Jester's Cards

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Quest Summary
Quest type Solo
XP Reward
XP Cap
Item Reward
Title Reward
Starting location Graveyard
Level Restrictions 1+
Level Suggestions 120+
Introduced in Upping the Ante

Walk Through

  1. Speak to the Jester, he spawns randomly in the Graveyard. He onlys stays in one spot for a brief period before portaling off to another spot. (Jester says, "Ooo, what's over there?")
  2. Kill graveyard creatures, for random drop items, mainly cards from the two decks. Thirteen cards combine together to make a complete deck (Deck of Hands and Deck of Eyes).Some have mentioned finding a token to be used at Casino to gamble cards in the chance of getting a different card (a mechanism to deal with repeats). The token is attuned and bonded, cards are not. Items confirmed to drop on (they probably drop on all):
  3. Once you have combined a complete suit of cards into a deck, give to the Jester, the one randomly spawning on the surface in Graveyard.
  4. ??


File:King of Hands icon.png King of Hands File:Queen of Hands icon.png Queen of Hands Jack of Hands Ten of hands Nine of Hands
Eight of Hands File:Seven of Hands icon.png Seven of Hands Six of Hands Five of Hands Four of Hands
Three of Hands Two of Hands Ace of Hands
File:King of Eyes icon.png King of Eyes File:Queen of Eyes icon.png Queen of Eyes Jack of Eyes File:Ten of Eyes icon.png Ten of Eyes Nine of Eyes
File:Eight of Eyes icon.png Eight of Eyes Seven of Eyes File:Six of Eyes icon.png Six of Eyes File:Five of Eyes icon.png Five of Eyes Four of Eyes
File:Three of Eyes icon.png Three of Eyes Two of Eyes Ace of Eyes

Lore & Dialog

Jester tells you, "Hey there little person. Have you seen my cards around? I had two decks, but I can't seem to find them. I probably put them down somewhere when I was talking to the lalas."
Jester tells you, "It's too bad, I think much more clearly when I can focus on something like my cards or puzzles and games and..."
Jester tells you, "Hey there little person! Gosh you people are everywhere. I was just talking to one of you."
Jester tells you, "If you find a whole deck of cards can you bring it back for me? I promise I won't turn you into a frathock if you do. I might turn you into something else funny though. I can't swear I won't, but definitely not a frathock, which is a big deal since they are my favorite." Jester tells you, "Okay bye now."

Jester tells you, "Listen up! You will all die when I sing the final song. I have to practice because they make me and I'm going to give a concert while it eats. It likes dinner music apparently."

Jester tells you, "It's a very special time. It's not often the puppet gets to meet the puppeteer."

Jester tells you, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! If I had known. But I can't close my eyes anymore unless I see it and I can't sleep lest it take me over. I'm sorry..."

Jester tells you, "Why won't you leave me alone? Let me die. Please! Please stop talking! Lalalalalalalalalalala! I can't hear you! LALALA!"

Jester tells you, "The lalalas are back. They're playing games behind my eyes. Go away! I don't want to do that! I just want to be alone for awhile."

Jester tells you, "Laylana! Where did you go? I think this is where I'm supposed to meet you. Shut up all you lalas! I need to warn her. So close! Just beneath us."

Jester tells you, "Long miles of flesh. Eyes to see in the dark places. Gaping maws to eat the world. Lalalalalala!"

You allow Jester to examine your Seven of Hands.
Jester tells you, "Oh goody, you found one. Come back when you have the whole deck."

Jester tells you, "Hehe, a token for gambling your cards. What fun! Go see the Gambling Bosses about using this. I made them a deal they couldn't refuse. They're still alive so I guess they agreed. Let me"

You give Monty the Munificent Jester's Token. Monty the Munificent tells you, "Very well. You may gamble one card with the High-Stakes Gamesmaster over there." Monty the Munificent tells you, "I don't know why I agreed to gamble these cards. That funny fellow was just so persuasive! I agreed before I even asked myself the most important question in gambling. What's my take?"