Hand Armor: Difference between revisions

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| Aura of Defense, Asmolum's Blessing, Honed Control, Strathelar's Blessing, Barnar's Blessing  
| Aura of Defense, Asmolum's Blessing, Honed Control, Strathelar's Blessing, Barnar's Blessing  
| Level 50+
| Level 50+
| Belinda du Loc's Kill Tasks
| [[Belinda du Loc|Belinda du Loc's Kill Tasks]]

Revision as of 19:32, 4 August 2008

Quest Hand Armor

Name AL Coverage Spells Restrictions Quest
File:Ancient Armored Gauntlets icon.png Ancient Armored Gauntlets 440 (665) Hands Skin of the Fiazhat, Flange Aegis Level 100+ The Temple of Hizk Ri
File:Ancient Relic Gauntlets icon.png Ancient Relic Gauntlets 440 (665) Hands Skin of the Fiazhat, Moderate Strength, Flange Aegis, Minor Bludgeoning Ward Level 150+ Relic Armor
Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship 325 Hands Aura of Defense, Asmolum's Blessing, Honed Control, Strathelar's Blessing, Barnar's Blessing Level 50+ Belinda du Loc's Kill Tasks
File:Fists of Stone icon.png Fists of Stone 200 Hands Invuln V, Strength V, Endurance V, Impen V, Moderate Cantrips for all Melee & Missile skills & War magic None Colosseum Bosses
File:Icon GreaterOlthoiGauntlets.jpg Greater Olthoi Gauntlets 500 Hands Unenchantable Level 80+ Greater Olthoi Armor
File:Harbinger Arm Guard icon.png Harbinger Arm Guard 420 (640) Hands Archer's Bane, Web of Defense, Hydra's Head, Web of Resistance, Swordsman's Bane, Tusker's Bane, Brogard's Defense, Minor Magic Resistance Level 180+ Harbinger
File:Lesser Olthoi Gauntlets icon.png Lesser Olthoi Gauntlets 300 Hands Unenchantable Level 20+ Lesser Olthoi Armor
File:Icon LorcaSammelsGauntlets.jpg Lorca Sammel's Gauntlets 75 Hands Cold Pro I, Regen I ToD Sanamar Starter Quests
File:Mitts of the Hunter icon.png Mitts of the Hunter 320 Hands Impregnability Self VI, Coordination Self VI, Eyeshot, Hunter's Ward, Marksman's Ken, Arbalester's Intuition Level 100+ Sepulcher of Nightmares
File:Noble Relic Gauntlets Icon.png Noble Relic Gauntlets 420 (640) Hands Hamud's Boon, Gertarh's Boon, Inner Might, Tibri's Boon, Brogard's Defiance Level 150+ Relic Armor
Opal Gauntlets 180 (280) Hands Impenetrability IV, Minor Impregnability, Minor Invulnerability, Minor Magic Resistance Level 20+ The Harker
File:Shou-jen Shozoku Sleeve Gauntlets icon.png Shou-jen Shozoku Sleeve Gauntlets 320 (540) Hands Archer's Bane, Asmolum's Blessing, Major Thrown Aptitude, Might of the Lugians, Olthoi's Bane, Swordsman's Bane, Tusker's Bane, Inferno's Bane, Geldite's Bane, Brogard's Defense, Astyrrian's Bane Level 130+ Nanjou Shou-jen Armor

Rare Hand Armor

Name AL Coverage Spells Restrictions Rare #
File:Adept's Favor icon.png Adept's Favor 400 (770) Hands Flame Ward, Major Impregnability, Major Invulnerability, Harlune's Blessing, Major Impenetrability, Nuhmudira's Blessing, Brogard's Defiance ToD 212
File:Gauntlets of Leikotha's Tears icon.png Gauntlets of Leikotha's Tears 525 (545) Hands Inner Calm, Moderate Focus, Minor Impenetrability, Fiery Blessing, Minor Impregnability, Minor Invulnerability ToD 263

Store Bought Hand Armor

Name AL
Chainmail Gauntlets 50
Platemail Gauntlets 100
Studded Leather Gauntlets 30