Rynthid Tentacle Weapons

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Rynthid Tentacle Weapons
Level: ??
Type: Group
Starts At: ??
Time to Complete: 1.5 hours
Repeat: ??
Contracts: None

Quest Overview

Assist Morgethais in putting down the Curator of Torment

Walk Through

Part 1: Destroying the Crystals

  1. Morgethais will ask you to assist him in destroying 4 Sanctum Warding Crystals located throughout the Rynthid Infested Plains. These crystals must be destroyed in order to spawn the portal to the Catacombs of Torment (62.31S, 65.52W).
    • When the final crystal is killed, a global will appear letting players know that the dungeon is
    • It does not matter in what order you kill the crystals. This guide merely offers 1 suggestion as to what order to tackle them.
    • Each crystal takes 1 hour to respawn.
    • As soon as even 1 of the crystals respawns, the portal to the Catacombs of Opposition will close.
  2. Of the 4 crystals, 3 can be found on the floating platforms, and 1 is on the ground. It is recommended that the ones on the platform be tackled first, as the location of the final platform crystal will put you within close range of the final crystal located on the ground

Part 2: The First Crystal

  1. Make your way to the access ramp at 62.5S, 65.4W to begin climbing the platforms
  2. To get to the 1st of the dungeons, head up the ramp. Make a full power jump across to the southern platform, then take the west ramp. Head north to the T intersection, and turn west and head into the portal Path of Torment.
    • WARNING: the dungeon drop is HOT!
  3. Inside the 1st dungeon, head west & exit the room, then turn south. At the next split, head south.
    • Note: At this point if you wish, you may detour down the next south hallway and to a room with a crystal. Talk to it for a kill task of 20 Tormented Shadow. After talking to it, simply head west back to the hallway where you were.
  4. Continue west (from/past the southern hallway leading to the crystal) until you come to a large room. In here, head northeast and take the far east exit, then bear south all the way to the next portal Path of Rage.
    • Note: The portal drops outside on the next higher series of platforms.
  5. The first Sanctum Warding Crystal can be found not far from the drop at (62.0s, 65.9w).

Part 3: The Second Crystal

  1. From the first crystal, head south and down the ramp. Take the next ramp heading east and up into the portal.
  2. In the dungeon you will come to a large room. Take the 1st exit on the right bearing west.
    • Again there is another crystal you may talk to for a kill task of 20 Enraged Shadow. If you wish to talk to it, head west at the split after exiting the large room.
  3. After exiting the large room (or talking to the crystal) head east, then take the right bearing south. When you come to a 4 way split, head east until you come to a large room. In here, take the 1st left heading east. At the next split, head east and continue to the portal.
    • WARNING: the drop is VERY hot!!
  4. On the platform the crystal can be found by following the ramps down from the drop location (63.1S, 66.7W).

Part 4: The Third Crystal

  1. From the second crystal, head east and down the ramps. You see a platform you can jump down to and a Path of Sorrow portal.
  2. The dungeon is fairly linear. Proceed through it and onto the next platform.
    • WARNING: The drop is VERY HOT!!
  3. From the drop back outside, head south to the end of the platform, and jump east onto the next floating platform below.
  4. Again jump down to another platform to the east, beware of more enemies waiting on the platform.
  5. After landing, head down the nearby ramps until you come to the end.
  6. Below you to the west will be a small platform where the 3rd crystal is located (63.3s, 65.5w). Make a very very small jump down and kill it.

Part 5: The 4th (and final) Crystal

  1. After killing the 3rd crystal, you will be very low to the ground, and near the 4th crystal located at 62.77S, 65.98W.
  2. This crystal is simply on the ground so jump down, run over, and take it out.
    • Warning: Fighting on the platforms causes heavy spawn aggro below. Be mindful of the mob clusters when jumping down to the ground level.
    • Note: The crystal is not far from the dungeon for the Seed of Power quest and the inner Obsidian Plains. If necessary, re-group there before moving in to attack the crystal.
  3. When the 4th and final crystal is destroyed, a green global message will appear letting players know that the wards have been dropped, and the portal to the Catacombs of Torment (62.31S, 65.52W) has appeared. The portal is located in the center of the Rynthid Infested Plains area on the ground.

Part 6: The Catacombs of Torment

  1. When you enter there will be a surface portal behind you, and a portal to the Inner Sanctum on your right.
    • WARNING!! Accidentally going through the surface portal may cause you to be locked out should one of the crystals respawn.
    • The Inner Sanctum portal is a portal to return to the final fight should you die. This only applies if the crystals are all still dead and you can get back into the Catacombs.
  2. Inside the catacombs you will enter in a large room. Make your way through it exiting west.
  3. Take the first right turn (heading north) and at the next split turn right (north) and at the next split head north once more.
  4. As you come to the next split take a right (west) and eventually you will come to a large room.
  5. Proceed through the room heading south west, and exit to the west (taking the left of the 2 exits).
  6. Head around and down the ramp and continue following the hall. Take the second hallway that you come to on your right (heading north).
  7. At the next split, stay left (north east) until you come to another large room.
  8. Head through the room heading south east, and eventually exiting to the east.
  9. Follow the hall once again through a series of small looping corridors. Ignore the 2 hallways leading to the left, and instead turn right heading west.
  10. Take the first turn on your left (heading south), followed by an immediate right (heading west), followed by an immediate left (heading south).
  11. Down the hall you will find a room with a Lothus Slayer, a Lothus Archmage, and a portal to the Inner Sanctum.
    • Note: The drop of the Inner Sanctum is safe.

Part 7: The Inner Sanctum

  1. Upon entering, the players will see the Curator of Torment NPC standing in the middle of the room. The room is completely safe for rebuffing until someone talks to him to trigger the final fight.
  2. After talking to the Curator, there will be a series of 4 waves of enemies, which culminates in a showdown with the Curator itself.
A voice echos in your mind, "So, you've worked so hard to find me. You've interrupted my experiments and you've interfered with my plans. I cannot let you continue to exist, but I'm still not convinced you're worth my time. Guards! Remove this vermin from my sanctum. Their presence pollutes this place."
  1. In the first spawn players will fight Supression Rifts - level 250, Containment Dolls - level 200, Lothus Servants - level 240, and Marionette Knight of Torments - level 220.
  2. In the second spawn, players will face Rynthid Minion of Rages, Lothus Slayers - level 240, Lothus Servants, Marionette Knight of Torments, Ravaging Rynthid Sorcerers, and Lothus Archmages - level 300
  3. In the third spawn, 4 Lothus Guardian of Torments will appear. As each one is killed a small message will appear about the guardians dropping a Sanctum Summoning Crystal. Destroy each crystal as it appears. Once these are killed, the 4th and final fight will begin.
  4. For the 4th and final fight, the Curator of Torment makes his appearance. He is level 620 with 300,000hp. No other minions spawn with him.
  5. When the Curator of Torment dies, a green global message appears, and he can be looted for a Shard of the Curator of Torment's Mask - he drops 20 of them. If needed, he will respawn in NPC-form 5 minutes after his death.
Deep in the Catacombs of Torment, [player] has struck down the Curator of Torment, forcing him again for a time into his prison in the abyss of Portalspace.
The portal in the alcove splits in two, revealing a passage beyond.

Part 8: Rewards!

  1. After collecting a shard, head north. The portal door that was blocking the path will now be open. Simply jump across the lava to the platform on the other side to collect your rewards.
    • Should you miss the jump do not worry. The pit is not very dangerous and easy to escape using a shift jump.
  2. On the ground players will find the Rynthid Tentacle weapons, along with a 5 use Legendary Key.
  3. Once players have looted a weapon and use their keys, head back to Morgethais (61.6S, 63.3W) at the Rynthid encampment for 718,000,000 XP, and 100,000 luminance XP.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Catacombs of Torment 62.31S, 65.52W -- --
Inner Sanctum ?? -- --


Quest Items

Shard of the Curator of Torment's Mask


Rynthid Tentacle Bow Rynthid Tentacle Wand Nether-attuned Rynthid Tentacle Wand Legendary Key

Experience Rewards

Title Rewards


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Talking to the NPC-form of the Curator of Torment

A voice echos in your mind, "So, you've worked so hard to find me. You've interrupted my experiments and you've interfered with my plans. I cannot let you continue to exist, but I'm still not convinced you're worth my time. Guards! Remove this vermin from my sanctum. Their presence pollutes this place."

Spawn with 4 Lothus Guardian of Torments

A voice echos in your mind, "Miserable failures! Can you not do something so simple as remove a few pathetic meat-bags?! Guardians! Succeed where the guards have failed, or face my wrath for your failure."

The Curator of Torment appears

A voice echos in your mind, "You've survived my guards and defeated my lientenants... Very well. I will deal with you myself."

Global message when the Curator of Torment dies.

Deep in the Catacombs of Torment, <player name> has struck down the Curator of Torment, forcing him again for a time into his prison in the abyss of Portalspace.
The portal in the alcove splits in two, revealing a passage beyond.


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