Light Weaponry

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Two Handed
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Quest Light Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Hand Axe 8 - 16, Slashing None None Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Acid Base Axe 325+ Unenchantable, Human Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Axe of the Quiddity 9 - 18, Slashing None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Axe of Winter Flame 22.5 - 45, Fire Level 80+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Temple of the Stirring Shadows Quest
Blighted Axe 22.8 - 38 (38.4 - 64), Slashing Base Axe 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded, Attuned Blighted Weapons
Chimeric Axe of the Quiddity 48.45 - 57, Slashing Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Timed (3 hours) Small Olthoi Venom Sac
Electric Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Electrical Base Axe 325+ Unenchantable, Human Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Axe of the Quiddity ?? - ??, Slashing Base Axe 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Obsidian Axe 19.2 - 32, Fire Base Axe 300+ Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Fire Belinda du Loc
Fine Spine Axe 10 - 20, Cold None None Island Armoredillo Spine
Flaming Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Fire Base Axe 325+ Unenchantable, Human Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Cold Base Axe 325+ Unenchantable, Human Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Hiyp the Toad's pickaxe 3.5 - 7, Piercing None Attuned, Bonded Olthoi Shield Quest
Obsidian Axe 16 - 32, Fire Base Axe 250+ None Basalt Blade
Paradox-touched Olthoi Axe 32.4 - 54, Piercing Base Axe 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Olthoi Slayer, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Peerless Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Slashing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Axe of Black Fire 23 - 46, Fire None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Electrical None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Perfect Chilling Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Cold Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Fire Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Lightning Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Acid Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Acid Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Lightning Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Fire Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Frost Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Slashing Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Slashing Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Phantom Axe 6 - 10, Slashing Base Axe 275+ Phantasmal, Bonded, Unenchantable, Attuned, Ivoryable Phantom Weapons Quest
Quadruple-bladed Axe 27 - 45, Slashing Base Axe 325+ Crushing Blow General Garsh
Ravenous Axe 6 - 11 (18 - 36), Slashing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Shadowfire Isparian Axe 27.6- 46 (40.8 - 68), Fire Base Axe 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Superb Chilling Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Cold Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Fire Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Coruscating Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Lightning Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Acid Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Dissolving Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Acid Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Lightning Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Flaming Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Fire Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Frost Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Slashing Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Shimmering Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Slashing Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Tidal Siraluun Tewhate 12 - 20, Fire None None Siraluun Weapons Quest
Training Hand Axe Training Academy Quest
Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Slashing Base Axe 325+ Unenchantable, Human Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Weeping Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Dagger Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Acid Base Dagger 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Ancient Pyreal Dagger 2 - 4, Slashing/Piercing None None Hamud's Pyreal Katar Quest
Ash Tooth Dagger 6 - 12, Electrical None None Ash Gromnie Tooth- Ivory Crafter
Assault Dirk 3.25 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Lvl 030+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Audetaunga's Okane of the Mountains 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Battered Old Dagger 9.8 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Blighted Dagger ?? - ?? (?? - ??), Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Dagger of Frozen Fury 5 - 20, Cold Base Dagger 300+ Biting Strike Sword of Frozen Fury Quest
Dagger of Tikola 3 - 12, Fire None Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Dagger of Tikola Quest
Dirk of the Fallen 13.5 - 27, Piercing Base Dagger 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Fallen Weapons
Electric Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Electric Base Dagger 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Enhanced Assault Dirk ?? - ??, Slashing/Piercing Lvl 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Flaming Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Fire Base Dagger 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Frozen Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Cold Base Dagger 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Obsidian Dagger 3.2 - 8, Slashing/Piercing None Multi-Strike Empyrean Cloister Quest
Palenqual's Okane of the Chase 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Okane of the Heights 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Okane of the Vortex 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Perfect Chilling Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Cold Lvl 050+ Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Lightning Lvl 050+ Acid Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Acid Lvl 050+ Lightning Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Fire Lvl 050+ Frost Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Slashing/Piercing Lvl 050+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Slashing/Piercing Lvl 050+ Unenchantable, Elemental Slayer, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Renegade Okane of the Chase 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Forests 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Heights 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Mountains 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Rivers 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Vortex 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Sacraloi 7 - 10, Slashing/Piercing Lvl 030+ Olthoi Slayer Gaerlan's Citadel
Shadowfire Isparian Dagger 15.6 - 26 (?? - ??), Fire Base Dagger 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Shard of Harraag's Dagger (Weapon) 13 - 26 (19 - 38), Piercing/Electric Base Dagger 400+ Multi-Strike, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Cast on Strike (Eye of the Storm), Ivoryable Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling
Sharpened Virindi Scalpel 9.6 - 16, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 350+ Multi-Strike, Biting Strike Virindi Scalpel Quest
Soul Bound Dagger 26.6 - 38, Piercing Buffed Dagger 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Dagger 26.6 - 38, Piercing Buffed Dagger 400+ Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Tanae's Okane of the Forests 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Dagger Training Academy Quest
Virindi Scalpel 6 - 12, Slashing/Piercing None Bonded, Hollow Virindi Scalpel Quest
Volkama's Okane of the Rivers 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Acid Base Dagger 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Worn Old Dagger 14 - 20, Slashing/Piercing Base Dagger 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Club 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
A Society Jitte 8.5 - 17, Bludgeoning None None Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Jitte 8.5 - 17, Bludgeoning None None Exploration Society Letters
Banished Mace 20.5 - 41, Cold Base Mace 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Bound Singularity Mace 18 - 36, Bludgeoning Base Mace 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Burun Slaying Morning Star 24.7 - 38, Bludgeoning Base Mace 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer Burun Slaying Weapons
Club of Undead Bashing 46.8 - 52 (66.6 - 74), Bludgeoning None Undead Slayer, Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Cast on Strike: Crushing Shame Hero Tokens
Deadly Hollow Mace 48.75 - 65, Bludgeoning Base Mace 250+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons Quest
Hollow Mace 7.2 - 18, Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Mace of Dissonance 23 - 46, Bludgeoning Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Colossal Mite
Mace of Hiranaith 18.9 - 42, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Temple of the Stirring Shadows Quest
Mace of the Fallen 20.5 - 41, Bludgeoning Base Mace 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Fallen Weapons
Noble Morning Star 24.7 - 38, Bludgeoning Base Mace 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow Noble Weapons
Princely Runed Mazule 6 - 10, Bludgeoning Base Mace 275+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Red Rune Silveran Mace ?? - ??, Slashing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Grael's Summoning Chamber
Regal Morning Star ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base Mace 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Noble Weapons Quest
Royal Runed Mazule 25 - 50, Bludgeoning Level 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Royal Runed Weapons
Scepter of Thunderous Might 18 - 36, Electrical Base Mace 325+ Crushing Blow Halls of Knorr
Singularity Mace 7 - 14 (17 - 34), Bludgeoning Level 040+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Training Club 4.5 - 9, Slashing None None Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Mace 22.5 - 45, Bludgeoning Base Mace 325+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Mace (Upgraded) 22.5 - 45, Bludgeoning Base Mace 400+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Weapon Upgrade Kit
Vagurat's Hand 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None Bonded, Ivoryable Bleeargh's Gratitude
Vanguard Leader's Morningstar 19.2 - 32, Cold None Resistance Cleaving: Cold Tumerok Vanguard Outposts


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Spear 5 - 10, Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Assault Spear 6 - 24, Piercing Level 30+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Aun Tanua's War Taiaha 4.8 - 12, Piercing None Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest
Auroch Horn Spear 3.75 - 15, Electrical None None Ivory Crafter
Channeling Stone Spear ?? - ??, Piercing Base Spear 400+ Cast on Strike Mucor Enhanced Weapons Quest
Enhanced Assault Spear 6 - 24, Piercing Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Serpent's Fang 9.52 - 28, Acid Base Spear 325+ Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Acid, Cast on Strike: Corrosive Flash Creature Lords
Fire Spear 6 - 15, Fire None Defender V, Fire Protection Other V, Blood Drinker V, Swift Killer V, Heart Seeker V Fiery Weapons
Peerless Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Piercing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Spear of Black Fire 6.8 - 17, Piercing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Lightning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Phantom Spear ?? - ??, Pierce Base Spear 275+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Phantasmal Phantom Weapons Quest
Ravenous Spear 2 - 8 (9 - 33), Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Serpent's Fang 8.84 - 26, Acid Base Spear 300+ None Creature Lords
Soul Bound Spear 38.4 - 48, Piercing Buffed Spear 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spear of Baranaith 12.8 - 32, Piercing None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Temple of the Stirring Shadows Quest
Spear of the Given Heart 8.8 - 22, Piercing Base Spear 250+ None Spear of the Given Heart Quest
Spectral Spear 38.4 - 48, Piercing Buffed Spear 400+ Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Strand Siraluun Taiaha 5.6 - 14, Piercing Buffed Spear 400+ Biting Strike Siraluun Weapons Quest
Tauraloi 7.2 - 18, Slashing/Piercing Lvl 030+ Olthoi Slayer, Unenchantable Gaerlan's Citadel
Training Spear 4.5 - 9, Piercing None None Training Academy Quest


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Staff 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Burun Slaying Quarterstaff 9.9 - 22, Bludgeoning Base Staff 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer Burun Slaying Weapons
Channeling Repugnant Staff (400+) 20.8 - 52, Bludgeoning Base Staff 400+ Cast on Strike: Mucor Jolt Enhancing Mucor
Chimeric Stave of the Quiddity 38 - 40, Bludgeoning Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Enhanced Stave of the Quiddity 16.08 - 24 (18 - 30), Bludgeoning Base Staff 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Weapon Upgrade Kit
Gikar's Dream 12.5 - 25, Bludgeoning Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Minor Blood Thirst, Minor Heart Thirst Gikar
Noble Quarterstaff 9.9 - 22, Bludgeoning Base Staff 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow Noble Weapons
Peerless Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Bludgeoning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Staff of Black Fire 15 - 20, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Lightning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Phantom Staff ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base Staff 275+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Phantasmal Phantom Weapons Quest
Ravenous Staff 2.5 - 5 (15 - 30), Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Regal Quarterstaff ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base Staff 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Noble Weapons Quest
Staff of Coercion 24 - 32, Bludgeoning Base Staff 325+ None Search for Gareth Dain
Stave of the Quiddity 8.04 - 12, Bludgeoning None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Training Staff 4.5 - 9, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Vile Scourge (250+) 10.5 - 21, Bludgeoning Base Staff 250+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Broad Sword 8 - 16, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
A Society Sword 9 - 18, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Sword 9 - 18, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
Ashbane 15 - 30, Fire None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Lady Aerfalle Quest
Banished Blade 22 - 44, Fire Base Sword 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Battered Old Sword 18 - 30, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Bound Singularity Sword 22 - 40, Slashing Base Sword 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Channeling Bone Sword 37.6 - 94, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 400+ Cast on Strike: Mucor Jolt Mucor Enhanced Weapons
Commoner's Blade 43.55 - 65, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Hero Tokens
Copper Cutlass 26.4 - 44, Piercing Base Sword 325+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Copper Gromnie Tooth
Deadly Hollow Sword 42 - 70, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Hollow Hollow Weapons Quest
Demon Swarm Sword 33.6 - 56, Slashing Base Sword 350+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Colosseum Bosses
Hollow Sword 20 - 40, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Lord's Blade 26.8 - 40, Slashing/Piercing None Multi-Strike, Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike Hero Tokens
Olthoi Sword 10 - 20, Acid None None Olthoi Hunter
Princely Runed Flamberge 30 - 60, Slashing/Piercing Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Red Rune Silveran Sword 31 - 62, Slashing/Piercing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tracking Grael
Reforged Ashbane 45.9 - 90, Fire Base Sword 400+, Level 150+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Lady Aerfalle Quest
Replica Sword of Bellenesse 30 - 50, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Viamontian Knight Slayer Sword of Bellenesse
Royal Runed Flamberge 31 - 62, Slashing/Piercing Level 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Royal Runed Weapons
Singularity Sword 22 - 40, Slash/Pierce Base Sword 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Superior Ashbane 33 - 60, Fire Base Sword 325+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Lady Aerfalle Quest
Training Broad Sword 4.5 - 9, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Sword 26.9 - 49, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Virindi Slayer Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Sword (Upgraded) 30.25 - 55, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 400+ Virindi Slayer, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving Singularity Weapons Quest
Worn Old Sword 27 - 45, Slashing/Piercing Base Sword 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons

Unarmed Weapon

Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Knuckles 7 - 14, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
A Society Katar 2 - 8, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Katar 2 - 8, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
Assault Cestus 2.75 - 11, Bludgeoning Level 030+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Audetaunga's Korua of the Mountains 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Basalt Blade 3 - 12, Fire Base UA 250+ None Creature Lords
Battered Old Cestus 5.5 - 11, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Deadly Hollow Katar 17 - 34, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 250+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons Quest
Ebon Tooth Katar 3 - 12, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 250+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Ebon Gromnie Tooth - Ivory Crafter
Enhanced Assault Cestus ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Assault Weapons, Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Basalt Blade 9.1 - 13, Fire Base UA 300+ Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Fire Creature Lords
Fist of Enlightenment 10, Fire Base UA 400+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Cast on Strike: Cleansing Ring of Fire Tanada House of Fire Quest
Fist of Massacre 24.6 - 41, Piercing Base UA 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi
Hollow Katar 12 - 24, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Lou Ka's Katar 1 - 4, Slashing/Piercing None Attuned, Bonded Lou Ka's Stolen Items
Palenqual's Korua of the Chase 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Korua of the Heights 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Korua of the Vortex 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Paradox-touched Olthoi Katar 21.6 - 36, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Olthoi Slayer, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Renegade Korua of the Chase 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Forests 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Heights 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Mountains 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Rivers 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Vortex 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Tanae's Korua of the Forests 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Knuckles 3.5 - 7, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Vampire's Kiss 20 - 40 (31 - 62), Slashing None Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike: Drain Health Other III, Destroyed After 3 Hours Hero Tokens
Volkama's Korua of the Rivers 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base UA 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Worn Old Cestus 10 - 20, Bludgeoning Base UA 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons

Rare Light Weapons

Icon Name Damage Special Props. Rare #
Baton of Tirethas 53.33 - 66, Bludgeoning Bludgeon Rending, Biting Strike 193
Bearded Axe of Souia-Vey 36 - 60, Slashing Bael'Zharon's Hate, Slash Rending 195
Black Thistle 32.32 - 40, Slashing/Piercing Wisp Slayer 259
Fist of Three Principles 28.63 - 36, Piercing Pierce Rending, Armor Cleaving 204
Guardian of Pwyll 52.48 - 66, Piercing Olthoi Slayer, Pierce Rending 189
Moriharu's Kitchen Knife 46.92 - 59, Slashing/Piercing Slash Rending, Crushing Blow 208
Skullpuncher 34.99 - 44, Piercing Pierce Rending, Skeleton Slayer 203
Spirit Shifting Staff 39 - 52, Bludgeoning Bael'Zharon's Hate, Bludgeon Rending 258
Staff of Fettered Souls 41.6 - 52, Bludgeoning Undead Slayer, Bludgeon Rending 257
Star of Gharu'n 30.25 - 55, Fire Fire Rending, Crushing Blow 285
Squire's Glaive 45.68 - 56, Piercing Ghost Slayer, Pierce Rending 201
Thunderhead 48.48 - 60, Electrical Lightning Rending, Lugian Slayer 194

Store-Bought and Misc Light Weapons

Name Damage
Bone Sword 5 - 10, Slashing/Piercing
Broad Sword 5 - 10, Slashing/Piercing
Broken Haft 1 - 2, Bludgeoning
Club 5 - 10, Bludgeoning
Dagger 1 - 4, Slashing/Piercing
Hand Axe 5.5 - 11, Slashing
Korua 2 - 4, Bludgeoning
Okane 2 - 4, Slashing/Piercing
Quarter Staff 3.5 - 7, Bludgeoning
Repaired Haft 1 - 2, Bludgeoning
Repugnant Melee Staff 3.5 - 7, Bludgeoning
Spear 2.5 - 10, Slashing/Piercing
Stone Spear 4 - 10, Piercing
Tumerok Spear 2 - 8, Piercing
War Hammer 4 - 8, Bludgeoning

Retired and Unique Light Weapons

Related topics: Category:Retired, Category:Unique

Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest/Live Event
A Society Katar 2 - 5, Slashing/Piercing None None Exploration Society Letters
A Society Jitte 5 - 10, Bludgeoning None None Exploration Society Letters
A Society Sword 6 - 12, Slashing/Piercing None None Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Katar 2 - 5, Slashing/Piercing None None Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Jitte 5 - 10, Bludgeoning None None Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Sword 6 - 12, Slashing None None Exploration Society Letters
Assault Spear 1 - 20, Piercing None Crushing Blow Tumerok Banners Quest
Basalt Blade 1.5 - 6, Slashing Slashing None Creature Lords
Dagger of Tikola 3 - 12, Slashing/Piercing None None Dagger of Tikola Quest
Fire Spear 2 - 8, Fire None None Fiery Weapons
Fist of Enlightenment 1, Fire Base UA 400+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Cast on Strike: Cassius' Ring of Fire Tanada House of Fire Quest
Obsidian Axe 9 - 18, Slashing None None Creature Lords
Olthoi Sword 7 - 14, Slashing/Piercing None None Olthoi Hunter
Serpent's Fang 5.44 - 16, Acid None None Creature Lords
Vanguard Leader's Morningstar 7 - 14, Bludgeoning None None Tumerok Vanguard Outposts
Bearded Axe of Souia-Vey 31 - 52, Slashing None Armor Rending, Biting Strike, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow None
Black Thistle 24.6 - 41, Slashing/Piercing None Dropped on Death, Biting Strike None
Moriharu's Kitchen Knife 23.4 - 39, Slashing/Piercing None Armor Rending, Biting Strike, Dropped on Death None
Staff of Fettered Souls 8.8 - 22, Bludgeoning None Undead Slayer, Bludgeon Rending, Dropped on Death, Biting Strike None
Star of Gharu'n 26.5 - 53, Fire None Fire Rending, Dropped on Death, Biting Strike None
Thunderhead 35.7 - 51, Electrical None Lightning Rending, Dropped on Death, Biting Strike None

Loot Light Weapons

Weapon Type Light Loot Weapons
Axe Dolabra, Ono, Hand, War Hammer
Dagger Khanjar, Dagger (double strike)
Mace Spiked club, club, Kasrullah
Spear Spear (now slash/pierce), Yari
Staff Quarter Staff
Sword Dericost, Broad, Shamshir, Kaskara, Spada, Epee (rapier, double strike, full power pierce, comes in elemental versions)
Unarmed Weapons Katar, Knuckles


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