Master of Arms

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February 2012 - Announcements Page

  • Patch Date: 21 February 2012
  • Patch Size: 10,637k (Client: 4,632k)
  • Hot Fix: 276k (24 February)

Weapon Skill Update

Weapon skills have been revamped. See Weapon Skill Changes for details.

New Skills

Crafting Updates

User Interface Updates

Other Changes

  • Cloaks with the chance to reduce incoming damage by 200 have been reduced to 100 for PvP circumstances.
  • The Luminance cap has been increased from 1 million to 1.5 million.
  • Mana Forge Chests now drop 1 additional item (A Total of 7). The number of items in the MFK chests increased from 6 to 7 and the profiles changed slightly. Weapons were changed to Finesse, Light, Heavy and Missile. Also the Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chests were removed and replaced with additional Weapon chests.
  • Grand Casino Chest loot quality has been adjusted to match Mana Forge chests.

New Events

Updated Quests

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Items

Chest of Mana Forge Keys

Blackened House Mhoire Cloak

Finesse Weapons Specialist's Gauntlets Heavy Weapons Specialist's Gauntlets Light Weapons Specialist's Gauntlets Missile Specialist's Gauntlets

Foolproof Aquamarine Gem Foolproof Black Garnet Gem Foolproof Black Opal Gem Foolproof Emerald Gem Foolproof Fire Opal Gem Foolproof Imperial Topaz Gem Foolproof Jet Gem Foolproof Red Garnet Gem Foolproof Sunstone Gem Foolproof White Sapphire Gem A'nekshay Slayer Stone Gem Greater Mukkir Slayer Stone Gem Spectral Skull Gem Black Skull of Xikma Gem Spectral Force Gem Magic Defense Weapon Augmentation Gem Missile Defense Augmentation Gem Lucky White Rabbit's Foot Gem

Rare Coin Quest Weapon Coin

Imbue Swap Coin

Luminance Wisp Axe Mastery (Object) Dagger Mastery (Object) Mace Mastery (Object) Spears Mastery (Object) Staves Mastery (Object) Sword Mastery (Object) Unarmed Combat Mastery (Object) Two Handed Combat Mastery (Object) Bow Mastery (Object) Crossbow Mastery (Object) Thrown Weapons Mastery (Object) Magic Mastery (Object) Statue of Berzerker's Wish Statue of Cleaving Warrior's Wish Statue of Dirty Fighter's Wish Statue of Heavy Soldier's Wish Statue of Light Duelist's Wish Statue of Missile Specialist's Wish Statue of Shieldbearer's Wish Statue of Stealther's Wish Statue of Swashbuckler's Wish Statue of Swift Duelist's Wish Statue of Void Caster's Wish

Glyph of Finesse Weapons Glyph of Light Weapons Glyph of Heavy Weapons Glyph of Missile Weapons Glyph of Dual Wield Glyph of Dirty Fighting Glyph of Recklessness Glyph of Sneak Attack Glyph of Shield

Dirty Fighting Tessera Dual Wield Tessera Finesse Weapons Tessera Light Weapons Tessera Heavy Weapons Tessera Missile Weapons Tessera Recklessness Tessera Shield Tessera Sneak Attack Tessera Two Handed Combat Tessera Void Magic Tessera

Berzerker's Crystal Brawler's Crystal Knight's Crystal Rogue's Crystal Warrior's Crystal Hieroglyph of Light Weapon Mastery Hieroglyph of Missile Weapon Mastery Hieroglyph of Finesse Weapon Mastery Hieroglyph of Heavy Weapon Mastery Hieroglyph of Shield Mastery Hieroglyph of Recklessness Mastery Hieroglyph of Dual Wield Mastery Hieroglyph of Dirty Fighting Mastery Hieroglyph of Sneak Attack Mastery

Spectral Dirty Fighting Mastery Crystal Spectral Dual Wield Mastery Crystal Spectral Finesse Weapon Mastery Crystal Spectral Heavy Weapon Mastery Crystal Spectral Light Weapon Mastery Crystal Spectral Missile Weapon Mastery Crystal Spectral Recklessness Mastery Crystal Spectral Sneak Attack Mastery Crystal

Dirty Fighting Gem of Enlightenment Dirty Fighting Gem of Forgetfulness Dual Wield Gem of Enlightenment Dual Wield Gem of Forgetfulness Finesse Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Finesse Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Heavy Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Heavy Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Light Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Light Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Missile Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Missile Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Recklessness Gem of Enlightenment Recklessness Gem of Forgetfulness Shield Gem of Enlightenment Shield Gem of Forgetfulness Sneak Attack Gem of Enlightenment Sneak Attack Gem of Forgetfulness Ruined Amulet of Finesse Weapons Ruined Amulet of Heavy Weapons Ruined Amulet of Light Weapons Ruined Amulet of Missile Weapons

Scroll of Dirty Fighting Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Dirty Fighting Mastery Other VII Scroll of Dirty Fighting Mastery Self VII Scroll of Dual Wield Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Dual Wield Mastery Other VII Scroll of Dual Wield Mastery Self VII Scroll of Finesse Weapon Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Finesse Weapon Mastery Other VII Scroll of Finesse Weapon Mastery Self VII Scroll of Heavy Weapon Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Heavy Weapon Mastery Other VII Scroll of Heavy Weapon Mastery Self VII Scroll of Light Weapon Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Light Weapon Mastery Other VII Scroll of Light Weapon Mastery Self VII Scroll of Missile Weapon Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII Scroll of Missile Weapon Mastery Self VII Scroll of Recklessness Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Recklessness Mastery Other VII Scroll of Recklessness Mastery Self VII Scroll of Shield Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Shield Mastery Other VII Scroll of Shield Mastery Self VII Scroll of Sneak Attack Ineptitude Other VII Scroll of Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII Scroll of Sneak Attack Mastery Self VII Inscription of Finesse Weapon Mastery Self Inscription of Finesse Weapon Ineptitude Other Inscription of Light Weapon Mastery Self Inscription of Light Weapon Ineptitude Other Inscription of Heavy Weapon Mastery Self Inscription of Heavy Weapon Ineptitude Other Inscription of Missile Weapon Mastery Self Inscription of Missile Weapon Ineptitude Other Inscription of Dual Wield Mastery Self Inscription of Dual Wield Ineptitude Other Inscription of Dirty Fighting Mastery Self Inscription of Dirty Fighting Ineptitude Other Inscription of Recklessness Mastery Self Inscription of Recklessness Ineptitude Other Inscription of Sneak Attack Mastery Self

Some Changes for February 2012

Epee Hand Wraps Schlager Academy Bastone Academy Battle Axe Academy Broad Sword Academy Budiaq Academy Club Academy Dabus Academy Dirk Academy Handwraps Academy Ken Academy Knife Academy Knuckles Academy Stick Academy Tungi Academy Trident Training Bastone Training Battle Axe Training Broad Sword Training Budiaq Training Club Training Dabus Training Dirk Training Handwraps Training Ken Training Knife Training Knuckles Training Stick Training Trident Training Tungi

Updated Items

New Dialog

Login text

Your trained Staff skill has been removed. All the experience and skill credits that you spent on this skill have been refunded to you.

Your specialized Item Tinkering skill has been removed. All the experience and skill credits that you spent on this skill have been refunded to you.

The Temples of Forgetfulness and Enlightenment have had the timer for their use reset due to skill changes.

Your opportunity to change your skills is renewed! Visit Fianhe to reset your skills.

Your opportunity to change your attributes is renewed! Visit Chafulumisa to reset your skills [sic attributes].

Asheron has gathered weapons to help the heroes of Dereth adapt to recent advances in combat training! Find Asheron's diamond golem in Arwic to claim your free weapon.

Your available skill credits have been adjusted.

Town Crier

Free Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "There's been a lot of activity in Arwic lately."

Town Crier tells you, "News has come back that another section of Mhoire castle has opened up. I wonder what it could be."

Town Crier tells you, "I've seen people fighting with *TWO* weapons at the same time! How on Dereth are they doing that?!?"

Pyreal Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "With the massive retraining the adventurers of Dereth have been doing, Asheron has sent several emissaries to aid with the transitions."

Town Crier tells you, "A new Oubliette has opened up deep within Mhoire Castle. Be ready for anything in there as it sounds dangerous."

Town Crier tells you, "News! Adventurers of Dereth have mastered several new styles of combat, including wielding a weapon in each hand!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant

Free Rumors

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those Mana Forge Chests seem to be filled more than usual."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Of course a chest filled with more worthless stuff is still just as worthless."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear Asheron is giving out some free weapons."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I remember a time when you went out and earned things for yourself."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No wonder I drink so much."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I can't think of a reason I'd want to wield two weapons at once."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There is hardly a challenge with only one weapon."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Where did I leave my weapon?"

Stout Rumors

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There's been some talk about new styles of combat."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What I wonder is how can someone fight in both a finesse and reckless style at the same time."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'll stick to drunken sword fighting."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I pulled some strings and got the casino to improve those Grand chests of theirs."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Better take advantage of it before they realize the odds aren't in their favor anymore."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I saw a cute little Ursuin Cub the other day. I tried to pat it on the head. Cute little teeth on that cub. See my cute little bite mark?"

Ansar El-Kerdany

Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! We believe Mairisa bint Fuda would be interested in a glowing box long lost in Frore."

Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Find the box, deliver it to her, and I shall reward you."

Esmond Fielding

Esmond Fielding tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."

Esmond Fielding tells you, "This month we have decided that Xavier could use a hand in collect the Missives to the World Shaper."

Esmond Fielding tells you, "Collect the notes from the Olthoi Chasm, get them translated, and bring them to Xavier. Do this task and I shall reward you."

Niccolo De Luca

Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."

Niccolo De Luca tells you, "This month we have decided that Bleeargh needs help in retrieving the Necklace of Leerargh."

Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Find this necklace and I shall reward you for your efforts."

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