Throne of Destiny (expansion): Difference between revisions

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=== New Items ===
=== New Items ===
* [[A letter from the heart]]
* [[A letter to Alean the Steel Forger]]
* [[A letter to Jibril ibn Rashid]]
* [[A letter to Koga Hideki]]
* [[A Message from Scorus]]
* [[Abayar's Research Notes]]
* [[Abhorrent Eater Jaw]]
* [[Academy Exit Token]]
* [[Academy Library Key]]
* [[Acolyte Herren's Chest]]
* [[Acolyte Herren's Key]]
* [[Alluvian Leg]]
* [[Amber Ape]]
* [[Amber Ape Brew]]
* [[Amber Barley]]
* [[Amber Fermented Brew]]
* [[Amber Wort]]
* [[An Alliance of Merchants]]
* [[An Old Chest]]
* [[Ancient Discoveries]]
* [[Angree's Angry Ale]]
* [[Archmage's Endurance]]
* [[Argentate Pigmentation Apparatus]]
* [[Armoredillo Key]]
* [[Aromatic Amber Ale]]
* [[Aromatic Amber Wort]]
* [[Aromatic Dark Brew]]
* [[Aromatic Dark Wort]]
* [[Aromatic Finished Wort]]
* [[Aromatic Lager]]
* [[Aromatic Stout]]
* [[Arrogant Penguin Beak]]
* [[Asheron's Benediction]]
* [[Atramentous Pigmentation Apparatus]]
* [[Augmented Ice Shard]]
* [[Aurulent Key]]
* [[Bag of Lifestone Chips]]
* [[Beacon]]
* [[Beacon Gem]]
* [[Black Pages of Salt and Ash]]
* [[Blackmoor's Favor]]
* [[Blacksmithing Chest Key]]
* [[Blacksmithing Supplies]]
* [[Blank Augmentation Gem]]
* [[Bleeargh's Fortitude]]
* [[Blood Gem of Rikt Zir]]
* [[Blue Blood Gem Fragment]]
* [[Bobo's Stout]]
* [[Bobo's Stout Brew]]
* [[Book of Xik Minru]]
* [[Bracelet of Passage]]
* [[Brew Kettle]]
* [[Brewmaster's Back Cover]]
* [[Brewmaster's Bible]]
* [[Brewmaster's Front Cover]]
* [[Brewmaster's Pages]]
* [[Brewmaster's Spine]]
* [[Brown Hops]]
* [[Burning Coal]]
* [[Butterscotch Suckling]]
* [[Castle Pietrus Log Book]]
* [[Caustic Enhancement]]
* [[Cave Penguin Cake]]
* [[Cave Penguin Egg]]
* [[Celdiseth's Essence]]
* [[Champion of Silyun Token]]
* [[Charmed Smith]]
* [[Chest]]
* [[Ciandra's Essence]]
* [[Ciandra's Fortune]]
* [[Clutch of the Miser]]
* [[Collegium Occultus Ring]]
* [[Corcima Castle Platinum Ward Portal Gem]]
* [[Corpse (Lugian Ice Tunnels)]]
* [[Corpse (Ruschk Icehold)]]
* [[Cove Apple Wine]]
* [[Critical Protection]]
* [[Crumpled Note]]
* [[Crystal Shard Sample]]
* [[Dark Fermented Brew]]
* [[Dark Wort]]
* [[Dericost Ruin Door]]
* [[Dericost Ruin Key]]
* [[Dericost Tome]]
* [[Dispatch to Captain Balanchi]]
* [[Dispatch to General Corcima]]
* [[Distasteful Amber Ale]]
* [[Distasteful Amber Brew]]
* [[Distasteful Amber Wort]]
* [[Distasteful Dark Brew]]
* [[Distasteful Dark Wort]]
* [[Distasteful Fermented Brew]]
* [[Distasteful Finished Brew]]
* [[Distasteful Finished Wort]]
* [[Distasteful Lager]]
* [[Distasteful Stout]]
* [[Dried Yeast]]
* [[Elder Spirits Seal Fragment]]
* [[Elder Spirits Tablet]]
* [[Eleonora's Heart]]
* [[Eleonora's Note]]
* [[Empty Bottles]]
* [[Empty Dye Pot]]
* [[Empty Stopped Keg]]
* [[Enduring Calm]]
* [[Enduring Enchantment]]
* [[Engorged Eater Jaw]]
* [[Engorged Scourge Token]]
* [[Enhancement of the Arrow Turner]]
* [[Enhancement of the Blade Turner]]
* [[Enhancement of the Mace Turner]]
* [[Fermented Brew]]
* [[Fiery Enhancement]]
* [[Final Metal Scraps]]
* [[Fine Leather Straps]]
* [[Finished Amber Wort]]
* [[Finished Dark Wort]]
* [[Finished Wort]]
* [[Fiun Hatchet]]
* [[Fiun Healing Machine]]
* [[Fledgemaster's Tusk]]
* [[Fleshy Lump]]
* [[Flightless Death]]
* [[Forgotten Chasm]]
* [[Friend of Sanamar Token]]
* [[Friend of Silyun Token]]
* [[Frozen Library]]
* [[Full Brew Kettle]]
* [[Geowulf's Journal]]
* [[Gharu'ndim Arm]]
* [[Giant Mushrooms]]
* [[Glorious Amber Ale]]
* [[Glorious Amber Brew]]
* [[Glorious Apple]]
* [[Glorious Dark Brew]]
* [[Glorious Fermented Brew]]
* [[Glorious Lager]]
* [[Glorious Stout]]
* [[Gold Niffis Tentacle]]
* [[Gold Remoran Eggs]]
* [[Gold Shallows Shredder Fin]]
* [[Gonjoku Den Trade Agreement]]
* [[Gonjoku Den Trade Proposal]]
* [[Gonjoku's Mana Infusion]]
* [[Grand Mother's Medallion]]
* [[Grazer Bug]]
* [[Great Cave Penguin Egg]]
* [[Great Frost Tree]]
* [[Green Blood Gem Fragment]]
* [[Green Hops]]
* [[Guide to Chat]]
* [[Guide to Healing]]
* [[Half-Digested Virindi Mask]]
* [[Healing Machine Base]]
* [[Healing Machine Hook]]
* [[Healing Machine Hooked Base]]
* [[Healing Machine Orb]]
* [[Healing Machine Pedestal]]
* [[Healing Machine Recipe]]
* [[Hero of Sanamar Token]]
* [[Hero of Silyun Token]]
* [[Hidden City]]
* [[Homemade Amber Ale]]
* [[Homemade Lager]]
* [[Homemade Stout]]
* [[Humid Hovel]]
* [[Ice Log]]
* [[Icy Enhancement]]
* [[Identification Plate]]
* [[Incomplete Brewmaster's Bible]]
* [[Incomplete Journal - Pages 1-2]]
* [[Incomplete Journal - Pages 1-3]]
* [[Innate Renewal]]
* [[Insatiable Eater Jaw]]
* [[Intercepted Note]]
* [[Iron Door (Small Empyrean Vault)]]
* [[Jibril's Essence]]
* [[Journal of High Archon Kraest]]
* [[K'nath Lair]]
* [[K'nath Lair Portal]]
* [[Keg of Amber Ape]]
* [[Keg of Angree's Angry Ale]]
* [[Keg of Aromatic Amber Ale]]
* [[Keg of Aromatic Stout]]
* [[Keg of Bobo's Stout]]
* [[Keg of Distasteful Amber Ale]]
* [[Keg of Distasteful Lager]]
* [[Keg of Distasteful Stout]]
* [[Keg of Glorious Lager]]
* [[Keg of Glorious Stout]]
* [[Keg of Homemade Amber Ale]]
* [[Keg of Homemade Lager]]
* [[Keg of Homemade Stout]]
* [[Keg of Nasty Lager]]
* [[Keg of Rancid Ale]]
* [[Keg of Tasty Amber Ale]]
* [[Keg of Tasty Lager]]
* [[Keg of Tasty Stout]]
* [[Keg of Tusker Pus]]
* [[Keg of Tusker Spit Ale]]
* [[Koga's Essence]]
* [[Koihoatai Fragment]]
* [[Large Blood Gem Fragment]]
* [[Last Known Location of Muldaveus]]
* [[Lavuhn]]
* [[Lavus]]
* [[Leathworking Chest Key]]
* [[Letter From Home (Gharu'ndim)]]
* [[Letter From Home (Viamontian)]]
* [[Liquid Yeast]]
* [[Lo Raen's List of Tasks]]
* [[Lorca Sammel's Necklace]]
* [[Lubziklan al-Laq Trade Proposal]]
* [[Lubziklan al-Luq Trade Agreement]]
* [[Maddened Fiun Heart]]
* [[Marauder's Jaw]]
* [[Medallion of the Red Bull]]
* [[Messenger's Journal]]
* [[Might of the Seventh Mule]]
* [[Moist Hovel]]
* [[Mossy Herb]]
* [[Mukkir Nest Portal Gem]]
* [[Nasty Lager]]
* [[Nearly Complete Brewmaster's Bible]]
* [[Note to a Generous Host]]
* [[Note To Alvirre]]
* [[Old Lascare's Journal]]
* [[Olthoi Larvae Steak]]
* [[Olthoi Ripper Spine]]
* [[Olthoi Slayer Carapace]]
* [[Oswald's Enhancement]]
* [[Oswald's Prison Journal]]
* [[Page from a Journal]]
* [[Parfarrail Fragment]]
* [[Partial Elder Spirits Tablet]]
* [[Penguin Beak]]
* [[Penguin Den]]
* [[Penguin Wing]]
* [[Perennial Botched Dye]]
* [[Perfect Ice Shard]]
* [[Plain Barley]]
* [[Plain Barley]]
* [[Platinum Legion Door Key]]
* [[Platinum Legion Quartermaster's Chest]]
* [[Platinum Legion Quartermaster's Key]]
* [[Polar Pummeler Plaque]]
* [[Polar Pummeler Token]]
* [[Pool of Glacial Water]]
* [[Prison Warden's Chest]]
* [[Prison Warden's Key]]
* [[Prison Warden's Orders]]
* [[Protection Orb]]
* [[Purified Ice Log]]
* [[Putrid Fermented Brew]]
* [[Putrid Tusker Spit Brew]]
* [[Quick Learner]]
* [[Rancid Ale]]
* [[Rancid Fermented Brew]]
* [[Rancid Yeast]]
* [[Rand's Brewmaster's Bible]]
* [[Ravenous Eater Jaw]]
* [[Red Blood Gem Fragment]]
* [[Reinforced Ice Shard]]
* [[Reinforcement of the Lugians]]
* [[Remote Empyrean Vault]]
* [[Renald the Eldest Refusal]]
* [[Renald the Eldest Trade Proposal]]
* [[Renald's Old Mug]]
* [[Restoring the Training Academies]]
* [[Ring of Karlun]]
* [[Ring of the Rossu Morta]]
* [[Ring of the Summoning Adepts]]
* [[Ring of the Whispering Blade]]
* [[Roasted Barley]]
* [[Royal Blood]]
* [[Ruined Hops]]
* [[Ruins of Geth Tukora]]
* [[Runic Skull]]
* [[Ruschk Camp Sightings]]
* [[Ruschk Fire]]
* [[Ruschk Head]]
* [[Ruschk Iceberg]]
* [[Ruschk Iceberg Key]]
* [[Ruschk Scalp]]
* [[Ruschk Totem]]
* [[Ruschk Totem]]
* [[Ruschk Trials]]
* [[Rusty Lugian Axe]]
* [[Salvaged Satin]]
* [[Sdolin Buk!]]
* [[Seven Habits of Effective Adventurers]]
* [[Shadow of the Seventh Mule]]
* [[Shadow Shard Sample]]
* [[Shard of Corcima's Armor]]
* [[Sho Brain]]
* [[Shonossoar Fragment]]
* [[Silyun Portal Gem]]
* [[Siraluun's Blessing]]
* [[Sketch of a Viamontian]]
* [[Small Empyrean Key]]
* [[Small Empyrean Vault]]
* [[Smoldering Ice Log]]
* [[Snow Flake Charm]]
* [[Snow Lilly]]
* [[Spoiled Barley]]
* [[Spoiled Fermented Brew]]
* [[Spoiled Finished Brew]]
* [[Spoiled Finished Wort]]
* [[Spoiled Wort]]
* [[Steadfast Will]]
* [[Steaming Hovel]]
* [[Stolen Amulet]]
* [[Stolen Bracelet]]
* [[Stolen Brew Kettle]]
* [[Stolen Ewer]]
* [[Stolen Frying Pan]]
* [[Stolen Necklace]]
* [[Stolen Platter]]
* [[Stolen Ring]]
* [[Storm's Enhancement]]
* [[Story of Lunnum's Pyre]]
* [[Strathelar Pennant]]
* [[Sultry Hovel]]
* [[Sweet Wort]]
* [[Tasty Amber Ale]]
* [[Tasty Amber Brew]]
* [[Tasty Amber Wort]]
* [[Tasty Dark Brew]]
* [[Tasty Dark Wort]]
* [[Tasty Fermented Brew]]
* [[Tasty Finished Wort]]
* [[Tasty Lager]]
* [[Tasty Stout]]
* [[Testament of Sir Coretto]]
* [[The Beacon]]
* [[The Fiun Healing Machine]]
* [[The Grael Rebellion]]
* [[The Great Machine]]
* [[The Song of Grael]]
* [[The Thrungus - Part I]]
* [[The Thrungus - Part II]]
* [[The Thrungus - Part III]]
* [[The Thrungus - Part IV]]
* [[The Viamontian Conflict]]
* [[Thief's List]]
* [[Thrungus Hovel Locations]]
* [[Thrungus Reaper Certificate]]
* [[Tihn]]
* [[Tome on the Metallurgy and Crafting of Shadow Armors]]
* [[Torture Chamber Key]]
* [[Trade Contacts]]
* [[Translated Elder Spirits Tablet]]
* [[Treasure Chest (Training Academy)]]
* [[Tumerok Record Book]]
* [[Tursh Scalp]]
* [[Tusker Pus]]
* [[Tusker Spit]]
* [[Tusker Spit Ale]]
* [[Tusker Spit Brew]]
* [[Ultra Green Hops]]
* [[Undead Temple]]
* [[Untranslated Grael Rebellion]]
* [[Varette's Orders]]
* [[Vestibule Lock]]
* [[Viamontian Guardian Bracelet]]
* [[Viamontian Pennant]]
* [[Viamontian Pennant]]
* [[Viamontian Reconnaissance]]
* [[Viamontian Torso]]
* [[Vibrant Green Hops]]
* [[Voracious Eater Jaw]]
* [[Water of Statis]]
* [[Yoshi's Essence]]


Revision as of 15:07, 2 January 2009

[[Previous Patch|Previous Patch]] - All Patches - [[Next Patch|Next Patch]]

July 2005

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images

AC Mystics



Warcry's CoD

Teaser - [<Teaser Link to Turbine> Link]

Rollout - [<Rollout Link to Turbine> Link]

Release Notes - [<Release notes Link to Turbine> Link]

Section 1

Next Section


Town Crier Rumors

Viamontian Town Criers

Rumor 1

Rumor 2

You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 1

You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 2

Mainland Town Criers

Rumor 1

Rumor 2

You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 1

You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 2

Ulgrim Rumors

Rumor 1

Rumor 2

You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.
Stout Rumor 1

You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.
Stout Rumor 2

New Quests

New NPCs

New Locations

New Items

New Creatures

Known Issues


  • Amber Barley - This barley has a nice amber color. It can be used to produced [sic] a fine amber ale.