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# Hug the right wall all the way to the bottom, and jump into the pit.
# Hug the right wall all the way to the bottom, and jump into the pit.
# From here, head North into an octagon style room, where you'll find a [[Graven Idol]]. Use it to be portaled into the [[Bandit Hideout Prison]].
# From here, head North into an octagon style room, where you'll find a [[Graven Idol]]. Use it to be portaled into the [[Bandit Hideout Prison]].
# Pick up the [[Broken Fishing Pole]] from the ground, and wield it as a weapon.
# Once wielded, select the [[Key Ring]], using the '''[''' key on your keyboard and press '''R''' to use it.

== Items ==
== Items ==

Revision as of 14:43, 6 February 2009

Short caption for the image.
Quest Summary
Guide - Items - Maps - Images - Lore
Quest Type Solo/Small Group
XP Reward --
XP Cap --
Item Reward Crimped Hat
Dapper Suit
Sleek Dress
Title Reward Gumshoe
Starting Location Lytelthorpe
Timer --
Level Restrictions --
Level Suggestions --
Introduced In Waking from the Abyss

Walk Through

  1. To begin, speak with Guard Chandler Hammett at 0.9N, 51.1E in Lytelthorpe.
  2. Read one of the 3 Signs, located in the capital cities by using it:
  3. Once you've read a sign, return to Lytelthorpe and speak with Dame Brinna O'Shea at 1.0N, 51.1E. She'll give you a Clean Towel and an MMD.
  4. Now head to Nanto and run to a group of tree portals (look like trees) at 47.3S, 83.4E. Use the proper tree to be portaled to a building at MacNiall's Freehold.
    Tree teleports you with Knocked Out.
    • Note: If you use the wrong tree, you'll get a green message telling you so. Try again:
    You think, "...I felt pretty foolish."
  5. Once you've portaled, read the Open Journal, on the floor in front of you.
  6. Head outside the building and speak with Gentleman Jake Hawkins, located at 74.5S, 92.3E. He'll Give you a Confession, Torch, Bandit Hideout Portal Gem and an I Note.
  7. Use the Portal Gem to be transported to the Bandit Hideout.
  8. Once inside, use the Bookcase to open the door to the hideout, and enter the hallway.
    • Tip: If you can't see inside the dungeon, wield the Torch.
  9. Hug the right wall all the way to the bottom, and jump into the pit.
  10. From here, head North into an octagon style room, where you'll find a Graven Idol. Use it to be portaled into the Bandit Hideout Prison.
  11. Pick up the Broken Fishing Pole from the ground, and wield it as a weapon.
  12. Once wielded, select the Key Ring, using the [ key on your keyboard and press R to use it.




Lore & Dialog

Guard Chandler Hammett tells you, "Hail friend, perhaps you haven't seen the signs in the capital cities. We've been asked to assist in an investigation. Dame Brinna O'Shea is handling the proceedings..."
You think, "The guard went on. This was beginning to look like an interesting proposition. The capital cities, eh. Who knows maybe they'd provide me with a little insight. I weighed the possibilities and thought about visiting this Dame. But first I needed to find out where she was hiding. The sign in the capital cities was my only clue."

You think, "A sign. They're everywhere nowadays...from the smile on the grocer's face, to the voices that carry on the wind. I'd seen a fair share of signs in my day, but this was a day like no other and this was a sign that I couldn't pass by."
You think, "I was walking through the center of another capital city -minding my own business- when the sign called to me, like a cheap piece of amuli gifted with a major coordination cantrip. Curiosity got the better of me and like an ursuin cub, I found myself staring at the honeypot...this sign."
You think, "I didn't mean to get involved, and if given the choice, I might keep my hands clean... turn the other way and let well enough alone. But who was I trying to fool? I was just as interested as the next person trapped on this crazy world, where magic rules and bugs can talk."
You think, "The letters were evenly spaced, like the cobwebs that lined my mind. The words had been written by a fair and steady hand. I could only imagine it was a Dame who had started me off on this path. If it was a Dame... that meant trouble. Dames -always- meant trouble."
You think, "I finished reading. I caught the bits and pieces hidden in the well-written prose. There was something amiss. This Dame needed help. She was reaching out to any soul that didn't have 'dark master of all things evil' tattooed on their foreheads. I pondered if I should get involved as I read the location of her place."
You think, "The Lytelthorpe Keep, Central Tower. Would I stay, or would I go?"

Dame Brinna O'Shea tells you, "You must have seen the sign. Please sit down."
Dame Brinna O'Shea tells you, "I'm so glad you came..."
You think, "They were always glad. It meant that they no longer had to shoulder the weight of what they knew alone. Camaraderie came from such knowledge. She kept talking and I was having trouble listening."
You think, "My mind kept drifting away to other thoughts. She talked fast, like the buzzing of bees around the first flower in spring. I was doing my best to keep up with the conversation but...there was too much. After a moment or two, I didn't care anymore. I got comfortable..."
You think, "The Dame kept going, talking about some man. Maybe in green armor, with a green dagger or something like that; I didn't care anymore. Her voice was grating on my nerves, like cheese drawn over a cheese grater. I shifted and got really comfortable."
You think, "The Dame was worried. I felt like I should stand up, clear my throat, tell her everything would be fine. But that would mean she'd sob."
You think, "Too late. The buzzing sound of her voice gave way to delirious talk about assassination. I pretended to listen and leaned forward..."
You think, "Then it ceased. It was like opening a Singularity Chest to find three perfectly matched dual major armor pieces, each enhancing a skill I possessed. But like every dream, it ended. Reality smacked me in the jaw, like a Peerless Drudge catching me with my faceplate up. The droning pitch of her voice returned. I got comfortable and listened to the rest of the Dame's tale."
Dame Brinna O'Shea tells you, "...and that's why I need you to help me."
You think, "I stood quickly. Better she thought I had heard everything that she had to say, rather than tell her the truth. I crossed my arms and gave her a stern look."
You think, "Before I could think, I said 'I'll do it.'"
You say, "I'll do it."
You think, "She gave me a clean towel..."
Dame Brinna O'Shea gives you Clean Towel.
You think, "...a trade note for my trouble..."
Dame Brinna O'Shea gives you Trade Note (100).
You think, "...and a location..."
Dame Brinna O'Shea tells you, "The last spot we knew he could be found was off the road in a copse of trees, north of Nanto."
You think, "I didn't have to ask what to expect there. Like I said before, Dames were always trouble. I was knee deep with this one."
Dame Brinna O'Shea tells you, "Thank you, again."
You think, "The kiss was a nice touch. Though it left me with a sinking feeling. Like getting caught off your guard when the Hopeslayer asks you a question. Never peeve the 24 foot tall Lord of Darkness, you might find yourself falling from the top of the world and believe me, you can't see your house from there."
You think, "I weighed my choices and decided what I needed to do. The entrance to the place would be hidden amongst the trees, but I'd find a way in."

You think, "Ever since I left the Dame standing in her room all alone I couldn't help but wonder..."
You think, "What was the towel for? I stopped and looked myself over twice, nothing on my face or hands. I knew I should have been paying attention while she was talking, but her voice kept me occupied."
You think, "I found myself running my hands over trees. They all looked alike in this little copse. I felt strange, like being watched. The feeling passed after a moment... As I ran my hands over the tree in front of me, I was struck by an odd feeling of deja vu..."
You think, "I didn't remember seeing this place before, but somewhere in the dark shadows that shrouded my mind, I knew I had. Sure it had changed, but a lot had changed since I walked through that first swirling portal on Ispar. I was no hero there. I was simply living my life. I felt like I was waiting for something."
You think, "I had the urge to dance..."
You think, "I suddenly realized that this tree was different from the others. There was a light syrupy texture that coated the branches. I pulled my hand up to my lips for a quick taste." You think, "A heavy weight landed on my shoulders in the form of my head. It was like having 'Weight of the World' cast on you while making a run to the shop to unload your latest armor haul. Everything slowed down and a taste of honey filled my mouth. I dropped to a knee..."
You think, "...but it wasn't enough. I fell to the ground, like a mosswart who had zigged when he should have zagged."
Tree teleports you with Knocked Out.
You think, "The world spun out of control, a long gray tunnel filled with purple shards told me that I was heading back to my lifestone. The tree's sap had played the role of hammer to my olthoi shell."
You think, "But my ride through the big swirl dropped me somewhere else. I didn't know where I was. An open book on a nearby desk called to me."

You think, "The book told a strange tale. Seems that there was an operation waylaying adventurer's foolish enough to come into contact with that tree. Some kind of strange powder created by a man that lurked in the shadows coated the branches. The powder induced hallucination and caused paralysis. That explained the dancing... and the falling down."
You think, "Reading on, I found out that whoever was keeping this little ledger was responsible for delivery of those that fell at the tree. Seems like I was supposed to be next."
You think, "I had been kidnapped. Whoever had written this journal had thought better of delivering me to the brigands. They'd left me with my armor, weapons and trinkets...I'd need to find them and shake them down for information. Judging by the timbre of the book, that wouldn't be hard."
You think, "Outside, I heard the sounds of the jungle. I wasn't on the mainland of Dereth. No, more likely this was the Vesayen Islands. Somewhere outside, I figured on finding answers."

You think, "The man standing before me looked haggard. As soon as he saw me approaching, he started shaking like a leaf getting ready to be shed in the autumn air."
You think, "Being one to press my advantage, I shook the man down."
You think, "He folded like a simulacrum skin suit falling to the ground..."
You think, "He was begging me not to slap him silly. He wasn't worth the effort. His tale was pretty simple. Lonely kid, came through the portal from Ispar and got involved in the wrong crowd. He'd heard whispers coming down through the chain of command and ran when the kitchen fires grew too hot. Now he was a refugee, living in MacNiall's Freehold. He talked big, but sobbed bigger."
You think, "I was less than enthused, and waited for his blubbering to end."
You think, "When his tantrum was done he handed me a torch..."
Gentleman Jake Hawkins gives you Torch.
You think, "...a signed confession..."
Gentleman Jake Hawkins gives you Confession.
You think, "...and a portal gem."
Gentleman Jake Hawkins gives you Portal Gem.
You think, "The choice was up to me now. Did I chance what lay in the dungeon beyond this gem. The blubbering idiot standing before me told me it was dark. How dark? Dark enough that the torch would be my only light. I wasn't afraid, just wary...maybe this would best wait for a later time."

You think, "Gentleman Jake proved to be good to his word. This place was dark, nearly as dark as the shadowy souls that stalked the darker places of Dereth. I'd need to watch my step in here or get stuck at the bottom of some ditch. What the gentleman hadn't told me about was that the portal gem he'd given me dropped me in a room with no doors. Just this bookcase."
You think, "No surprise that when I started to peruse the shelves I found that most of them were covered in settled dust. All the books were covered in the dust too, except one. It stood out like a Virindi at an allegiance meeting. I pulled the book a little and the bookcase parted."

You think, "The stone was smooth along the bottom and looked roughly like a mosswart. In the dark, it was difficult to tell if there were markings lining the base of the statue. For the first time since talking to the Dame I felt lost, confused. What did the mosswarts have to do with an assassination attempt? Did they have anything to do with it?"
You think, "The dark room had me jumping at shadows, a shiver ran down my spine."
You think, "That feeling of being watched came over me again. Without warning the great behemoth in front of me came to life..."
You think, "I threw my hands up instinctively..."
You think, "...voices started hammering my ears, like lugians pounding metal on anvils in Linvak Tukal. The statue swung once..."
You think, "My world spun out of control."
Graven Idol teleports you with Beaten into Submission.
You think, "I saw the spinning of the portal and realized what was coming next."
You think, "The trip was rough, I felt like a banderling had just hit me upside the head with a club while I was wearing a cloth cap. Not enough foresight on the hunters part. Only this time, the hunter was looking to trap answers and catching beatings in their place."
You think, "I figured on seeing my lifestone again. But as the swirl of portal space started to drip away, leaving the hard edges of reality in its place, I saw that things couldn't be much worse than this. I was caged like a sacrifice. On the floor, lay a broken fishing pole and a skeleton. A set of keys taunted me out in the hall beyond a locked prison door. The slack jaw and vacant eyes of the skeleton mocked me, like a tattoo displayed on one of the drones standing around the marketplace. Dead men told no tales for the most part, but something told me that this skeleton would be howling like a mite, if given half a chance."