That Which Is Ours
February 2003 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
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Release Notes
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Letter to the Players
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Town Crier Rumors
Town Crier tells you, "Word has it that a young man from Rithwic has gone missing."
Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers rejoice, new dried rations make long quests into the wilds possible. Never again go days without necessary sustenance. Choose to carry rations rather than bags of back breaking heavy potions. Yes friends, rations are for you. Buy some from your local grocer today!"
Town Crier tells you, "Strange depressions and small ponds have been found around the Southern Land-Bridge recently. Authorities are investigating and assure everyone that there is nothing to fear."
Town Crier tells you, "I saw a mosswart the other day with a nice little frost sword. Man I wish I had that weapon when I first came to Dereth... There I was, all wide eyed and filled with wonder at the new strange and magical surroundings. I came across this beautiful dancing flame, it almost looked human... I know, I know, but I didn't have any clue what an elemental was back then! Needless to say the elemental didn't have any romantic notions about Isparians and I found myself taking my first of many trips to the lifestone."
Town Crier tells you, "I hear that Larry the Bunny Master has been a bit more sociable lately."
Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra of Martine's Retreat caused waves in the alchemy community when she released her latest findings on that strange substance, chorizite."
Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra had this to say about her chorizite research; "I was disappointed when I tested my latest formula. It failed to alter the various materials I applied it to in any useable way. That is, until I found the right metal-crystalline substance.""
Town Crier tells you, "Some creatures are returning to their homelands slower than others. Apparently they are carrying their relics and treasure with them. Seems like a perfect opportunity to help them out eh?
Town Crier tells you, "Some monsters never before seen on the landscape are crawling out from their dungeons. Be careful out there."
Town Crier tells you, "Locksmiths are now crafting key rings that can be used to carry around certain keys, leaving more space for important items and treasure."
Town Crier tells you, "If you see a young man named Tamian Wilmit, his friends in Rithwic are very worried about him and would like to know where he is."
Town Crier tells you, "A great warrior recently said something quite odd to me: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.""
Town Crier tells you, "Do you suppose he was referring to the Harbinger?"
Town Crier tells you, "The ice and snow are again receding. They say if some special Carenzi pops his head out of his burrow and sees a Shadow then we will have another month of winter. Guess the shadows aren't to active on Marae Lassel this year."
Town Crier tells you, "Creatures all over Dereth are migrating back to their homelands. It seems that the strange Virindi influence that caused them to roam is no longer affecting them. Perhaps the Virindi have finally given up and will leave us in peace, only time will tell."
New UI and Major Game Changes
- Creature spawns overhauled and now spawn in zones according to the monster's level. View the redistribution map here.
- Characters may now spend 64 skill credits, increased from the previous limit of 50, toward specializing skills using specialization gems found in the Temple of Enlightenment.
- Chess ranking added to the character information panel.
New Quests
Updated Quests
- Acid Axe Quest
- Acid Axe updated with new stats; The axe can now be given to an Ivory Crafter for 25,000 xp.
- Bandit Weapons
- Bandit weapons now ivoryable.
- Feud of Neydisa and Bandit Castle
- Neydisa Hauberk updated
- Ice Tachi Quest
- Ice Tachi updated; The tachi can now be given to an Ivory Crafter for 10,000 xp.
- Olthoi Queen Quest
- Aun Hareltah no longer changes your title to Queenslayer and instead gives you a token, which can be given back for the title if you wish.
- Quest timer updated.
New Items
File:Notes of Chorizite Distillation Icon.png Notes of Chorizite Distillation Chunk of High-Grade Chorizite
Refined High-Grade Chorizite
Chorizite Formula
Deteriorated Aegis
Sanguinary Aegis
A Glass Token
A Note from Tamian Wilmot
Glass Token Half
Journal of Tamian Wilmot
Key to an ArchiveFile:Spear of the Given Heart (Item) Icon.png Spear of the Given Heart (Item)
Stone Plaque
Spear of the Given Heart
Simple Dried Rations
Simple Dried Health Rations
Simple Dried Mana Rations
Simple Field Rations
Simple Field Health Rations
Simple Field Mana Rations
Elaborate Dried Rations
Elaborate Field Rations
Elaborate Dried Health Rations
Elaborate Field Health Rations
Elaborate Dried Mana Rations
Elaborate Field Mana Rations
Singularity Keyring
Master Keyring
Directive Keyring
Sturdy Iron Keyring
Granite Keyring
Marble Keyring
Updated Items
Aphus Lassel Portal Gem - Attuned property removed.
Olthoi Ichor - Pickup timer removed.
Neydisa Hauberk - AL updated from 100 to 160. Quickness Self V added.
Axe Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Bow Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Crossbow Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Dagger Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Mace Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Magic Defense Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Mana Conversion Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Melee Defense Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Missile Defense Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Spear Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Staff Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Sword Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Atlatl Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
Unarmed Tattoo - Impenetrability V added
New Spells
Updated Spells
Ulgrim's Recall - Now portals you to the Obsidian Span.
- More spell icons for the Item Enchantment school updated (see portal.dat below).
New Creatures
Click image for full size.
Creature redistribution map
Spear of the Given Heart
Sanguinary Aegis
Faran Robe taken from a Simulacrum