Northern Osteth: Difference between revisions

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* [[73.6N, 16.4W - Igloo]]
* [[73.6N, 16.4W - Igloo]]
* [[45.6N, 11.6W - Igloo]]

Revision as of 20:15, 12 February 2012

Related topics: Osteth

Introduced:  Release
Northern Osteth


The large area north of Osteth that is bordered by the deserts and fertile lands of Middle Osteth. The Northern Landbridge connects this part of Osteth to the Direlands.

"The great Mount Esper towers over the Derethian landscape, beckoning both thrillseekers and sightseers alike. Bring a companion to the spectacular snowy summit, where the dormant volcano now holds a placid blue lake. But be warned: Some have reported mysterious and deadly creatures in this area. To the southwest, cradled between mountain ranges, the Tiofor Woods are home to tribes of bloodthirsty Banderlings and Tuskers. To the southeast lies the Aluvian town of Glenden Wood. There, near the Lifestone, a small shop carries an excellent assortment of bows and arrows. Just ask for the merchant Peldin Yewbender."[1]

Related Quests

Kill Tasks


NPC Name Location Type Details
Archmage 46.0N, 8.0W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Adam's Beach) 55.9N, 52.3W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Lithaenean) 54.4N, 38.3W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Mountain Retreat) 59.7N, 4.1W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Northern Point) 93.9N, 7.7E Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Igloo) 70.5N, 17.3W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Blacksmith (Adams' Beach) 55.9N, 52.3W Shopkeeper Armor
Blind Snowman 46.7N, 48.9E Quest The Blind Snowman
Collector 59.7N, 4.1W Trophy Collector Non-hide Creature Trophies
Denterra the Healer 41.0N, 56.4E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Holtburg Marsh) 42.4N, 32.2E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Esper Mountain Range) 76.6N, 6.0W Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Lithaenean) 54.4N, 38.3W Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Northern Point) 93.9N, 7.7E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Jolly Snowman 73.6N, 16.6W, 45.6N, 11.5W Shopkeeper A Frozen Note
Master Celdiseth the Archmage 86.6N, 21.6E Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Merchant (Esper Mountain Range) 76.6N, 6.0W Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Merchant (Mountain Retreat) 59.7N, 4.1W Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (40.8N, 36.5E) 40.8N, 36.5E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Empyrean Stone Tower) 54.3N, 17.4W Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Glenden Wood) 31.2N, 19.8E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Holtburg Marsh) 42.4N, 32.2E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Northern Point) 93.9N, 7.7E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Surnad the Peddler 41.0N, 56.4E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Roaming Bowyer (Stonehold) 79.2N, 15.6W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Beachside) 68.8N, 51.6W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Esper Mountain Range) 68.0N, 10.0W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Osteth North Beach) 86.0N, 27.7W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Outskirts Bandit Castle) 71.8N, 38.0E Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Snowman 71.4N, 22.2W, 73.8N, 13.7W Shopkeeper A Frozen Note, Snowball
Spertat the Ursuin Hunter Random Spawn Quest Hieromancer's Armor
Wandering Bowyer (Mountain Retreat) 59.7N, 4.1W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition

Towns and Regions of Northern Osteth

Northwest Osteth


Northeast Osteth


Points of Interest

Northwest Osteth

Northeast Osteth



For Middle Osteth town lifestones, see each town's dedicated page



Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Abandoned Mine 34.9N, 54.5E -- 01C9
Artifex Vault 26.5N, 45.8W -- 0137
Arwic Mines 33.8N, 56.8E -- 01EF
A Rat Nest 40.2N, 32.5E -- 01DD
A Ruin (Arwic) 33.0N, 54.9E -- 0187
Asuger Temple 45.0N, 30.5E -- 010B
Banderling Ruin 36.1N, 39.6E -- 01E0
Bandit Castle Prison 66.5N, 49.9E -- 01E2
Blighted Desolation Moarsman Tunnels 75.1N, 49.7W 00C4.gif --
Blighted Putrid Moarsman Tunnels 22.5N, 30.4W 00C3.gif --
Carved Cave 7.4N, 0.6E -- 018F
Caulnalain Vestibule 68.5N, 5.5E -- 02DC
Cave of Alabree 41.8N, 32.1E -- 0162
Colier Mines 56.8N, 38.3E -- 01AE
Crater Caves 66.7N, 12.5E -- 019A
Crater Lair 70.6N, 12.7E -- 018C
Crater Pathway 60.6N, 15.7E -- 01A7
Daiklos 33.7N, 29.2E -- 0185
Dericost Vault 74.7N, 24.6W -- --
Dark Tree Crystal Mine 24.8N, 31.3W -- 5649
Desert March 22.6N, 28.8W -- 02AA
Drudge Hideout 41.4N, 33.3E -- 019E
Dungeon Fern 43.3N, 37.2E -- 01B3
Empyrean Workshop 66.9N 15.9E -- 006E
Fir Tree 80.0N, 45.6W -- 5F45
Gelidite Library 69.2N, 17.2W -- 5464
Glenden Wood Dungeon 29.9N, 26.3E -- 01E3
Grievver Caves 75.9N, 19.0W -- 5456
Heart of Innocence 34.0N, 39.0E (Approx.) -- 5F46
Holtburg Dungeon 43.6N, 33.0E -- 01F6
Holtburg Redoubt 40.4N, 34.4E -- 0163
Hunter's Leap 35.7N, 32.6E -- 01C6
Inner Dungeon 43.5N, 43.4W -- 01A5
Jahannan Vault 67.0N, 15.0E -- 011B
Inner Dungeon 43.5N, 43.4W -- 01A5
Mage Academy 74.7N, 18.5E -- 0139
Mammet Foundry 30.9N, 56.4E -- 5458
Mattekar Cave 65.4N, 16.7E -- 0169
Mite Tunnels 38.7N, 50.0E -- 01A4
Mountain Cavern 63.2N, 5.5E -- 015D
Mountain Keep 54.7N, 32.9E -- 01D2
Murk Warrens (Stonehold) 67.4N, 29.3W -- 0100
North Glenden Prison 31.8N, 25.5E -- 01E4
Olthoi Horde Nest 55.8N, 43.5E -- 02FB
Olthoi Horde Nest 48.9N, 12.9W -- 02FC
Phyntos Menace 68.1N, 20.0W -- 0143
Renegade Stronghold (Stonehold) 71.4N, 28.6W -- 6549
The Pit 64.3N, 23.4W -- 01A3
Shade Stronghold 73.5N, 0.2W -- 02B1
Shadow Breach 34.0N, 56.6E -- 008D
Small Fledgling Mukkir Nest 43.5N, 36.1E -- ACB5
Small Icecave 67.5N, 50.3E -- 01E6
Spirit Cell 26.5N, 28.5W -- 564A Gift Box Quest
Tumerok Outpost 23.7N, 36.5W -- 01BF
Tusker Temple 59.8N, 28.4E -- 5D43 Aphus Lassel
Underground Forest 31.5N, 20.8E -- 013C
Viamont Staging Portal (Low) 32.3N 29.5E -- 0058
Viamont Staging Portal (Mid) 31.4N 25.8E -- 0059
Viamont Staging Portal (High) 27.2N 27.9E -- 005A
Virindi Complex 73.8N, 25.0E -- 5B42
Wedding Trials Dungeon 32.8N, 55.3E -- 5269







Frost Elemental










Viamontian Knight



