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Excellent, I hadn't been able to figure that out, I didn't have it installed on my machine but was able to pick it up, here's new versions using Padula:
Excellent, I hadn't been able to figure that out, turns out it was because I didn't happen to have that font installed on my machine. But I was able to pick it up and here's new versions using Padula, I think they look much nicer:

[[Image:Site Logo Padula.png]]
[[Image:Site Logo Padula.png]]

Revision as of 11:00, 5 March 2008

Excellent, I hadn't been able to figure that out, turns out it was because I didn't happen to have that font installed on my machine. But I was able to pick it up and here's new versions using Padula, I think they look much nicer:

Looks great, both logo and banner. Also, sort of related I guess. I was looking through my fonts, and I believe that I found the font turbine uses in the splash screen for the name of the patch. Its Padula. --An Adventurer 08:52, 5 March 2008 (CST)

I just finished a banner in the same style and posted a new mockup in the Sandbox.
--Tlosk 21:24, 4 March 2008 (CST)

I like the one on the darker background a lot. It would be great if we could get the title to look as good....--Gouru 19:55, 4 March 2008 (CST)

I tried a few ideas that didn't pan out, I posted a screenshot of the first one and a new one in mockups if you'd like to see what you think, or make suggestions for a new one. Sandbox.
--Tlosk 18:06, 4 March 2008 (CST)

Here's a link I found that goes into some detail on the setting: How to change logo. I'll mock up some more logos (that was just a quick one that was cut from the page banner title) and post them in the next day or two. --Tlosk 21:09, 3 March 2008 (CST)

Good to hear from you Gouru. Thanks for the sysop status. Good to see you are still around ;)

--An Adventurer 18:06, 3 March 2008 (CST)

Just noticed that my view when logged in is significantly different than when logged out. I'll try to figure out which should be the default, because my logged in view does not have a logo space. Probly have something configured wrong :(

--Gouru 17:22, 3 March 2008 (CST)

Sorry, I've been busy with other projects.

I'd rather hold off on posting that Logo. I like the concept and design, it's just the execution looks 'fuzzy' and incomplete to me. If it was sharpened with shiny steel look and feel it would be perfect.

I'm going to look at adding some 'super-user' capabilities for An Adventurer and Tlosk (since I LOVE the work you guys are doing)

This is meant to be a community board and it makes me VERY happy to see that it is still going well even without me peeking in every few days.

--Gouru 16:57, 3 March 2008 (CST)

If anyone else wants to comment on the category overhaul (List of Categories), please do so - Talk:List_of_Categories. I'm going to start on it Sunday night (March 02) so things may be a little messy for a day. We're starting to get a lot of entries so better to get this done sooner rather than later.
--Tlosk 09:31, 2 March 2008 (CST)

Gouru is hard to get ahold of. I've sent him a few PMs on the turbine boards but he only responded to the first one, which was about the spam on the message board here, which has still not been taken care of. I've sent both him and maddy requests for admin powers here since neither of them are active on the wiki, but haven't heard anything back yet. --An Adventurer 15:32, 22 February 2008 (CST)

After reading the comments below about the Home image, I noticed that too, I made a quick image with what I believe are the proper dimensions and properly alpha'd background but I couldn't find a contact to send to, does anyone have contact info for Gouru? Here's the image if anyone has suggestions on improving it:

--Tlosk 15:28, 22 February 2008 (CST)

Coming to it with fresh eyes I find the current layout easier to quickly read. One suggestion I might make though would be to bold the couple that people click on the most (for example, quests, current patch, and dungeons?) --Tlosk 13:27, 22 February 2008 (CST)

So a week ago Thargos changed the layout of the topics section from horizontal to vertical. I personally don't like the new look, but that may just have been because I was used to the old set up. So here are the two styles side by side. What does everyone else think? Keep it as is? Go back to old style? or try something new?



Patch Information Game Information Databases Items Magic Dereth Crafting Lore
Current Patch General Information Quests Items Spells Locations Alchemy Lore - Main Page
Previous Patch New Player Guide Monsters Weapons Components Towns Cooking Texts
All Patches Returning Player Guide NPCs Armor Casters Dungeons Fletching Factions
AC History Plugins Titles Jewelry Special Spells Settlements Tinkering Current Story Arc Summary



Patch Information Current Patch Previous Patch All Patches AC History
Game Information General Information New Player Guide Returning Player Guide Plugins
Databases Quests Monsters NPCs Titles
Items Items Weapons Armor Jewelry
Magic Spells Components Casters Special Spells
Dereth Locations Towns Dungeons Settlements
Crafting Alchemy Cooking Fletching Tinkering
Lore Lore - Main Page Texts Factions Current Story Arc Summary

--An Adventurer 20:45, 16 February 2008 (CST)

That's a website for a guild on Frostfell I believe, it was active only a few months ago. As for the general look, it's probably a custom skin, which is something we could look into but ultimately Gouru would need to install, you can check out how to make skins for this specific engine here [[1]] and here [[2]]. Also, there is a guide [[3]] that shows how to setup the logo and such.

--Sanguis 10:17, 13 February 2008 (CST)

I just found what I guess was a failed AC lore wiki. Although its not being updated, the style of the pages are really nice so I thought I'd put a link here: Halls of Knorr

It would be so great if we could find who did that wiki and have them fluf up this one to not look like crap.

--An Adventurer 14:15, 8 February 2008 (CST)

Bottom for sure, the top one is too disorganized it looks very nasty. --Sanguis 16:43, 31 January 2008 (CST)

There, I think I have the topics in a better style now. which do you like better?


Patch Information Current Patch Previous Patch All Patches AC History
Game Information General Information New Player Guide Returning Player Guide Plugins
Databases Quests Monsters NPCs Titles
Items Items Weapons Armor Jewelry
Magic Spells Components Casters Special Spells
Dereth Locations Towns Dungeons Settlements
Crafting Alchemy Cooking Fletching Tinkering
Lore Lore - Main Page Texts Factions Current Story Arc Summary


Patch Information Current Patch Previous Patch All Patches AC History
Game Information General Information New Player Guide Returning Player Guide Plugins
Databases Quests Monsters NPCs Titles
Items Items Weapons Armor Jewelry
Magic Spells Components Casters Special Spells
Dereth Locations Towns Dungeons Settlements
Crafting Alchemy Cooking Fletching Tinkering
Lore Lore - Main Page Texts Factions Current Story Arc Summary

--An Adventurer 20:56, 30 January 2008 (CST)

Ok I replaced the TOC, I left out the links to welcome and getting started since they are right at the top of the page anyway. I also removed the large link to the patch page and replaced it with a smaller link in the new TOC

Also, I changed the Topics section a bit. I didn't like the look of the generic table, so I made the table lines invisible. But when I saw it with no lines at all, it looked a little wierd. It needed the lines to break up the categories, so thats why I put those in. --An Adventurer 20:07, 30 January 2008 (CST)

I like the idea of replacing it, but until then it should be left there for people who might want to skip around. --Sanguis 17:02, 30 January 2008 (CST)

I have no idea how to add a logo, I'm assuming its an admin only thing.

I'll go ahead and make the changes to the new sections. Thanks.

Also about the main page. Should we hide the table of contents? You can hide it by placing __NOTOC__ on the page. We could replace it with a more attractive TOC or just leave it out. Thoughts?

I think current events should be strictly game only, i.e: live events, patch all kinds of things like that and announcements be wiki-only, archiving would be good for current events, not sure if its really necessary for the wiki but I guess thats up to others to decide as well. Archiving in the AC history page seems to be the best place for archive current events, I agree on that initiative.

Also, I think we should consider replacing that image in the top left corner, the SET $wgLogo to the URL path, it looks ugly and it would not be hard to make a nice ACC one. Do we need Gouru to do that? If not then if someone knows how, I would be happy to make the logo for it.

--Sanguis 14:44, 29 January 2008 (CST)

--An Adventurer 12:16, 13 December 2007 (CST)

I've been sticking news in the announcements section, things posted by the devs and such. I just checked out the current events section, and it had 1 old news story so I stuck all the things from announcements there. Questions:

1. Should we add news to both the announcements and current events? Or should Current events be only for game news, announcements for wiki news, or vice versa?

2. Should we create an archived news section? If so, I think it would be a good addition to the AC history page, which is currently lacking in information. If created we could place tons of old stuff in there like weekly updates and such from before the wiki was created.

--An Adventurer 14:43, 7 December 2007 (CST)

I just created a jewelry page, so I replaced the "spells" link under items with jewelry. For now, I've created a link to the spells in the general info page under magic.

--Sanguis 21:57, 3 December 2007 (CST)

Well done, it looks much better with this structure, I think it's much more accessible now, we should focus on filling those current sections as much as possible once the patch content is filled out.

--An Adventurer 23:11, 1 December 2007 (CST)

I just redesigned the front page slightly. First, I have redone the topics table. None of the links from the old version were removed, but a few new ones were added, and I tried to sort them into general categories.

I also moved the announcements below the topic and getting started section, just to see what it looks like. I felt that the topic section might be more important to have at the top. Its really simple to reverse if anyone has a problem with it though.