Stormwaltz Quotes/On Atlan Vaults

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May 21, 2000 - [No Link]

Who said any of the current guardians were there when the vaults were made? Tumeroks weren't in Dereth then either, but they're all over Artifex. The origin of the Elementals in Jahannan and Amperihelion still has not been explained. The Yalain, as a matter of public record, despised undead like those in Serac (the Dericost war). The vaults were made, hidden, and locked up. Whatever guardians they originally had have been killed and replaced since. It's been many years since the Yalain were around to guard their own storehouses.

(Posted later that same day) They're not locked up anymore because the invading critters broke the doors on the way in. ^_^

(Posted later that same day) If Isparians never discovered the Incunabula Vault before now, they couldn't have driven the Olthoi out after the death of the One Queen, n'est pas? There are likely to be many undiscovered places with Olthoi remnants. Sorta like the Japanese soldiers who hid out on the Pacific islands until discovered in the 80's.

(Posted later that same day) The Olthoi were everywhere, and they used to lay heavy smack-downs on a lot of lesser species. Since the former top predator has been unhorsed, it's now the Isparians who end up responsible for keeping monster populations in check.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile