Osseous Mace: Difference between revisions

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(New page: A mace obtained that randomly drops off an a rare creature, the Dark Myrmidon, which can be commonly found in the South Direlands around Candeth Keep. {|width=300 border=1 cellspa...)
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Revision as of 13:04, 11 September 2008

A mace obtained that randomly drops off an a rare creature, the Dark Myrmidon, which can be commonly found in the South Direlands around Candeth Keep.

File:Osseousmaceicon.JPG Osseous Mace
The leg of a Relic Bones. It is inscribed with runes, and the entire bone shines with a ruddy flame.
Value 6,000p
Burden 400
Restrictions Base Mace 300+
Special Properties Crushing Blow
Damage 15 - 30 , Fire
Speed 40
Bonus to
Attack Skill
Bonus to
Melee Def
Spells Defender VI, Cold Protection Self VI, Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer IV, Armor Self V, Blood Thirst (Weapon Damage +2 pts), Heart Seeker VI
Activations None
Spellcraft 200
Mana 1700, 1/20 sec
Notes Turn into Belinda du Loc for the Enhanced Osseous Mace.