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Line 41: Line 41:
!width=200| Command(s)
!width=200| Command(s)
! Effect
! Effect
|valign=top| /allegiance hometown<br />/alh
|valign=top| Recalls you to the [[Bind Stone]] your allegiance monarch or officer has set.
:<font color=green><Player> is going to the Allegiance hometown.</font>
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>

Line 48: Line 54:
If no message is set, displays the following:
If no message is set, displays the following:
:<font color=green>Your allegiance has not set a message of the day.</font>
:<font color=green>Your allegiance has not set a message of the day.</font>
If not in an allegiance, displays  the following at the top of the screen:
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
|valign=top| /allegiance name
|valign=top|  Displays your allegiance's name:
:<font color=green> Your allegiance name is <Name></font>
If no name is set, displays the following:
:<font color=green>Your allegiance has no allegiance name.</font>
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
|valign=top| /allegiance officer
|valign=top| Displays the names and officer levels of your allegiance's current officers. The monarch is listed first, then officers are listed alphabetically.
:<font color=green>Allegiance Officers:
:<Player> (Monarch)
:<Player> (Castellan)
:<Player> (Seneschal)
:<Player> (Speaker)</font>
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
Line 56: Line 82:
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>[Co-Vassals] You Say, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>[Co-Vassals] You Say, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>[Co-Vassals] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>[Co-Vassals] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Hello."</font>
If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
Line 63: Line 89:
|valign=top| Broadcasts a message on the allegiance channel
|valign=top| Broadcasts a message on the allegiance channel
:<font color=chocolate>[Allegiance] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=chocolate>[Allegiance] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Hello."</font>
If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
|valign=top| /house mansion_recall<br />/house alleg_recall<br />/hom
|valign=top| Recalls you to your allegiance's [[Mansion]] or [[Villa]].
:<font color=green><Player> is recalling to the Allegiance housing.</font>
If your monarch does not own a mansion or villa, the following at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>Your monarch does not own a mansion or villa!</font>
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
|valign=top| /house guest [add/remove]_allegiance
|valign=top| Adds or removes your entire allegiance to your house guest list.
:<font color=green>You have granted your monarchy access to your dwelling.
:The monarchy already has access to your dwelling.
:You have revoked access to your dwelling to your monarchy.
:The monarchy did not have access to your dwelling.</font>
If you do not own the house:
:<font color=green>Only the character who owns the house may use this command.</font>
|valign=top| /house storage [add/remove]_allegiance
|valign=top| Adds or removes your entire allegiance to your house storage list.
:<font color=green>You have granted your monarchy access to your storage.
:The monarchy already has storage access in your dwelling.
:You have revoked storage access to your monarchy.
:The monarchy did not have storage access in your dwelling.</font>
If you do not own the house:
:<font color=green>Only the character who owns the house may use this command.</font>

Line 71: Line 126:
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Monarch, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Monarch, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>Your follower <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>Your follower <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
Line 83: Line 138:
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Patron, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Patron, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>Your vassal <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>Your vassal <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
Line 96: Line 151:
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Vassals, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Vassals, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>Your patron <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
:<font color=goldenrod>Your patron <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
:<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>

Revision as of 16:30, 1 September 2011

Note: You may use either a forward slash (/) or an at symbol (@) to begin any command.


Officer/Monarch only

Command(s) Effect
/allegiance broadcast <message>
/ab <message>
Broadcasts a message to the entire allegiance, limit 10 per day (restricted to allegiance officers rank 1+):
[Allegiance Broadcast] You say, "Check out the wiki at!"
[Allegiance Broadcast] <Player> says, "Check out the wiki at!"

If you are not a rank 1+ officer:

You do not have the authority within your allegiance to do that.

If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:

You don't belong to an allegiance
/allegiance motd clear
/motd clear
Clears your allegiance's message of the day (restricted to allegiance officers rank 1+):
Your message of the day has been cleared.

If you are not a rank 1+ officer:

You do not have the authority within your allegiance to do that.

If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!
/allegiance motd set <message>
/motd set <message)
Sets your allegiance's message of the day (restricted to allegiance officers rank 1+):
Your message of the day has been set.

If you are not a rank 1+ officer:

You do not have the authority within your allegiance to do that.

If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!

All allegiance members

Command(s) Effect
/allegiance hometown
Recalls you to the Bind Stone your allegiance monarch or officer has set.
<Player> is going to the Allegiance hometown.

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!
/allegiance motd
Displays your allegiance's message of the day:
"Check out the wiki at!" -- <Rank> <Player>

If no message is set, displays the following:

Your allegiance has not set a message of the day.

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!
/allegiance name Displays your allegiance's name:
Your allegiance name is <Name>

If no name is set, displays the following:

Your allegiance has no allegiance name.

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You don't belong to an allegiance
/allegiance officer Displays the names and officer levels of your allegiance's current officers. The monarch is listed first, then officers are listed alphabetically.
Allegiance Officers:
<Player> (Monarch)
<Player> (Castellan)
<Player> (Seneschal)
<Player> (Speaker)

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!
/co-vassals <message>
/covassals <message>
/c <message>
Broadcasts a message to your patron and your patron's other vassals
[Co-Vassals] You Say, "Hello."
[Co-Vassals] <Player> says, "Hello."

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You don't belong to an allegiance
/guild <message>
/gu <message>
/a <message>
Broadcasts a message on the allegiance channel
[Allegiance] <Player> says, "Hello."

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!
/house mansion_recall
/house alleg_recall
Recalls you to your allegiance's Mansion or Villa.
<Player> is recalling to the Allegiance housing.

If your monarch does not own a mansion or villa, the following at the top of the screen:

Your monarch does not own a mansion or villa!

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You are not in an allegiance!
/house guest [add/remove]_allegiance Adds or removes your entire allegiance to your house guest list.
You have granted your monarchy access to your dwelling.
The monarchy already has access to your dwelling.
You have revoked access to your dwelling to your monarchy.
The monarchy did not have access to your dwelling.

If you do not own the house:

Only the character who owns the house may use this command.
/house storage [add/remove]_allegiance Adds or removes your entire allegiance to your house storage list.
You have granted your monarchy access to your storage.
The monarchy already has storage access in your dwelling.
You have revoked storage access to your monarchy.
The monarchy did not have storage access in your dwelling.

If you do not own the house:

Only the character who owns the house may use this command.
/monarch <message>
/m <message>
Broadcasts a message to your monarch
You say to your Monarch, "Hello."
Your follower <Player> says to you, "Hello."

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You don't belong to an allegiance
/mr auto-fills your chat with "@tell <Player>, " where the player is the last person to send you a /m message.
/patron <message>
/p <message>
Broadcasts a message to your patron
You say to your Patron, "Hello."
Your vassal <Player> says to you, "Hello."

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You don't belong to an allegiance
/pr auto-fills your chat with "@tell <Player>, " where the player is the last person to send you a /p message.
/vassals <message>
/vassal <message>
/v <message>
Broadcasts a message to your vassals
You say to your Vassals, "Hello."
Your patron <Player> says to you, "Hello."

If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:

You don't belong to an allegiance




Command(s) Effect
Displays the top level help commands:
Available help:
@help allegiances - Commands to help you deal with your Allegiance.
@help channels - How to communicate with people in your allegiance or fellowship.
@help chatting - How to chat publically and privately.
@help death - Commands for making, finding, and looting corpses.
@help emote - How to perform text and action emotes.
@help fillcomps - A command to help you buy components in bulk.
@help friends - Commands to help you manage your friends list.
@help house - Commands that help you manage your house, including guest and storage management.
@help squelch - Commands that let you block out messages from other players.
@help status - Commands that display useful information.
@help text - Commands that help you manage your text window.
@help commands - Lists all commands.





Command(s) Effect
/deaths Displayed your number of deaths. Removed during the Waking from the Abyss event. This information is now displayed in the Backpack/Character Status Panel and optionally in your assessment window.
/index Displayed a list of Advocates currently on duty in a specific town. Now it displays:
The following channels are available to you:
/lifestone Previously killed your character and sent you to the lifestone. /lifestone now recalls you to your attuned lifestone, and /die is used to kill yourself.
/list <town name> Displayed a list the Advocates in or immediately near the town you are in.
/logopolis Opened a game of Pong within the game window.
/render detail
/render radius #
/render fov #
Displayed available render commands. /render is still valid, but the sub-commands no longer function. These are now controlled in the Config tab of the Options Panel.
@render <option> <value>
radius #  : set landscape radius (between 5 and 25)
fov #  : set field of view (between 10 and 160)
/sepaku Previously killed your character and sent you to the lifestone. /lifestone now recalls you to your attuned lifestone, and /die is used to kill yourself.
/Speaker clear
/Speaker set <Player>
Displayed who the current speaker of the allegiance was. Speakers were removed and replaced with the Allegiance Officer system. Using any of these commands will now display:
This command is no longer in use, please see @allegiance officer.