Shoushi Starter Quests

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Lou Ka’s Stolen Items

Restrictions None
Timer 24 hours
Experience 24,000
Rumors Braid Manor Ruin
A List of Items

Mosswarts have been stealing Lou Ka and Bai Den’s possessions. Speak with Lou Ka, who resides in Shoushi’s tavern. Head to the Braid Mansion Ruin, located at 34.2S, 72.0E, and recover all 8 items. Then return them to Lou Ka.

Lou Ka tells you, "Those thieving mosswarts have made off with my yaoji again! And this time they took several other items belonging to myself and my partner Bai Den as well!"
Lou Ka tells you, "Here is a list of the items that are missing. Will you go to the Braid Mansion Ruin, along the road that leaves town to the southwest, and recover our things for us? We would be very grateful."
Lou Ka gives you A List of Items.
Lou Ka tells you, "If you need more help finding the Braid Mansion Ruin, you can buy directions from Nin Hong at the bar."

Braid Mansion RuinACMaps

You give Lou Ka Lou Ka's Katar.
Lou Ka tells you, "Ah, my favorite katar. Thank you."
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Lou Ka Lou Ka's Shouken.
Lou Ka tells you, "The mosswarts love to throw these for some reason. Thank you for bringing this one back to me!"
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Lou Ka Lou Ka's Trident.
Lou Ka tells you, "I never thought I'd see this again! You have my thanks!"
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Lou Ka Lou Ka's Yaoji.
Lou Ka tells you, "You have recovered my yaoji! Thank you so much!"
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Lou Ka Bai Den's Bracelet.
Lou Ka tells you, "This is Bai Den's favorite bracelet. Those mosswarts keep stealing it - perhaps because it glitters so."
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Lou Ka Bai Den's Gem.
Lou Ka tells you, "Bai Den will be thrilled to have this back! Thank you!"
You've earned 3,000 experience.

You give Lou Ka Bai Den's Necklace.
Lou Ka tells you, "You have our sincere thanks for returning this to us."
You've earned 3,000 experience.

Lou Ka tells you, "Since you've been so kind as to help us, perhaps you could also help our friend Nen Ai. She lives just outside Shoushi, a bit further down the southwest road than the Braid Mansion Ruin you were just at."
Lou Ka tells you, "Nen Ai has a pet drudge. She has some trouble keeping it fed, however - it has a delicate constitution. Perhaps you could visit her and see if you could help?"
Lou Ka tells you, "Here are the directions to Nen Ai's house. Nin Hong also sells these directions."
Lou Ka gives you Directions to Nen Ai's House.

You give Lou Ka Bai Den's Ring.
Lou Ka tells you, "Bai Den was given this ring by his mother. It has great sentimental value to him. Thank you so much for bringing it back to us!"
You've earned 3,000 experience.

Nen Ai’s pet Drudge

Restrictions None
Timer 24 hours
Experience 20,000
Rumor Directions to Nen Ai's House

Nen Ai has been raising a pet drudge in her home at 34.8S, 71.2E. She needs your help to recover his favorite treats from the Stone Cathedral, located just behind her home at 34.6S, 71.2E. Enter the cathedral and recoer the Greenmire Cheese and Cider.

Nen Ai tells you, "I have tended this drudge since it was very young, and he is my friend. But he is still very weak."
Nen Ai tells you, "There are two foods that he particularly likes and which help him grow strong. These are perfectly aged Greenmire Cider, and perfectly aged Greenmire Cheese."
Nen Ai tells you, "Would you retrieve these foods from the dungeon just behind my house, called the Stone Cathedral? My little friend and I would both be very grateful."

Stone CathedralACMaps

You give Nen Ai Greenmire Cider.
Nen Ai tells you, "You have found the cider! My little friend will be so excited! It makes him the least bit tipsy, you know."
Nen Ai tells you, "Allow me to reward you."
You've earned 10,000 experience.

You give Nen Ai Greenmire Cheese.
Nen Ai tells you, "This cheese is very strengthening. I am most grateful that you have brought it to me so that I may feed it to my beloved pet."
You've earned 10,000 experience.

Nen Ai tells you, "You have been so good to help me already, but perhaps you can do one more thing for me?"
Nen Ai tells you, "My friend Oi-Tong Ye follows the teachings of Jojii. He has been searching for four stones that represent the Jojiist principles of Discipline, Detachment, Compassion, and Humility. I have recently learned that these stones may be found in the Shreth Hive."
Nen Ai gives you Directions to the Shreth Hive.
Nen Ai tells you, "Here are directions that will lead you to the Shreth Hive. Please see if you can recover the four stones. When you do, take them to Oi-Tong Ye in the bar in Shoushi. He will be so pleased to have them!"

Four Stones of Jojii

Restrictions 1-20
Timer 24 hours
Experience 25,000
Rumor Directions to the Shreth Hive

The Four Stones of Jojii are hidden in the Shreth Hive 32.4S, 71.0E. Recover them and bring them to Oi-Tong Ye, Shoushi’s Exploration Society Agent, who stays in Shoushi’s tavern.

Shreth Hive - ACMaps

You give Oi-Tong Ye Stone of Detachment.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "The Stone of Detachment! This stone represents the detachment that a follower of Jojii must maintain - detachment from the illusions and pitfalls of the material realm."
You've earned 6,250 experience.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "Thank you for bringing this to me."

You give Oi-Tong Ye Stone of Discipline.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "The Stone of Discipline! This stone represents the discipline that a follower of Jojii must maintain - discipline over their fears and their desires."
You've earned 6,250 experience.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "Thank you for bringing this to me."

You give Oi-Tong Ye Stone of Humility.
You've earned 6,250 experience.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "The Stone of Humility! A follower of Jojii must temper their discipline with humility. When you discipline your fears and desires, you bring yourself closer to the central principle of life - but no mere human can maintain that closeness indefinitely. You will make mistakes. When you no longer make mistakes, you will no longer be human."
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "Thank you for bringing this to me."
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "If you are looking for more adventure, friend, then you might want to speak with the lovely Nin Hong upstairs. She maintains a library of gossip and rumors that may serve you well in this."

You give Oi-Tong Ye Stone of Compassion.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "The Stone of Compassion! A follower of Jojii must temper their detachment with compassion. Compassion cuts through the illusion of the material realm as a ray of light through the gloom."
You've earned 6,250 experience.
Oi-Tong Ye tells you, "Thank you for bringing this to me."