Captain K'rank

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File:Captain K'rank Live.JPG
NPC Name

Introduced during A Small Victory.

NPC Summary
Name: Captain K'rank
Title: None
Race: Lugian
Location: Linvak Tukal
Route: Linvak Tukal portal in Yaraq
Captain K'rank's Errands
Noble Weapons

Captain K'rank tells you, "Hail Isparian, I am sorry if I appear preoccupied. I am waiting on a very important report from a spy working amongst the Renegades. His report from the Renegade fortress in the Direlands is overdue and we have seen an increase in the number of camps surrounding the fortress. I should not bother you with such concerns."
Captain K'rank tells you, "You have come to aid us, no? Well then, let me see what I have for you."
Captain K'rank seems to consult some notes.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Let me see what I have for you."

He then gives you a random quest.