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imported>An Adventurer
imported>An Adventurer
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[[Image:Drudge icon.png]] [[Drudge]]
[[Image:Drudge icon.png]] [[Drudge]]
* [[Drudge Lurker]]
* [[Drudge Prowler]]
* [[Drudge Ravener]]
* [[Drudge Robber]]
* [[Drudge Skulker]]
* [[Drudge Servant|Drudge Slave]] (Renamed Servant at a later date)
* [[Drudge Slave]]
* [[Drudge Slinker]]
* [[Drudge Sneaker]]
* [[Drudge Stalker]]

[[Image:Elemental icon.png]] [[Elemental]]
[[Image:Elemental icon.png]] [[Elemental]]
([[Fire Elemental]]s and [[Lightning Elemental]]s were originally "Elementals")
* [[Astyrrian]]
* [[Flare]]
* [[Flamma]]
* [[Inferno]]
* [[Scintilla]]
* [[Spark]]

[[Image:Golem icon.png]] [[Golem]]
[[Image:Golem icon.png]] [[Golem]]
* [[Copper Golem]]
* [[Granite Golem]]
* [Ice Golem]]
* [[Iron Golem]]
* [[Limestone Golem]]
* [[Magma Golem]]
* [[Mud Golem]]
* [[Obsidian Golem]]
* [[Sandstone Golem]]
* [[Water Golem]]
* [[Wood Golem]]

[[Image:Gromnie icon.png]] [[Gromnie]]
[[Image:Gromnie icon.png]] [[Gromnie]]
* [[Ash Gromnie]]
* [[Azure Gromnie]]
* [[Ivory Gromnie]]
* [[Jade Gromnie]]
* [[Rust Gromnie]]
* [[Swamp Gromnie]]

[[Image:Lugian icon.png]] [[Lugian]]
[[Image:Lugian icon.png]] [[Lugian]]
* [[Amploth Lugian]]
* [[Gigas Lugian]]
* [[Laigus Lugian]]
* [[Lithos Lugian]]
* [[Obeloth Lugian]]

[[Image:Mattekar icon.png]] [[Mattekar]]
[[Image:Mattekar icon.png]] [[Mattekar]]
* [[Great Mattekar]]
* [[Snowy Mattekar]]
* [[White Mattekar]]

[[Image:Mite icon.png]] [[Mite]]
[[Image:Mite icon.png]] [[Mite]]
* [[Mite Digger]]
* [[Mite Scamp]]
* [[Mite Scion]]
* [[Mite Sentry]]
* [[Mite Snippet]]
* [[Mite Squib]]
* [[Mite Squire]]

[[Image:Monouga icon.png]] [[Monouga]]
[[Image:Monouga icon.png]] [[Monouga]]
* [[Crude Monouga]]
* [[Outcast Monouga]]
* [[Rough Monouga]]
* [[Wild Monouga]]

[[Image:Mosswart icon.png]] [[Mosswart]]
[[Image:Mosswart icon.png]] [[Mosswart]]
* [[Barker Mosswart]]
* [[Creeper Mosswart]]
* [[Mosswart Chief]]
* [[Mosswart Feeder]]
* [[Mosswart Mucker]] ?
* [[Mosswart Shaman]]
* [[Mudlurk Mosswart]]
* [[Young Mosswart]]

[[Image:Olthoi icon.png]] [[Olthoi]]
[[Image:Olthoi icon.png]] [[Olthoi]]
* [[Injured Olthoi]] ?
* [[Olthoi Noble]]
* [[Olthoi Nymph]]
* [[Olthoi Soldier]]
* [[Olthoi Worker]]

[[Image:Phyntos Wasp icon.png]] [[Phyntos Wasp]]
[[Image:Phyntos Wasp icon.png]] [[Phyntos Wasp]]
* [[Blue Phyntos Wasp]]
* [[Gold Phyntos Wasp]]
* [[Green Phyntos Wasp]]
* [[Mire Phyntos Wasp]]
* [[Red Phyntos Wasp]]

[[Image:Rabbit icon.png]] [[Rabbit]]
[[Image:Rabbit icon.png]] [[Rabbit]]
* [[Desert Rabbit]]
* [[Black Rabbit]]
* [[Brown Rabbit]]

[[Image:Rat icon.png]] [[Rat]]
[[Image:Rat icon.png]] [[Rat]]
* [[Black Rat]]
* [[Brown Rat]]
* [[Desert Rat]]
* [[Grey Rat]]
* [[Mountain Rat]]
* [[Red Rat]]
* [[Russet Rat]]
* [[Silver Rat]]
* [[Swamp Rat]]
* [[Tan Rat]]
* [[White Rat]]

[[Image:Reedshark icon.png]] [[Reedshark]]
[[Image:Reedshark icon.png]] [[Reedshark]]
* [[Adult Reedshark]]
* [[Reedshark Elder]]
* [[Reedshark Pup]]
* [[Veteran Reedshark]]

[[Image:Sclavus icon.png]] [[Sclavus]]
[[Image:Sclavus icon.png]] [[Sclavus]]
* [[Aste Sclavus]]
* [[Essa Sclavus]]
* [[Sata Sclavus]]
* [[Se Sclavus]]

[[Image:Shadow icon.png]] [[Shadow]]
[[Image:Shadow icon.png]] [[Shadow]] ?

[[Image:Shallows Shark icon.png]] [[Shallows Shark]]
[[Image:Shallows Shark icon.png]] [[Shallows Shark]]
* [[Shallows Lurker]]
* [[ Shallows Shark (Creature)|Shallows Shark]]

[[Image:Shreth icon.png]] [[Shreth]]
[[Image:Shreth icon.png]] [[Shreth]]
* [[Blood Shreth]]
* [[Carrion Shreth]]
* [[Gnawer Shreth]]
* [[Hunter Shreth]]
* [[Vorous Shreth]]
* [[Vorous Shreth (Dires)]]

[[Image:Skeleton icon.png]] [[Skeleton]]
[[Image:Skeleton icon.png]] [[Skeleton]]
* [[Charred Skeleton]] ?
* [[Old Bones]]
* [[Skeleton (Creature)|Skeleton]]
* [[Skeleton Captain]]
* [[Skeleton Lord]]
* [[Skeleton Warrior]]

[[Image:Target icon.png]] [[Target]]
[[Image:Target icon.png]] [[Target]]
* [[Straw Drudge]]

[[Image:Tumerok icon.png]] [[Tumerok]]
[[Image:Tumerok icon.png]] [[Tumerok]]
* [[Tumerok Gladiator]] ?
* [[Tumerok Fighter]]
* [[Tumerok Priest]]
* [[Tumerok Scout]]
* [[Tumerok Warrior]]
* [[Tumerok Worker]]

[[Image:Tusker icon.png]] [[Tusker]]
[[Image:Tusker icon.png]] [[Tusker]]
* [[Female Tusker]]
* [[Goldenback Tusker]]
* [[Male Tusker]]
* [[Tusker Crimsonback]]
* [[Tusker Guard]]
* [[Tusker Slave]]

[[Image:Undead icon.png]] [[Undead]]
[[Image:Undead icon.png]] [[Undead]]
* [[Greater Mu-Miyah]]
* [[Lesser Mu-Miyah]]
* [[Lich]]
* [[Lich Lord]]
* [[Revenant]] ?
* [[Undead (Creature)|Undead]]
* [[Zombie]]

[[Image:Virindi icon.png]] [[Virindi]]
[[Image:Virindi icon.png]] [[Virindi]]
* [[Virindi Master]]
* [[Virindi Puppet]]
* [[Virindi Servant]]

[[Image:Wisp icon.png]] [[Wisp]]
[[Image:Wisp icon.png]] [[Wisp]]
* [[Dark Wisp]]
* [[Ethereal Wisp]]
* [[Ghost Wisp]]
* [[Shadow Wisp]] ?
* [[Water Wisp]]

[[Image:Zefir icon.png]] [[Zefir]]
[[Image:Zefir icon.png]] [[Zefir]]
* [[Jibrit Zefir]]
* [[Kilif Zefir]]
* [[Zofrit Zefir]]



Revision as of 23:55, 23 June 2008

All Patches

November 1999

Turbine Announcements






Aluvian Realm

Holtburg - Starting town. Lytelthorpe - Starting town. Rithwic - Starting town.
Arwic Cragstone - Capital. Dryreach
Eastham Fort Tethana Glenden Wood
Plateau Village Stonehold Underground City

Sho Nation

Nanto - Starting town. Shoushi - Starting Town. Yanshi - Starting town.
Baishi Hebian-To - Capital. Kara
Lin Mayoi Sawato
Tou-Tou Wei Jhou

Gharu'ndim Kingdom

Al-Arqas - Starting town. Samsur - Starting town. Yaraq - Starting Town.
Al-Jalima Khayyaban Qalaba'r
Tufa Uziz Zaikhal - Capital.

Independent/Other Towns

Bandit Castle Beach Fort Crater Lake Village
Neydisa Castle




File:Armoredillo icon.png Armoredillo

File:Auroch icon.png Auroch

File:Banderling icon.png Banderling

File:Cow icon.png Cow

File:Drudge icon.png Drudge

File:Elemental icon.png Elemental (Fire Elementals and Lightning Elementals were originally "Elementals")

File:Golem icon.png Golem

File:Gromnie icon.png Gromnie

File:Lugian icon.png Lugian

File:Mattekar icon.png Mattekar

File:Mite icon.png Mite

File:Monouga icon.png Monouga

File:Mosswart icon.png Mosswart

File:Olthoi icon.png Olthoi

File:Phyntos Wasp icon.png Phyntos Wasp

File:Rabbit icon.png Rabbit

File:Rat icon.png Rat

File:Reedshark icon.png Reedshark

File:Sclavus icon.png Sclavus

File:Shadow icon.png Shadow ?

File:Shallows Shark icon.png Shallows Shark

File:Shreth icon.png Shreth

File:Skeleton icon.png Skeleton

File:Target icon.png Target

File:Tumerok icon.png Tumerok

File:Tusker icon.png Tusker

File:Undead icon.png Undead

File:Virindi icon.png Virindi

File:Wisp icon.png Wisp

File:Zefir icon.png Zefir