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Revision as of 13:30, 1 May 2008

File:Elemental Art Acid.jpg
Acid Elemental

See also: Category:Elemental (Acid)
Elemental; Category:Elemental
Elemental (Fire); Category:Elemental (Fire)
Elemental (Frost); Category:Elemental (Frost)
Elemental (Lightning); Category:Elemental (Lightning)

Walking embodiments of pure natural force, acid elementals are spawned by the very turbulent nature of Dereth itself; after all, they seem to appear where nature occurs at its most violent (consider volcanic Aerlinthe Isle). Or, perhaps elementals are the result of ancient Empyrean magic — mystic creations, like the golems. Perhaps someday the Master of the Elements, Gaerlan will share his intimate knowledge of how acid elementals are birthed into the world.

Inserting a lightning major atlan stone or the prismatic stone into an Isparian weapon adds acid elemental/elemental slaying properties that greatly amplify damage. Acid elementals are in general weak to lightning.


Name Lvl XP Heath Stam Mana Loot Tier Trophies
Hand of Verdancy 161 0 23000 5000 1000 -- --
Stringent 4 60 25 230 80 1 ??
Virulence 135 ?? 565 520 520 ?? ??