Ebon Gromnie Tooth Brush

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Introduced:  Festivus Related Quests:  Glenden Wood Crafters

Ebon Gromnie Tooth Brush
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

A brush made from the tooth of an ebon gromnie.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded


  • Recipes which call for Ebon Gromnie Tooth Brush.
  • Does not stack.
  • Hand it to Copper Vanurp in Glenden Wood for 20% of the xp toward your next point of Cooking skill (10 million max).
You give Copper Vanurp Ebon Gromnie Tooth Brush.
Copper Vanurp tells you, "Wow! It's obvious you have spent a lot of time perfecting the noble art of Toothbrush crafting."
You've earned X experience in your Cooking skill.


  • Tools:
Carving Knife
  • Ingredients:
1 Ebon Gromnie Tooth
  • Result:
1 Ebon Gromnie Tooth Brush
  • Steps:
  1. Use Carving Knife on Ebon Gromnie Tooth to create Ebon Gromnie Tooth Brush.
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