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  |      Related Quests = [[Search for Lunnum]]
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Revision as of 15:05, 17 September 2009

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Thief of Lunnum
Level: ??
Type: Solo
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

You must have completed the Lunnum's Pyre Quest before you can start this one. Also, this quest will flag you to do the Search for Lunnum (Undead Slayer) quest.

Walk Through

Quick Walk Through

Starting Point

Talk to Fiun Gaya. He tells you about the remains of Lunnum being stolen from her Pyre.

Getting the Thief's List

A short run from Fiun Gaya is the Thief's Encampment at 90.4N 47.6W. There is a dye pot and a Ruschk Totem. Pick it up.
You can only take one, if you try to pick up another, you get You have solved this quest too many times!
Run to the Ruschk Camp, a slightly longer run. The Camp is full of Ruschk Warlords and Ruschk Sadists. The Ruschk Camp Leader is located in a tent at 83.2N 54.6W.
Hand him your Totem and he'll give you the Thief's List.

Trying to identify the Thief

The List looks like a shopping list, and mentions the Ruschk Totem. It is signed by Janda Sulifiya of Al-Jalima. So.. on to Al-Jalima.
You'll find her at 7.4N 4.6E, she turns out to be the Mask Maker.
Hand her the list, she will give you the Sketch of a Viamontian, and tell you the person summoned a portal to Sanamar.
On to Sanamar it is. And Fabian Strinjelli at 72.0N 61.1W seems to know more when you show him the Sketch.
At least he has a name Andrilos, and whereabouts (the North).


  1. (optional) The Cottage of Andrilos is at 78.6N, 72.2W. There is a note lying on the log next to the door saying "Gone hunting in the Thrungal Den".
  2. Go to the Thrungal Den near Westwatch. The dungeon is 100+ and has Enoki Thrungus and False Morel Thrungus in it.
  3. Keep going right and down till you find Andrilos. He is orange, but will not attack, and you can talk to him, and show him the Sketch of a Viamontian.
  4. Andrilos will deny everything, and keep denying, and you will have the choice to let him live, or attack and kill him. He wil melee you when you start attacking him.
  5. If you kill Andrilos, he will drop a Worn Token.
  6. Return to Fiun Gaya and hand him the Worn Token for your reward, a few million xps. He tells you to see Fiun Layeel, which means you are flagged for the Search for Lunnum.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Thief's Encampment 90.4N 47.6W -- --
Ruschk Camp 83.2N 54.6W -- --
The Cottage of Andrilos 78.6N, 72.2W -- --


Quest Items

Ruschk Totem Sketch of a Viamontian Thief's List Worn Token

Lore & Dialog

Fiun Gaya

Fiun Gaya tells you, "A dark deed must you uncover."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "In the night a thief crept to the Pyre while I slept. Awoke I did, the moment the Pyre was disturbed, but quick and sneaky was the thief. It stayed in darkness, but managed to snatch Lunnum from the light. I raged at the thief, but alas I was too weak to stop it. I remember red eyes and then the fog of dreams."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "My need is to be here and keep the light. Your need is to catch the thief and return Lunnum. Please, find the thief, she must be returned to the light!"

Fiun Gaya tells you, "Hurry, you need to find the thief who stole Lunnum. She must be returned to the light! The thief was fairly large, perhaps it left some footprints nearby."

Ruschk Camp Leader

As you look into the Leader's eyes you see an image in you mind. A small, funny looking Ruschk sneaks into the tent and takes a totem. Then the Ruschk attack the stranger, but it manages to summon a portal and escape.
You give Ruschk Camp Leader Ruschk Totem.
You look into the Ruschk Leader's eyes and he nods and gives you a piece of paper. You suddenly know that the thief dropped this when escaping the Ruschk Camp.
Ruschk Camp Leader gives you Thief's List.

Janda Sulifiya

Janda Sulifiya tells you, "The desert is quite hot during the day. Don't wear your mask too much in direct sunlight, or you may suffer from heat stroke."
You give Janda Sulifiya Thief's List.
Janda Sulifiya tells you, "Hmmm, yes, I remember a Viamontian came into town looking for me to make a full Ruschk Guise for him. I've never made a full guise of a Ruschk and I must say it didn't turn out so well, but the man seemed pleased. He didn't say much, but I remember his face. Here, I'll make a sketch of him for you."
Janda Sulifiya gives you Sketch of a Viamontian.
Janda Sulifiya tells you, "I don't know if it's important, but I just remembered that he summoned a portal to Sanamar after he bought his guise. He made a big show of it too. Haha, As if I've never seen a portal summoning!"

Fiun Gaya

You allow Fiun Gaya to examine your Sketch of a Viamontian.
Fiun Gaya tells you, "This is the thief? This would be the desecrator?"
Fiun Gaya tells you, "He must pay! He must give us back the Light of the Fiun! He must die! You must take Lunnum back from this foul snatcher of hopes."

Fabian Strinjelli

You allow Fabian Strinjelli to examine your Sketch of a Viamontian.
Fabian Strinjelli tells you, "Yes, I have seen this man. He shops in town quite often. I believe his name is Andrilos. He lives somewhere in the Northern woods of Lotila Island."


Andrilos tells you, "These fungal growths are facinating. Don't you agree? Collecting and categorizing the fungus in these caves is my hobby. It's important to have a hobby."
Andrilos tells you, "Did you want to ask me something?"

You allow Andrilos to examine your Sketch of a Viamontian.
Andrilos tells you, "Hmmm, I have to admit that this does look like me, but I was nowhere near Lunumm's Pyre when you say the theft took place. I... I was engaged in a private matter. I can't disclose all of the details or I might endanger other peoples lives, but I assure you that I am not your thief."

Andrilos tells you, "I remember you! I won't talk to you. All I will say is that I have been unjustly accused."
You allow Andrilos to examine your Sketch of a Viamontian.
Andrilos tells you, "I keep telling you, that is not me! Why would I want to take this Lunnum you speak of?"
You beat Andrilos to a lifeless pulp!
Andrilos tells you, "I'm telling you, you have the wrong man. Why do you insist on attacking me."
Your final blow silences Andrilos and he slumps limply to the cave floor.

Fiun Gaya

You give Fiun Gaya Worn Token.
Fiun Gaya tells you, "The thief has been slain, but I gain no joy in this. She is still lost and I will die without her light."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "You have done well in finding the snatcher of hope and you deserve what rewards I can give you."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "I have word that Fiun Layeel at the Fiun Outpost whishes to speak with you. Please, leave me now. I must find a way to find her."
You've earned 18,730,000 experience.