Devastated Falatacot Temple

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Devastated Falatacot Temple
Quests Gateway to the Deep
Restrictions Level: 130+
Quest Flagged
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Lifestone on Relog: Yes
Coordinates 87.3N 51.2E on Aerlinthe
Nearest LS ??
Route From the Aerlinthe Drop, follow the beach east then north to 87.3N 51.2E to the Devastated Watcher.
Map Files: Wiki Map
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point


The exit portal that takes you to the Gatekeepers is very heavily guarded by wisps, ghosts, and mu-miyahs. The mu-miyahs in particular hit very hard. There is a door right before the exit portal that is usually blocked by a wisp. It makes it a lot easier to open the door if you can war or missle the wisp in front of the door from a distance before running up. Get through the portal as fast as possible.
This is one of the few places where fixed location Sturdy Steel Chests can be found.


  • Wiki Map:






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