The Iron Coast

November 2002 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
- No Current Link Available
Release Notes
- No Current Link Available
Letter to the Players
- No Current Link Available
Rollback Details
- No Current Link Available
- A narrated introduction to the new island of Aphus Lassel.
Town Crier Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "Did you hear about Marae Lassel? The olthoi are digging deeper!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Those construction Golems in Arwic sure are slow and lazy! Of course, I wouldn't say that to their, uh, faces. Actually, forget I said that!"
- Town Crier tells you, "My brother-in-law went to a new island and all I got was his corpse."
- Town Crier tells you, "A word to the wise, be very careful when traveling through the Direlands. The tuskers have some new stone idols that they carry with them. They even worship them in front of virindi. What could this mean?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Did you feel that earthquake, someone told me that it was the result of the slumbering Harbinger. How long will it sleep? How long can it sleep? What is it?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear a new rumor has mysteriously appeared in certain outlying towns. How does a rumor just appear, anyway? You'd think the shopkeeper would notice a piece of paper appearing in his .. err .. inventory."
- Town Crier tells you, "Tusker Temples... who would have ever thought they would start worshipping things and have worshippers themselves. Careful in there. I hear that if you pray to the statue something happens."
- Town Crier tells you, "Reapers, Devastators, Annihilators.. what kind of place is that island?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I'm afraid of anywhere where the tusker is king."
- Town Crier tells you, "My cousin went to a new island and all I got was a t-shirt and a plaque and a toy tusker. So, I'm happy."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've seen the little black carenzi's running around. They're fast, strong, and violent. I think that they earned their name."
- Town Crier tells you, "Stay away from the really big Tusker. I hear that they are incredibly strong and brutal."
- Town Crier tells you, "Who is this Bobo that the tuskers are talking about? Does he have something to do with that"
- Town Crier tells you, "Marae Lassel seems to have gotten a little more savage."
Ulgrim Rumors
No new messages this month.
New UI and Major Game Changes
- The Tusker island of Aphus Lassel has been discovered. You can view Tubine's official video preview of Aphus Lassel here.
- Game Concepts
- Skills can now be untrained and specialised post-creation at the respective Empyrean temples. See the Skill Redistribution quest page for details.
- Loot no longer appears on the floor when a corpse decays. Monster corpses now remain for five minutes--a much longer period than they currently do--but when they decay, any unclaimed loot that remains on the corpse will also decay.
New Quests
- Harbinger Quest - The Harbinger returns!
- Runed Chest
- Skill Redistribution
- Tusker Tusks
Updated Quests
- Impious Staff Quest - Staff updated with new artwork and spell; Harlune is now titled as Empyrean.
- Water of Mount Lethe - Updated with tougher creatures and new reward Scroll of Mount Lethe Recall instead of Scroll of Summon Primary Portal I.
- Training Academy - XP updates: 1000xp for Academy Token, 2000xp for Carpenter Wasp Wing, 3000xp for Blacksmith Bellows and 5000xp for A Crumpled Note.
- Rithwic Starter Quests - XP rewards raised from 2,500 to 5,000.
- Holtburg Starter Quests - Now give 3,000 xp for the missing heirlooms, and 4,000 xp for returning Brogard's Axe.
- Virindi Spells Quest - Spell timers updated to 1 hour.
New NPCs
- Emissary of Asheron (Yanshi)
- Aphus Lassel
- Blacksmith (Oolutanga)
- Bowyer (Oolutanga)
- Brighteyes, the Tailor
- Grocer (Oolutanga)
- Hawker for Ketnan
- Healer (Oolutanga)
- Jeweler (Oolutanga)
- Mage
- Mayor Ko Ko
- Tusker Town Crier
- Twitch (Imprisoned in a small wooden cage in Oolutanga's Refuge)
Updated NPCs
- Ketnan - Now found in the Tusker Emporium
New Locations
- Olthoi Arcade Central - From North and South Olthoi Arcade.
- Temple of Forgetfulness - 88.8N, 0.0E
- Temple of Enlightenment - 84.5S, 0.0E
- New Chess Boards
Aphus Lassel
- Tusker Temple (0.7N 68.1W) (Lvl 40+)
- Tusker Temple (10.5S 65.6E) (Lvl 1 - 20)
- Tusker Temple (59.8N 28.4E) (Lvl 20 - 40)
Updated Locations
- Mount Lethe Magma Tubes - New creatures
New Items
Tosser Coconut
Tusker Shrine Statue
Nanner Dough
Bunch of Nanners
Mushed Nanners
Nanner Bread
Sliced Nanners
Nanner Chips
Nanner Halves
Nanner Split
Chocolate Covered Nanners
Nanners Covered in Chocolate
Nanners and Ice Cream
Nanner Cream Pie
Not too far to the Tusker Emporium!
Refreshing Umbrella Drink
I survived the Tusker Emporium
Carved Tusker Statue
Tusker Island Shirt
Female Tusker Tusk
Male Tusker Tusk
Tusker Crimsonback Tusk
Goldenback Tusker Tusk
Tusker Redeemer Tusk
Tusker Liberator Tusk
Tusker Slave Tusk
Tusker Guard Tusk
Silver Tusker Tusk
Armored Tusker Tusk
Rampager Tusk
Plated Tusker Tusk
Assailer Tusk
Devastator Tusk
Tusker Title Token
Aphus Lassel Portal Gem
Harbinger Arm Token
Royal Coat of Arms Stamp
The Empyrean Temples
The Temple of Enlightenment
The Temple of Forgetfulness
Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment
Guardian of the Temple of Forgetfulness
Token of Modification
Alchemy Gem of Enlightenment
Arcane Lore Gem of Enlightenment
Axe Gem of Enlightenment
Bow Gem of Enlightenment
Cooking Gem of Enlightenment
Creature Enchantment Gem of EnlightenmentFile:Creature Appraisal Gem of Enlightenment Icon.png Creature Appraisal Gem of Enlightenment
Crossbow Gem of Enlightenment
Dagger Gem of Enlightenment
Deception Gem of Enlightenment
Fletching Gem of Enlightenment
Healing Gem of Enlightenment
Item Enchantment Gem of Enlightenment
Jump Gem of Enlightenment
Leadership Gem of Enlightenment
Lockpick Gem of Enlightenment
Loyalty Gem of Enlightenment
Life Magic Gem of Enlightenment
Mace Gem of Enlightenment
Magic Defense Gem of Enlightenment
Mana Conversion Gem of Enlightenment
Melee Defense Gem of Enlightenment
Missile Defense Gem of EnlightenmentFile:Personal Appraisal Gem of Enlightenment Icon.png Personal Appraisal Gem of Enlightenment
Run Gem of Enlightenment
Spear Gem of Enlightenment
Staff Gem of Enlightenment
Sword Gem of Enlightenment
Thrown Weapon Gem of Enlightenment
Unarmed Combat Gem of Enlightenment
War Magic Gem of Enlightenment
Alchemy Gem of Forgetfulness
Arcane Lore Gem of Forgetfulness
Armor Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness
Axe Gem of Forgetfulness
Bow Gem of Forgetfulness
Cooking Gem of Forgetfulness
Creature Enchantment Gem of ForgetfulnessFile:Creature Appraisal Gem of Forgetfulness Icon.png Creature Appraisal Gem of Forgetfulness
Crossbow Gem of Forgetfulness
Dagger Gem of Forgetfulness
Deception Gem of Forgetfulness
Fletching Gem of Forgetfulness
Healing Gem of Forgetfulness
Item Enchantment Gem of Forgetfulness
Item Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness
Jump Gem of Forgetfulness
Leadership Gem of Forgetfulness
Lockpick Gem of Forgetfulness
Loyalty Gem of Forgetfulness
Life Magic Gem of Forgetfulness
Mace Gem of Forgetfulness
Magic Defense Gem of Forgetfulness
Magic Item Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness
Mana Conversion Gem of Forgetfulness
Melee Defense Gem of Forgetfulness
Missile Defense Gem of ForgetfulnessFile:Personal Appraisal Gem of Forgetfulness Icon.png Personal Appraisal Gem of Forgetfulness
Run Gem of Forgetfulness
Spear Gem of Forgetfulness
Staff Gem of Forgetfulness
Sword Gem of Forgetfulness
Thrown Weapon Gem of Forgetfulness
Unarmed Combat Gem of Forgetfulness
War Magic Gem of Forgetfulness
Weapon Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness
Banderling Head
Mosswart Head
Eviscerator Head
Banderling Mask
Mosswart Mask
Olthoi Helm (Eviscerator)
Updated Items
Impious Staff - New artwork and icon. Race requirement removed and the spell Priest's Curse added.
New Spells
Mount Lethe Recall
- Priest's Curse - (Casts the Undead Priest's Curse on the target. The bolt does 61-120 points of piercing damage to the first thing it hits.)
New Creatures
Updated Creatures
- Charred Miner - Updated from level 11 to level 140.
- Foreman Brelax - Now level 278
- Lord Cambarth - Now level 278
Click image for full size.
Oolutanga's Refuge
The updated Impious Staff
Inside the Temple of Enlightenment
Tusker Worshippers inside a Tusker Temple
The Tusker Emporium
The Tusker Emporium Gift Shop