Tanada House of Pancakes Quest

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Related topics: Seasonal Quests

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Tanada House of Pancakes Quest
Level: Any
Type: Solo
Starts With: Chow Doun (Seasonal)
Starts At: 33.3S, 73.1E in Shoushi
Repeat: 20 Hours


A seasonal quest for April Fools. The dungeon opens on April 1.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Chow Doun will hand you the Butter Knife of Slaying and flag you for entry into the dungeon.
  2. Enter the Tanada House of Pancakes dungeon next to him.
  3. Look around, kill evil food monster and Pink Nanjou Shou-jen (they are susceptible to normal weapons, the butter knife can only be used if cooking is trained).
  4. Speak to Gladys the Golem Waitress who will teleport you to the next dungeon if you pay for your breakfast (19 pyreals) or portal you to to the plate washing room to work off your bill if you don't have the money and say yes. Both drops allow you to continue to Pon Mi. Creatures drop money if you have none on you at the time.
  5. Kill more evil food monsters and pink nanjou.
  6. Find the room with Pon Mi and his many corpses. Either use a corpse and obtain Pon Mi's confession, or kill Pon Mi and loot a confession from him.
  7. Bring Pon Mi's confession back to Chow Doun in Shoushi. Note that after you hand in the confession you will lose your flag to enter the dungeon.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Tanada House of Pancakes 33.3S, 73.1E 005F.gif --


Give Pon Mi's confession to Chou Doun.
Experience: 117,542 (50% up to level 20)



Opening Dialog

Chow Doun tells you, "Greetings, greetings. I have no baked goods today, I am afraid. My supplies have been stolen - STOLEN!"

Chow Doun tells you, "The malefactor is an evil man named Pon Mi, who is affiliated with that group spoken of in shadowy whispers as..."

Chow Doun's voice drops to a whisper.

Chow Doun tells you, "...the Tanada clan of Nanjou Shou-jen."

Chow Doun resumes his normal speaking voice.

Chow Doun tells you, "Now, I know that it seems unusual for them to want to steal my flour and eggs and such, but I've no doubt that it is all part of some evil scheme. I need your help...please find my supplies."

Chow Doun tells you, "I'm led to believe this particular group refers to themselves as the "Tanada House of Pancakes" when they allow their shadowy selves to be perceived. They have conveniently left a portal to their hideout over there - please, enter and discover what they are about!"

Chow Doun gives you Butter Knife of Slaying.

Chow Doun tells you, "Take this to aid you in your quest. It is the Butter Knife of Slaying, bane to all those foul creatures of the night who are...um...made of food, really."
Speaking with Chow Doun a 2nd time

Chow Doun tells you, "Hello again. Have you had any success in tracking down the missing supplies or Master Pon Mi? It worries me that the Tanada clan has taken such an interest in my humble baking."

The baker leans in and begins to conspiratorially whisper.

Chow Doun tells you, "But seriously, Tanada House of Pancakes? Aren't they supposed to be centered around the elements? For that matter...pink?"

Chow Doun resumes his normal speaking voice.

Chow Doun tells you, "In any event, do you need another Butter Knife of Slaying?"

Chow Doun gives you Butter Knife of Slaying.

Chow Doun tells you, "Here you go. May it serve you well when all other utensils fail you."
Gladys the Golem

Gladys the Golem Waitress says, "Do you need a carenzi bag?"

Gladys the Golem Waitress says, "Do you need your coffee refreshed, hon?"

Not seeing any obvious way to proceed, you approach the golem which stands near the counter.

Gladys the Golem Waitress tells you, "What can I do for you, hon? Ready to pay now?"

The golem looks like it's poking at...something...in the air. It then speaks again.

Gladys the Golem Waitress tells you, "That'll be 19 pyreals, please."

You fumble through your pack for the money...

...and extract 19 pyreals with which to pay!

You hand the money to the waitress.

Gladys the Golem Waitress tells you, "Thank you, hon, and thanks for stopping on by the Tanada House of Pancakes."

Gladys the Golem Waitress teleports you with Paid in Full.
Pon Mi

Pon Mi looks at you sullenly.

Pon Mi tells you, "If you want a confession, you'll need to take it off my cold dead body!"

Pon Mi points at one of his corpses.

Pon Mi tells you, "No, seriously - go ahead and take one. There's plenty for everyone."

Pon Mi tells you, "Please don't kill me anymore."
Handing in Pon Mi's confession to Chow Doun

You give Chow Doun Pon Mi's confession.

You hand the confession to Chow Doun and explain what you saw.

You've earned 117,542 experience.

Chow Doun tells you, "My supplies...used for that? But this confession explains one thing - this Pon Mi was no master of the Tanada clan after all, but simply an honorless thug whose ambition got the better of him. I suppose the name of his house should have been a hint."

Chow Doun tells you, "I do not think he is of any concern to me anymore. I will not get my supplies back, but at least my honor is restored thanks to you."
Other Interactions

You look around and try to be sneaky about taking the tip.

You believe that you took the tip without being noticed.

Empty Plate gives you 17 Pyreals.

This is an empty plate. It probably had pancakes on it at one point, and the sticky residue of syrup still coats part of the plate. The left-over syrup still looks tasty, you've got to admit.

You notice a small amount of pyreal under the plate, left as a tip to the server.

You look around and try to be sneaky about taking the tip.

You believe that you took the tip without being noticed.

Empty Plate gives you 13 Pyreals.

You look around and try to be sneaky about taking the tip.

You believe that you took the tip without being noticed.

Empty Plate gives you 17 Pyreals.

This is an empty plate. It probably had pancakes on it at one point, and the sticky residue of syrup still coats part of the plate. The left-over syrup still looks tasty, you've got to admit.

You chuckle to yourself as you see no tip under the plate. Gee, wonder what happened to it...

This is an empty plate. Streaks of jam mingle with scambled[sic] eggs and a small amount of grease that was likely from a side order of bacon.


You look around and try to be sneaky about taking the tip.

You believe that you took the tip without being noticed.

Empty Plate gives you 14 Pyreals.

The golem suddenly scowls at you. Well, as much as a golem CAN scowl...but it definitely feels like it's scowling at you.

Gladys the Golem Waitress tells you, "You know, we have to make our living off of those tips! Don't you think it's a little ungrateful to steal them from us?"

Gladys the Golem Waitress tells you, "I think you owe us some money. How about you work your debt off by washing some dishes for us, hon..."

Gladys the Golem Waitress teleports you with Work it Off.

Update History

Ancient Enemies

  • Quest introduced.


There are three Violet Ball Easter Eggs in this quest. At the time the quest was added, there was a thread on the turbine boards about undiscovered content. One of the things that came up was Violet Ball interactions. So the next patch, they added these:

You allow Chow Doun to examine your Violet Ball.

Oh, come now - do you think we'd still keep adding violet ball interactions after we told the community that we were doing it?

Err....apparently, we would.

You give Corpse of Pon Mi Violet Ball.

You plant the violet ball on the corpse. In a thousand years, archaeologists will stumble upon the corpse and think that the violet ball was the lynchpin to some horrible human sacrifice ritual.

You give Pon Mi Violet Ball.

Pon Mi looks at the orb, then at you.

Pon Mi tells you, "What am I supposed to do with this? Throw it at the Tanada who come to kill me?"