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== Conversation between Celdiseth and Shoyanen Kenshu 1/3/2025 ==
<font color=gold>Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Well Celdiseth, the golems are being destroyed, one by one they fall."<br>
Celdiseth says, "I know Shoyanen. I thought that was the right course of action, but it doesn't appear to be helping."<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Three controllers remain, but I sense the threat is actually building!"<br>
Celdiseth says, "No doubt. The message found in the south, the Nerash sighting on Vissidal and the Yalaini shards being found on my golems... I don't know what to think."<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "You know Celdiseth, I believe Nerash is toying with us. He is planting those shards on the golems, along with treasure that far exceeds normal Isparian craft."<br>
Celdiseth says, "Shoy, do you think our golems are compromised to that great of extent?"<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Yes, I do. I think that every time these golems are destroyed Nerash is somehow channeling the magic that animates them, giving him renewed life!"<br>
Celdiseth says, "I can deactivate the remaining controllers; that safeguard I put in place for such a contingency. It will take some setup, but I can begin the incantation soon."<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "..."<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Celdiseth, I'm not so sure that's the right thing to do. We need our warriors strong, ready for battle. These trinkets give them power, perhaps enough to defeat Nerash if it comes to a fight."<br>
Celdiseth says, "Hmmm..."<br>
Celdiseth says, "Well-reasoned Shoy. Maybe my time and energy will be better spent enchanting a new item for our intrepid adventurers... something that could tip the balance."<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "That's a wonderful idea Celdiseth! Award only our heartiest adventurers though. As proof of their prowess they should gather the translated messages and make a booklet."<br>
Celdiseth says, "Our friend in the Linvaks, that Old Empyrean Translator...I forget her name... she could help distribute the boon."<br>
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Now we're being smart Celdiseth. This Nerash has powerful magic, no doubt. But in the end, perhaps we can unlock even more powerful enchantments that will overcome his treachery!"<br>
Celdiseth says, "Let us begin Shoy, but only after a pint of Avardan's Full Sail Arcane Ale!"<br></font>
<font color=lightgreen>And with this idea, Celdiseth and Shoyanen Kenshu begin their opus.</font>
== Server Notification 12/21/2024 ==
== Server Notification 12/21/2024 ==
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Revision as of 21:12, 3 January 2025

Conversation between Celdiseth and Shoyanen Kenshu 1/3/2025

Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Well Celdiseth, the golems are being destroyed, one by one they fall."
Celdiseth says, "I know Shoyanen. I thought that was the right course of action, but it doesn't appear to be helping."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Three controllers remain, but I sense the threat is actually building!"
Celdiseth says, "No doubt. The message found in the south, the Nerash sighting on Vissidal and the Yalaini shards being found on my golems... I don't know what to think."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "You know Celdiseth, I believe Nerash is toying with us. He is planting those shards on the golems, along with treasure that far exceeds normal Isparian craft."
Celdiseth says, "Shoy, do you think our golems are compromised to that great of extent?"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Yes, I do. I think that every time these golems are destroyed Nerash is somehow channeling the magic that animates them, giving him renewed life!"
Celdiseth says, "I can deactivate the remaining controllers; that safeguard I put in place for such a contingency. It will take some setup, but I can begin the incantation soon."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "..."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Celdiseth, I'm not so sure that's the right thing to do. We need our warriors strong, ready for battle. These trinkets give them power, perhaps enough to defeat Nerash if it comes to a fight."
Celdiseth says, "Hmmm..."
Celdiseth says, "Well-reasoned Shoy. Maybe my time and energy will be better spent enchanting a new item for our intrepid adventurers... something that could tip the balance."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "That's a wonderful idea Celdiseth! Award only our heartiest adventurers though. As proof of their prowess they should gather the translated messages and make a booklet."
Celdiseth says, "Our friend in the Linvaks, that Old Empyrean Translator...I forget her name... she could help distribute the boon."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Now we're being smart Celdiseth. This Nerash has powerful magic, no doubt. But in the end, perhaps we can unlock even more powerful enchantments that will overcome his treachery!"
Celdiseth says, "Let us begin Shoy, but only after a pint of Avardan's Full Sail Arcane Ale!"
And with this idea, Celdiseth and Shoyanen Kenshu begin their opus.

Server Notification 12/21/2024

The Aerlinthe Island Controller golem activates, sensing danger - but the threat is sill unknown...

Server Notification 12/17/2024

All mainland lifestones have been rendered useless. Aggressive Lifestone Golems will attack on sight. Now, attention should be paid to the island regions of Dereth.

Direlands Territory Magma Controller golem located and destroyed! 12/17/2024

Donatello first located the Controller golem. Several adventurers took part in the savage beating. This golem dropped a Greater Golem Slayer Gem.

Server Notification 12/16/2024

More and more lifestones are falling... now even some towns are bereft of resurrection potential.

Southern Territory Controller golem located and destroyed 12/15/2024

65.4S, 52.3E (Menhir Ring) Southern Territory Glacial Controller golem

The battle of the Southern Territory Controller Golem

Northern Territory Controller golem located and destroyed 12/12/2024

Battling the Northern Territory Controller Golem - sent in by Rabble

61.7N, 34.1E (Menhir Ring) Northern Territory Diamond Controller golem

Another conversation on 12/9/2024

Celdiseth says, "I've been hearing rumors in the North about the lifestone golems"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "What's going on Celdiseth?"
Celdiseth says, "There have been reports of the golems becoming aggressive to adventurers around Stonehold and Plateau Village... not in town, but in the wilderness."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "By Asheron! We need to investigate this as soon as possible. What do you think is the cause?"
Celdiseth says, "I'll have to inspect the corpse of a golem to know for sure. I don't believe my magic is faulty... but how can I be sure?"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Celdiseth, this is new territory you've been paving. All of your efforts to supply adventurers with more powerful armor and weapons has been flawless thusfar."
Celdiseth says, "Thanks Shoy. My laboratory has finally been discovered and is being utilized. This is a good thing."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "So Celdiseth, what of the Northern Territory Diamond Controller golem? Is it functioning properly?"
Celdiseth says, "I visited it earlier today and it seemed ok."
Celdiseth says, "I suspect there is something else going on, some unknown force is tapping the magics I've managed to duplicate."
Celdiseth says, "But that's not to say we shouldn't keep an eye on the Controller golem. It's the lynchpin of the whole effort."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "I think I'll pay it a visit Celdiseth. Perhaps I'll even place one of my novices in eyeshot of it, just to keep tabs."
Celdiseth says, "Great idea Shoy, and I thank you. I'm getting nervous..."
Celdiseth says, "We have nine total Controller golems, but this is the one closest to the reported trouble."
Celdiseth says, "I'll pack some provisions for you - I managed to recruit one of the finest chefs in all of Dereth...Emeril Lagass..."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Lag Ass? Really Celdiseth?"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Can't you be serious?"
Celdiseth says, "Well, that's what he said his name was. I dunno..."
Celdiseth says, "Anyways, if you find an aggressive lifestone golem, please dispatch and examine the corpse"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Will do Celdiseth."

Another conversation on 11/17/2024

Celdiseth says, "Well, what do you think Shoyanen? I didn't think it was possible to replicate the ancient Empyrean magic, but here we are!"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "This is absolutely amazing Celdiseth - I'm impressed beyond measure!"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "You have been quite busy in that little hut of yours *wink*"
Celdiseth says, "Ha! True that. But my laboratory... my REAL laboratory is hidden, even from Asheorn himself."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Ugh! You can't say that and NOT invite me! Come on!"
Celdiseth says, "Very well Shoyanen, allow me to teleport you in... Shurov Sith!"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "WOW! Tell me, what was the breakthrough on creating the golems of old? I'm SO curious"
Celdiseth says, "It waas the fusing of the Scintillating Gems, Rare Gems and a little sumthin' sumthin' from our old friends, the Olthoi"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Three years you've toiled at this - and now each lifestone has its own guardian!"
Celdiseth says, "I can tell you that there were 156 lifestones I visited, each one now guarded by a battle-ready golem. But they will not attack us."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "What was the key to discerning us, normal fauna and the real threat?"
Celdiseth says, "These golems serve as planar magic detectors. Three years ago we learned that this type of magic existed outside of Asheron and the Virindi. Indeed, Koigi-Ema was a potent wielder of it."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "So, if planar magic is detected, the golem activates?"
Celdiseth says, "That's right dear Shoyanen... and let us hope that they never do. Come, let's have some Isparian Ale! My lab is not only for creating golems!"

Another conversation on 11/8/2024

Celdiseth says, " you've seen my work Shoyanen, what are your thoughts?"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "This work is astonishing. When do you think you'll be implementing this magic?"
Celdiseth says, "I'm waiting on a few more processes to be reliably repeatable. Those experiments are ongoing. But I believe within a week or two I'll begin"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Have you considered any side effects?"
Celdiseth says, "There are a few concerns of course. But I believe the magic I've re-created will negate my worries"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Absolutely ground-breaking my frieind. Where will you begin?"
Celdiseth says, "I'm going to start in some remote regions, probably in Northern Osteth. Somewhere that if there are issues, they won't affect the population"
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "That makes sense. Have you spoken to Asheron about your plans?"
Celdiseth says, "Aye, I have. He told me that I should have been an Empyrean! haha - how about no. I can't imagine floating around."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Hahha - still though, that's quite the compliment paid"
Celdiseth says, "I'll certainly let you know when I begin. I want you there in case of unforeseen circumstances"
Celdiseth says, "... this is VERY delicate magic - planar magic in case you were wondering. It is... new to us."
Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Fantastic dear Celdiseth."

A conversation between Shoyanen Kenshu and Celdiseth happened on 11/6/2024

Celdiseth says, "It's good to see you again Shoyanen! It's been far too long."

Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Indeed Celdiseth, how have your studies been going?"

Celdiseth says, "I've made significant progress after the events surrounding Koigi-Ema"

Shoyanen Kenshu says, "I'd love to see!"

Celdiseth says, "Alas my dear Shoyanen, it is not yet ready, but the good people of Dereth have been helping"

Shoyanen Kenshu says, "How so? I've noticed they've been out and about more, even around my tower in Mayoi"

Celdiseth says, "Aye... they have been collecting things for me. Things I need for my studies."

Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Ohhhh, you must mean the gems! I didn't know you were a jeweler!"

Celdiseth says, "hehe no, no, nothing like that. I'm working to counter a vulnerability that was shown by Koigi-Ema... the ability to turn lifestones."

Shoyanen Kenshu says, "Yes dear Celdiseth, that was frightening to be sure. Let me take a peek of your progress...."

Celdiseth says, "Come this way Shoyanen."