imported>An Adventurer |
imported>An Adventurer |
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| | * [[Allegiance Commands]] |
| | * [[Death and Corpse Commands]] |
| | * [[Emotes]] |
| | * [[Help Commands]] |
| | * [[Housing Commands]] |
| | * [[Messaging Commands]] |
| | * [[Recall Commands]] |
| | * [[Miscellaneous Commands]] |
| | |
| | == Retired == |
| Note: You may use either a forward slash (/) or an at symbol (@) to begin any command. | | Note: You may use either a forward slash (/) or an at symbol (@) to begin any command. |
| |
| == Allegiance ==
| |
| === Officer/Monarch only ===
| |
| {|class="wikitable" width=100%
| |
| !width=200| Command(s)
| |
| ! Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance broadcast <message><br />/ab <message>
| |
| |valign=top| Broadcasts a message to the entire allegiance, limit 10 per day (restricted to allegiance officers rank 1+):
| |
| :<font color=goldenrod>[Allegiance Broadcast] You say, "Check out the wiki at!"</font>
| |
| :<font color=goldenrod>[Allegiance Broadcast] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Check out the wiki at!"</font>
| |
| If you are not a rank 1+ officer:
| |
| :<font color=green>You do not have the authority within your allegiance to do that.</font>
| |
| If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance motd clear<br />/motd clear
| |
| |valign=top| Clears your allegiance's message of the day (restricted to allegiance officers rank 1+):
| |
| :<font color=green>Your message of the day has been cleared.</font>
| |
| If you are not a rank 1+ officer:
| |
| :<font color=green>You do not have the authority within your allegiance to do that.</font>
| |
| If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance motd set <message><br />/motd set <message)
| |
| |valign=top| Sets your allegiance's message of the day (restricted to allegiance officers rank 1+):
| |
| :<font color=green>Your message of the day has been set.</font>
| |
| If you are not a rank 1+ officer:
| |
| :<font color=green>You do not have the authority within your allegiance to do that.</font>
| |
| If not in an allegiance, displays the following at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| === All allegiance members ===
| |
| |
| {|class="wikitable" width=100%
| |
| !width=200| Command(s)
| |
| ! Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance hometown<br />/alh
| |
| |valign=top| Recalls you to the [[Bind Stone]] your allegiance monarch or officer has set.
| |
| :<font color=green><Player> is going to the Allegiance hometown.</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance motd<br />/motd
| |
| |valign=top| Displays your allegiance's message of the day:
| |
| :<font color=green>"Check out the wiki at!" -- <Rank> <Player></font>
| |
| If no message is set, displays the following:
| |
| :<font color=green>Your allegiance has not set a message of the day.</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance name
| |
| |valign=top| Displays your allegiance's name:
| |
| :<font color=green> Your allegiance name is <Name></font>
| |
| If no name is set, displays the following:
| |
| :<font color=green>Your allegiance has no allegiance name.</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /allegiance officer
| |
| |valign=top| Displays the names and officer levels of your allegiance's current officers. The monarch is listed first, then officers are listed alphabetically.
| |
| :<font color=green>Allegiance Officers:
| |
| :<Player> (Monarch)
| |
| :<Player> (Castellan)
| |
| :<Player> (Seneschal)
| |
| :<Player> (Speaker)</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /co-vassals <message><br />/covassals <message><br />/c <message>
| |
| |valign=top| Broadcasts a message to your patron ''and'' your patron's other vassals
| |
| :<font color=darkgoldenrod>[Co-Vassals] You Say, "Hello."</font>
| |
| :<font color=goldenrod>[Co-Vassals] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Hello."</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /guild <message><br />/gu <message><br />/a <message>
| |
| |valign=top| Broadcasts a message on the allegiance channel
| |
| :<font color=chocolate>[Allegiance] <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says, "Hello."</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /house mansion_recall<br />/house alleg_recall<br />/hom
| |
| |valign=top| Recalls you to your allegiance's [[Mansion]] or [[Villa]].
| |
| :<font color=green><Player> is recalling to the Allegiance housing.</font>
| |
| If your monarch does not own a mansion or villa, the following at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>Your monarch does not own a mansion or villa!</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You are not in an allegiance!</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /house guest [add/remove]_allegiance
| |
| |valign=top| Adds or removes your entire allegiance to your house guest list.
| |
| :<font color=green>You have granted your monarchy access to your dwelling.
| |
| :The monarchy already has access to your dwelling.
| |
| :You have revoked access to your dwelling to your monarchy.
| |
| :The monarchy did not have access to your dwelling.</font>
| |
| If you do not own the house:
| |
| :<font color=green>Only the character who owns the house may use this command.</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /house storage [add/remove]_allegiance
| |
| |valign=top| Adds or removes your entire allegiance to your house storage list.
| |
| :<font color=green>You have granted your monarchy access to your storage.
| |
| :The monarchy already has storage access in your dwelling.
| |
| :You have revoked storage access to your monarchy.
| |
| :The monarchy did not have storage access in your dwelling.</font>
| |
| If you do not own the house:
| |
| :<font color=green>Only the character who owns the house may use this command.</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /monarch <message><br />/m <message>
| |
| |valign=top| Broadcasts a message to your monarch
| |
| :<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Monarch, "Hello."</font>
| |
| :<font color=goldenrod>Your follower <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /mr
| |
| |valign=top| auto-fills your chat with "@tell <Player>, " where the player is the last person to send you a /m message.
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /patron <message><br />/p <message>
| |
| |valign=top| Broadcasts a message to your patron
| |
| :<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Patron, "Hello."</font>
| |
| :<font color=goldenrod>Your vassal <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /pr
| |
| |valign=top| auto-fills your chat with "@tell <Player>, " where the player is the last person to send you a /p message.
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |valign=top| /vassals <message><br />/vassal <message><br />/v <message>
| |
| |valign=top| Broadcasts a message to your vassals
| |
| :<font color=darkgoldenrod>You say to your Vassals, "Hello."</font>
| |
| :<font color=goldenrod>Your patron <font color=darkgreen><Player></font> says to you, "Hello."</font>
| |
| If you are not in an allegiance, the following displays at the top of the screen:
| |
| :<font color=red>You don't belong to an allegiance</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| == Communication ==
| |
| |
| == Emotes ==
| |
| |
| == Help ==
| |
| {|class="wikitable" width=100%
| |
| !width=200| Command(s)
| |
| ! Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |valign=top| /help<br />/?
| |
| |valign=top| Displays the top level help commands:
| |
| :<font color=green>Available help:
| |
| :@help allegiances - Commands to help you deal with your Allegiance.
| |
| :@help channels - How to communicate with people in your allegiance or fellowship.
| |
| :@help chatting - How to chat publically and privately.
| |
| :@help death - Commands for making, finding, and looting corpses.
| |
| :@help emote - How to perform text and action emotes.
| |
| :@help fillcomps - A command to help you buy components in bulk.
| |
| :@help friends - Commands to help you manage your friends list.
| |
| :@help house - Commands that help you manage your house, including guest and storage management.
| |
| :@help squelch - Commands that let you block out messages from other players.
| |
| :@help status - Commands that display useful information.
| |
| :@help text - Commands that help you manage your text window.
| |
| :@help commands - Lists all commands.</font>
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| == Housing ==
| |
| |
| == Recalls ==
| |
| |
| == Miscellaneous ==
| |
| |
| == Retired ==
| |
| {|class="wikitable" width=100% | | {|class="wikitable" width=100% |
| !width=200| Command(s) | | !width=200| Command(s) |