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Revision as of 20:16, 24 December 2013

Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Poet's Shirt
  • Value: 30
  • Burden: 75
  • Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms
Poet's Shirt (Store-bought)


One of the variations of a shirt, sold in Viamontian Towns. For the other variations, see: Doublet, Tunic, Shirt, Smock, Jerkin, and Lace Shirt and Vest.
  • Note that the shirt is two-colored: the trim of the sleeves will keep its original color when dyed (see below)

Store-bought Variations

Store Bought Poet's Shirt




6899 6949 6923 6876
Sanamar Silyun Silyun Silyun

Dyed Variations

Dyed Poet's Shirt

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes & Dye Effects

Dye Effects

  • Note that these colors can also be found as Loot colors for the trim. The trim does NOT dye with the main part.
Known Palettes for Dyed Poet's Shirt
ACID Name Sample DCS Sample VT Main
6885 Lapyan_PSh 00BAC0 1D6E76
6888 Colban_PSh 001187 000B32
6881 Verdalim_PSh 068700 082A00
6886 Minalim_PSh 00B06A 1D7550
6889 Relanim_PSh 5B0094 210032
6890 Thananim_PSh 393939 101010
6882 Hennacin_PSh 8F0000 2A0000
6887 Argenory_PSh 6E6E6E 696969
6883 Berimphur_PSh 957400 2A2200
6884 Fail_PSh E40B70 F90067
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in Loot

  • The loot-generated color table is still work in progress. See for a spreadsheet for the until now discovered palettes this file (right click, download as)
Known Palettes for Loot-generated Poet's Shirt
ACID Name Sample DCS VT Main VT Trim
6869 MagentaPurple_PSh 7D1945 3E0C22 661338
6870 AmaranthPink_PSh 901F51 4B0F2A 731640
6871 CerisePurple_PSh A5235E 661639 8E1D4F
6872 RosePink_VSh 8A1C4D 811B48 A9225E
6873 DrabOlive_PSh 716F00 363000 555300
6874 FieldBrown_PSh 4A4200 363000 555300
6875 BambooOlive_PSh 8D8B00 514900 706E00
6876 DeepGold_PSh 655B00 655B00 848200
6877 AncientGold_PSh 6C5400 191400 4D3C00
6878 SunnyBrown_PSh 3A3000 292000 5D4800
6879 DuneGold_PSh 896B00 3C3001 705700
6880 BrassGold_PSh 9C7900 463801 7A5E00
6881 Verdalim_PSh 068700 057000
6882 Hennacin_PSh 8F0000 700000
6883 Berimphur_PSh 957400 705700
6884 Fail_PSh E40B70 F30073
6885 Lapyan_PSh 00BAC0 00959B
6886 Minalim_PSh 00B06A 009157
6887 Argenory_PSh 6E6E6E 7B7B7B
6888 Colban_PSh 001187 000E70
6889 Relanim_PSh 5B0094 450070
6890 Thananim_PSh 393939 2B2B2B
6891 CeruleanBlue_PSh 005B74 00546C 00667A
6892 CrierAqua_PSh 00789A 006986 007C94
6893 OpalAqua_PSh 009AB6 006D8A 008098
6894 SkyBlue_PSh 0097C0 0093BA 00A8C8
6895 AppleRed_PSh 8D0000 700000
6896 ScoldRed_PSh 750000 570000
6897 BeanRed_PSh 590000 380000
6898 CoveAppleRed_PSh AA0000 890000
6899 OceanBlue_PSh 004873 003C61 004E70
6900 DeepseaBlue_PSh 004167 002F4B 003F5A
6901 WarriorBlue_PSh 002E4B 001B2C 00293B
6902 SilyunBlue_PSh 005286 004F7F 00638E
6903 SapphireBlue_VSh 002492 001E61 001C70
6904 LazuliBlue_PSh 001E7D 001955 001864
6905 ScholarBlue_PSh 001A52 001240 00134F
6906 AgonnoBlue_PSh 022AA3 00257A 002289
6907 DullGold_PSh 7D6433 544126 6A542A
6908 CoconutBrown_PSh 533E23 493921 5F4B25
6909 SoilBrown_PSh 42341D 332817 48391C
6910 GingerBrown_PSh 705632 6A5230 816633
6911 SapphireBlue_PSh 003986 062666 003070
6912 DukeBlue_PSh 003885 042360 002C69
6913 InkBlue_PSh 003071 5D3512?? 00214F
6914 CobaltBlue_PSh 073189 072F7E 003A89
6915 BurntOrange_PSh 81460A 3B2403 673808
6916 SepiaOrange_PSh 713D09 311E02 816633
6917 SaddleBrown_PSh 362408 221401 4E2A05
6918 SharkBrown_PSh 865B31 4B391E 6C4B2A
6919 ForestGreen_PSh 005700 002F00 087000
6920 GlendenGreen_PSh 002900 002300 066400
6921 StrongGreen_PSh 088100 001B00 055C00
6922 JungleGreen_PSh 005500 003E00 097F00
6923 FreshGreen_PSh 067207 066707 199600
6924 AphusGreen_PSh 075808 045705 158500
6925 TendrilGreen_PSh 034B03 034303 117000
6926 TukoraGreen_PSh 20C600 077F08 1DAF00
6927 SmogGrey_PSh 4F4F4F 4B4B4B 383838
6928 AshGrey_PSh 444444 3C3C3C 292929
6929 SootGrey_PSh 3B3B3B 313131 1E1E1E
6930 SteelGrey_PSh 585858 5B5B5B 484848
6931 ShadyAqua_PSh 579291 466D6B 497B7A
6932 MuddyAqua_PSh 3C6767 314C4B 355959
6933 DeepSeaAqua_PSh 345757 263C3B 2B4848
6934 PoolAqua_PSh 4F7E7C 527F7D 548E8D
6935 RustBrown_PSh 561913 360F09 5F1710
6936 MadderRed_PSh 7D1C13 340E07 5D150E
6937 LiverBrown_PSh 3C0F0C 1D0703 460F0A
6938 AlizarinRed_PSh 912218 50160D 791D14
6939 AzuriteBlue_PSh 00407B 091935 002F5B
6940 NightBlue_PSh 0F2445 002446
6941 SmaltBlue_PSh 002950 030811 001931
6942 PhiltreBlue_PSh 164774 162236 11375A
6943 NetherPurple_PSh 420C46 340935 491956
6944 Heliotrope_PSh 440E48 250627 3E1449
6945 DarkViolet_PSh 380C3D 1E0420 381242
6946 GrapePurple_PSh 450A49 400B42 531C61
6947 VitaeRed_PSh 950000 520000 700000
6948 MordantRed_PSh 760000 370000 550000
6949 Hennacin_PSh 430000 220000 400000
6950 OldBloodRed_PSh 670000 610000 7F0000
6951 Raspberry_PSh 4C0018 370011 700021
6952 MaroonPurple_PSh 3C0014 65001D
6953 AuburnRed_PSh 750022 1C0008 550018
6954 BurntPurple_PSh 4F071E 3D0516 700B29
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.