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  | Atlatl Dart
  | Atlatl Dart
  | Armor Piercing Atlatl Dart
  | Armor Piercing Atlatl Dart
| Barbed Atlatl Dart
  | Blunt Atlatl Dart
  | Blunt Atlatl Dart
  | Broadhead Atlatl Dart
  | Broadhead Atlatl Dart

Revision as of 08:37, 23 April 2012

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March 2002 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements


  • No Current Link Available


  • No Current Link Available

Release Notes

  • No Current Link Available

Letter to the Players

  • No Current Link Available

Letter to the Players 2

  • No Current Link Available


Town Crier Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "Martine's forces have landed in the Direlands, and they mean business. My cousin just got back from the lifestone and couldn't stop muttering something about "popping" corpses and glowing bugs."
Town Crier tells you, "I haven't seen any Virindi around, but I sure have seen a lot more of those weapons."
Town Crier tells you, "With the winter snows receding Snowman sighting have decreased drastically. Many travellers have reported seeing them in the mountains where the snow still remains."
Town Crier tells you, "The Arcanum has presented the people of Dereth with new statues to commemorate their victories in the field!"
Town Crier tells you, "Did you hear what the Arcanum is saying? Nuhmudira has gone missing, I'd sure like to tell you where she lives. But..."
Town Crier tells you, "Boy those elementals sure are nasty. I hear that some have been seen hiding on the Obsidian Plains now."
Town Crier tells you, "I wonder how the Arcanum gained the knowledge to create these wonderful new statues for us?"
Town Crier tells you, "Someone said something about Olthoi working with Martine, What next!?"
Town Crier tells you, "The Giant Snowmen that appeared during the winter months have mysteriously vanished. The Jolly Snowman seemed unphased by this news though stating "they'll be back again someday.""
Town Crier tells you, "A Tin Smith has reportedly been selling new cooking implements to vendors in select locations."
Town Crier tells you, "I hear that many people have been seen around the Virindi crafters, handing in their quiddity ingots."
Town Crier tells you, "Nuhmudira's mansion borders the swamp and desert. Be careful--my cousin warns that her Zharalim are guarding that place with their lives. You may be able to approach it from the front if you are very careful."
Town Crier tells you, "If you go to fight Martine's forces you should make sure that you protect yourself again lighting, acid, fire and ice. The elementals are changing."

Ulgrim Rumors

No new messages this month.

New UI and Game Changes

  • Bronze statues of creatures of Dereth and heroes of the Isparian people have been added to the center of all towns. These new gifts make the hunting and crafting process easier.
  • Housing Commands
    • Players can now type @house available to see a list of houses that are available to purchase.
  • Loot
    • Many updates the type and quality of treasure. See the Release Notes for details.
  • Skill Costs
  • User Interface
    • Allegiance confirmation dialog box added.
    • Items now display a warning message when low on mana.
    • You can now auto fill all items on your person with mana by using a mana charge on your paper doll.

New Quests

Updated NPCs

New Locations

Bronze Town Statues

Statues that cast level II protections:
Al-Arqas - Bronze Gromnie Statue
Holtburg - Bronze Drudge Statue
Lytelthorpe - Bronze Mosswart Statue
Nanto - Bronze Reedshark Statue
Rithwic - Bronze Mosswart Statue
Samsur - Bronze Gromnie Statue
Shoushi - Bronze Drudge Statue
Yanshi - Bronze Reedshark Statue
Yaraq - Bronze Drudge Statue

Statues that cast level III protections:
Al-Jalima - Bronze Skeleton Statue
Cragstone - Bronze Thorsten Cragstone Statue
Eastham - Bronze Banderling Statue
Glendon Wood - Bronze Banderling Statue
Hebian-to - Bronze Ben Ten Statue
Khayyaban - Bronze Skeleton Statue
Kryst - Bronze Sclavus Statue
Lin - Bronze Skeleton Statue
Tou Tou - Bronze Banderling Statue
Uziz - Bronze Skeleton Statue
Zaikhal - Bronze Zharalim Statue

Statues that cast level IV protections:
Arwic - Bronze Tumerok Statue
Baishi - Bronze Golem Statue
MacNiall's Freehold - Bronze Sclavus Statue
Mayoi - Bronze Golem Statue
Plateau Village - Bronze Skeleton Statue
Qalaba'r - Bronze Golem Statue
Sawato - Bronze Sclavus Statue
Stonehold - Bronze Tumerok Statue
Tufa - Bronze Skeleton Statue

Statues that cast level V protections:
Ayan Baqur - Bronze Virindi Statue
Fort Tethana - Bronze Grievver Statue
Kara - Bronze Shadow Statue
Wai Jhou - Bronze Shadow Statue

Housing Settlements

Updated Locations

New Items

Cooking Update: Cookies Cutters

Festival Cookbook Gingerbread Dough Gingerbread Drudge Shaped Cookie Cutter Human Shaped Cookie Cutter Lugian Shaped Cookie Cutter Uncooked Ginger Bread Drudge Uncooked Ginger Bread Man Uncooked Ginger Bread Lugian Ginger Bread Drudge Ginger Bread Man Ginger Bread Lugian

Atlatl Dart Armor Piercing Atlatl Dart Barbed Atlatl Dart Blunt Atlatl Dart Broadhead Atlatl Dart Frog Crotch Atlatl Dart Acid Atlatl Dart Fire Atlatl Dart Frost Atlatl Dart Lightning Atlatl Dart Greater Atlatl Dart Greater Armor Piercing Atlatl Dart Greater Blunt Atlatl Dart Greater Broadhead Atlatl Dart Greater Frog Crotch Atlatl Dart Greater Acid Atlatl Dart Greater Fire Atlatl Dart Greater Frost Atlatl Dart Greater Lightning Atlatl Dart Deadly Atlatl Dart Deadly Armor Piercing Atlatl Dart Deadly Blunt Atlatl Dart Deadly Broadhead Atlatl Dart Deadly Frog Crotch Atlatl Dart Deadly Acid Atlatl Dart Deadly Fire Atlatl Dart Deadly Frost Atlatl Dart Deadly Lightning Atlatl Dart Bundle of Atlatl Dart Shafts Wrapped Bundle of Atlatl Dartshafts

Bloodhunter Infusion Bloodhunter Oil Concentrated Bloodhunter Infusion Concentrated Bloodhunter Oil Bundle of Deadly Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Broad Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Armor Piercing Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Blunt Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Frog Crotch Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Acid Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Fire Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Frost Arrowheads Bundle of Deadly Lightning Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Broad Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Armor Piercing Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Blunt Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Frog Crotch Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Acid Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Fire Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Frost Arrowheads Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Lightning Arrowheads

Deadly Arrow Deadly Armor Piercing Arrow Deadly Blunt Arrow Deadly Broadhead Arrow Deadly Frog Crotch Arrow Deadly Acid Arrow Deadly Fire Arrow Deadly Frost Arrow Deadly Lightning Arrow Deadly Quarrel Deadly Armor Piercing Quarrel Deadly Blunt Quarrel Deadly Broadhead Quarrel Deadly Frog Crotch Quarrel Deadly Acid Quarrel Deadly Fire Quarrel Deadly Frost Quarrel Deadly Lightning Quarrel

Nuhmudira's Journal Bookcase (Nuhmudira's Dungeon)File:Candle (Nuhmudira's Dungeon) Icon.png Candle (Nuhmudira's Dungeon) Tome (Nuhmudira's Dungeon)File:Sacrified Zharalim Icon.png Sacrified Zharalim

Ring of a Singularity Key Teeth of a Singularity Key Martinate Trove Key Martinate Singularity Trove

Red Shadow Dye Green Shadow Dye Blue Shadow Dye

Small Pine Tree Large Pine Tree


New Creatures





Click image for full size.