Alduressa Armor: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:39, 1 July 2012

Introduced:  Throne of Destiny

Alduressa Armor
Armor Summary
Name: Alduressa Armor
Heritage: Viamontian, tier III
Coverage: Full
AL: See Loot


  • For lore information on the three types of Viamontian armor, see The Armor of the Viamontian Invaders.
  • The armor consists of a coat, helm, leggings, gauntlets and boots (Alduressa Breastplate, Alduressa Helm, Alduressa Leggings, Alduressa Gauntlets and Alduressa Boots), which respectively cover Chest, Upper Arms & Lower Arms; Head; Abdomen, Upper Legs and Lower Legs; Hands; and Feet.
  • The color palette of the armor consists of 1 to 3 "shaded" colors, see image below.
  • Alduressa is available at Viamontian Blacksmiths and Armorers.
  • When dyeing, the whole armor takes on the dye color (see below for dyed variations).
  • The dye turns the legs, breastplate and arms into a dark, deep variation and it keeps the shading of the different parts.

Quest Alduressa

Coat of the Zaikhal Defender Greater Alduressa Shadow Coat Greater Alduressa Shadow Leggings Relic Alduressa Coat Relic Alduressa Gauntlets Relic Alduressa Helm Relic Alduressa Leggings Relic Alduressa Sollerets

Loot Alduressa Armor Pieces

Click image for full size.
Alduressa Helm Alduressa Coat Alduressa Leggings
Alduressa Gauntlets Alduressa Boots

Store Bought Alduressa Armor Pieces

Alduressa Coat Alduressa Helm Alduressa Leggings

Dyed Alduressa Armor

Dyed Alduressa Armor

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes and dye effects

Dye Effects

  • Note that these colors can also be found as Loot colors
Known Palettes for Dyed Alduressa Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS
7240 Lapyan_Al 64B99E
7238 Colban_Al 0074A6
7234 Verdalim_Al 015010
7241 Minalim_Al 42935B
7239 Relanim_Al 5800B0
7237 Thananim_Al 000000
7235 Hennacin_Al 840303
7242 Argenory_Al E0E0E0
7236 Berimphur_Al B0AC00
7233 FailOrange_Al FA7E0C
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in loot

  • Note that many of the found Hexes (especially those reverting to 000000) are too dark, and the actual ingame color might be much lighter. The "dyed" colors and the colors below the waist suffer most.
Known Palettes for Alduressa Armor
ACID Old Name New Name Sample DCS Head Main Head 2nd Coat Main Coat Main Coat Main Coat 2nd Coat 2nd Coat 2nd Legs Main Legs Main Legs 2nd Legs 2nd Hands Feet
7204 Aqua_AlOK ArtificeAqua_AL 6DDCD5 218983 145955 29AFA7 186662 208680 28AAA3 29B2AA
7205 Aqua_AlOK StasisAqua_Al 4CD1CA 23928C 31CAC1 1B706B 0E3F3D 23968F 124D4A 1A6D68 22918B 239992
7206 Aqua_AlOK VissidalAqua_Al 46CCC5 1C7772 2AAFA7 145551 072322 1C7B75 0B3230 13524E 040404
7207 Aqua_AlOK RobinEggAqua_Al 3AC9C2 092927 000000 124F4B 010505 082624 082321 0D3D3A 104A47
7208 Aqua_AlOK CoralAqua_Al 2FC7BE 65DAD3 28A7A0 1B7872 30CEC4 1F857F 27A49D 26A29A 2CBCB3 2FC9C0 31D0C7
7209 Aqua_AlOK VesayenAqua_Al 43D0C8 4ED5CE 30CAC1 229B93 52D7CF 27A8A0 2FC7BE 2EC5BB 40D3C9 4DD6CE
7210 Aqua_AlOK FrozenAqua_Al 86CFCB 69C5BF 40B1A9 8BD2CE 4AB9B2 66C4BE 63C4BD 7BCCC7 8CD4CF
7211 Brown_AlOK SandBrown_Al A77F49 806E56 7B6331 574219 8C704F 52422F 8C641C
7212 Grey_AlOK GuardGrey_Al 5F5F5F 525252 757575 3D3D3D 1F1F1F 545454 393939 494949 393939 494949 515151 565656
7213 Grey_AlOK LugianGrey_Al 7E7E7E 3E3E3E 292929 0B0B0B 404040 131313 272727 272727 252525 353535 3D3D3D 424242
7214 Grey_AlOK EbonGrey_Al 3D3D3D 2A2A2A 4D4D4D 111111 212121 292929 2E2E2E
7215 Grey_AlOK FlintGrey_Al 434343 161616 393939 010101 000000 181818 1B1B1B 0E0E0E 323232 000000 000000 000000 0D0D0D 151515 1A1A1A
7216 Grey_AlOK KurthGrey_Al 5C5C5C 616161 4C4C4C 2E2E2E 636363 666666 595959 7D7D7D 363636 4A4A4A 484848 585858
7217 Grey_AlOK JaredGrey_Al C5C5C5 979797 5F5F5F 414141 767676 797979 6C6C6C 909090 494949 5D5D5D 5B5B5B 6B6B6B 737373 787878
7218 White_AlOK SmokeWhite_Al F7F7F7 848484 A7A7A7 6F6F6F 515151 868686 898989 7C7C7C A0A0A0 6B6B6B 7B7B7B 6B6B6B 7B7B7B 838383 888888
7219 Blue_AlOK SummerskyBlue_Al 38688A 40779E 38698C 538EB9 2F5773 38688A 3F769D
7220 Blue_AlOK CorcosiBlue_Al 264961 2F5A78 4580AA 24445B 132430 315C7C 336080 2B526E 4178A0 224055 2B516C 325F7F
7221 Blue_AlOK FlowerBlue_Al 2F5A77 3D7297 1C3648 0B161D 294E69 2B526D 23445B 396A8D 0F1E28 1B3445 1A3242 234359 2A516C
7222 Blue_AlOK CornflowerBlue_Al 3A6B8E 305A77 1E3A4D 162C3B 2C526E 030608 0E1C25 0D1A22 162B39
7223 Blue_AlOK ScorusBlue_Al 5B95BD 3C6F94 2B4F69 4987B5 4C8BB7 427DA7 6E9FC4 2E5775 3B6D91 3A6B8E 437CA5 4B8AB7
7224 Blue_AlOK TurshBlue_Al 4E87B0 5A95BE 8FB5D1 639AC0 4F8EBA 85AECD 37688C 447EA8 437CA5 508DB8 5994BE 6299C0
7225 Blue_AlOK ElousBlue_Al 6B9EC4 75A6C8 AAC7DC 5992BC 3F749B 7AA8CA 7EABCB 6A9FC4 A0C0D8 417CA7 5691BB 548FBA 6B9EC3 74A5C8 7DAACB
7226 Pink_AlOK MuddyPink_Al BF7963 96513C BC735D 794230 4D2A20 99543E 9D5640 8B4B38 B86B53 593123 754030 723E2F 894B38 C7A980 9C553F
7227 Pink_AlOK TorturerPink_Al AC6049 7E4432 AE6048 854936 733E2E A55B44 5A3125 713E2E 7D4432 844835
7228 Brown_AlOK ChestnutBrown_AL 814634 683829 98543F 4A281D 1F110C 6B3A2B 6F3D2D 5D3225 8F4E3B 2A1710 47271D 723E2F 894B38 673829 6E3C2C
7229 Brown_AlOK TanBrown_Al 91503C 794232 2A1710 000000 4B291E 502B20 3D2118 703D2E 47271C 4E2B1F
7230 Pink_AlOK VoraciousPink_Al B86C56 B56148 C88D7B 98523C 6B3A2C B6654B B86850 AA5B44 C48571 78422F 93503C 904E3B A75B44 B46148 B8674E
7231 Brown_AlOK FamishedBrown_Al C17A65 C27B65 D4A799 B76248 894A38 C27F69 C4826E BE715B D09F8F AE5E47 BC705A C27A65
7232 Pink_AlOK TawnyPink_Al A5604C D19B8B E4C7BE C6826E AF5E47 D19F8F D3A294 CD9281 E0BFB4 BA694D C37F6B C27C68 CB9180 D19B8B D3A192
7233 Orange_AlOK FailOrange_Al FA7E0C A95100 6C3401 D56702 7C3B01 A44F01
7234 Green_AlOK Verdalim_Al 015010 031B07 040101 000000 031C09 000000 030000
7235 Red_AlOK Hennacin_Al 840303 1D0000 030000 000000 1D0000 000000 010000
7236 Olive_AlOK Berimphur_Al B0AC00 1B1A03 030104 000000 1B1B03 000000 020003
7237 Black_AlOK Thananim_Al 000000 000000 121212 000000
7238 Blue_AlOK Colban_Al 0074A6 000203 000000 00141D 000000 000001
7239 Purple_AlOK Relanim_Al 5800B0 010003 000000 0E001D 000000 010000
7240 Green_AlOK Lapyan_Al 64B99E 419278 357560 224C3E 43957A
7241 Green_AlOK Minalim_Al 42935B 347548 224B2E 43945C 275635 337147
7242 White_AlOK Argenory_Al E0E0E0 ACACAC 979797 797979 AEAEAE 818181 949494
7243 Gold_AlOK CrispGold_Al C18B30 A97927 D29D45 88621F 563D15 AD7C28 B17F2A 9D6F24 CF983A 644916 845E1E 805B1F 9B6E24 A87827 B07E29
7244 Gold_AlOK PyrealGold_Al AB7827 906721 986D24 845D1E BB872E 674919 825C1E 8F6621 976C23
7245 Gold_AlOK AutumnGold_Al CA9337 7B581C B27F2B 835E1F 6F4E19 A67828 825D1E
7246 Brown_AlOK LeafBrown_Al 77561C 533B12 8A6321 31230B 000000 573E13 0B0802 2D200A 523A12 5A4014
7247 Gold_AlOK DawnGold_Al C58C2D CC922F AB7B27 78551D D09530 D09736 C0882C D7AA5C 87631D A77726 A37327 BE872C CB912F D09634
7248 Gold_AlOK OldGold_Al D6A44F E0BC7F C48C2C 906622 D5A148 D5A34E D29838 DDB674 D49E44 D5A24C
7249 Gold_AlOK PaleGold_Al DACFA4 CCBC80 E1D7B3 D0C088 C8B676 DDD2A9 BFAA5D C8B674 CCBC80 CFBF87
7250 Green_AlOK CausticGreen_Al 59B059 61B461 327333 214821 419242 449544 3B843B 57B058 316C31 3A833A 3F8E40 429543
7251 Green_AlOK ForestGreen_Al 489B48 347735 275B28 163116 367A37 397E39 306D30 499B4A 193C1A 265726 377D38
7252 Green_AlOK TullioGreen_Al 245325 265827 3F863F 193C1A 081208 285B29 2B602B 224E22 3B7D3B 183618 214C21 265727 295E2A
7253 Green_AlOK DeruGreen_Al 2A5A29 153216 000000 071207 459845 4EB14E 153116
7254 Green_AlOK PickleGreen_Al 55B355 49A64A 3C8A3D 2B5E2B 4BA94C 4EAB4E 459A45 6DBA6E 3B823B 449A44 49A54A 4CAC4D
7255 Green_AlOK CabbageGreen_Al 5CB75D 8DC88D 62B862 4FB04F 83C484 358239 459D45 459845 4EB14E 59B65A 5FB960
7256 Green_AlOK NewleafGreen_Al 80B36C BCD7B0 7FB26A 60934B 98C186 669C50 7BB066 95C084 9BC38A
7257 Purple_AlOK AmethystPurple_Al 7A4395 753F8E 9861B3 5E3272 3B2147 784191 7A4494 6B3B83 9357AF 743F8D
7258 Purple_AlOK EhlyisPurple_Al 6A3A80 623476 874FA3 4A275A 281630 64367A 31193C 472656 613476
7259 Purple_AlOK EldrytchPurple_Al 603874 3B1F47 613976 23122B 010102 3E214B 40224D
7260 Purple_AlOK IndigoPurple_Al 4C2C5D 291531 4F2E61 110815 000000 2C1735 2F1A39 201127 492A58 291531
7261 Purple_AlOK QuiddityPurple_AL 80479B 83469F 532A66 68387F
7262 Purple_AlOK LavenderPurple_Al 9057AD 9552B3 7F439A 5B336E 9756B4 985DB5 8B4CAB AC7EC1 9452B3 9859B6
7263 Purple_AlOK LilacPurple_Al A56EBE A770C0 9653B4 73408B A974C1 124D4A?? 1A6D68?? 9050AF 9E63BB
7264 Pink_AlOK CarminePink_Al CF4C4C A22929 D04343 AA2B2B 972626 CD3838 5E1717 7E1F1F 7C1F1F 942525 A92A2A
7265 Red_AlOK RufousRed_Al 9C2727 7B1F1F B42D2D 551515 6D1B1B 7B1F1F 822020
7266 Red_AlOK BrickRed_Al A02929 621818 9B2626 6A1A1A 571515 902424 3C0E0E 541414 621818 691919
7267 Red_AlOK RubyRed_Al A52B2B 3F0F0F 1D0606 000000 431010 471111 330C0C 6D1B1B 000000 190505 180505 300B0B 3F0F0F
7268 Red_AlOK SalmonRed_Al C53232 DB6F6F AE2B2B 7E2020 CE3A3A CF3E3E C33131 D86464 A92A2A C13030 CC3636 CF3C3C
7269 Pink_AlOK BabyPink_Al E5A8A8 D26363 E29B9B C84545 A22F2F D36868 D46B6B CE5757 DF9090 AE3333 C84141 C73E3E CE5757 D26363
7270 Pink_AlOK WellDonePink_Al D97979 D98080 CD5050 E4A3A3 E5A6A6
7271 BnBnGd_AlTri UnchainedBr_AlTr AB8A4B AF936E 7B6331 574219 8C704F 9E6A42 8C673A 9C8C73 52422F 8C641C 705D35 736352 947242 A77137
7272 BnBnGd_AlTri SanamarGold_Al 6E5019 6D5E49 A3845A 885B38 765731 8C7C63 7E6138 8F612F
7273 BnBnGd_AlTri BronzeGold_Al 937039 594C3B 8D724E 4D3D1E 251B0A 624E37 704B2E 5E4527 786A55 443820 4D4237 664F2D
7274 BnBnGd_AlTri ShadedGold_AlTr 675B48 463C2E 796243 5A3C25 48351D 665A48 2F2616 3B322A 503E23 5D401E
7275 Gold_AlOK FamishedGold_Al 9F7743 A28F75 C6B298 AA8943 8A6927 AE916F 9D824A 98846E B8935F C89257
7276 Gold_AlOK ParfalGold_Al C3A070 D7C9B7 C0A05D AF8531 BFA88E CCA485 C5A073 CBC3B5 9A7C58 D9A240 B59A62 AC9C8A C7A980 D4A97B
7277 White_AlOK SteamWhite_Al FEFEFE B8B8B8 DCDCDC A3A3A3 838383 BBBBBB BDBDBD B0B0B0 D5D5D5 8E8E8E A1A1A1 A0A0A0 B0B0B0 B8B8B8 BCBCBC
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.