Sudden Season
December 1999 - Announcements Page
Turbine/Microsoft Announcements
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Release Notes
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Letter to the Players
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- No Current Link Available
Town Crier Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "An unexpected chill has brought snow and ice to much of Dereth. No one knows what has brought this sudden chill upon us. The word is to be wary of the snowmen. There're rumors of bigger ones too!"
- Town Crier tells you, "New robes available at some tailors! Wear yours for special occasions or as a fashion statement!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Sir Joffre Tremblant's adventuring party has gone missing. The group was last seen heading north from Arwic."
- Town Crier tells you, "Some people claim that the sun has grown slightly dimmer, but no one has confirmed this for sure. Some say it has contributed to the sudden chill. I also accept money, if you want more news."
- Town Crier tells you, "There is a season in the Naqut, back in Ispar, during which the winds gust constantly, and sandstorms cover the land, blotting out much of the light. It is called the Night Feast, during which we pray for fortune in the coming year, cook food with fine spices like cinnamon and oregano, and Feast the night away!"
- Town Crier tells you, "This is the time when we Aluvians are celebrating the Solstice, a time of lights and drinking and very good cheer. Join me in wishing Aluvians everywhere a fine and wonderful Solstice! Nothing is better at a time like this than a good drink and a fine apple pie."
- Town Crier tells you, "We celebrate now the Festival of Lights. Bring your torches and circle around, while we honor the Elder Spirits whose truths bring us light. Enjoy the food and drink, maybe someone will at last replicate the fiery kimchi that will make our celebrations complete."
New Quests
New NPCs
- Mairisa bint Fuda in Plateau Village
- Lady Tallial in Neydisa Castle
- Yi Yo-Jin in Neydisa Castle
- Jourgensson in Bandit Castle
- Gwillim, the Apprentice in Bandit Castle
- Karwin, the Lunatic in Bandit Castle
- Giant Snowman
- Snowman
Updated NPCs
New Locations
New Dungeons
New Points of Interest
Updated Locations
- Bandit Castle & Neydisa Castle have multiple new and updated NPCs, with quests to go along.
- Ancient Lighthouse, Disaster Maze, Lightless Catacombs, and Small Icecave updated: Contain new lore documents.
New Emotes
- Make a snow angel (*snow angel*)
New Items
Gelidite Robe
Hammer of Frore
Ice Heaume of Frore
Tremblant's Ivory Staff
Bandit Rune Transcription
Complete Rune Transcription
Gelidite Treasure Key
History Shelf
Partial Rune Transcription
Neydisa Rune Transcription
Stonehold Rune Transcription
Brief Note
Gelidite Standing Stone TranslationFile:Hasty Note Icon.png Hasty Note
Legend of Frore
Our Great Work
Quick Note
The Book of Minesh
The Tremblant Party (Aluvian)
The Tremblant Party (Gharu'ndim)
The Tremblant Party (Sho)
Yarick's Journal
Feud of Neydisa and Bandit Castle
Nelvaine's Olde Ispar Stout
Jourgensson's Letter
MacDugal's Key
Gwillim's Alchemy Notes
Gwillim's Alchemy Bag
Neydisa Hauberk
Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness
An Old Volume
Dark Note
Dusty Volume
Karwin's Key
Slimy Note
Shadow's Note
Translated History Book (An Old Volume)
Translated History Book (Dusty Volume)
Virindi's Note
Hoary Mattekar Robe
Hoary Mattekar Hide
Hoary Mattekar Robe
Snowman Items
"Enchanted" Iceball
Poofy Snowball
Snowball (Item)
Brown Lump
Carrot Stock
Rich Carrot Stock
Carol's Carrot Soup
Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake Batter
Cinnamon Bark
Famous Pizza
Fruitcake Batter
Hot Kimchi
Hot Pepper
Hot Sauce
Pickled Fish
Beef Rice
Mushroom Rice
Rabbit Noodles
Rabbit Rice
Rich Lumpy Flour
Side of Beef
Spiced Lump
Spiced Lumpy Flour
Spiced Apple Pie
Specialty Cookbook
Strange Stick
Whittling Knife
Dho Vest and Robe
Faran Robe
Faran Robe with Hood
Suikan Robe
New Creatures
- Gelidite Acolyte
- Gelidite Initiate
- Gelidite Lord
- Fenngar
- Ferundi
- Frisander
- Frisith
- Sir Joffre Tremblant
Known Issues
- The Tremblant Rumor -- Gharun'dim [sic] Rumor