The Iron Coast

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November 2002 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements


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Release Notes

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Letter to the Players

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Video Preview of Aphus Lassel

A narrated introduction to the new island of Aphus Lassel.


Town Crier Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "Did you hear about Marae Lassel? The olthoi are digging deeper!"

Town Crier tells you, "Those construction Golems in Arwic sure are slow and lazy! Of course, I wouldn't say that to their, uh, faces. Actually, forget I said that!"

Town Crier tells you, "My brother-in-law went to a new island and all I got was his corpse."

Town Crier tells you, "A word to the wise, be very careful when traveling through the Direlands. The tuskers have some new stone idols that they carry with them. They even worship them in front of virindi. What could this mean?"

Town Crier tells you, "Did you feel that earthquake, someone told me that it was the result of the slumbering Harbinger. How long will it sleep? How long can it sleep? What is it?"

Town Crier tells you, "I hear a new rumor has mysteriously appeared in certain outlying towns. How does a rumor just appear, anyway? You'd think the shopkeeper would notice a piece of paper appearing in his .. err .. inventory."

Town Crier tells you, "Tusker Temples... who would have ever thought they would start worshipping things and have worshippers themselves. Careful in there. I hear that if you pray to the statue something happens."

Town Crier tells you, "Reapers, Devastators, Annihilators.. what kind of place is that island?"

Town Crier tells you, "I'm afraid of anywhere where the tusker is king."

Town Crier tells you, "My cousin went to a new island and all I got was a t-shirt and a plaque and a toy tusker. So, I'm happy."

Town Crier tells you, "I've seen the little black carenzi's running around. They're fast, strong, and violent. I think that they earned their name."

Town Crier tells you, "Stay away from the really big Tusker. I hear that they are incredibly strong and brutal."

Town Crier tells you, "Those construction Golems in Arwic sure are slow and lazy! Of course, I wouldn't say that to their, uh, faces. Actually, forget I said that!"

Town Crier tells you, "Who is this Bobo that the tuskers are talking about? Does he have something to do with that"

Town Crier tells you, "A word to the wise, be very careful when traveling through the Direlands. The tuskers have some new stone idols that they carry with them. They even worship them in front of virindi. What could this mean?"

Town Crier tells you, "Marae Lassel seems to have gotten a little more savage."

Town Crier tells you, "Stay away from the really big Tusker. I hear that they are incredibly strong and brutal."

Ulgrim Rumors

You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout. Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'll stop what those Virindi are planning. Just as soon as I figure out what that plan is."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hey don't worry, I can handle it. I drank something."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What's with the rabbit costume?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant says, "You know this isn't some vacation hotspot. This is my home!"

New Quests

Updated Quests

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Locations

New Items

Aphus Lassel

Bunch of Nanners Mushed Nanners Nanner Bread Sliced Nanners Nanner Chips Nanner Halves Nanner Split Chocolate Covered Nanners Nanner Cream Pie Tosser Coconut Tusker Shrine Statue

Harbinger Quest

Harbinger Arm Token Royal Coat of Arms Stamp


Banderling Head Mosswart Head Eviscerator Head Banderling Mask Mosswart Mask Olthoi Helm (Eviscerator)

Runed Chests

Runed Chest

Tusker Emporium

Refreshing Umbrella Drink I survived the Tusker Emporium Carved Tusker Statue Tusker Island Shirt

Tusker Tusks

Female Tusker Tusk Male Tusker Tusk Tusker Crimsonback Tusk Goldenback Tusker Tusk Tusker Redeemer Tusk Tusker Liberator Tusk Tusker Slave Tusk Tusker Guard Tusk Silver Tusker Tusk Armored Tusker Tusk Rampager Tusk Plated Tusker Tusk Assailer Tusk Devastator Tusk Tusker Title Token Aphus Lassel Portal Gem

Water of Mount Lethe

Scroll of Mount Lethe Recall

Updated Items

Impious Staff updated with new artwork, icon and stats

New Creatures




