Barbers and Hairstyles
At Character Creation, you can chose between different features for how your character will look in game. One of these is the haircut. You can then visit one of the barbers later on to make changes to your appearance for a Trade Note (250,000).
In addition to facial features and hairstyles, Empyrean characters can visit the barbers to become "earthbound" (walking instead of floating) and Undead and Shadow characters can opt to remove the head particle effects (the flaming skull or the Shadow crown).
List of Barbers
Related topics: NPCs
- Holtburg (42.6N 33.5E) - Ealdred
- Sanamar (71.8N 61.1W) - Bertrand
- Shoushi (33.7S 72.8E) - Haruko
- Yaraq (21.4S 1.6W) - Nawaf
Available Hairstyles
Most of these styles are new or textured variations of old hairstyles. For screenshots of the old styles, see Barbers and Hairstyles/Archive.
These hairstyles can all be used by the Isparian, Shadow and Empyrean type characters and by both genders. Undead have a limited number of these hairstyles available with 24 styles for female characters and 25 for male characters. Lugians do not have hair.
Male Only
Female Only
Tumerok Only
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