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July Episode: "Rebirth"

"Scroll, scroll," Saelar muttered as he riffled through the papers surrounding the tome he had just been examining. "Where is that scroll?"

"What, Master?" came an echoing response from across the room.

"Hrm?" For the first time in nearly three days, the Undead Archon looked up and took notice of his surroundings. The world around him had faded from view as he had become increasingly engrossed in his studies, and the Book now consumed his full attention His concentration broken, he noticed that his cavernous Library was nearly empty, with the exception of himself and Tenshiel, a lesser researcher who in life had been one of Rytheran's Yalaini students. "Oh, Tenshiel. Where are the others? The Library is usually so active at this time."

"At this time, Master? It is nearly three hours past rising and most are resting, meditating and strengthening their wills."

"Three hours past rising? Amazing!" Saelar said, shocked. "Ah well, the Book is fascinating."

"I can see that it is, Master." Tenshiel said, a note of concern entering his voice. "Perhaps, though, you should consider getting some rest as well."

"Soon, soon. Although one must be careful not to rest too much." Saelar nodded to himself, broodingly. "Yes. Otherwise events pass by and the nexus is missed. That singular moment in time when the future's course is determined. We are standing on the cusp now, Tenshiel. Matters are moving faster."

"Yet your stratagems proceed according to plan, Master. The constructs now scour the land, breathing life into the remains of all they find." Tenshiel snickered, "We are fortunate that so many met their end on these accursed isles. So many servants for us to raise against Geraine."

"Indeed." Saelar agreed, raising a hand to his chin, "And while our efforts give us much cause for pride, we must not let that pride become hubris. We must acknowledge our failures, so we can learn from them."

He stepped away from the Book and continued, "Yes. Look at our rediscovery of the Atuars. They have proved a boon to our warriors, but by unleashing them on the land, we unwittingly allowed the mortals to summon Atuars of their own. In addition, we still have been unable to completely pierce the wards that protect the Fettermounds." Saelar then let out a rasping sound that sounded much like a sigh, "And do not forget those miserable failures, the Gurog, Burun, and Drudges. Of course, we can hardly be blamed for them; they were Geraine's pets. They just proved convenient tools for us at the start of our campaign."

Tenshiel nodded, "True, Master. I am curious though, what do you make of the mortals' recent rebuilding? They seem to be continually improving those towns of theirs, even as we continue to assault them."

Saelar laughed, "It would be easier to pierce the veil of time and reveal the founding of the world than to understand the minds of those barbarians!" He then paused for a moment. "Yet, it is interesting that the reanimated mortals still fight against our control. That is one of the areas I have been researching in my studies. We must perfect our control over their revived minds, or we will lose control over them as we did the minds of some of those raised at Artefon."

Tenshiel nodded once more, "I see. Then may I be of assistance to you? A few moments ago you said you were looking for a scroll?"

Saelar gestured toward the area surround him. "Yes, I was looking for a copy of Scroll of Je'lal. I thought I had one here at my fingertips, but I seem to have misplaced it."

"Ah, yes. I was in the Library when Hahnain came for it. I believe he said it contained a passage that he needed to dispel the final wards protecting the Radiant Temples."

"Excellent!" Saelar clasped his hands together. "Although lacking our refinement and natural ability, I must acknowledge that those mortals have proved an excellent resource for us, providing us both servants and raw magical power. Power we will need very soon..." Saelar trailed off for a moment and then retuned his attention to Tenshiel, "Ah, but if that is to happen, I will need to get back to my studies! Retrieve the Scroll for me, please. I really must have it if I'm to continue."

"Of course, Master. I will return shortly."

"Excellent." Saelar turned his attention back to the Book, which was spread out in front him, then brought his head up sharply and called out. "And Tenshiel, be sure to get the original Falatacot version. That Yalaini translation isn't worth the parchment it's inscribed upon."

Tenshiel, who had paused before the portal leading to the main holding, said, "Yes, Master."

Saelar turned his attention back to the Book. Soon, he thought, Geraine would be thrown down and a new era would begin. He and his fellow Archons would lead the remaining nobility of Dericost into a glorious future. Perhaps, he mused, they would find a way to return some of the living Dericost to Dereth and establish the Ice Throne once more. Oh, a few of the other Empyrean races could be allowed to return as well, as long as they knew their place. Those Dericost, guided by the Archons and other nobles, could spread forth across the planet. Then they'd have a Golden Age of their own.

"But first," he said, speaking to the empty Library, "there is much work to be done." He returned his attention to a passage in the Book.


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