2013/10 - Halloween

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2013/10 - Halloween

Event Summary

Arwic, then Holtburg, then Eastham, then Glenden Wood. Eastham and Glenden Wood had persistent spawns for probably 30 minutes and were where the reward items dropped.

Halloween creatures, Hoshino mobs, GY skeleton mobs, GY rare spawns. Even Lord Mhoire made an appearance.

New Pumpkin Masks, and Mukkir Wings cloaks spawned randomly on the ground in Eastham and Glendon Wood. There were not very many but they spawned off and on for 30 minutes or so. Some people got, some didn't. There was a pickup timer on the cloak, so only 1 per toon during the event.

Jack O'Latern casting orb dropped on Flaming Pumpkin Lords...apparently. I killed one and it didn't have one. Not very many of these it seems. Tailoring purposes only.

5 different Title Tokens: Haunted, Accursed, Possessed, Doomslayer, and Pumpkin Lord. As Shai mentioned, a timer on picking them up, so you are stuck with the one you grab first. They didn't all spawn at once, so we had no idea there were different ones until later.

Luminance Wisp (20k) and Legendary Chest (5 MMDs) spawned in GW at the end. The Hoshino mobs stayed though.


Live Event Items

Luminance Wisp Legendary Chest Chest of Trade Notes


Mukkir Wings Hero Token Trade Note (250,000)

Title Rewards


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

The touch of the Luminance Wisp is invigorating.
You've Earned 20,000 Luminance.

You take some trade notes from the chest.
Chest of Trade Notes gives you 5 Trade Notes (250,000).