Balthazar, Royal Guardian

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Introduced:  Betrayal Related Quests:  The Callous Heart, Ruined Amulets, Nuhmudira's Boon Quest
Balthazar, Royal Guardian
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Guard
Location 54.8S, 74.4E at entrance of Arcanum Storehouse near Lin
Level 55
Strength 255
Endurance 220
Coordination 240
Quickness 240
Focus 90
Self 90
Health 235
Stamina 330
Mana 145


Lore & Dialog

No choice made yet

Balthazar, Royal Guardian snaps to attention and salutes you.
Balthazar, Royal Guardian tells you, "Hail, fellow Isparian. I have been sent here to ensure that none venture into this hold. It is overrun by a horde of Sclavus -- they have stolen some of the items that were collected here by Nuhmudira, the Arcanum and their Agents. These Sclavus are of a potent and singular mind, it seems, and all attempts to root them from their positions have met with great casualties."
Balthazar, Royal Guardian tells you, "Our High Queen has organized a unit of her elite forces and established a foothold within the first rooms of this storehouse. If you are brave enough, you may assist us in restoring the stolen items. However ..."
Balthazar, Royal Guardian sighs.
Balthazar, Royal Guardian tells you, "I do not know you, Isparian. And I fear that trust is in short supply these days. I must ask you to prove yourself before I can accept your assistance. If you journey to Stonehold and there choose to support Nuhmudira with the sacrifice of your own life essence, then I will know that you are truly on our side."

Damned Nuhmudira

Balthazar, Royal Guardian spits at your feet.
Balthazar, Royal Guardian tells you, "How dare you speak to me? You who think yourself above a woman who was willing to sacrifice all, her sanity, her body, her life for all of us. You make me sick. Leave my presence for I will have nothing more to do with you."