colban: base dark blue, patches (relanim) purple, chest bands dark grey/black
    • Hennacin: base dark red, patches bright green, chest bands yellow
    • Lapyan: base light blue, patches (minalim) teal, chest bands white
    • Minalim: base green, patches white/light grey, chest bands teal
    • Relanim: base purple, patches black, chest bands dark (colban) blue
    • Thananim: base black, patches dark (colban) blue, chest bands (relanim) purple
    • Verdalim: base dark green, patches yellow, chest bands red
    • Fail dyed:base bright orange, patches either dark orange or almost yellow, chest bands dark orange/red

Quest Leather Armor

An Explorer Leather Basinet A Pair Of Explorer Leather Leggings An Explorer Leather Breastplate A Pair Of Explorer Leather Sleeves An Explorer Leather Girth A Pair Of Explorer Leather Bracers A Pair Of Explorer Leather Pauldrons A Pair Of Explorer Leather Boots A Society Leather Basinet A Pair Of Society Leather Leggings A Society Leather Breastplate A Pair Of Society Leather Sleeves A Society Leather Girth A Pair Of Society Leather Bracers A Pair Of Society Leather Pauldrons A Pair Of Society Leather Boots File:Armoredillo Hide Bracers (Retired) Icon.png Armoredillo Hide Bracers (Retired)File:Armoredillo Hide Breastplate (Retired) Icon.png Armoredillo Hide Breastplate (Retired)File:Armoredillo Hide Coat (Retired) Icon.png Armoredillo Hide Coat (Retired)File:Fine Armoredillo Hide Shirt (Retired) Icon.png Fine Armoredillo Hide Shirt (Retired) Fleet Strike Gauntlets Gromnie Hide Pauldrons Gromnie Hide Shirt Machinist's Gloves Mattekar Hide Coat Mattekar Hide Sleeves Quick Strike Gauntlets Reedshark Hide Greaves Reedshark Hide Leggings Shou-jen Shozoku Sleeve Gauntlets Swift Strike Gauntlets Walking Boots

Loot-generated Leather Armor

Click image for full size.
Leather Helm Leather Cowl Leather Jerkin
Leather Shirt Leather Cuirass Leather Vest
Leather Sleeves Long Leather Gauntlets Leather Gauntlets
Leather Bracers Leather Pauldrons Leather Girth
Leather Shorts Leather Pants Leather Leggings
Leather Tassets Leather Greaves Leather Boots

Dyed Loot-generated Leather Armor

Dyed Leather Armor

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes and dye effects

Dye Effects

  • Note that the boots, hand part of the long leather gaunts and the helmet dye according to another palette than the rest of the armor.
  • Sometimes, the same coverage gives different colors for different pieces of armor. 100% confirmed to give the same color:
    • Greaves, Tassets, Shorts, Leggings and Pants for upper and lower legs
  • Probably giving different colors:
    • Girth: Shorts, Cuirass, Pants and Girth for Abdomen (this might have to do with the secondary color, the girth displays the secondary, for pants it's the main color
    • Possibly Vest and Cuirass for Chest, the BP may revert to Hex 28120A by default??
    • Long Leather Gauntlets and Bracers/Gaunts for lower arms and hands
    • Possibly Sleeves and Bracers/Pauldrons for upper and lower arms

Known Palettes for Dyed Leather Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Sample Main VT Sample Main VT Sample Trim VT
5739 Lapyan_Leat 00515E 006370 006045
5734 Colban_Leat 19003F 220056 390041
5732 Verdalim_Leat 047616 003F14 00561B 534900
5740 Minalim_Leat 005E45 007050 8B928C
5735 Relanim_Leat 3C003F 520056 202020
5743 Thananim_Leat 242424 1F1F1F 2B2B2B 000540
5742 Hennacin_Leat 992F05 391401 4D1A02 023A21
5741 Argenory_Leat A5A5A5 6C6C6C 7D7D7D 114942
5733 Berimphur_Leat 3F3800 564B00 410010
5737 Fail_Leat FFA60B FAB000
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
Known Palettes for Dyed Leather Armor - Boots, Helmet & Hands
ACID Name Sample DCS Sample Helm Sample Gaunts Sample Boots
5762 Lapyan_Leat 12686C
5787 Colban_Leat 003164
5778 Verdalim_Leat 7F7F7F 1A641C
5770 Minalim_Leat 1DAD78 126C4C
5767 Relanim_Leat 3B0A42
5775 Thananim_Leat 2A2A2A, 414141
5765 Hennacin_Leat 7D131B
5761 Argenory_Leat 717171
5776 Berimphur_Leat 3F3D00
5763 Fail_Leat E15000
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in Loot

Known Palettes for Loot-generatedLeather Armor - general
ACID Name Sample DCS Sample 1 (example) Sample 2 (example) Cowl BP Upper Arms Lower Arms Gaunts Girth Upper Legs Lower Legs Sample Patch
5736 KhakiYellow_Leat 6B580D 917712 BF9C18 28120A? (Cuirass) 59490B (Girth), 5A000E (Cuirass) 5A000E
5738 CelestBlue_Leat 392986 3B2C8E 241C5C 4D3ABA (Bracers)
5744 OliveGreen_Leat 808500 606400 (Cuirass)? 8E9300 (Pauldrons) D1D700 (Bracers) 235A00 (Cuirass)? 235A00 (Girth)?
5745 WalnutBrown_Leat 3A2B25 28120A? (Vest) 533527 (Bracers) 473D32 (Pants), 444444 (Girth/Cuirass) AB885D (Pants) AB885D (Pants, Greaves)) 444444? (Girth)
5746 LilithaBlue_Leat 006EAC 004872 006BA7 0078BB 0078BB 1F1841
5747 SpringGreen_Leat 077A2B 099E38 28120A? 067227 (Long Gaunts) 066C27 (Girth) 0AB13F 0AB13F 3C2A1E?
5748 RosePink_Leat 981F5A 8C1C51 9E205C 28120A (Cuirass)? 5A000E (Cuirass) 5A000E (Girth)?
5749 CoffeeBrown_Leat 403731 49403C 413932 491111 (Vest) 776041 (Bracers) 29201C (Girth & Pants) 49403C (Pants) 49403C (Pants) 29201C (Girth)
5750 GrapePurple_Leat 500064 510064 740093 28120A (Cuirass)? 491111 (Cuirass)? 491111?
5751 CerisePurple_Leat 340E24 613249 (Shirt) 1F3377 (Shirt) 422231 (Pants, Shirt) 6C3751 (Pants) 6C3751 (Pants) 1F3377
5752 MariBlue_Leat 254778 101F35 (Sleeves) 101F35 (Sleeves) 1B3257 (Shorts) 2C548E (Shorts) 743C56? 2D2D2D?
5753 CornBlue_Leat 244456 244455 114942 (Vest) 223F50 (Shorts) 386883 (Shorts) 114942??
5754 StoneGrey_Leat 2F2F2F 535353 323232 1F1841 (Vest) 606060 (Legs) 606060 (Legs) 1F1841
5755 CloverGreen_Leat 007325 00521B 28120A (Vest) 00521B (Pants)?, 32005A (Girth)? 007A27 (Pants, Greaves) 007A27 (Pants) 32005A? (Girth)
5756 SolidRed_Leat 7E0000 690003 D70002 3C0001 (Sleeves) 3C0001 (Sleeves) 640000 (Pants) A40001 (Pants) A40001 (Pants) 2C1149
5757 DRosePurple_Leat 53012B 77023B (Vest) AE0457 (Bracers) 510127 (Shorts) 840342 (Shorts) 114911
5758 ClearBlue_Leat 002E73 003E98 00337E (Bracers) 002A6C (Shorts) 003685 (Shorts) 2B2B2B
5759 LugianBlue_Leat 25364C 2E415D? (Jerkin) 2E415D? (Jerkin) 2E415D? (Jerkin) 2E415D? (Jerkin) 773664? (Jerkin) 773664
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
Known Palettes for Leather Armor - Boots, Helmet & Hands
ACID Name Sample Mean (DCS) Helm Hands Boots
5760 LugianGrey_Leat 373737 515151 4F4F4F 3B3B3B
5764 Eggplant_Leat 340E24 571A3F? 571A3F? 360F28
5766 GalvanicPurple 520A5A A120AC? AE18A5? 61126C
5768 StrongOlive_Leat 808500 859118 000000??
5769 OakRed_Leat 5C0C0E 911F18? 000000??
5771 HazeBlue_Leat 005EAC 6987A3? 5E7BAB?
5772 BlackRose_Leat 981F5A 10040A? 932252?
5773 DarkMagenta_Leat 53012B 651534 5D1634?
5774 KhakiGreen_Leat 636A3A C2A327? 535630?
5779 CabalBlue_Leat 072555 081F71? 072754
5780 SapphireBlue_Leat 2F3E7C 4651AA 2C3A79 3935B6
5781 BarkBrown_Leat 2E2520 473F3B? 2A221E
5782 HuskBrown_Leat 604234 746861 856849 4C3E37
5783 GekkoGreen_Leat 1F5C22 3C903F 2E9941 235C23
5784 OceanBlue_Leat 283952 374662?
5785 BottleBlue_Leat 224050 224F5C? 2E7099?
5786 PaynesBlue_Leat 3E3850 666174? 3C374C?
5789 ForestGreen_Leat 24582D 2A532B 23562D 193419
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Store-bought Leather Armor

  • After the graphics update, with exception of the Leather Cap, the original (and dyeable) leather look cannot be found in loot anymore, only in shops. Some quest armor pieces, such as the Society Leather Armor, the Mattekar Hide Sleeves or the Reedshark Hide Leggings have a similar look, but are not dyeable.
  • Store-bought leather armor has a "smooth" look. Original color palette has AC-ID 1511 (Sharkbrown) with AC-ID 1677 (Pumkin) details such as the trim on the sleeves and the band of the abdomen covering armor

Leather Basinet Leather Boots Leather Bracers Leather Breastplate Leather Cap Leather Coat Leather Cowl Leather Cuirass Leather Gauntlets Leather Girth Leather Greaves Leather Leggings Leather Pauldrons Leather Shirt Leather Sleeves Leather Tassets

Dyed Store-bought Leather Armor

  • Note:shown without the Leather Boots, who have their own dyed entry
Dyed Leather Armor (Store)

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)






Known Palettes for Dyed Store-bought Leather Armor
ACID Name Sample Hex
4213 LapyanBlue 2A6C9A
4387 ColbanBlue 001859
4052 VerdalimGreen 20341B
4214 MinalimGreen 1F793F
4389 RelanimPurple 47065C
4388 ThananimBlack 2A2A2A
4053 HennacinRed 3F1007
4215 ArgenoryWhite ADADAD
4054 BerimphurGold 60510A
4055 CriticalPink B06672
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.