Gears of Change

October 2009 - Announcements Page
See Also:
Turbine Announcements
Release Notes
Patch Size: 4,504k (Client: 3,591k)
Town Crier Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Town Crier tells you, "Augmentation gems. I'll never be able to use one of those at my level. I can only imagine the power that must flow through an adventurers as that wave of color washes over them when they learn a new augmentation and there are many more to learn now."
- Town Crier tells you, "First my cousin tells me that there are strange mechanical creatures. Now he's telling me you can make all sorts of devices with some form of crafting they brought with them. I'm not sure how much of this I can really believe."
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you gone to see Sean the Speedy yet to hear about the next set of Explorers' Society map markers to find?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've always wanted to see a scarab come to life and fly away and now I have."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of an army of mechanical men are marching through the Direlands!"
- Town Crier tells you, "It seems like the Woron Family is happily reunited, thanks to the intrepid adventurers who answered their calls for help."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Rand the Hunter has updated his creature bounties. Find him in Holtburg to see what he's marked this time."
- Town Crier tells you, "There are strange reports from adventurers who have been exploring the Eastern shore of the Inner Sea."
- Town Crier tells you, "Woosh! Woosh! That sound is all I seem to hear any more. All these large weapons being flailed around, it seems dangerous to me."
Pyreal Rumors:
- Town Crier tells you, "All you map hounds are encouraged to see Sean the Speedy in Holtburg. Word is he's got a thing for, ahem, dangerous places this month."
- Town Crier tells you, "It also seems that Sean the Speedy has finally finished his rounds of hiding markers, and has a special reward for those who find all of them."
- Town Crier tells you, "Formerly undesirable materials now seem to be in demand by crafters. If I can remember right those materials are Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Amber, Pyreal and ... err... right! Gromnie Hide."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have been keeping track of a lot of new information, there's so much going on. I don't have everything set yet but I know of Augmentation trainers in Cragstone, Ayan Baqur and Hebian-to, there are more I know but not their locations."
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear that Ries Woron enjoys telling the tale of the Unknown Warrior. If you'd like to hear a story told with so much detail you feel you are actually there, you should seek him out above the tavern in Baishi."
- Town Crier tells you, "If you have heard tell of "Gearcrafting" it seems it may be true. I saw someone running around with some kind of magnifying glass that seemed to help him kill creatures."
- Town Crier tells you, "My cousin told me he saw an army of mechanical men digging for something in the northern Direlands. I wonder what they're looking for."
- Town Crier tells you, "Rand the Hunter has marked a new set of creatures for bounties. This time I hear he's in a mechanical mood. Find him in Holtburg if you feel up to the task."
- Town Crier tells you, "Oh just like everyone else, my advice is only good enough for a paltry amount of pyreals! Well thank you, Mr. Pyrealbags this'll go a long way toward providing for my family. I'm sure that an egg will feed me, my three kids and my spouse... you have no idea!
Ulgrim Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I think Sean the Speedy's running out of places to mark, because he's gone for some of the really hard-to-miss sites now."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, it's fall. That's good, I was getting tired of summer. All the heat makes me thirsty. Wait, no, I'm still thirsty. That's a hint, kid, get me some stout."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See! See what the Virindi have brought on us now?!? First Applesause, now killer robots!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So I hear there is no trouble involving Ries Woron lately, who would of guessed after months of nothing but whining. Oh I've been hurt, oh my wife is missing, almost as bad as listening to my ex-wife."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You don't think I ended up here on accident do you? I saw a portal and figured whatever was on the other side was better then what was at home."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You may be looking forward to festival season, but I'm not. It seems like every year bad stuff starts happening around then. Like all the bad guys in Dereth save all their big plans for the times when it's most festive. That just seems mean-spirited. It'd be much kinder to make trouble in the summer, when the cool dungeon air will be a nice break from the heat."
Stout Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Did you ever wonder where the eggs we eat come from? And what about the supposed chicken our cooks make? I don't eat either of them... just in case."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Fall has come back around! My favorite time of year. Time to gather the lads and throw around the old pigskin. Wait, what do you mean there are no pigs in Dereth? Where the heck has my bacon been coming from, then?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Heh, I think Rand the Hunter is trying to send us a message with this month's bounties. And that message is that Nurino may not be as crazy as I recently thought he is. Either that, or someone's been passing some really good Stout around."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I found this great pack lately. It holds even more Stout than the Colosseum Packs. Great for exploring without getting too thirsty."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I was just in Eastham the other day, talking to Hei Shou, and she had an interesting theory about what the Apostate Virindi are really up to. As soon as I realized that her theory had nothing to do with applesauce, though, I dismissed it as the unfocused ravings of a crank."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'm gonna need more cowbell!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "If we build a new town I say we call it Ulgrim's Ridge. Now that's a town name with style!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No, really, I know exactly what the Apostates are up to. They're going to flay us all and harvest our organs so they can appear more human. I told Claude he couldn't possibly pass for a human without organs, and ever since he's been muttering about how 'More organs equals more human' or something like that."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So I went to Baishi to have a drink and there is none other than Ries Woron. He starts rambling on and on about the Unknown Warrior and the adventures in their hideout. Luckily I could drink faster than he could talk and he left me alone, or I passed out, I don't really remember."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those mansions I've seen are pretty nice, but nowhere near as nice as the house I built for myself. I used to have a fortress on Asheron's Island, but the neighbors were too loud."
New Quests
- Iron Blade Commander
- Aetherium Collection
- Empyrean Beacon Destruction
- Gearknight Lesser Lords
- Gold Gear Trooper Kill Task
- Silver Scope Trooper Kill Task
- Copper Cog Trooper Kill Task
- Iron Blade Trooper Kill Task
- Bronze Gauntlet Trooper Kill Task
Live Events
- Special live event honoring Same T'ing of Harvestgain - see 10/27/09 - Honor of Same T'ing.
- Special live events are scheduled for all day Monday, Nov. 2nd. Post details at 11/02/09 - Asheron's Call 10th Anniversary Events.
Updated Quests
- Mana Forges - Timer removed from token turn-ins (previously 2 weeks per token). For example the tokens from the Lord Mhoire Quest.
- Skill Redistribution - Two Handed Combat Warden of Enlightenment statue added to Temple of Enlightenment and all gem timers reset.
- Thugs Part IV - Talk to Ries Woron to be portaled into the Thug Hideout. The portal at 65.8S 77.2E to the Thug Hideout is gone.
- The key to the second locked door is in a locked chest.
- Kill all the thugs to trigger the brick wall to open.
- The walkways by The Unknown Warrior platform remain open after attacking and killing him.
- Dereth Exploration - 10 new Markers were added.
- Monthly Game Hunter
- Lord Mhoire Quest - Emblem turnin timer removed.
- Lady Mhoire Quest - Emblem turnin timer removed.
- Quests updated WITH Two Handed Weapon:
- Princely Runed Weapons
- Royal Runed Weapons
- Red Rune Silveran Weapons (also now able to turn in old weapons for a token to get a different weapon, give old weapon to Eddred the Wolf or ?? for Whispering Blade Token, use token to buy weapon ingot from Whispering Blade Quartermaster or ??)
- Shadowfire Weapons
- Isparian Weapons
- Great BloodScorch
- Weapon quests WITHOUT Two Handed Weapon:
- Assault Weapons (Tumerok Slayer)
- Spectral Weapons (Ghost Slayer)
- Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi (Olthoi Slayer)
- Singularity Weapons (Virindi Slayer)
- Quiddity Weapons
- Palenqual's/Renegade Living Weapons
- Exploration Society Weapons
Request : someone can check Gaerlan weapons ?
New NPCs
- Akemi Fei - 38.9S 83.3E in Hebian-To, second floor of the mage shop
- Al-Shashqa - 12.3S 75.0W
- Alex Brummel - 24.9N 48.5E in Cragstone windmill
- Alishia bint Aldan - 60.0S 87.8W in Ayan Baqur
- Anfram Mellow - 60.0S 87.8W in Ayan Baqur
- Arcanum Salvage Vendor - 41.8S, 15.8E in Xarabydun (surface)
- Ayala bint'Shashqa - 35.2N, 39.3E inside the Pet Shop near the Obsidian Span
- Ayesha bint'Shashqa - 41.8S, 15.8E in Xarabydun (surface)
- Carlito Gallo - 87.4N 70.5W in Silyun
- Dame Alistra - 33.4S, 6.3E
- Dame Trielle - 12.3S 75.0W
- Emily Yarow - 24.9N 48.5E in Cragstone windmill
- Gan Fo - 38.9S 83.3E in Hebian-To, second floor of the mage shop
- Gustuv Lansdown - 24.9N 48.5E in Cragstone windmill
- Jin Ato - 33.4S, 63.3E
- Lieutenant Faen - 33.4S, 6.3E (Silver Scope Trooper Kill Task)
- Lieutenant Grenlin - 33.4S, 6.3E (Bronze Gauntlet Trooper Kill Task
- Lieutenant Micham - 33.4S, 6.3E (Iron Blade Trooper Kill Task)
- Lieutenant Zin - 33.4S, 6.3E (Copper Cog Trooper Kill Task)
- Missive - 33.4S, 63.3E (sells Refining Polish (Mana) and Refining Polish (Stamina) used in gearcrafting)
- Neela Nashua - Bandit Castle
- Rahina bint Zalanis - 13.7N 0.7E in Zaikhal top of building (+10 Magic Aug 2 bill)
- Raphel Detante - 87.4N 70.5W in Silyun
- Sir Stavitor - 33.4S, 6.3E (Gold Gear Trooper Kill Task)
- Sir Yanov - 12.3S 74.9W (Gear Knight Kill Task)
- T'ing Douzen - 12.3S 75.0W (Aetherium Collection)
- Whispering Blade Quartermaster - Inside Whispering Blade Chapterhouse
New Locations
- Inner Sea Gear Knight Invasion Area - A new outdoor hunting and questing are for level 30-60 characters.
- 33.4S, 6.3E - Inner Sea Gear Knight Resistance Camp - NPCs with Gearknight kill tasks and Gearcrafting supplies vendor
- 36.7S 7.1E - Gearknight Lord's Tower
- Direlands Gear Knight Invasion Area - a new outdoor hunting and questing are for level 150+ characters.
- 12.3S 75.0W - Direlands Gear Knight Resistance Camp
Updated Locations
- The Night Club opened on Nov. 6th (?). Night Club Attendants can be found in Cragstone, Hebian-To, Zaikhal and Sanamar near the statues. A new edition of the Night Club Shirt is available.
New Items
You are eligible for the 10th anniversary pet!
Make sure that you have free space in your pack. Go to Ayala bint'Shashqa, the Arcanum Tinkerer, in the Pet Shop near the Obsidian Span at 35.2N, 39.3E.
Bronze Gearknight Gear
Augmentation Gems
Infused War Magic
Infused Life Magic
Infused Item Magic
Infused Creature Magic
Master of the Steel Circle
Master of the Four Fold Path
Master of the Focused Eye
Frenzy of the Slayer
Eye of the Remorseless
Hand of the Remorseless
Iron Skin of the Invincible
Tristra's Essence
Vendor Items
A Comprehensive Guide to Gearcrafting
Sealed Bag of Salvaged Amber
Sealed Bag of Salvaged Diamond
Sealed Bag of Salvaged Gromnie Hide
Sealed Bag of Salvaged Pyreal
Sealed Bag of Salvaged Ruby
Sealed Bag of Salvaged Sapphire
Major Gearcrafting Armature
Moderate Gearcrafting Armature
Minor Gearcrafting Armature
Refining Polish (Mana)
Refining Polish (Stamina)
Handle Mold
Medal Mold
Sheet Metal Form
Leather Strap
Jeweler's Saw Frame
Jeweler's Saw Blade
Abrasive Polish
Lapping Plate
Unfinished Lense
Lense Frame
Smelting Pot
Crafted Items
Jeweler's Hand Saw
Finished Lense
Framed Lense
Smelting Pot of Lead
Smelting Pot of Iron
Smelting Pot of Copper
Smelting Pot of Silver
Smelting Pot of Gold
Smelting Pot of Pyreal
Smelting Pot of Platinum
Sheet Metal (Copper)
Sheet Metal (Silver)
Sheet Metal (Gold)
Sheet Metal (Pyreal)
Sheet Metal (Platinum)
Copper Setting
Silver Setting
Gold Setting
Pyreal Setting
Platinum Setting
Cut Yellow Gem
Cut White Gem
Cut Blue Gem
Cut Red Gem
Cut Purple Gem
Copper Horn
Silver Horn
Gold Horn
Pyreal Horn
Platinum Horn
Copper Medal
Silver Medal
Gold Medal
Pyreal Medal
Platinum Medal
Lead Handle
Iron Handle
Copper Handle
Silver Handle
Gold Handle
Pyreal Handle
Carved Pyreal Handle
Ornate Pyreal Handle
Flawless Pyreal Handle
Finished Items
Virindi Servant Essence
Virindi Master Essence
Virindi Councillor Essence
Virindi Inquisitor Essence
Virindi Consul Essence
Bronze Horn of Leadership
Silver Horn of Leadership
Gold Horn of Leadership
Pyreal Horn of Leadership
Platinum Horn of Leadership
Copper Medal of Vigor
Silver Medal of Vigor
Gold Medal of Vigor
Pyreal Medal of Vigor
Platinum Medal of Vigor
Copper Medal of Intellect
Silver Medal of Intellect
Gold Medal of Intellect
Pyreal Medal of Intellect
Platinum Medal of Intellect
Poor Lense
Well Crafted Lense
Finely Crafted Lense
Exquisite Lense
Magnificent Lense
Nearly Flawless Lense
Flawless Lense
Utterly Flawless Lense
Incomparable Lense
Salvaged Amber
Salvaged Diamond
Salvaged Gromnie Hide
Salvaged Pyreal
Salvaged Ruby
Salvaged Sapphire
Two Handed Weapons
Academy Spadone
Great BloodScorch
Perfect Isparian Two Handed Spear
Princely Runed Two Handed Corsesca
Red Rune Silveran Greatsword
Shadowfire Isparian Two Handed Spear
Training Spadone
Weeping Two Handed Spear
Deadly Hollow Two Handed Spear
Royal Runed Two Handed Corsesca
Glyph of Two Handed Combat
Spectral Two Handed Mastery Crystal
T'ing's Crystal
New Two Handed Spear Glyph
Two Handed Spear Glyph
Inscription of Armor Self
Scroll of Blessing of T'ing
Scroll of Blessing of Tristra
Scroll of Boon of T'ing
Scroll of Boon of Tristra
Scroll of Fatter Fingers
Scroll of Gear Craft Mastery Self VIII
Scroll of Greased Palms
Red Rune Silveran Weapons
Whispering Blade Token
Atlatl Stamped Silveran Ingot
Axe Stamped Silveran Ingot
Casting Staff Stamped Silveran Ingot
Claw Stamped Silveran Ingot
Crossbow Stamped Silveran Ingot
Dagger Stamped Silveran Ingot
Bow Stamped Silveran Ingot
Mace Stamped Silveran Ingot
Spear Stamped Silveran Ingot
Staff Stamped Silveran Ingot
Sword Stamped Silveran Ingot
Two Handed Sword Stamped Silveran Ingot
New Loot Weapons
Khanda-handled Mace
Great Star Mace
Magari Yari
Gear Knight Core Fragment
Depleted Aetherium Ore
Gold Aetherium Core Fragment
Large Gold Aetherium Core Fragment
Aetherium Ore
Aetherium Power Core
Unstable Mana Stone
Mana Siphon
Pathwarden Trinket
Gearknight Sword
Fire Gearknight Sword
Frost Gearknight Sword
Acid Gearknight Sword
Electric Gearknight Sword
Gearknight Greatsword
Fire Gearknight Greatsword
Frost Gearknight Greatsword
Acid Gearknight Greatsword
Electric Gearknight Greatsword
Purple Jewel
Tristra's Gem
10th Anniversary Night Club Ticket
Night Club Shirt (2009)
New UI and Game Changes
- Special text when logging in for the first time:
- Make sure that you have free space in your pack. Go to Ayala bint'Shashqa, the Arcanum Tinkerer, in the Pet Shop near the Obsidian Span at 35.2N, 39.3E.
- The Temples of Forgetfulness and Enlightenment have had the timer for their use reset for the 10th Anniversary.
- You are eligible for the 10th anniversary pet!
- Ninth character slot added to all accounts.
- All accounts upgraded to Throne of Destiny status.
- Quest Journal added.
- Workaround implemented that fixes chat fail to enter on login errors.
New Skills
Updated Skills
- Assess Creature - Formula changed from (Focus + Self) / 2 to no formula. Gained new abilities via Gearcrafting.
- Assess Person - Formula changed from (Focus + Self) / 2 to no formula.
- Deception - Formula changed from (Focus + Self) / 4 to no formula. Gained new abilities via Gearcrafting.
- Leadership - Gained new abilities via Gearcrafting.
- Loyalty - Gained new abilities via Gearcrafting.
New Augmentations
Name | Effect | Experience Cost | Repeat? | NPC | Location |
Infused War Magic | You no longer need any Foci or component to cast War Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. | 2 billion | No | Raphel Detante | Silyun |
Infused Life Magic | You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Life Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. | 2 billion | No | Akemi Fei | Hebian-to |
Infused Item Magic | You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Item Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. | 2 billion | No | Gan Fo | Hebian-To |
Infused Creature Magic | You no longer need any Foci or component to cast Creature Magic spells, though you still require scarabs and tapers. | 2 billion | No | Gustuv Lansdown | Cragstone |
Master of the Steel Circle | Your effective melee skill when using any melee weapon is increased by +10. | 2 billion | No | Carlito Gallo | Silyun |
Master of the Four Fold Path | Your effective magic skill when casting any spell is increased by +10. | 2 billion | No | Rahina bint Zalanis | Zaikhal |
Master of the Focused Eye | Your effective missile skill when using any missile weapon is increased by +10. | 2 billion | No | Kilaf | Zaikhal |
Frenzy of the Slayer | Damage rating of 3 which increases all damage you do with any attack | 2 billion | No | Neela Nashua | Bandit Castle |
Eye of the Remorseless | 1% increased chance of a critical hit | 4 billion | No | Anfram Mellow | Ayan Baqur |
Hand of the Remorseless | 3% increased damage for a critical hit | 4 billion | No | Alishia bint Aldan | Ayan Baqur |
Iron Skin of the Invincible | Damage reduction rating of 3 which reduces all damage you take | 2 billion | No | Emily Yarow | Cragstone |
Tristra's Essence | Specialize the Gearcraft skill | 1 billion | No | Alex Brummel | Cragstone |
New Titles
- All for One - Kill six Lesser Lords.
- Daredevil - Finding the 5 Daredevil Exploration Markers
- Elite Explorer - Finding 100 markers.
New Creatures
- Bronze Gauntlet Guardian
- Bronze Gauntlet Heavy Scout
- Bronze Gauntlet Lesser Lord
- Bronze Gauntlet Trooper
- Copper Cog Guardian
- Copper Cog Heavy Scout
- Copper Cog Lesser Lord
- Copper Cog Trooper
- Gearall the Shield
- Gold Gear Guardian
- Gold Gear Heavy Scout
- Gold Gear Lesser Lord
- Gold Gear Trooper
- Invading Copper Cog Phalanx
- Invading Copper Cog Squire
- Invading Copper Cog Knight
- Invading Iron Blade Commander
- Invading Iron Blade Phalanx
- Invading Iron Blade Squire
- Invading Iron Blade Knight
- Invading Silver Scope Phalanx
- Invading Silver Scope Squire
- Invading Silver Scope Knight
- Invading Bronze Gauntlet Phalanx
- Invading Bronze Gauntlet Squire
- Invading Bronze Gauntlet Knight
- Iron Blade Guardian
- Iron Blade Heavy Scout
- Iron Blade Lesser Lord
- Iron Blade Trooper
- Turgos the Hunter
- Silver Scope Guardian
- Silver Scope Heavy Scout
- Silver Scope Trooper
- Silver Scope Lesser Lord
New Spells
Click image for full size.
Known Issues
Hotfix Issues
- All trinkets, even the Pathwarden Trinket, now display the special property of Critical Strike.
- Torches now have the icon of Cut Blue Gems.
Patch Issues
- All the Medals of Vigor say in their description that they raise endurance, however they only raise stamina. So either it is a typo in their spell description or they affect the wrong attribute.
- The royal and princely weapons cannot be turned in for xp as they should. "Bhravarn ibn Salizim doesn't know what to do with that."
- On Nov 11th, many of the issues below were addressed with a hotfix. See here for details.
- Per Frelorn:
- Two Handed Mastery 7 Self and Other have the same name.
- Gearcrafting Mastery 7 Other doesn’t have a unique name.
- Noble Armors do not have Two Handed Mastery spells on them.
- There’s no statue in the Tusker King (Bobo) quest for Two Handed or Gearcraft
- Great BloodScorch is currently bugged, requiring Sword Skill instead of Two Handed Skill. It will be fixed next patch.
- The cleave effect of Two Handed Weapons can hit monsters that are far below the player. This will be fixed next month. Read more about the bug here
- Unable to apply Salvaged Leather to trinkets (they can be salvaged though).
- After applying pyreal to a Major Gearcrafting Armature, the description says: "... to add Major TBD." This should show the correct spell name.
- You cannot apply ivory to the deadly hollow 2h spear or phantom 2h spear, though they both say "Ivoryable."
- Two Handed Weapons are targeting some non creature items such as otlhoi doors on their second bonus attack.
- There have been unintentional side effects from the changes to the formulas of Assess Creature, Assess Person, and Deception. By default, all non-Aluvians have 0 Assess Person, and all players have 0 Assess Creature and Deception. This has made assessing creatures and people impossible unless you buff or train the appropriate skill. Read more about the bug here
- Some people have augmentations they did not purchase showing up in the panel listing their augmentations. It isn't known when they appeared.
- Damage trinkets do not stack with damage augmentations but should and this will hopefully be fixed next patch.
- The Epic Gear Craft Aptitude spell is incorrectly named "Epic Sword Aptitude", and is in the same spell group as Epic Two Handed Combat Aptitude.
- Finely Crafted Lense - In game name is a typo, "Finly Crafted Lense."
- Gustuv Lansdown tells you, "hen you use this gem, ..." - should be "When"
- Dame Alistra tells you, "...It is my chare to disrupt..." - should be "charge"
- Salvaged Amber (and all other new salvages) - "This Armeture [sic] can then be used..." - should be "Armature"
- Most of the gearcrafting items do not indicate they cannot be sold in their descriptions even though they can't be sold.
- All of the interactions of smelting pot of metal with sheet metal forms, medal molds, and handle molds gives "You poor the Platinum into the Sheet Mold." - should be "pour" not "poor."