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See also Category:Undead


Undead in Dereth are the result of Blood Magic, where one person is sacrificed in order to grant another eternal life. The undead we encounter are for the most part the remnants of the Dericost Society. However, some are Falatacot, and others are even Isparian.

Combat Information

Undead are usually strong magic users. They can attack with all elements of damage and most can cast debuffs. Normal Undead are weakest to fire damage, for the most part, followed by slashing attacks. However, this can change with specific, powerful undead. The Boss Undead of the first Blackmire Quest is most vulnerable to Cold, as is the Undead boss at the bottom of the False Subway for the Vissidal Island Quest. The High Priestess Xik Minru, on the Vissidal islands, is extremely resistant to elemental damage, and should be slain with Slashing attacks.

Skeletons and Mu-Miyah are their own seperate categories. Skeletons are vulnerable to Bludgeon and slash/fire, in that order. Mu-miyah are most vulnerable to Fire.

AC:DM Bestiary Description

Upon meeting one of Dereth’s animated corpses, never fool yourself into believing that what you face is a monster devoid of intelligence, bent only upon the murder and defilement of one’s mortal form. To underestimate the undead of Dereth is a vast mistake, for they are fiercely intelligent, and enjoy a society as rich and complex as any living culture.

Many of the undead seen today were born far from Dereth’s shores, on an unseen western continent called Dericost. Long ago, the noble families of the Dericost Kingdom learned necromancy from the Falatacot people. For thousands of years, undead nobles of Dericost ruled the kingdom in secret, through living intermediaries. After a lifetime of service, these figurehead rulers would join the ranks of the undead on the frigid northern Plateau of Gelid, the heart of the Kingdom.

But the Old Lords grew smug in their power. Some, calling themselves Latzimestal (“Lords of the World” in the language of the Falatacot), declared that ruling in secret was cowardly and hypocritical. The undead had power; let them rule openly. So saying, they seized the realm from the old guard Filinuvekta (“Winds From Darkness”), and launched an aggressive campaign of military expansion. They were ultimately defeated by a coalition lead by the Kingdom of Haebrous, under King Jailne, and the Empire of Yalain, under Empress Alaidain.

But not all the undead were destroyed. Many of the Old Lords fled to the island they called Killiakta: Dereth. They remained a powerful faction until the release of Bael’Zharon in P.Y. 11. The factious undead came to rare accord, and stood united against the Shadows. This proved their undoing, as the losses they suffered destroyed the core of their power. The Dericost are now struggling to survive, and plotting to rebuild their power yet again.

Some luminaries of undead society are:

Lady Aerfalle is a formidable sorceress who resides on the volcanic island of Aerlinthe. She is one of the Primogenitor (original) undead, as is her longtime love interest Lord Rytheran. As a Primogenitor, she has a unique ability to regenerate herself from almost complete physical destruction – an awing feat of sheer willpower. She is the de facto head of the Filinuvekta faction in the absence of His Eternal Splendor.

Lord Rytheran was once the master of a lyceum (school of magic) for children of the Yalain Empire, a position that gave him much satisfaction. Over the course of centuries, he turned many of the best and brightest of his Kingdom’s conquerors to the ways of necromancy, and the allegiance of Dericost. As a Primogenitor undead, Rytheran can never be destroyed, unless he chooses to be. He still resides in his school, the Mage Academy dungeon near Castle Neydisa, although he can be found far more readily at a guarded realm accessed near the cursed Graveyard of the betrayed Mhoire.

His Eternal Splendor , the Prince Geraine, is an elusive figure, mentioned a few times in lore. He is one of the Primogenitor undead along with Aerfalle and Rytheran. He was once the leader of the Filinuvekta faction, but disappeared long ago. Even the undead seem unsure of his current whereabouts. The last mention of him dates back to the Empyrean war with the Shadows.

The Steward of Chalicmere presumably lives in the Direlands fortress of that name, but has never been seen by human eyes. She is the current leader of the Latzimestal, as evinced by her title of Steward; she maintains titular control of the Dericost Kingdom in the name of King Sarvien II, the Latzimestal monarch deposed by the victorious armies of Yalain and Haebrous.

The Sand Kings are former chieftains of the High Desert, a large expanse of wasteland and tundra west of Gelid. The tribes of the region were fierce nomadic warriors, who moved their herds of animals from one hot spring shelter to another as the seasons turned. The High Desert was an early conquest of the Dericost monarchs, a campaign in which they came to respect the fighting prowess of their enemies. For millennia afterwards, the nomads were recruited to lead the armies of Dericost. They currently serve the Steward of Chalicmere’s Latzimestal, though not necessarily by preference – their oaths were to the monarch of Dericost, and the nomads always honor their oaths.

Nerash was a Sand King who led the armies of Dericost at the final battle of the Millennium War – the siege of the Plateau of Gelid. For losing this battle, he was disgraced. During the engagement, however, a beautiful Haebraen warrior named Leikotha caught his eye and heart. In the aftermath, he abducted her and turned her to an undead. She later escaped, and had her vengeance at the conclusion of the Empyrean Shadow War. Nerash was slain by Leikotha at Ayn Tayan, a titanic three-day battle between undead and Shadow.

Anadil was a fellow of Nerash, and apparently second only to that Sand King in the art of war. He was recruited by the Steward of Chalicmere to serve as head of the undead army that stood against Bael’Zharon in P.Y. 11. While serving in that capacity, he was slain by Isparians near the Cathedral of Ithaenc. He has since been laid to rest by his tribesman at the Crypts of the Sand Kings, in the South Direlands.

Undead creatures are Filinuvekta mages, Skeletons are Latzimestal warriors, and Mu-Miyah are nomad warriors of the Sand Kings.


For the Undead, an exrta category "Race" has been added.

Name Race Lvl XP Heath Stam Mana Loot Trophies
Ancient Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 53 8500 115 310 310 2 None
Ancient Soul
Apprentice Jexki Ki
Baron of Colier Isparian Zombie 30 ?? 113 247 270 ?? None
Bur Lizk Falatacot 161 ?? 8000 5000 4500 0 None
Chimera Dericost 161 500000 4000 4000 3000 6 None
Consort Ibrexi Jikti
Crypt Spirit
Dark Guardian Dericost 160 450000 4500 4700 3600 6 None
Dark Leech Dericost 70 15000 198 345 655 3 ??
Dark Magus Dericost 79 17000 285 420 575 4 ??
Dark Master Dericost 100 30000 450 460 490 4 Dark Master Skull
Dark Revenant Dericost 70 14500 285 420 575 ?? Dark Revenant Thighbone, A Large Mnemosyne
Dark Sorcerer Dericost 90 33000 395 440 595 ?? ??
Decaying Ruschk Laktar Ruschk 180 320000 2703 2405 470 6 None
Decaying Warrior Dericost 62 ?? 245 340 305 3 ??
Demilich Dericost 130 ?? 475 500 500 5 ??
Dread Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 70 13500 170 420 110 3 None
Elite Revenant Dericost 120 ?? 450 450 300 5 A Large Mnemosyne, Dark Revenant Thighbone
Elleina of Berkesh
Enraged Ancient Soul Falatacot 185 ?? 3000 1850 800 6 None
Eternal Harvester
Falatacot Abbess Falatacot 161 280000 4000 4000 3500 6 None
Falatacot Blood Elder Falatacot 185 ?? 3000 1900 3550 6 None
Falatacot Blood Prophetess Falatacot 215 ?? 3010 1920 3570 6 ??
Falatacot Consort Falatacot 120 55000 500 500 500 5 None
Falatacot Matriarch Falatacot 135 62000 600 600 600 6 None
Falatacot Patrician Falatacot 125 65000 525 520 525 5 None
Falatacot Prison Warden Falatacot 185 ?? 3000 1850 800 6 Lower Catacomb Prison Key
Fenngar Gelidite 45 None
Ferundi Gelidite 43 None
Foul Mason Dericost 165 115000 500 1280 400 6 A Large Mnemosyne
Frisander Gelidite 43 None
Frisith Gelidite 115 None
Gelidite Acolyte Dericost 90 345 450 180 4
Gelidite Initiate Dericost 90 345 450 180 4
Gelidite Lord Dericost 100 380 460 490 4
Ghastly Priestess Falatacot 165 ?? 3000 4000 3000 6 Offering
Grave Spirit Falatacot 90 0 345 450 180 ?? ??
Great Revenant Dericost 95 27000 350 450 430 ?? ??
Greater Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 18 1500 80 280 75 1 ??
Guardian of the Helm
Guardian of the Lost Light
Guardian Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 85 21500 165 410 110 ?? ??
Heavy Builder Deriscost 165 102000 750 1500 40 6 A Large Mnemosyne
High Acolyte
High Acolyte of the Blood Falatacot 425 ??
High Acolyte of the Sacrifice Falatacot 425 ??? 150000 5000 1000 ?? ??
High Acolyte of the Spirit Faltacot 425 ??
High Priestess Xik Minru
Imperial Archivist Dericost 185 115000 890 910 1000 6 None
Imperial Guard Dericost 185 375000 808 1415 85 6 None
Imperial Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 105 35000 355 410 110 ?? ??
Lady Aerfalle Dericost 300 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Embossed Ashen Keys
Lady Aerfalle Dericost 135 ?? 5000 2000 2000 ?? Ornate Ashen Keys
Lady Aerfalle Dericost 95 ?? 450 450 600 ?? Ashen Keys
Lesser Acolyte ??
Lesser Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 12 750 65 290 55 1 ??
Lich Dericost 21 2000 113 275 270 ?? ??
Lich Lord Dericost 44 6500 178 325 305 3 Seal, Undead Femur Bone
Lich Oppressor Dericost 161 500000 3700 4000 3200 6 Enchanted Bone Fragment
Lich Overseer
Lord Rytheran
Majordomo of the North Cloister Dericost 215 685000 3005 1860 810 6 North Cloister Key
Majordomo of the South Cloister Dericost 215 685000 3005 1860 810 6 South Cloister Key
Matriarch Kixkti Xri
Mausoleum Guardian
Mausoleum Warden
Nivinizk T'thuunixis Falatacot 425 ?? 150000 5000 2200 0 Nivinzk's Sacrificial Dagger, Hero Token
Nomad Mu-miyah Mu-miyah 100 31000 320 440 440 ?? ??
Patrician Kilkitris Falatacot 161 300000 50000 4000 3500 6 West Temple Key
Patrician Phaerix Falatacot 161 500000 50000 4000 3500 6 East Temple Key
Phantasm Dericost 110 37000 415 450 480 ?? Essence of a Phantasm
Restless Soul
Revenant Dericost 61 12000 200 350 360 ?? ??
Risen Knight
Risen Lord Dericost 90 23000 345 450 180 ?? ??
Risen Soldier Dericost 32 3500 165 305 200 2 ??
Shambling Adherent Falatacot 165 ?? 2500 4000 3000 6 Offering
Shambling Archivist Dericost 220 1450000 8000 3350 5280 6 None
Shambling Ruschk Chieftain Ruschk 185 300000 9195 3390 410 6 Shambling Ruschk Arm
Shambling Undead Ruschk Ruschk 185 200000 625 690 410 6 None
Sir Joffre Tremblant Gelidite 72 None
Sister Vitriaka
Sodden Cadaver Falatacot 165 ?? 6130 5260 5350 6 Offering
Sodden Ruschk Chieftain Ruschk 195 400000 12200 3400 420 6 Sodden Ruschk Arm
Sodden Undead Ruschk Ruschk 195 215000 630 700 420 6 ??
Tormented Attendant
Tormented Consort
Tormented Imperial Consort Falatacot 185 ?? 3000 1850 800 6 None
Tormented Patriarch
Tortured Soul
Undead Dericost 11 500 43 235 85 ?? ??
Undead Captain Dericost 130 54000 443 455 450 ?? ??
Undead High Priest
Undead Miner
Undead Minion
Undead Priest
Vaeshok Ruschk 195 310000 15200 3400 420 6 None
Ward of the Retreat
Warlock of the Blood
Warrior of the Bood
Wight Captain Dericost 220 1600000 18255 4010 3420 6 Ornate Bone Key, Pyre Shroud
Worm Feast Falatacot 165 ?? 6130 5260 5350 ?? ??
Wretched Architect Dericost 175 118000 400 1100 600 6 A Large Mnemosyne
Zombie Dericost 14 1000 75 260 145 1 Zombie Head