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== Key ==
== Key ==
* Eipoth abbreviations are as follows: Arelis Eipoth (AE), Dericoi Eipoth (DE), Vacari Eipoth (VE), Rhethis Eipoth (RE), Torethis Eipoth (TE), Hyrethis Eipoth (HE), and Moriqui Eipoth (ME).
* Eipoth abbreviations are as follows: Arelis Eipoth (AE), Dericoi Eipoth (DE), Vacari Eipoth (VE), Rhethis Eipoth (RE), Torethis Eipoth (TE), Hyrethis Eipoth (HE), and Moriqui Eipoth (ME).
* There are no Year Zeros in the Yalain Eipoth system.
* Portal Year is abbreviated as PY.
* Portal Year is abbreviated as PY.
* Roulean Calendar year is abbreviated as RC.  
* Roulean Calendar year is abbreviated as RC.  

Revision as of 01:23, 5 March 2009

Prehistoric Times

Primordial gods struggle with evil shadow creatures. After a long contest that exhausted their powers, the gods banish the shadows into the earth by creating the sun and stars.
The Deru Trees are created by the Light and they drive the Living Dark below, allowing life to spread across the world.

Arelis Eipoth – “Golden Age”

Lasted approximately 20,000 years.

Scholars are not certain what event marked the beginning of this historical epoch, or why it is called “Golden.” It is believed that the Empyrean, when formalizing their calendar in the reign of Alaidain, calculated backwards to an event known in their legends.
The Isparian scholar Alatar Locke theorizes the the Empyreans willingly came to Auberean via planar magic with a singular purpose. What that purpose is remains a mystery. Alatar claims even the Empyrean forgot this purpose over the long ages.

Dericoi Eipoth – “Age of Dericost”

Lasted approximately 6000 years.

DE 4973 King Braletain begins his reign of Haebrous.
DE 4978 In the fifth year of the reign of His Majesty King Braletain of Haebrous, a tribe of Ruschk in the frigid northern edge of the Kingdom of Haebrous is slain to make way for a mercantile company's gemstone excavations. The only survivor of this tribe, Grael, is brought back to the Royal Menagerie. Carraida, the young Queen of Haebrous, begged her husband to send Grael to gladiatorial pits for her amusement. Grael goes on to be undefeated, killing all that challenge him and eating their hearts.
DE 4980 Two seasons later, The Grael Rebellion occurs. Grael and some of his fellow slaves overpower the arena guards and take over the entire building. Ten thousand Haebreans and no small number of visiting Yalaini and Dericostians die. Queen Carraida, who was present at the arena, is killed by Grael in an act of vengeance. The rebellion spills out into the streets. On the third day of the rebellion the royal army corners the slaves in the West Market. The King orders royal mages to incinerate the entire market square with a rain of magical fire that lasts almost a full day. Grael, however, escapes.
DE 4980 During the rebellion, four slave brothers, Baranaith, Farelaith, Hiranaith, and Korogaith, escape from the capital of Haebrous and flee to the coast. They commandeer a ship from a small fishing village south of the capital and put out to sea. None of them know how to sail, and drift out to sea. Some time later they arrive on Dereth near a rivermouth. They head inland towards a forest, and encounter Grael. The brothers join Grael in his journey north to find a dark power. Grael finds what he was seeking, and is wrapped in Living Darkness, tranformed into the Black Spear of the Kemeroi. Baranaith, Hiranaith, and Korogaith are changed to Shadows, while Farelaith flees.
DE 4980 Grael chooses to sleep on a island north of Vissidal. His presence covers the island in Shadow, and the isle is soon called the Dark Isle. Those Falatacot who followed the Old One N'cthail use ancient seals to sink the isle below the waves, in hopes none will ever wake Grael and that this world will be free of him forever.
DE 5000 Twenty years after The Grael Rebellion, King Braletain is a ruined and wasted man, a shadow of the strong and admirable leader he had been. His weakness has emboldened the ever-grasping Dericostians, there is no clear and qualified successor, and Lord Alashorn fears war will come soon between the Kingdoms.
DE 5000 The Dericost Kingdom reaches the height of its power and attacked its neighbors Haebrous and Yalain, igniting the Millennium War.
DE 6000 The Haebrous and Yalain are victorious over the Dericost.

Vacari Eipoth – “Age of Contentment”

Lasted 6102 years.

VE 1 Empress Alaidain declares the beginning of the Vacari Eipoth after the defeat and occupation of Dericost.

Rhethis Eipoth – “First Age of Lore”

Lasted 895 years.

RE 1 Emperor Caerlin I declares the beginning of the Rhethis Eipoth with the end of the Black Rains.
RE 336 Asheron Realaidain is born.
RE 371 Atlan dies at the hands of Bael’Zharon.
RE 686 Caerlin’s “Council of Five” is convened.

Torethis Eipoth – “Second Age of Lore”

Lasted 761 years.

TE 1 Emperor Caerlin I declares the beginning of the Torethis Eipoth shortly after the entrapment of Bael’Zharon.
TE 4 Emperor Caerlin I dies.

Hyrethis Eipoth – “Third Age of Lore”

Lasted 647 years.

HE 1 Empress Cellaurai declares the beginning of the Hyrethis Eipoth upon the development of practical portal travel by Asheron.
HE 95 Adept Delacim arrives at Aerlinthe and opens fixed portals to Ithaenc, Haelan, Knorr, Nesortania, Elancia, Jalis, Aribel, Alastinae, Dernehale, Larchess, and the works at Seral Ipharsis and Lamihaar.
HE 142 Nali Athanas reforms the northern church.
HE 145 A new temple is built in Aerlinthe.
HE 232 Empress Cellaurai disappears while on a tour of Haebrous, with the ultimate intention of holding a moot with the Nali and other high dignitaries of the reformed northern church at Aventin. The Haebrous report that her party attempted to ascend the peaks of the Venalben Range, where gromnatross are known to reside.
HE 233 After eighteen months of fruitless searching for Empress Cellaurai, Cashtal Realaidain is declared Emperor. He takes the name Kellin II ("Righteous Lord").
HE 239 The Nali relocates from Aventin to Tentael at the invitation of Emperor Kellin.
HE 347 Fifty-six people of Aerlinthe answer the call of Nali Valind, and participate in the extirpation of the Adjanite heretics.
HE 348 The Rejection. Troops returning from Valind's desecration and sack of Ithaenc climb Cunara to seek Aurlanaa's blessing. The gromnatross slays them all on sight, and departs Aerlinthe, never to be seen again.
HE 459 Severe landquakes cause magma flows in the upper forge tunnels of Aerlinthe. Smiths remove to the port while golems effect repairs.
Olthoi Arrive on Auberean.
HE 570 Surviving Yalain are pushed back to Dereth by the Olthoi.
HE 647 A single Olthoi Queen arrives in Dereth, and begins breeding rapidly in the Black Death Catacombs.
Asheron and his adepts cast the Sundering, sending the surviving Yalain into Portal Space. Asheron sends his adepts away as Olthoi breach their building. Asheron survives and retreats to his castle on Asheron's Island.

Moriqui Eipoth – “Age of Shifting”

Has thus far lasted 599 years.

ME 1 As the lone surviving Empyrean, Asheron declares the beginning of the Moriqui Eipoth.
Virindi arrive on Dereth, before any of the other races. They fought with the Asheron over something, and lost.
Other species began to arrive on Dereth, including Tumeroks and Lugians.
ME 564
-15 PY
1261 RC
Isparians Arrive on Dereth. For more information on the following time period, see Isparians On Dereth: -15 P.Y. to 10 P.Y.
ME 579
0 PY
1276 RC
The Olthoi Queen of Dereth is defeated.
ME 589
10 PY
1286 RC
After a long lull in Isparian arrivals, a great surge of new Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, and Sho adventurers were called from Ispar to Dereth by mysterious portals in their homelands.


  • Eipoth abbreviations are as follows: Arelis Eipoth (AE), Dericoi Eipoth (DE), Vacari Eipoth (VE), Rhethis Eipoth (RE), Torethis Eipoth (TE), Hyrethis Eipoth (HE), and Moriqui Eipoth (ME).
  • There are no Year Zeros in the Yalain Eipoth system.
  • Portal Year is abbreviated as PY.
  • Roulean Calendar year is abbreviated as RC.
  • Dates in normal text are confirmed.
  • Dates in italics are a best estimate based on the available information.


  1. 1999/11 Release - The Advocate Towers
  2. 1999/12 Sudden Season - Our Great Work
  3. 1999/12 Sudden Season - The Book of Minesh
  4. 1999/12 Sudden Season - Rytheran's Letter
  5. 2000/07 To Raise a Banner of Flame - Aerlinthe Record
  6. 2000/11 Hollow Victory - A Stained Book
  7. 2001/11 Dark Majesty - AC:DM CD Lore 04 - Ages of the Empyrean
  8. 2005/08 Friend and Foe - The Grael Rebellion
  9. 2005/09 Under Cover of Night - Book of Xik Minru
  10. 2005/12 Through Sacrifice, Strength - Our Bitter Winter
  11. 2006/06 From the Darkest Depths - Helm of Isin Dule (Quest)
  12. 2007/03 Ancient Enemies - Ancient Journal Page
  13. 2008/03 Foolish Ambition - Rytheran's Journal
  14. 2008/06 Dispatch - The Jester's Revelations
  15. 2008/08 Ancient Powers - A Delicate Web
  16. 2008/08 Ancient Powers - The Blessed Trees
  17. 2008/08 Ancient Powers - The Circle of Giving
  18. 2008/08 Ancient Powers - The Darkest Roots