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Ispar is the name of the planet where humans originate from. Ispar is the name of the only known landmass on this world, and is thus the name of the world. Ursuin, rats, cattle, and rabbits are also from Ispar. Humans from Ispar are known as Isparians. The four heritages (Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, Sho, and Viamontian) currently found in Dereth on the planet Auberean are all Isparian, despite some uneducated players referring to Viamontians as a different race completely.

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Real World Basis

Ispar as a whole can be compared to the ancient and medieval western world. The map of Ispar has similarities to Europe, the middle east, and parts of Asia, all combined together around a sea similar to the Mediterranean sea.

A land comparable to central Europe - Germany in particular. Aluvia's location on Ispar correlates to this. Other facts that point to germanic influence are the arcitecture of Aluvians, the conflicts between Aluvia and Viamont, and the fact that Aluvians are Caucasian. Aluvian culture is also based on old English and Roman culture, and it can best be described as the generic medieval European based fantasy society.

The lands of Gharu'n can be compared to the Arabian Peninsula, and including the lands of Roulea, northern Africa. Gharu'ndim arcitecture and culture reflects this.

Milantos is similar to the Transylvania of fiction. It serves as a bridge between the European cultures of northern Ispar and the Asian and Arabian cultures of eastern and southern Ispar. Milantos is a mysterious kingdom, virtually closed off from the rest of Ispar. The Milantans are known for their use of dark magic and fascination with demonic realms and eternal life.

Roulea is based off of the great civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean world - the Egyptians and Romans. Like Egypt, Roulea is located on the drier southern side of the sea. It is home to the city of lore - Tirethas, a city comparable to ancient Alexandria. Like Rome, the Roulean empire had an influence on most of the known world. Rouleans created a standard for time, a common trade language, and built great colosseums. And like Rome, the Roulean Empire fell.

The Sho Nation is similar to the ancient cultures of China and Japan. Geographically, the mainland area of the Sho Nation (Ryujii) would be similar to China, while the Islands of Chiran-Tou and Iiwah would be similar to Japan. However, the location of the Sho land on Ispar does not correlate to its real world basis. Depending on the name, the Sho names resemble either Chinese of Japanese naming structure.

The lands of Silveran are comparable to the Scandinavian Peninsula both in appearance and location compared to other regions. The Silverans are similar to the Norse. Although little is known about their culture, we do know they are great weapon crafters, and can even create powerful enchanted weapons made of a special wood. Silverans are described as having fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

The Souia-Vey can be compared to the ancient Mongolians, as they live as nomads on the High Steppes. They are for their combat skills.

Viamont is similar to France and Spain geographically, and their culture is a mixture of medieval French, Spanish, and Italian. The Viamontians are known as powerful militarily - with Rouleans being the source of their military orginazation. They are conquerors with a long history of war against the neighboring kingdom of Aluvia, as well as an invasion of Gharu'n. Viamontians are known for their skills as seafarers, and Viamontian pirates can be found roaming the Ironsea.